
/ (Forward Slash key), 141

[ ] (Bracket keys), 319

16-bit images, 92, 261


Accent Color pop-up menu, 29


embedding copyright info, 415–416

Lab sharpening technique, 392–394

Actions panel, 392–393, 415–416

Add Noise filter dialog, 348

adjustment layers, 218–220

Adobe Bridge. See Bridge

Adobe Gamma utility, 187–188

Adobe Media Gallery (AMG), 420–423

Adobe RGB color space

camera configuration, 182–183

converting sRGB photos to/from, 186, 230

Photoshop configuration, 91, 184–186

Advanced Photo Downloader, 3

Amount slider

Lens Vignetting controls, 118, 119

Shadows/Highlights dialog, 259

Sharpening controls, 101, 102, 103, 460

Smart Sharpen filter, 404, 406

Unsharp Mask dialog, 383, 387, 400

Apply Image dialog, 343–345

aspect ratio, 150–151

Auto button

Black and White dialog, 239, 241

Camera Raw image adjustments, 87, 121

Auto-Align Layers function, 275, 280

Auto-Blend Layers function, 282

auto-numbering feature, 62


backing up photos, 6, 455

Batch dialog, 394–396

batch processing

embedding copyright info, 416

renaming files, 60–63, 396

sharpening photos, 394–396

Batch Rename dialog, 61–62

bit depth, 92

Black and White dialog, 238–241, 359

black-and-white conversions, 233–251

Black and White dialog for, 238–241

Calculations dialog for, 246–248

Camera Raw method for, 126–129, 249–251

high-contrast technique for, 242–245

Lightness channel method for, 234–237

black-and-white photos

converting color photos to, 126–129, 233–251

quadtoning effects for, 334–339

Blacks slider, 85, 89, 250, 458

blemish removal, 290–292

blending layers, 282

Bloat tool, 306

body sculpting

love handle removal, 330–331

slimming/trimming technique, 328–329 See also portrait retouching


accessing/opening, 14, 455

Adobe Media Gallery in, 420–423

customizing appearance of, 28–31

deleting files/folders in, 41

finding photos in, 48–53

importing photos into, 2–7

metadata info in, 54–57, 64–67

Preferences dialog, 7, 23, 28

previewing photos in, 14–21

resizing display of, 31

slide show feature, 44–47

stacking photos in, 68–71

two-monitor setup, 58–59

brightening eyes, 309–312

Brightness slider, 86

Brown, Russell Preston, 166

Brush Name dialog, 417

Brush Picker, 110, 229, 269

Brush tool

color correction and, 229

dodging/burning and, 269

double-processing and, 110

opacity settings for, 269, 270

portrait retouching and, 308, 310, 312, 319

sharpening techniques and, 402

signature brush and, 417–419

special effects and, 341, 347, 357, 368

burning and dodging method, 268–271


Calculations dialog, 246–248


Camera Raw for cameras, 106

monitors for printing, 187–194

Camera Calibration panel, 106

Camera Data (EXIF), 32, 55

Camera Raw, 73–135

Auto function, 87, 121

B&W conversion in, 126–129, 249–251

Blacks slider, 85, 89

Brightness slider, 86

calibrating for cameras, 106

Chromatic Aberration sliders, 112–113

Clarity slider, 90

color adjustments, 124–125

Crop tool, 94–96

double-processing in, 108–111

edge vignetting and, 118–119

editing multiple photos in, 98–100

Exposure slider, 82–84, 89

getting photos into, 74–76

noise reduction options, 107

opening in Bridge, 46, 75

Recovery slider, 84, 89

red-eye removal, 133–135

Retouch tool, 130–132

saving files in, 120

Sharpening sliders, 101–105, 460

slide shows and, 46

Split Toning sliders, 122–123

spot removal in, 283–286

Straighten tool, 97

Temperature slider, 79

Tint slider, 79

Tone Curve options, 114–117

White Balance settings, 77–81, 88, 254–256, 459

Workflow Options dialog, 91–93 See also RAW images

