Enjoying Music, Videos, and Books

Screen capture depicting a full-scale video playing in an iPhone.

As well as being a phone and a powerful handheld computer, your iPhone is also a full-scale music and video player. To play music and listen to radio, you use the Music app; to play videos, you use the TV app. You can read digital books and PDF files using the Books app.

Navigate the Music App and Set Preferences

Play Music Using the Music App

Play Videos Using the TV App

Play Music and Videos Using AirPlay

Create a Music Playlist and Add Songs

Listen to Apple Music Radio

Read Digital Books with the Books App

Navigate the Music App and Set Preferences

The Music app enables you to enjoy music you have loaded on your iPhone, music you have stored on Apple’s iTunes Match service, and music on the Apple Music Radio service.

The Music app packs a wide range of functionality into its interface. The For You feature presents a selection of music customized to your tastes. The Browse feature gives you easy access to a wide variety of music online. The Radio feature allows you to listen to Apple Music Radio.

Navigate the Music App and Set Preferences

Screen captures depicting Navigating the Music App and Setting Preferences with A, B, 2 to 4 marked.

Num Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

The Home screen appears.

Num Tap Music (Icon depicting Music.).

The Music app opens.

Num If Library is not selected, tap Library (Icon depicting Library unselected. changes to Icon depicting Library selected.).

The Library screen appears, showing your music library.

atoz You can tap an item, such as Playlists or Artists, to browse the library.

atoz The Recently Added section shows items added recently.

Num Tap Edit.

Screen captures depicting Navigating the Music App and Setting Preferences with 5 to 9 marked.

The Library screen opens for editing.

Num Tap an empty selection circle to select it (Icon depicting unselected selection circle. changes to Icon depicting selected selection circle.), adding that item to the Library list.

Num Tap a selected selection circle to deselect it (Icon depicting selected selection circle. changes to Icon depicting unselected selection circle.), removing that item from the Library list.

Num Drag a selection handle up or down to move an item in the list.

Num Tap Done.

The Library screen displays the customized list.

Num Tap For You (Icon depicting For You unselected. changes to Icon depicting For You selected.).

Screen captures depicting Navigating the Music App and Setting Preferences with C, 10 to 11 marked.

The For You screen appears, showing music suggestions for you.

Note: On the For You screen, you can scroll down to see different categories of items, such as Recently Updated and New Releases, intended to appeal to you. Scroll a category left to see more items in it.

atoz You can tap Account (Icon depicting Account.) to display the Account screen, on which you can edit your nickname for the account and set a photo to use.

Num Tap Browse (Icon depicting Browse Music unselected. changes to Icon depicting Browse Music selected.).

The Browse screen appears, providing ways to browse music. Scroll down to browse the categories. Scroll a category left to view its contents.

Num Tap Radio (Icon depicting Radio unselected. changes to Icon depicting Radio selected.).

Screen captures depicting Navigating the Music App and Setting Preferences with 12, D to F marked.

The Radio screen appears.

atoz You can tap a station to start it playing.

Note: See the section “Listen to Apple Music Radio,” later in this chapter, for more information on the Radio feature.

Num Tap Search (Icon depicting Search unselected. changes to Icon depicting Search selected.).

The Search screen appears.

atoz You can tap the Search box and type or dictate a search term.

atoz You can tap a Trending search — terms other people are searching for — or one of your recent searches to repeat it.

Play Music Using the Music App

You use the Music app to play back music from your iCloud Library or music you have loaded on your iPhone using iTunes. You can play music by song or by album, as described in this section. You can play songs in exactly the order you want by creating a custom playlist, as described in the later section, “Create a Music Playlist and Add Songs.” You can also play by artist, genre, or composer.

Play Music Using the Music App

Screen captures depicting Playing Music Using the Music App with 2 to 4 marked.

Num Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

The Home screen appears.

Num Tap Music (Icon depicting Music.) to open the Music app.

Num Tap Library (Icon depicting Library unselected. changes to Icon depicting Library selected.).

The Library screen appears.

Num Tap the button for the means by which you want to browse your library. This example uses Songs, so the Songs screen appears.

Screen captures depicting Playing Music Using the Music App with 5 to 7 marked.

atoz If the songs are sorted by artist or recent addition, tap Sort and then tap Title in the dialog that opens.

Num Tap the letter that starts the name of the item you want to play.

That section of the list appears.

Note: You can also swipe or drag your finger up the screen to scroll down.

Note: Tap above the letter A in the navigation letters to go back to the top of the screen.

Num Tap the song you want to play.

