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Advance Praise for Talent 3.0





1. The Evolution of HR and Talent Management 3.0.

1.1. Key elements in the process of attracting and selecting talent

Generation gaps: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, Generation Z

What should organisations offer to attract and retain Generation Y members?

Coaching versus Mentoring

Employer branding

Business Games

The evolution of recruitment methods

Talent hub

The evolution of HR activities

The new role of HR professional 3.0

1.2. Development of the internet and new technologies

Evolution of communications media: Too much information?

Evolution of Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0 and IoT.

The theory of the six degrees of separation

Digital identity

The Pareto Principle and Mind maps

The Johari Window

2. New Technologies in International Talent Search

2.1. Categories of social networks: generalist, professional, vertical

2.2. Features of social media in the talent search process: SMS, WhatsApp, Wikipedia, Google, Skype, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ LinkedIn, Xing, Viadeo, Delicious, Instagram, Flickr, Pinterest, WordPress, Blogger, Slideshare, RSS, Bit-ly, Hootsuite

2.3. LinkedIn

Registering and creating a profile on LinkedIn

Communicating and creating a network of contacts on LinkedIn

Main advantages of professional social networks

Most common uses in attracting talent:

Direct search for a candidate in LinkedIn

How can a candidate find a job offer on LinkedIn?

How does a company publish a job offer on LinkedIn?

How do you create a group on LinkedIn?

How do you become a member of a group on LinkedIn?

How do you find a company group on LinkedIn?

The profile of a LinkedIn company

How does a company add to, or personalise, its profile?

2.4. Facebook

The most common use of Facebook by human resources professionals

How to create a Facebook Careers Page

2.5. Microblogging networks: Twitter

Most common uses in attracting and selecting talent

What does following someone on Twitter mean?

How do you search for someone on Twitter?

What is tweeting?

What is a retweet?

What is a hashtag?

What is sending a direct message?

What is creating a list?

Twitter accounts related to employment

Recommendations on the use of Twitter for human resources professionals

2.6. Vertical or specialist social networks

2.7. Blogs

2.8. Tools and applications 2.0 and 3.0

3. Personal Branding 3.0. The Professional Profile of a Candidate and Job Seeking on Social Networks. New Professions Emerging from the 3.0 Environment

The candidate’s CV or personal profile

Key elements in a professional profile: personal branding

What is “Googling yourself”?

Recommendations for an effective job search on LinkedIn

Recommendations for an effective job search on Twitter

Recommendations for managing a personal blog

2.0 platforms for professional profiles for candidates: CV online

Most common errors in social networks to avoid by candidates:

Most common errors committed by candidates in job interviews:

Is there such a thing as addiction to social networks?

New professions of the future arising from the 3.0 environment

4. Talent Search Strategy: Recruitment Plan 3.0. Legal Aspects

4.1. Recruitment Plan 3.0

Identifying the profiles of the candidates

Preparing the tools

Defining potential candidates’ keywords

Return on investment (ROI) in social media

What are the metrics to measure ROI in social media?

Recommendations on the creation and development of HR strategy 3.0:

Advantages of the use of social networks in the business of attracting and recruiting talent:

Possible objections to 3.0 recruiting: How can business be persuaded of this change of mentality?

Most common errors in social networks for employers to avoid

Providers of recruitment services

4.2. Legal aspects: Policies for the use of social networks in companies

5. International HR Trends. Mobile Recruiting. Big Data. The Future of Work

5.1. Trends in social media at the international level

5.2. Mobile Recruiting

5.3. Big Data and the future of HR

What is Big Data?

Big Data in HR

5.4. The future of work


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