cameras. See digital cameras

Canvas Size dialog, 11, 428

captions, 10


contact sheets for, 8–13 See also DVDs

Channel Mixer, 126, 238, 241, 358–359

Channels panel, 301–304, 390–391

chromatic aberration, 112–113

Clarity slider, 90, 461

clipping warnings

highlights, 82–83, 249

shadows, 86

Clone Source panel, 374–376

Clone Stamp tool

portrait retouching and, 295–296, 315–316

special effects and, 374

collage techniques, 354–357, 371–378

collections, 53


accentuating in objects, 367–368

adjusting in Camera Raw, 124–125

converting to B&W, 126–129, 233–251

improving appearance of, 342–345

sampling from images, 351

Color Balance dialog, 228

Color blend mode, 352

color cast, 106

color correction, 207–230

adjustment layers for, 218–220

Curves dialog and, 209–210, 212–217

digital camera images and, 209–217

drag-and-drop method for, 220

email or Web optimized, 230

finding neutral midtones for, 216, 223–225

flesh tone adjustments, 226–227

indoor lighting and, 254–256

initial setup for, 208

multiple photos and, 218–220

problem areas and, 228–229

studio portraits and, 221–222

Color Dodge blend mode, 308

Color Handling pop-up menu, 201, 464

color labels, 39–40

color management, 182–205

camera configuration, 182–183

monitor calibration, 187–194

Photoshop configuration, 184–186

printer configuration, 195–205

Color Picker, 210–211, 243, 445

color profiles, 195–199

Color Range dialog, 307

Color Settings dialog, 184

color space

camera configuration, 182–183

Photoshop configuration, 91, 184–186

color swatch card, 221

Colorize checkbox, 438

columns, 138

Compact mode, 31

comparing photos, 20–21, 456

Contact Sheet II dialog, 9

contact sheets, 8–13

captions added to, 10

creating for CDs/DVDs, 8–13

making for key shots, 12

setting options for, 9, 11

Content panel, 14


adjusting with Curves, 114–117, 216–217, 250, 459, 460

controls for adjusting, 219

high-contrast portrait effect, 346–350

Contrast slider, 219

Convert to Grayscale checkbox, 126, 249

Convert to Profile dialog, 230

Copies & Pages pop-up menu, 203

copying photos, 24

copyright information, 6

embedding into files, 415–416

metadata templates and, 64

watermarks and, 412–414

Create Clipping Mask command, 442–443

Create Metadata Template dialog, 64

Crop tool, 140–142

Camera Raw and, 94–96

Lights Out cropping and, 143

rule-of-thirds cropping and, 147

standard size options, 148–149

tool presets for, 152–154

cropping photos, 140–154

aspect ratio and, 150–151

Camera Raw option for, 94–96

creating custom tools for, 152–154

Lights Out mode for, 143

panorama stitching and, 370

rule of thirds and, 144–147

sizing/resizing and, 148–151

steps in process of, 140–143

straightening and, 176–178

Cross, Dave, 223, 305


color correction using, 209, 212–216

contrast adjustment using, 114–117, 216–217, 250, 459, 460

Curves dialog, 209–217, 219, 222, 309, 463

Custom Shape tool, 144–145, 412, 413


Bridge appearance, 28–31

workspaces, 17–18


dark circle removal, 295–296

Darken blend mode, 262, 315

Darks slider, 116, 117

date information, 4

Default button, 87


files/folders, 41

metadata, 66–67

photos, 25, 27, 41, 456 See also removing

Desaturate command, 245, 346, 353, 367

Deselect command, 142

Detail slider, 104, 460

Difference blend mode, 223

digital cameras

calibrating Camera Raw for, 106

color space configuration, 182–183

image color correction, 209–217

importing photos from, 2–7, 454

resizing photos from, 157–159

white balance setting, 254