The song starts playing.

atoz The song appears on the Now Playing button.

atoz You can tap Pause (Icon depicting Pause.) to pause the song.

atoz You can tap Next (Icon depicting Next.) to skip to the next song.

Num Tap Now Playing. You can tap either the song name or the album image.

Screen captures depicting Playing Music Using the Music App with 8 to 11, E to G marked.

The Now Playing panel opens.

Num Tap and drag the playhead to move through the song.

Num Tap and drag the volume control to change the volume. You can also press Volume Up or Volume Down, the iPhone’s physical buttons.

Num Tap More (Icon depicting More.).

The More panel opens. Its contents vary depending on how your library is configured and where the current song is stored.

atoz You can tap Delete from Library (Icon depicting Delete from Library.) to delete the song from your iPhone’s library.

atoz You can tap Add to a Playlist (Icon depicting Add to a Playlist.) to add the song to a new or existing playlist.

atoz You can tap Love (Icon depicting Love.) or Suggest Less Like This (Icon depicting Suggest Less Like This.) to indicate your feeling toward the song.

Num Tap Close (Icon depicting Close.).

Screen captures depicting Playing Music Using the Music App with 12 to 13, H to J marked.

The More panel closes.

Num Tap List (Icon depicting List unselected. changes to Icon depicting List selected.).

The List panel opens.

atoz You can tap Shuffle (Icon depicting Shuffle.) to play songs in random order.

atoz You can tap Repeat (Icon depicting Repeat.) to repeat the current song or current list.

atoz The Up Next section shows upcoming songs. You can tap a song to play it, or drag a handle (Icon depicting handle,) to rearrange the list.

Num Tap List (Icon depicting List unselected. changes to Icon depicting List selected.).

The Now Playing panel appears again.

Play Videos Using the TV App

To play videos — such as movies, TV shows, or music videos — you use the iPhone’s TV app, which you can set up to use your existing TV provider. You can play a video on the iPhone’s screen, which is handy when you are traveling; on a TV to which you connect the iPhone; or on a TV connected to an Apple TV box. Using a TV is great when you need to share a movie or other video with family, friends, or colleagues.

Play Videos Using the TV App

Screen captures depicting Playing Videos Using the TV App with 2 to 3, A marked.

Set Up the TV App

Num Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

The Home screen appears.

Note: You can also play videos included on web pages. To do so, swipe up to display the Home screen, tap Safari, navigate to the page, and then tap the video.

Num Tap TV (Icon depicting Apple TV.).

The TV app opens.

atoz You can tap Account (Icon depicting Account.) to display the Account screen, from which you can manage your subscriptions.

Num Tap the video source. For this example, you would tap Library (Icon depicting Library unselected. changes to Icon depicting Library selected.).

Screen captures depicting Playing Videos Using the TV App with 4 to 5 marked.

The Library screen appears.

Num Tap the video category, such as Home Videos.

The category screen appears.

Num Tap the video you want to view.

Screen captures depicting Playing Videos Using the TV App with 6 to 7 marked.

The details screen for the video appears.

Num Tap Play (Icon depicting Play.).

The video starts playing.

Note: The playback controls appear for a few seconds, and then disappear automatically.

Num If the video is in landscape format, turn your iPhone sideways.

Screen captures depicting Playing Videos Using the TV App with 8 to 9 marked.

The video switches to landscape orientation.

Num When you need to control playback, tap the screen.

The playback controls appear.

atoz Drag the playhead to move through the video.

atoz Drag the volume control to change the volume.

atoz Tap Pause (Icon depicting Pause.) to pause playback. Tap Play (Icon depicting Play.) to resume playback.

atoz Tap Rewind (Icon depicting Rewind.) to rewind the video.

atoz Tap Fast-Forward (Icon depicting Fast-Forward.) to fast-forward the video.

Num Tap Close (Icon depicting Close.) when you want to return to the details screen for the video.

Play Music and Videos Using AirPlay

Using the AirPlay feature, you can play music from your iPhone on remote speakers connected to an AirPlay-compatible device such as an AirPort Express or Apple TV. Similarly, you can play video from your iPhone on a TV or monitor connected to an Apple TV. Even better, you can use the iOS feature called Screen Mirroring to display an iPhone app on a TV or monitor. For example, you can display a web page in Safari on your TV screen.

Play Music and Videos Using AirPlay

Screen captures depicting Playing Music on External Speakers or an Apple TV with 2 to 4 marked.

Play Music on External Speakers or an Apple TV

Num Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

The Home screen appears.

Num Tap Music (Icon depicting Music.).

The Music app opens.

