Saving and Restoring All Your TOAD Settings

If there’s one thing TOAD has, it’s lots and lots of options. So as you use TOAD over time, you will naturally set many of these options so as to customize TOAD to the way you like to work. But what happens when you go to work on a different PC (for example, if you work on your neighbor’s PC while yours is being serviced)? You lose all your settings because they are stored on the local PC hard drive in both the TOAD install directory and the TEMPS subdirectory. It would take some time if you lost those settings and had to visit every screen where they are defined throughout the tool and reset them. So what’s needed is a TOAD settings backup and restoration utility, which is provided in the following examples.

The following Windows command processor batch script will back up all your most important TOAD settings. You simply modify the script’s first four SET statements for your particular environment and save the script to a file called TOAD_SAVE.BAT. Then you can merely type TOAD_SAVE in a command window, or better yet, place an icon on your desktop so that you can save all your settings quickly and easily with a single click.

@echo off 

set save_dir1=c:	empTOAD 
set save_dir2=%save_dir1%	emps 

set toad_dir1=c:program filesquest software	oad 
set toad_dir2=%toad_dir1%	emps 

echo *** Saving TOAD Settings *** 
echo Target: 
echo save_dir1 = %save_dir1% 
echo save_dir2 = %save_dir2% 
echo Source: 
echo toad_dir1 = %toad_dir1% 
echo toad_dir2 = %toad_dir2% 

if not exist "%save_dir1%" mkdir "%save_dir1%" 
if not exist "%save_dir2%" mkdir "%save_dir2%" 
del /Q %save_dir%*.* 
del /Q %save_dir%*.* 

echo Copying Files: 
for %%i in ("%toad_dir1%"*.ini, 
            "%toad_dir1%"*.lst) do copy /Y "%%i" "%save_dir1%" 

for %%i in ("%toad_dir2%"*.ini, 
            "%toad_dir2%"*.lst) do copy /Y "%%i" "%save_dir2%"

Similarly, the following Windows command processor batch script will restore all of your most important TOAD settings. You modify the script’s first four SET statements for your particular environment and save the script to a file called TOAD_RESTORE.BAT. Then you can just type TOAD_RESTORE in a command window, or better yet, place an icon on your desktop so that you can restore all your settings with a single click.

@echo off 

set save_dir1=c:	empTOAD 
set save_dir2=%save_dir1%	emps 

set toad_dir1=c:program filesquest software	oad 
set toad_dir2=%toad_dir1%	emps 

echo *** Restoring TOAD Settings *** 
echo Source: 
echo save_dir1 = %save_dir1% 
echo save_dir2 = %save_dir2% 
echo Target: 
echo toad_dir1 = %toad_dir1% 
echo toad_dir2 = %toad_dir2% 

echo Copying Files: 
for %%i in ("%save_dir1%"*.ini, 
            "%save_dir1%"*.lst) do copy /Y "%%i" "%toad_dir1%" 

for %%i in ("%save_dir2%"*.ini, 
"%save_dir2%"*.lst) do copy /Y "%%i" "%toad_dir2%"

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