digital noise reduction, 107

digital photography workflow, 454–465

digital photos

backing up, 6

color correcting, 207–230

comparing, 20–21, 456

cropping, 94–96, 140–154

deleting, 25, 27, 41, 456

double-processing, 108–111

duplicating, 24

editing multiple, 98–100

emailing, 430–431

finding, 48–53

importing, 2–7, 454–455

labeling, 39–40

moving, 24, 25

numbering, 62

opening multiple, 218

previewing, 14–21

rating, 37–40

rejecting, 25, 26–27

renaming, 4–5, 34, 60–63

rotating, 35

sharpening, 101–105, 381–409, 460

showing, 411–450

sizing/resizing, 157–173

sorting, 36–40

stacking, 68–71

straightening, 97, 174–178

watermarking, 412–414

Display Calibration Assistant, 189–191

displaying photos. See showing photos

Distort filter, 293

DNG (Digital Negative) format

converting photos into, 5

saving RAW files in, 120

Dodge and Burn tools, 268

dodging and burning method, 268–271

double chin reduction, 293–294

double-processing images, 108–111

downsizing photos, 171–173

drag-and-drop method

for color correction, 218–220

for sorting photos, 36

dual-monitor setup, 58–59

duotone effects, 123, 334, 339, 351–353

Duotone Options dialog, 336, 338, 339


photos, 24

Smart Objects, 161

dust removal, 283–286


archiving photos on, 7

contact sheets for, 8–13


edge sharpening, 408–409

edge vignetting, 118–119, 365


metadata information, 56–57

multiple photos, 98–100

Picture Package layouts, 429

effects. See special effects

emailing photos, 430–431

Emboss filter, 408

Eraser tool, 366, 378

EXIF metadata, 32, 54, 55

exposure corrections

Camera Raw settings for, 82–89, 457

overexposed photos and, 264–267, 457

underexposed photos and, 264–265

Exposure slider, 82–84, 89, 249, 457

Eye icon, 262

eye retouching

brightening eyes, 309–312

dark circle removal, 295–296

Eyedropper tool

color correction and, 208, 210–211, 212, 222, 225

finding neutral midtones with, 224–225

sampling colors with, 351

eyeglass reflections, 274–278


facial retouching. See portrait retouching

Fade Amount slider, 407

fake duotone effect, 351–353

Favorites panel, 22–23

Feather Selection dialog, 313

file names

adding to contact sheets, 10

batch processing of, 60–63

changing for photos, 4–5, 34


deleting in Bridge, 41

embedding copyright info in, 415–416

metadata info in, 6, 32–33, 54–57

Fill dialog, 223

Fill Light slider, 458

Filter panel, 26, 38, 40, 51

Find dialog, 52–53

finding photos, 48–53

flattening images, 265, 282, 335, 348, 415, 463

flesh tone adjustments, 226–227


deleting, 41

duplicating photos in, 24

favorite, 22–23

moving photos between, 24, 25

renaming images in, 60–63

Folders panel, 22, 24–25

Font pop-up menu, 10

Free Transform command, 161, 172, 328, 432, 437


gang-printed photos, 426

Gaussian Blur filter

collaged images and, 377

portrait retouching and, 317, 325, 364

Gaussian Blur removal option, 404

Get Photos from Camera command, 2, 7, 454

glasses, fixing reflections in, 274–278

Gradient Editor dialog, 243, 244, 362

Gradient Fill dialog, 360–361

Gradient Map dialog, 242, 243, 334

Gradient picker, 355

Gradient tool, 355, 357

grayscale conversions. See blackand-white conversions

Grayscale Mix, 126–129

Grayscale mode, 234, 237, 334, 335

grid, 145

group shots, 279–282


Hard Light blend mode, 414

hardware calibration, 192–194

Healing Brush tool, 290–292, 297–300


metadata, 54

panels, 15, 16

High Pass filter dialog, 322

high-contrast B&W technique, 242–245

high-contrast portrait effect, 346–350


adjusting in photos, 259–263