Num Navigate to the song you want to play. For example, tap Library (Icon depicting Library unselected. changes to Icon depicting Library selected.), tap Songs, and then tap the song.

The song starts playing and appears on the Now Playing button.

Num Tap Now Playing.

Screen captures depicting Playing Music on External Speakers or an Apple TV with 5 to 6 marked.

The Now Playing screen appears.

Num Tap AirPlay (Icon depicting AirPlay.).

The AirPlay dialog opens.

Num Tap the AirPlay device on which you want the music to play.

Your iPhone starts playing music on the device via AirPlay.

Note: When you want to stop using AirPlay, tap AirPlay (Icon depicting Search.), and then tap iPhone (Icon depicting iPhone.).

Screen captures depicting Playing Video or an App on an Apple TV with 2 to 3 marked.

Play Video or an App on an Apple TV

Num Open the app you want to use. This example uses Notes (Icon depicting Notes.).

Num Swipe down from the upper-right corner of the screen.

Control Center opens.

Num Tap Screen Mirroring (Icon depicting Screen Mirroring.).

Screen captures depicting Playing Video or an App on an Apple TV with 4 to 6 marked.

The Screen Mirroring panel opens.

Num Tap the Apple TV you want to use.

The iPhone’s screen appears on the screen connected to the Apple TV.

atoz The Stop Mirroring button appears.

Num Tap outside the Screen Mirroring panel.

The Screen Mirroring panel closes.

Num Tap in the app above Control Center.

Control Center closes, and the app appears full-screen.

Note: When you are ready to stop screen mirroring, open Control Center, tap Screen Mirroring (Icon depicting Screen Mirroring.), and then tap Stop Mirroring.

Create a Music Playlist and Add Songs

Instead of playing individual songs or playing a CD’s songs from start to finish, you can create a playlist that contains only the songs you want in your preferred order. Playlists are a great way to enjoy music on your iPhone.

To help identify a playlist, you can add a new photo or an existing photo. Alternatively, you can let the Music app create a thumbnail from the covers of the songs you add to the playlist.

Create a Music Playlist and Add Songs

Screen captures depicting Creating a Music Playlist and Add Songs with 2 to 4 marked.

Num Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

The Home screen appears.

Num Tap Music (Icon depicting Music.).

The Music screen appears.

Num Tap Library (Icon depicting Library unselected. changes to Icon depicting Library selected.).

The Library screen appears.

Num Tap Playlists.

Screen captures depicting Creating a Music Playlist and Add Songs with 5 to 9 marked.

The Playlists screen appears.

Num Tap New Playlist.

The New Playlist screen opens.

Num Tap Playlist Name and type the name for the playlist.

Num Optionally, tap Description and type a description for the playlist.

Num Optionally, tap Photo (Icon depicting Photo.), tap Take Photo or Choose Photo, and follow the prompts to add a photo.

Num Tap Add Music (Icon depicting Add Music.).

Screen captures depicting Creating a Music Playlist and Add Songs with 10 to 11 marked.

The first Add Songs screen appears.

atoz You can search for music by tapping Search (Icon depicting Search) and typing your search term.

Num Tap Library (Icon depicting Library.), For You (Icon depicting For You.), or Browse (Icon depicting Browse.), as needed. This example uses Library (Icon depicting Library.).

The corresponding screen appears — in this case, the Library screen.

Num Tap the button for the means by which you want to browse your library. This example uses Songs.

Screen captures depicting Creating a Music Playlist and Add Songs with 12 to 15 marked.

The appropriate screen appears, such as the Songs screen.

Num Tap each song you want to add (Icon depicting add. changes to Icon depicting check mark.).

Num Tap Done.

The New Playlist screen appears.

Num Rearrange the songs as needed by dragging each song up or down by its handle (Icon depicting handle.).

atoz You can remove a song by tapping Remove (Icon depicting Remove.) and then tapping the textual Remove button that appears.

Num Tap Done.

The Playlists screen appears.

Listen to Apple Music Radio

The Radio feature in the Music app enables you to listen to the Apple Music Radio service. Apple Music Radio has two main parts, one free and one paid. The free part comprises the Beats 1 global radio station and other live radio stations. The paid part is curated, on-demand radio stations and custom radio stations, which require a subscription to the Apple Music service. At the time of this writing, an individual subscription costs $9.99 per month; a family subscription, which covers up to six people, costs $14.99 per month.

Listen to Apple Music Radio

Screen captures depicting Listening to Apple Music Radio with 2 to 4, A to B marked.

Num Swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

The Home screen appears.

Num Tap Music (Icon depicting Music.).

The Music app opens.

