
This is the first chance we get to see the response from our work to date. If we have done a good job, we should not have many applicants, but those who have applied will be of excellent quality. Nevertheless, there is always a high possibility of having applicants who may overestimate their abilities or try to fake some of the Essential and Desirable skills. Therefore, it is crucial that applicants are required to attach proof documents (e.g., certificates, diplomas, etc.).

This is the first stage of the process where bias can happen. In a video on recruitment, the film showed how biased selection can be by making decisions like “I don’t like this one’s writing” or “disregard this one, it’s written in colored pen”. Nevertheless, one has to keep in mind that these are completely unscientific arguments and should therefore not play any role in the final selection.

Today’s laws will get you into court very quickly if you don’t have robust and bias-free procedures in place.

So who should do the selection? Well, it’s very straightforward: We need all the CVs that have all the Essential requirements—then as many that have all or some of the Desirables. Then the decision is made. A competent person in Human Resources can carry out that work.

To make every effort to remove the possibility of bias, it is suggested that those who will be doing the interview should not be involved in this part of the process.

If you have the ability to do so, the CV form or/and the online template can be laid out so that all the Essentials and Desirables are clearly listed, thereby making the job of short-listing easier and less likely to make a mistake.



Once the short-listing has been completed, inform those who are unsuccessful, and then make arrangements for testing and personality profiling or an assessment center to take place.

If we look at the applicant’s application form, we can see that all of the Essential and Desirable criteria seem to have been met, so this candidate Mr. A. Frazer will pass our short-list process. For those who have failed, a sensitive rejection letter needs to be sent out as soon as possible after the closing date for applications.


The Job Application Form

You will almost certainly have your own company application form, either in paper form or on your website.

How accurate is the information given on a job application form? Evidence is that it has become a document that gives people an unrestricted amount of freedom to be creative. Professional organizations exist that will, for a small fee, do the “Killer” application for you. These organizations will provide you with whatever qualification documents you require—all of which will be indistinguishable from the original.

The application form in this book is designed to try and dissuade those undesirable people who are trying to be less than honest. Here are some of the key points worth mentioning:



The requirement to provide a current (time bound within the last year) photo of themselves. We need this as a constant reference later in our process.


    •  Is the person who turns up for testing/profiling the person in the photo?

    •  Is the person at the interview the person in the photo?

    •  Finally—is the person who turns up for work the same person?


In 2014, a number of cases were reported where the person who was interviewed was not the person who was tested and interviewed—so let’s be ahead of the game on this issue.


Essential Criteria for the Job

By adding these headings into our application form, we restrict the storytellers, and it also makes short-listing much easier. It helps our applicant to focus and provide us with the best information on which we can assess them.


The Final Page of the Application Form

This rather official-looking page acts as a reminder to the candidate that they will be subjected to testing and that any misleading or untrue information given will result in them being dismissed if they are appointed and this is found out at a later date.


Summary: Step 4

    •  This step vastly reduces the chance of bias.

    •  It should be done by someone in HR who is not directly involved in the interview.

    •  Providing the advert is well written and the Essentials list (criteria) is clear, there is no need to involve the line manager.

    •  This is the first part of the process where there is a cut on the candidate list. This is your first rejection phase.


Job Application For Finance Manager

An equal-opportunity employer

Thank you for your interest in employment. All applicants will receive consideration for employment without prejudice.


Instructions and Information

To be considered for employment, you must complete this application in full, with complete and correct information. Failure to do so will result in disqualification from consideration for employment and/or termination of employment if you are hired. All application materials submitted will not be returned.

Please type or print legibly. Please complete all areas


Personal Information



EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: List all current and previous employment for the last three positions (including military service), starting with the most recent position held.




EDUCATION AND SKILLS—insert dates as appropriate





List other skills or certifications relevant to this job, including certifications, professional licenses, relevant training, and other relevant knowledge. Please attach copies of relevant licenses and certifications.

I am a Qualified Management Accountant (ACMA) and have worked as a finance professional all of my career post university.

One of my strengths is my drive to learn more and more about the company I work with. For example, in a manufacturing company, I will spend as much time as I need in the factory/on the shop floor as I believe it is not possible to be a competent accountant for a manufacturer if you don’t understand the products and services they provide.

Moreover, I have become recognized for my long-term, strategic outlook on life: this applies both to my private and my business life. The payoff of this is that I am able to create and maintain credible budgets and forecasts as I am able to turn them into optimal financing and financial management.

In addition to my financial advantages, I have managed teams and worked as part of a team in my various jobs. On more than one occasion, I have won “Manager of the Month” awards, and 2 years ago, I was nominated for CIMA Accountant in the Manufacturing Sector.

I believe I am now ready to take the next step in my career by taking a step up to working with you.


REFERENCES: List three persons who may be contacted as professional references. Do not list family members.




ESSENTIAL CRITERIA FOR THIS POSITION (as referred to in the advertisement)

Clearly explain how you can demonstrate competence in each area—use extra sheets if necessary.


   1.  Chartered Management Accountant with 15 years’ experience in the manufacturing sector, currently operating as CFO of a GBP 75 million turnover company.

           MBA from a highly regarded English University (Cranfield)

   2.  15 years’ high-quality experience

   3.  I spent my gap year in France and my sandwich year/internship in head office of a French company. My French language skills allow me to operate without translation and interpretation in a Francophone environment.

   4.  In my current position, I am the head of a section of around 20 people—7 professionally qualified accountants, 8 accounting technicians, and 5 bookkeepers/trainee accountants.

   5.  Very early in my career, I was given the responsibility of helping to migrate data from paper to database to financial reports. I have ­significant experience of working with Sage, Oracle, and SAP. I have significant experience of SAP modules relating to depreciation, payables, and receivables.

   6.   In 2012, I took and passed the International Financial Accounting Standards Board’s Diploma in Financial Reporting. I have been preparing financial statements using IFRS since 2004.



I certify that the above statements are true and complete. I understand that any false information or omissions in this application or its supporting documents, or in an interview, will be sufficient grounds for refusal to employ me or, if I am hired, immediate termination without notice. I understand that completion of this application in no way constitutes an offer of employment.

I authorize the company to obtain information about me from my previous employers and credit sources and to review my education, previous employment, driving records, criminal records, references, and other background data. I authorize investigation of all statements contained herein and the references listed above to give you any and all information concerning my previous employment and any pertinent information they may have, and release all parties from all liabilities for any damage that may result from furnishing the same to you.

All employment is subject to testing, profiling, and scored interview prior to selection.

Applicant’s Printed Name: Dai Ali Frazer,          Date: February 25, 2015



Holding Letter at Short-listing Phase

Letter of acknowledgment—in case you are inundated, Employer’s letter in reply to applications for jobs:


Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Post of......................................................................................

Thank you for your application dated...............................................

201......, in response to our advertisement for the post of..................


As we have received quite a substantial number of applications, it will take us quite a while to consider each application and short-list the names of the candidates to be called for interview. We envisage that it will take at least 4 weeks.

We shall notify you, either by letter or by telephone, if your name is short-listed.

We thank you for your interest in us and apologize for the inevitable delay in responding to your application.


Yours faithfully,

Human Resources Manager

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