About the Author


Dr. Karissa Thacker is a widely respected management psychologist who has served as a consultant for more than 200 Fortune 500 companies, including UPS, Best Buy, and AT&T. Her specialty is executive coaching with a focus on increased performance at work in combination with increased individual satisfaction. Her coaching method assumes that increases in effectiveness or productivity without increasing personal satisfaction are not built to last.

Karissa's background and training is in the field of psychology. She received a doctorate in psychology in 1996 from Spalding University and is a licensed psychologist. She later served as a marketing researcher at General Mills in the area of strategic growth initiatives. Her research focused on understanding consumers in international markets and advertising development. She also served as a senior consultant at RHR International, a global management consultancy specializing in executive development.

Karissa is the founder and president of Strategic Performance Solutions, Inc, a management-consulting firm focused on creating innovative solutions in the space of human performance and satisfaction at work. She also serves as adjunct faculty at the Lerner School of Business at the University of Delaware, specializing in executive development and organization effectiveness in the graduate MBA program.

She is regularly quoted in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Human Resource Executive Online, MSNBC, and other high-profile outlets. She has become a go-to authority on authentic leadership for many top-level reporters covering these issues.

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