Num Tap Radio (Icon depicting Radio unselected. changes to Icon depicting Radio selected.).

The Radio screen appears.

atoz You can swipe left on the thumbnail bar to display other major stations.

atoz The Recently Played list shows stations you played recently.

Num Swipe up to scroll down.

Screen captures depicting Listening to Apple Music Radio with C, 5 to 6 marked.

The Apple Music Radio section and the Radio by Genre section appear.

atoz You can tap a station to start it playing.

Num Tap the genre you want to browse.

The list of stations in that genre appears.

Note: To share a station, tap and hold the station and then tap Share Station (Icon depicting Share Station.) on the panel that appears.

Num Tap the station you want to play.

Screen captures depicting Listening to Apple Music Radio with D to E, 7 to 9 marked.

The current song on that station starts playing.

The Now Playing screen appears.

atoz You can navigate by using the playback controls. For example, tap Pause (Icon depicting Pause.) to pause playback, or drag the playhead to move through the song.

Num Tap Lyrics (Icon depicting Lyrics.).

The Lyrics pane appears.

atoz The current line appears in white font.

Num Tap Close.

The Lyrics panel closes.

Num Tap List (Icon depicting List unselected. changes to Icon depicting List selected.).

Screen captures depicting Listening to Apple Music Radio with G to F, 10 to 11 marked.

The List panel appears.

atoz The Up Next list shows the upcoming track or tracks.

Num Tap More (Icon depicting More.).

Note: You can also tap More (Icon depicting More.) on the Now Playing panel.

The More panel opens.

atoz You can take various actions, such as tapping Copy (Icon depicting Copy.) to copy the song details, tapping Share (Icon depicting Share.) to share the song information, or tapping Create Station (Icon depicting Create Station.) to create a station based on the song.

Num Tap Close (Icon depicting Close.).

The More panel closes.

Read Digital Books with the Books App

The Books app enables you to read e-books or PDF files that you load on the iPhone from your computer or sync via iCloud by enabling Books on your Mac and your iPhone to use iCloud. You can also read e-books and PDFs you download from online stores, download from web pages, or save from e-mail messages.

If you have already loaded some e-books, you can read them as described in this section. If Books contains no books, tap Store and browse the Book Store or sync books from your computer using iTunes.

Read Digital Books with the Books App

Screen captures depicting Reading Digital Books with the Books App with 3 to 4, A to B marked.

Num Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to display the Home screen.

Num Tap Books (Icon depicting Books.).

Books opens, and the Reading Now screen appears.

Note: If the book you want to read appears on the Reading Now screen, tap the book to open it. Go to step 6.

Num Tap Library (Icon depicting Reading Library unselected. changes to Icon depicting Reading Library selected.).

The Library screen appears.

atoz To change the collection of books displayed, you can tap Collections (Icon depicting Collections.) and then tap the appropriate collection, such as Books (Icon depicting Books.) or PDFs (Icon depicting PDFs.).

Num To view the books as a list, tap List (Icon depicting List unselected. changes to Icon depicting List selected.) at the top of the screen.

atoz You can tap Search (Icon depicting Search.) and search to locate the book you want.

Screen captures depicting Reading Digital Books with the Books App with 5 to 6, C to D marked.

The list of books appears.

atoz You can tap Sort and then tap Recent, Title, Author, or Manually to sort the books differently.

Num Tap the book you want to open.

The book opens.

Note: When you open a book, Books displays your current page. When you open a book for the first time, Books displays the book’s cover, first page, or default page.

atoz To change the font, tap Font Settings (Icon depicting Font Settings.) and use the controls in the Font Settings dialog.

Num Tap anywhere on the screen to hide the reading controls.

Screen captures depicting Reading Digital Books with the Books App with 7 to 9 marked.

The reading controls disappear.

Note: To display the reading controls again, tap anywhere on the screen.

Num Tap the right side of the page to display the next page.

Note: To display the previous page, tap the left side of the page. Alternatively, tap the left side of the page and drag to the right.

Num To look at the next page without fully revealing it, tap the right side and drag to the left. You can then either drag further to turn the page or release the page and let it fall closed.

Num To jump to another part of the book, tap Table of Contents (Icon depicting Table of Contents.).

Note: Alternatively, you can drag the slider at the bottom of the screen.

Screen captures depicting Reading Digital Books with the Books App with 10, 12 to 13.

The table of contents appears.

Num Tap the part of the book you want to display.

Num To search in the book, tap Search (Icon depicting Search.).

The Search screen appears.

Num Type the search term.

The list of search results appears.

Num Tap the result you want to display.

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