Examining Oracle and NLS Parameters

A relatively simple task that DBAs should consider on occasion is to review their database initialization and national language setting (NLS) parameters. Although both parameters play crucial parts in a database’s behavior, after the ideal settings are ascertained they tend not to change very much. So while DBAs may use these screens a lot for limited durations (for instance, right after a new database is created), they do not generally use them often enough for them to be considered routine.

The INIT.ORA file referenced for the database startup defines the initialization parameters. The parameter settings can be reviewed and dynamically set using TOAD’s Oracle Parameters screen shown in Figure 6.10 and accessible from the main menu at DBA|Oracle Parameters. This screen provides four very useful features that can be found on the screen’s toolbar. First, you edit all those parameters that are session- or system-modifiable. With the newer versions of Oracle, more and more of these parameters can be dynamically set. Second, you can print the grid. This is very useful for reviewing a hard copy of all these settings. Third, you can search the parameters. And finally, you can save the parameters to a file in the following formats:

Figure 6.10. TOAD Oracle Parameters screen.

  • ASCII (comma-delimited)

  • Tab-delimited

  • Other delimiting character

  • HTML

  • INSERT statements

  • SQL Loader

  • XLS

  • XML (plain)

  • XML (with XSL)

The NLS parameters are defined by the CREATE DATABASE command used to create the database and by the NLS_ parameters contained in the INIT.ORA file referenced for database startup. The parameter settings can be reviewed and dynamically set using TOAD’s NLS Parameters screen, which is shown in Figure 6.11 and can be accessed from the main menu at DBA|NLS Parameters. This screen has three tabs in order to separate the various session-, instance-, and database-level NLS parameters. Note that only the session-level NLS parameters are dynamic and thus modifiable.

Figure 6.11. TOAD NLS Parameters screen.

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