Configuring Schema Browser Tabs

Regardless of whether you choose to disable certain tabs or not as shown in Figure 2.7, you might not like the tab order or their labels. For example, you might prefer that “Snapshots” and “Snapshot Logs” be instead labeled as “MV/Snaps” and “MV/Snap Logs”, respectively. Plus, you might want them to be located right next to each other (that is, not have “Roles” shown between them as shown in Figure 2.7). To accomplish this task, you simply right-click on any tab or a tab’s toolbar and select the Configure choice from the context menu as shown in Figure 2.7. This will launch the Configure Browser Tabs window shown in Figure 2.8, where you control both the label and order for all the tabs.

Figure 2.8. Configuring tabs in TOAD Schema Browser.

After you complete your selections and click OK to leave this screen, the Schema Browser will appear with the newly desired customizations as shown in Figure 2.9. Thus you now have the tabs labeled and ordered exactly as you wanted. These settings are permanent (i.e. remembered across TOAD across sessions), so you’ll only need to make such changes once.

Figure 2.9. Customized tabs for MV/Snaps and MV/Snap Logs.

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