Chapter 11
Short Takes
I’m not a cryptanalyst, not a mathematician. I just know how people make mistakes in applications and they make the same mistakes over and over again.
— Former hacker turned security consultant
Some of the stories we were given in the process of writing this book didn’t fit neatly into any of the preceding chapters but are too much fun to ignore. Not all of these are hacks. Some are just mischievous, some are manipulative, some are worthwhile because they’re enlightening or revealing about some aspect of human nature . . . and some are just plain funny.
We enjoyed them and thought you might, too.


Jim was a sergeant in the U.S. Army who worked in a computer group at Fort Lewis, on Puget Sound in the state of Washington, under a tyrant of a top sergeant who Jim describes as “just mad at the world,” the kind of guy who “used his rank to make everyone of lesser rank miserable.” Jim and his buddies in the group finally got fed up and decided they needed to find some way of punishing the brute for making life so unbearable.
Their unit handled personnel record and payroll entries. To ensure accuracy, each item was entered by two separate soldier-clerks, and the results were compared before the data was posted to the person’s record.
The revenge solution that the guys came up with was simple enough, Jim says. Two workers made identical entries telling the computer that the sergeant was dead.
That, of course, stopped his paycheck.
When payday came and the sergeant complained that he hadn’t received his check, “Standard procedures called for pulling out the paper file and having his paycheck created manually.” But that didn’t work, either. “For some unknown reason,” Jim wrote, tongue firmly planted in cheek, “his paper file could not be located anywhere. I have reason to believe that the file spontaneously combusted.” It’s not hard to figure out how Jim came to this conclusion.
With the computer showing that the man was dead and no hard-copy records on hand to show he had ever existed, the sergeant was out of luck. No procedure existed for issuing a check to man who did not exist. A request had to be generated to Army headquarters asking that copies of the papers in the man’s record be copied and forwarded, and for guidance on whether there was any authority for paying him in the meantime. The requests were duly submitted, with little expectation they would receive a quick response.
There’s a happy end to the story. Jim reports that “his behavior was quite different for the rest the days I knew him.”


Back when the movie Jurassic Park 2 came out, a young hacker we’ll call Yuki decided he wanted to “own” — that is, gain control of — the MCA/Universal Studios box that hosted, the Web site for the Jurassic Park movie and the studio’s TV shows.
It was, he says, a “pretty trivial hack” because the site was so poorly protected. He took advantage of that by a method he described in technical terms as inserting a CGI that ran a bouncer [higher port not fire-walled] so I can connect to higher port and connect back to localhost for full access.”
MCA was then in a brand-new building. Yuki did a little Internet research, learned the name of the architectural firm, got to its Web site, and found little difficulty breaking into its network. (This was long enough ago that the obvious vulnerabilities have presumably been fixed by now.)
From inside the firewall it was short work to locate the AutoCAD schematics of the MCA building. Yuki was delighted. Still, this was just a sidebar to his real effort. His friend had been busy designing “a cute new logo” for the Jurassic Park Web pages, replacing the name Jurassic Park and substituting the open-jawed tyrannosaurus with a little ducky. They broke into the Web site, posted their logo (see Figure 11-1) in place of the official one, and sat back to see what would happen.
Figure 11-1: The substitute for the Jurassic Park logo.
The response wasn’t quite what they expected. The media thought the logo was funny, but suspicious. CNet carried a story1 with a headline that asked whether it was a hack or a hoax, suspecting that someone in the Universal organization might have pulled the stunt to garner publicity for the movie.
Yuki says that he got in touch with Universal shortly afterward, explaining the hole that he and his friend had used to gain access to the site, and also telling them about a back door they had installed. Unlike many organizations that learn the identity of someone who has broken into their Web site or network, the folks at Universal appreciated the information.
More than that, Yuki says, they offered him a job — no doubt figuring he would be useful in finding and plugging other vulnerabilities. Yuki was thrilled by the offer.
It didn’t work out, though. “When they found that I was only 16, they tried to lowball me.” He turned down the opportunity.
Two years later, CNet presented a list of their 10 all-time favorite hacks.2 Yuki was delighted to see his Jurassic Pond hack prominently included.
But his hacking days are over, Yuki says. He has “been out of the scene for five years now.” After turning down the MCA offer, he started a consulting career that he’s been pursuing ever since.