clipping warning for, 82–83, 249

color correcting, 211, 212, 215

Highlights slider, 116, 117, 260

high-resolution photos, 424–425

“Hollywood Highlights” effect, 301–304

Horizontal Filmstrip workspace, 18

hot spot removal, 315–316

HSL/Grayscale panel, 124–125, 126, 249

Hue/Saturation dialog

color correction and, 227

portrait retouching and, 314

three-photo layouts and, 438


ICC profiles, 196, 198

Image Backdrop slider, 29

Image Processor dialog, 166–167

Image Size dialog, 93, 157–159, 168–170, 171, 430–431

importing photos, 2–7, 454–455

backup options, 6, 455

file handling options, 3

metadata options, 6

renaming options, 4–5

Info panel, 145

infrared effects, 358–359

instant pano layout, 445–450

Inverse command, 303, 372, 373, 398

Invert command, 310, 341

IPTC Core metadata, 32, 55, 56


JPEG files

Camera Raw and, 46, 74, 76, 113, 255

converting to DNG format, 5

saving photos as, 431

JPEG Options dialog, 431


keywords, 48–53

assigning to photos, 48–50

finding photos using, 51–53

Keywords panel, 48–50


Lab color mode

B&W conversions using, 234–237

improving colors using, 342–345

sharpening methods using, 363, 390–396, 397–400, 463

labeling photos, 39–40

Lasso tool

color correction and, 226

portrait retouching and, 293, 313

Layer Style dialog, 413, 433, 448


adjustment, 218–220

aligning, 275, 280

blending, 282

Layers panel, 218, 219, 264, 439, 461


instant pano, 445–450

multi-photo mask, 440–444

Picture Package, 426–429

poster, 432–435

three-photo, 436–439

workspace, 16, 456

Lens Blur removal option, 405

Lens Vignetting controls, 118–119

Levels dialog, 260, 311, 340


color correcting for indoor, 254–256

taming/refocusing light, 340–341

Lightness channel

B&W conversion using, 234–237

sharpening technique using, 397, 398, 463

Lightness slider, 314

Lights Out cropping mode, 143

Lights slider, 116, 117, 250

lips, enhancing, 305–308

Liquify dialog, 294, 306, 326, 330

Loupe feature, 19, 21

love handle removal, 330–331

Luminosity blend mode, 312, 341


Magnetic Lasso tool, 305, 313

Magnifying Glass cursor, 19

Margulis, Dan, 342, 397

Masking slider, 104, 105, 460

Master Diameter slider, 418

memory cards

card reader for, 2

importing photos from, 2–7

Metadata Focus workspace, 66

metadata information

editing, 56–57

import process and, 6

stripping from photos, 66–67

templates for, 64–65

viewing, 32–33, 54–55, 57

Metadata panel, 15, 32–33


color correcting, 211, 212, 216

finding neutral, 216, 223–225


hardware calibration, 192–194

software calibration, 187–191

two-monitor setup, 58–59

montages, 354–357

Motion Blur removal option, 404

Move tool

collage techniques and, 354, 356, 377

eyeglass reflections and, 274–278

group shot fixes and, 280

instant pano layout and, 449

multi-photo mask layout and, 441

poster layouts and, 432, 434, 435

rule-of-thirds cropping and, 146

three-photo layouts and, 436, 437

moving photos between folders, 24, 25

multi-photo mask layout, 440–444

multiple photos

color correcting, 218–220

editing in Camera Raw, 98–100

opening simultaneously, 218

spot removal from, 283–286

Multiply blend mode, 236, 266, 365, 461

My Pictures folder, 3



batch, 60–63, 396

contact sheet images, 10

imported photos, 4–5

individual photos, 34

nested panels, 18, 139

neutral density effect, 360–362

neutral midtones, 216, 223–225

New Action dialog, 392

New dialog, 155, 156, 432

New Document Preset dialog, 156

New Layer dialog, 268, 280

New Preset dialog, 115

New Synchronized Window option, 58


adding, 348–349

