

ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) 122–125

Add Multiple Columns panel 10–11

Add Rows panel 11

age studies

blood pressure and 57–64

GET and 78–86

race and longevity 159–162

Analyze menu

Distribution option 16, 32

Fit Y by X option 25–27

annotated graphic information 35

anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) 122–125

Archimedes 97

autonomy in decision-making study 71–73


bar charts

example 23–24

histograms and 24

Learning Library example 194

baseball team salaries 181–182

bear behavior study 91–97

Beck, Margaret E. 31, 43

bivariate data

analyzing 57

bear behavior study 91–97

choosing explanatory and response variables 17

crime scene investigation study 77–87

decision-making autonomy study 71–73

estimation skills of children study 100–109

fear items study 73–77

mating systems study 109–114

observing facts about 68–77

outliers in 91–97

simple regression analysis example 25–27

student interest in topics study 69–71

wasp study 97–100, 114–118

Y Axis Specification panel 22

blood pressure studies

age and 57–64

monitoring small children 130–136

blue diamonds 17–18

Borden, Lizzie 78, 86–87

box plots

about 30

ACL study 123

blood pressure and age problem 59

comparing distributions 37, 41

espionage in Civil War problem 54–56

example 21

GET by age study 86

lateralization in lower species study 140

Learning Library example 193

magnetic fields study 126–127

monitoring small children study 134–135

oneway ANOVA with 42

resizing 20

tensile strength of sherds problem 33, 35

brain lateralization in lower species study 136–141

butterflies and magnetic fields study 125–130


categorical data

See qualitative data

chi-square goodness of fit 156–158

chi-square test of homogeneity of proportions 162–165

chi-square test of independence 159–162

Civil War problem

See espionage in Civil War problem

cockroach versus sand scorpion study 141–144

coiling behavior of snakes study 136–141

Cols menu 10


adding 11

as variables 9

setting up single 12

confidence intervals

ACL study 122–125

cockroach versus sand scorpion study 141–144

ecological impact of golf courses study 162–165

Interactive Learning Tools example 188

lateralization in lower species study 136–141

magnetic fields study 125–130

monitoring small children study 130–136

pacific salmon migration study 148–152

race and longevity study 159–162

Tooth Fairy study 152–156

vacancies on Supreme Court study 156–158

context-specific options (hot-spot icons) 17

contingency tables

ecological impact of golf courses study 164

Learning Library example 193

race and longevity study 161

Tooth Fairy study 155

copying and pasting spreadsheets 171–172

corrupt data 176–177

.csv files 172


.dat files 172

Data Grid 9

decimal format

consistent 14, 157–158

round-off errors 157–158

decision-making autonomy study 71–73

Department of Energy website 170

dependent variables

See response variables


bear behavior study 91–97

defined 90

estimation skills of children study 100–109

mating systems study 109–114

outliers in bivariate data 91–97

wasp study 97–100, 114–118

diamonds, disclosure 17–18

directive, influence analysis and 90

disclosure diamonds 17–18

Distribution Platform 149


about 29–31

assumptions about variables 90–91

comparing 36–43

Learning Library example 194

univariate data 31–36

dot plots 30


earthquake locations and measures 173–177

ecological impact of golf courses study 162–165

Energy, Department of 170

Enter key (numeric keypad) 13

Environmental Protection Agency 170

espionage in Civil War problem

assumptions of regiment size 47–49

assumptions on sick rate 47–48, 50–54

background information 46–47

jittering process 55–56

estimated mean 129–130

estimation skills of children study 100–109

exact test 151

Excel spreadsheets

copying and pasting 171–172

importing 170–171

explanatory variables

binned 57

choosing 17

gazelle vigilance levels 25–26

GET and age study 81

in regression analysis 97

response variables and 41

exploratory data analysis 29

exponential model 109–114


fear items study 73–77

file formatting options 178

File menu 6, 15

Finapres (FINger Arterial PRESsure) procedure 131–135

Fit Y by X option

comparing distributions 41–42

lateralization in lower species study 138–140

simple regression example 25–27

fixation nails study 122–125

formatting options for files 178

formulas, creating 59–61, 132–134


gazelle vigilance levels 7–8

GET (gastric emptying times) 78–86

golf courses, ecological impact of 162–165

Graph menu 23

graphing calculators, JMP versus 31

greatest integer method 59–60


handedness study 136–141

Help features 5, 33–34


about 30

bar charts and 24

comparing distributions 37–39, 43

espionage in Civil War problem 49–53

examples 21, 33

GET by age study 86

Learning Library example 193

modifying appearance 21–22

normal curve fit to data 36

resizing 20

tensile strength of sherds problem 33, 35–36

homogeneity of errors 111

homogeneity of proportions 162–165

homogeneity of variance 84–85

hot-spot icons 17, 19–20

HTML tables, importing 179–182

hypothesis testing

ACL study 122–125

cockroach versus sand scorpion study 141–144

ecological impact of golf courses study 162–165

lateralization in lower species study 136–141

magnetic fields study 125–130

monitoring small children study 130–136

pacific salmon migration study 148–152

race and longevity study 159–162

Tooth Fairy study 152–156

vacancies on Supreme Court study 156–158

hypothesized mean 129–130


icons, hot-spot 17, 19–20

importing data

about 168–170

Excel spreadsheets 170–171

HTML tables 179–182

text files 172–179

independent means, inference for 136–141

independent variables

See explanatory variables

inference with qualitative data

ecological impact of golf courses study 162–165

pacific salmon migration study 148–152

race and longevity study 159–162

Tooth Fairy study 152–156

vacancies on Supreme Court study 156–158

inference with quantitative data

ACL study 122–125

cockroach versus sand scorpion study 141–144

lateralization in lower species study 136–141

magnetic fields study 125–130

