

For free brain training exercises and guided relaxation audio tracks, visit

For audio tracks and exercises specific to this book, visit

For more information on stress management, including current stress statistics, visit the American Institute of Stress at


Brain Plasticity and Brain Training

  • Brain Rules, John Medina
  • Buddha's Brain, Rick Hanson
  • Imagine, Jonah Lehrer
  • Mindset, Carol Dweck
  • Mindsight, Daniel Siegel
  • Positivity, Barbara Fredrickson
  • Rapt, Winifred Gallagher
  • The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor
  • The How of Happiness, Sonja Lyubomirsky
  • The Talent Code, Daniel Coyle
  • Think Smart, Richard Restak
  • Willpower, Roy Baumeister and John Tierney

Healthy Aging

  • Counterclockwise, Ellen Langer
  • Flourish, Martin Seligman
  • The Blue Zones, Dan Buettner
  • Younger Next Year, Chris Crowley and Henry Lodge


  • Eat to Live, Joel Fuhrman
  • In Defense of Food, Michael Pollan
  • Mindless Eating, Brian Wansink
  • The Beck Diet Solution, Judith Beck
  • The End of Overeating, David Kessler

Physical Activity and Exercise

  • SPARK: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain, John Ratey

Stress Management

  • Getting Things Done, David Allen
  • The Relaxation Response, Herbert Benson
  • Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, Robert Sapolsky


  • Power Sleep, James Maas

Social Connection

  • Loneliness, John Cacioppo and William Patrick

Purpose and Storytelling

  • Believe Me, Michael Margolis
  • The Power of Full Engagement, Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz
  • The Power of Purpose, Richard Leider
  • The Power of Story, Jim Loehr
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