reducing, 107

Noiseware Professional, 107

nose retouching, 326–327

numbering photos, 62


Opacity settings

B&W conversions and, 237, 244, 247

back-screened look and, 161, 162

cropping process and, 143

dodge/burn process and, 269, 270

double-processing and, 110

edge sharpening and, 409

exposure adjustments and, 265

portrait retouching and, 300, 304, 310, 312, 320, 324, 325

poster layouts and, 433

shadow/highlight adjustments and, 262

special effects and, 345, 350, 378

watermarking process and, 414

Open Adobe Bridge checkbox, 455

opening multiple photos, 218

organizing photos

sorting and, 36–40

stacks used for, 68–71

overexposed photos, 264–267, 457

Overlay blend mode, 268–269, 307, 343–344, 347, 361

oversharpening photos, 401


Page Setup dialog, 200


collapsing, 15, 138

expanding, 15, 138

floating, 139

hiding, 15, 16

nesting, 18, 139 See also specific panels


instant layout for, 445–450

stitching photos into, 369–370

paper selection, 204, 464

Parametric curve, 114, 116–117

Patch tool, 298

Pen tool, 276

Photo Downloader, 2–7, 454

Advanced Options section, 5–6

Apply Metadata section, 6

Save Options section, 3–5

Photo Filter dialog, 377

photographs. See digital photos

Photomerge dialog, 369–370

Photoshop Channels Book, The (Kelby), 397

Photoshop CS3

Adobe RGB configuration, 184–186

interface overview, 138–139

Photoshop LAB Color (Margulis), 342, 397

Photoshop Lightroom

Lights Out mode, 143

ProPhoto RGB color space, 185

Picture Package, 426–429

Picture Package Edit Layout dialog, 429

Pictures folder, 3

Pinch dialog, 293

Place command, 160, 446

Plastic Wrap filter, 306

Point curve, 114–115, 459

Polygonal Lasso tool, 462

portrait retouching, 289–331

blemish removal, 290–292

brightening eyes, 309–312

dark circle removal, 295–296

double chin reduction, 293–294

enhancing lips, 305–308

“Hollywood Highlights” effect, 301–304

hot spot removal, 315–316

love handle removal, 330–331

nose size reduction, 326–327

skin softening, 317–325

slimming/trimming technique, 328–329

whitening teeth, 313–314

wrinkle reduction, 297–300


high-contrast effect, 346–350

sharpening, 363, 384

three-step finishing technique, 363–366

poster layouts, 432–435

poster-sized prints, 168–170

Preferences dialog, 7, 23, 28

Preserve Cropped Pixels option, 96

Preview panel, 15–21

comparing photos in, 20–21

expanding the size of, 15–16

workspace layout in, 16–18, 456

zooming photos in, 19, 21

previewing photos, 14–21

Print dialog, 201–205, 464–465

Print Quality options, 204, 465

Print Settings options, 204

Printer Profile pop-up menu, 202

printing, 195–205

color profiles for, 195–199

steps in process of, 200–205, 464–465

ProPhoto RGB color space, 185

Pucker tool, 326, 331

Push Left tool, 330


quadtone effects, 334–339

Quality slider, 431

Quick Selection tool, 371–372


Radius slider

Camera Raw Retouch tool, 284

High Pass filter dialog, 322–323

Shadows/Highlights dialog, 258, 259

Sharpening controls, 103, 460

Smart Sharpen filter, 404

Unsharp Mask dialog, 383, 388, 399

rating photos, 37–40

RAW images, 73–135

calibrating for, 106

chromatic aberration fix, 112–113

clarity applied to, 90

color adjustments, 124–125

contrast adjustments, 114–117

converting to B&W, 126–129, 249–251

cropping, 94–96

double-processing, 108–111

edge vignetting, 118–119

editing multiple, 98–100

exposure settings, 82–89

getting into Camera Raw, 74–76

noise reduction, 107

red-eye removal, 133–135

retouching, 130–132

saving in DNG format, 5, 120