monitoring small children study 130–136

influence analysis 90

influential points

defined 90

wasp study 97–100

Interactive Learning Tools 186–190

Internet, importing data from 179–182


Jackson, Thomas “Stonewall” 54

jittering process 55–56

JMP advantages over graphing calculators 31

JMP Starter window 6

JMP tables

adding columns 10–11

adding rows 10–11

components 9

entering data 13–15

gazelle vigilance levels 7–8

setting up categorical variables 12

setting up single columns 12


lateralization in lower species study 136–141

Learning Library 190–194

least squares regression 142

lek polygyny mating system 109–114

line graphs (run charts) 193

linear regression

crime scene investigation study 77–87

diagnosing 100

estimation skills of children study 100–109

Lizzie Borden problem 78, 86–87

log transformations

about 100

estimation skills of children study 100–109

mating systems study 109–114

wasp study 114–118

longevity and race study 159–162


magnetic fields study 125–130

mating systems study 109–114

McClellan, George 46–47

means, inference about 130–136

Microsoft Excel spreadsheets

copying and pasting 171–172

importing 170–171

missing data

importing considerations 174

recoding 61

Model Utility test 144

modified Wald interval 150

monarchs and magnetic fields study 125–130

mosaic plots

ecological impact of golf courses study 164

Learning Library example 193

race and longevity study 160

Tooth Fairy study 154


National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory (EPA) 170

normal curve model 36

normal probability plots

ACL study 123

monitoring small children study 134–135

normal quantile plots

about 34, 41

comparing distributions 40

example 33

extension 34

GET by age study 86

lateralization in lower species study 140

magnetic fields study 126–127

tensile strength of sherds problem 33–35

numeric keypad Enter key 13


observations, rows as 9

oneway ANOVA

about 41–42

lateralization in lower species study 138–140


bear behavior study 91–97

deciding on course of action for 91

defined 90



ecological impact of golf courses study 165

magnetic fields study 128–129

pacific salmon migration study 151–152

race and longevity study 161

sand scorpion versus cockroach study 144

Tooth Fairy study 155–156

pacific salmon migration study 148–152

paired data study 130–136

paired-t procedure 130

parent/adolescent study on decision-making autonomy 71–73

pareto plots 193

Pearson chi-square statistic 153, 155–156

pie charts 193

Pinkerton, Allan 46–47

population mean (inference procedures)

anterior cruciate ligament example 122–125

Interactive Learning Tools example 189

magnetic fields study 125–130

population of the world example 179–180

power, effects of sample size on 129–130

power model 114–118

pre-regression study

decision-making autonomy 71–73

fear items study 73–77

student interest in topics 69–71

Preferences window 4


ecological impact of golf courses study 162–165

pacific salmon migration study 148–152

Tooth Fairy study 152–156


qualitative data

ecological impact of golf courses study 162–165

one-way ANOVA and 41

pacific salmon migration study 148–152

race and longevity study 159–162

setting up 12

Tooth Fairy study 152–156

vacancies on Supreme Court study 156–158

quantitative data

inference about means 130–136

inference about population mean 122–130

inference for independent means 136–141

inference for regression 141–144


race and longevity study 159–162

recoding data 61–63

red triangles 17, 19–20

regression, inference for 141–144

residual plots

bear behavior study 94–96

estimation skills of children study 106–107

mating systems study 110–113

sand scorpion versus cockroach study 142–143

wasp study 114–118


box plots 20

histograms 20

response variables

choosing 17

explanatory variables and 41

gazelle vigilance levels 25–26

GET and age study 81–82

in regression analysis 97

round-off error 157–158


adding 10–11

as observations 9

Rows menu 10–11

run charts (line graphs) 193


salaries, baseball teams 181–182

salmon migration study 148–152

sample sizes effects on power 129–130

sand scorpion versus cockroach study 141–144

scaling, uniform 37, 41


about 68

bear behavior study 92, 94

blood pressure and age problem 57–58

decision-making autonomy study 73

estimation skills of children study 106–107

fear items study 75

GET by age study 79–80, 82–85

Learning Library example 193

student interest in topics study 70–71

score confidence interval 150

scorpion versus cockroach study 141–144

Select Columns panel 16–17

sherds, tensile strength problem 31–36

simple regression analysis example 25–27

single proportion, inference for 148–152

snakes, coiling behavior of 136–141


copying and pasting 171–172

importing 170–171

square root function 102–103

stem and leaf plots

about 30

bear behavior study 93, 95

example 33

Learning Library example 193

tensile strength of sherds problem 33

straight-line model 100–109

student interest in topics study 69–71

Supreme Court study 156–158

systolic blood pressure and age study 57–64



lateralization in lower species study 139–141

sand scorpion versus cockroach study 144


See contingency tables

See JMP tables

tensile loading of fixation nails 122–125

tensile strength of sherds problem 31–36

text boxes, creating 34

text files, importing 172–179

Tools menu

Annotate option 34

Simple Shape option 35

Tooth Fairy study 152–156

transformation of variables

about 100

estimation skills of children study 100–109

mating systems study 109–114

wasp study 114–118

true mean 129–130

.tsv files 172

.txt files 172


uniform scaling 37, 41

univariate data

blood pressure and age study 57–64

common displays 33

espionage in Civil War problem 46–56

numbers and pictures 17–25

tensile strength of sherds problem 31–36

U.S. Geological Survey 173



See also specific types of variables

columns as 9

creating 59–60

normal distribution assumptions 90–91


Wald confidence interval 150

wasp study 97–100, 114–118

Wood, Edward 78


X Axis Specification panel 22, 38


z-statistic 153, 155

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