
This book is a must read for those who want to better understand and improve their processes and it should have great value as a desk reference. The case studies very well illustrate how SPC is used in a variety of industries. Sower shows that “data are all around us”—we just need to be able to recognize the data and know how to apply it to statistical process control (SPC). The discussion of uncertainty, precision, and accuracy is well done. Not only does the book describe the SPC methodology, but it also makes a good case for empowerment down to the lowest level. It reminds us that empowerment really enhances team building and hopefully results in a better product.

—Richard Bozeman, Jr.
Author and Inventor
Retired Chief of the Propulsion and
Power Division Test Facilities

This book is written in a way that makes statistical process control understandable for users that are uncomfortable with quantitative information. The information is integrated with real life examples of how to apply the concepts. SPC for Managers is a book that I would recommend for managers as well as students.

—Pamela Zelbst, PhD, PMP
Professor of Operations Management
Director of the SHSU Center for Innovation & Technology, and
Director of the Sower Business Technology Laboratory at
Sam Houston State University

I really like the format. There are too many technical textbooks out there. I like how it is written for a working professional and explains the conceptual ideas well. It should suit your audience well! I like that some YouTube videos were linked in the second edition. I also like that it is not too long. It’s a quick read that focuses on the main ideas. Textbooks today are too meaty and filled with the distracting (in my opinion) elements.

—Stanislaus Solomon, PhD
Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management
Sam Houston State University

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