sharpening, 101–105

split toning effects, 122–123

spot removal from, 283–286

straightening, 97

white balance settings, 77–81, 88, 254–256, 459

workflow settings, 91–93 See also Camera Raw

Recovery slider, 84, 89, 249, 457

Rectangular Marquee tool

cropping photos with, 142, 146

instant pano layout and, 446

making selections with, 280

multi-photo mask layout and, 440

portrait finishing with, 365

poster layouts and, 433

three-photo layouts and, 436, 437

Red Eye Removal tool, Camera Raw, 133–135

Red Eye tool, Photoshop CS3, 272–273

red-eye removal

Camera Raw tool for, 133–135

instant method for, 272–273

Refine Edge dialog, 365, 373

reflections, eyeglass, 274–278

refocusing light, 340–341

rejected photos, 25, 26–27, 456


spots, 283–286

vignettes, 118 See also deleting

Rename button, 62

renaming. See naming/renaming

Rendering Intent options, 202, 464

Replace Contents command, 448, 450

Resample Image checkbox, 158, 171

resizing. See sizing/resizing


contact sheet, 9

image size and, 155–159, 171

print-optimized, 431

RAW image, 93

screen, 430

Retouch tool, 130–132, 284


Camera Raw option for, 130–132, 284 See also portrait retouching

Rotate Canvas dialog, 175

rotating photos, 35

rule of thirds, 144–147

Ruler tool, 174, 175

rulers, displaying, 157


Saturation slider

B&W conversion and, 241

color correction and, 227

portrait retouching and, 314

Save Collection dialog, 53

Save Copies To checkbox, 6

Save Workspace dialog, 17


automated resizing and, 166–167

collections, 53

custom workspaces, 17

imported photos, 3

metadata templates, 65

photos as JPEGs, 431

RAW files, 120

Screen blend mode, 264, 309

screen resolution, 430

scrubby sliders, 375

searching for photos, 48–53


softening edges of, 226

tools for making, 276, 371–372

sepia tone effect, 123, 438


adjusting in photos, 257–263

clipping warning for, 86

color correcting, 210, 212, 213–214

Shadows slider, 116, 117, 260

Shadows/Highlights dialog, 258

259, 261, 262

Shadows/Highlights Smart Filter, 261–263

Shape Picker, 145

Sharpening sliders, 101–105

sharpening techniques, 381–409

basic sharpening, 382–389

batch sharpening, 394–396

Camera Raw and, 101–105, 460

edge sharpening, 408–409

image details and, 401–403

Lab color sharpening, 390–396, 463

portrait sharpening, 363, 384

sample settings, 383–389

Smart Sharpen filter and, 404–407

soft subjects and, 384

three-step portrait finishing, 363–366

two-pass super sharpening, 397–400

Web graphics and, 386

Show Metadata Placard option, 54

Show Overlay checkbox, 374, 376

Show Reject Files checkbox, 26

showing photos, 411–450

copyright info for, 412–416

email rules for, 430–431

instant pano layout for, 445–450

multi-photo mask layout for, 440–444

Picture Package layouts for, 426–429

poster layouts for, 432–435

signature brush for, 417–419

three-photo layout for, 436–439

uploading high-resolution images, 424–425

watermarking process for, 412–414

Web gallery for, 420–423

signature brush, 417–419

Size pop-up menu, 92


aspect ratio and, 150–151

automated saving and, 166–167

cropping and, 148–151

digital camera photos, 157–159

downsizing process and, 171–173

poster-sized prints, 168–170

RAW images, 92

resolution and, 155–156, 171

Smart Objects for, 160–165

thumbnails, 14

skin softening technique, 317–325

slide shows

Camera Raw editing option, 46

keyboard shortcuts for, 47

music added to, 47

playing in Bridge, 44–47

setting options for, 44–46

transitions used in, 46

Slideshow Options dialog, 44–46

slimming/trimming technique, 328–329

Smart Filters

Gaussian Blur, 325

Shadows/Highlights, 261–263

Smart Objects

double-processing and, 111

instant pano layout and, 446, 447, 448

multi-photo mask layout and, 442, 444

portrait retouching and, 325

resizing photos using, 160–165

shadows/highlights adjustment and, 261–263

three-photo layout and, 436, 439

Smart Sharpen filter, 404–407

Soft Light blend mode, 307, 323, 344, 347

soft subject sharpening, 384

sorting photos, 36–40

color labels for, 39–40

drag-and-drop method of, 36

star ratings for, 37–40

special effects, 333–378

collage techniques, 354–357, 371–378

color accentuation of objects, 367–368

fake duotone effect, 351–353

high-contrast portrait effect, 346–350

improving drab colors, 342–345

instant infrared effect, 358–359

neutral density effect, 360–362

panorama stitching, 369–370

portrait finishing technique, 363–366

quadtoning B&W photos, 334–339

taming/refocusing light, 340–341

split toning effects, 122–123

spot removal, 283–286

sRGB color space, 182, 184

converting to/from Adobe RGB, 186, 230

Web design and, 185, 230

stacking photos, 68–71

star ratings, 37–40

Straighten tool, 97

straightening photos, 174–178

automated cropping and, 176–178

Camera Raw option for, 97

steps in process of, 174–175

Strong Contrast option, 460

studio portrait correction, 221–222

Synchronize dialog, 285–286


taming light, 340–341

teeth whitening technique, 313–314

Temperature slider, 79, 459


instant pano layout, 448, 450

metadata information, 64–65

three-photo layout, 436, 439

three-photo layout, 436–439

Threshold slider, 383, 388


captions for, 10

resizing, 14

rotating, 35

selecting, 15

setting preferences for, 30

viewing metadata for, 31

TIFF files

Camera Raw and, 46, 74, 76, 113

converting to DNG format, 5

Tint slider, 79

Tone Curve panel, 114–117, 129, 250, 459, 460

Tool Presets panel, 152–154

tritone effects, 334, 338

Tungsten preset, 254–255

two-monitor setup, 58–59

two-pass super sharpening technique, 397–400

Type tool, 357, 413, 434, 443, 447


Ultra-Compact mode, 31

UnCheck All button, 3

underexposed photos, 264–265

Undo command, 327

Unsharp Mask filter

basic sharpening and, 382–389

Lab color sharpening and, 391, 399, 463

oversharpening photos with, 401

portrait finishing and, 363

sample settings, 383–389 See also sharpening techniques

uploading high-res images, 424–425

Use Filename As Caption checkbox, 10

Use Legacy checkbox, 219

User Interface Brightness slider, 28


Versace, Vincent, 168, 242

Vertical Filmstrip workspace, 16, 456


metadata information, 32–33, 54–55, 57

photos in Bridge, 14–21

using two monitors, 58–59

vignette effects

adding, 119, 365

removing, 118


watermarking photos, 412–414

Web photo gallery, 420–423


color space for, 185, 230

creating galleries on, 420–423

high-resolution photos on, 424–425

sharpening photos for, 386

White Balance settings

Camera Raw, 77–81, 88, 254–256, 459

indoor photo adjustments, 254–256

White Balance tool, 80–81, 88, 459

whitening teeth, 313–314

Workflow Options dialog, 91–93

workflow process, 454–465


creating custom, 17–18

efficient setup for, 138–139

selecting layouts for, 16, 456

wrinkle reduction, 297–300


Zoom tool

chromatic aberration and, 112

digital noise reduction and, 107

portrait retouching and, 290, 295, 319

red-eye removal and, 272

spot removal and, 283

Zoomify Export dialog, 424–425


checking photos by, 19

comparing photos by, 21

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