Some time back, Xerox and other companies experimented with machines that would do the “E.T., phone home” bit. A copying machine, say, would monitor its own status, and when toner was running low, or feed rollers were beginning to wear out, or some other problem was detected, a signal would be generated to a remote station or to corporate headquarters reporting the situation. A service person would then be dispatched, bringing any needed repair parts.
According to our informant, David, one of the companies that tested the waters on this was Coca-Cola. Experimental Coke vending machines, David says, were hooked up to a Unix system and could be interrogated remotely for a report on their operational status.
Finding themselves bored one day, David and a couple of friends decided to probe this system and see what they could uncover. They found that, as they expected, the machine could be accessed over telnet. “It was hooked up via a serial port and there was a process running that grabbed its status and formatted it nicely.” They used the Finger program and learned that “a log-in had occurred to that account — all that remained for us was to find the password.”
It took them only three attempts to guess the password, even though some company programmer had intentionally chosen one that was highly unlikely. Gaining access, they discovered that the source code for the program was stored in the machine and “we couldn’t resist making a little change!”
They inserted code that would add a line at the end of the output message, about one time in every five: “Help! Someone is kicking me!”
“The biggest laugh, though,” David says, “was when we guessed the password.” Care to take a stab at what the password was that the Coke people were so sure no one would be able to guess?
The password of the Coke vending machine, according to David, was “pepsi”!


In the run-up stages for operation Desert Storm, U.S. Army Intelligence went to work on the Iraqi Army’s communication systems, sending helicopters loaded with radio-frequency sensing equipment to strategic spots along “the safe side of the Iraqi border.” That’s the descriptive phrase used by Mike, who was there.
The helicopters were sent in groups of threes. Before the evolution of the Global Positioning System (GPS) for pinpointing locations, the three choppers provided cross-bearings that enabled the Intelligence people to plot the locations of each Iraqi Army unit, along with the radio frequencies they were using.
Once the operation began, the United States was able to eavesdrop on the Iraqi communications. Mike says, “US soldiers who spoke Farsi began to listen in on the Iraqi commanders as they spoke to their ground troop patrol leaders.” And not just listen. When a commander called for all of his units to establish communications simultaneously, the units would sign in: “This is Camel 1.” “This is Camel 3.” “This is Camel 5.” One of the U.S. eavesdroppers would then pipe up over the radio in Farsi, “This is Camel 1,” repeating the sign-in name.
Confused, the Iraqi commander would tell Camel 1 that he already signed in and shouldn’t do it twice. Camel 1 would innocently say he had only signed in once. “There would be a flurry of discussion with allegations and denials about who was saying what,” Mike recounts.
The Army listeners continued the same pattern with different Iraqi commanders up and down the border. Then they decided to take their ploy to the next level. Instead of repeating a sign-in name, a U.S. voice, in English, would yell, “This is Bravo Force 5 — how y’all doing!” According to Mike, “There would be an uproar!”
These interruptions infuriated the commanders, who must have been mortified at their field troops hearing this disruption by the infidel invaders and at the same time appalled to discover that they could not radio orders to their units without the American forces overhearing every word. They began routinely shifting through a list of backup frequencies.
The radio-frequency sensing equipment aboard the U.S. Army copters was designed to defeat that strategy. The equipment simply scanned the radio band and quickly located the frequency that the Iraqis had switched to. The U.S. listeners were soon back on track. Meanwhile, with each shift, Army Intelligence was able to add to their growing list of the frequencies being used by the Iraqis. And they were continuing to assemble and refine their “order of battle” of the Iraqi defense force — size, location, and designation of the units, and even action plans.
Finally the Iraqi commanders despaired and forfeited radio communication with their troops, turning instead to buried telephone lines. Again, the United States was right behind them. The Iraqi Army was relying on old, basic serial telephone lines, and it was a simple matter to tap into any of these lines with an encrypted transmitter, forwarding all the traffic to Army Intelligence.
The American Army’s Farsi speakers went back to work, this time using the same methods they had used earlier for disrupting the radio communications. It’s funny to picture the expression on the face of some Iraqi major or colonel or general as a jovial voice comes booming down the line, “Hi, this is Bravo Force 5 again. How y’all doing!”
And maybe he might add something like, “We missed you for a while and it’s good to be back.”
At this point, the Iraqi commanders had no modern communication options left. They resorted to writing out their orders and sending the paper messages via trucks to the officers in the field, who wrote out their replies and sent the truck on its way back across the steaming, sandy desert to headquarters. A single query and response could take hours for the round-trip. Commands that required multiple units to act in coordination became nearly impossible because it was so difficult to get the orders to each involved field unit in time for them to act together.
Not exactly an effective way to defend against the fast-moving American forces.
As soon as the air war started, a group of U.S. pilots was assigned the task of looking for the trucks that shuttled messages back and forth between the known locations of the Iraqi field groups. The Air Force started targeting these communication trucks and knocking them out of action. Within a few days, Iraqi drivers were refusing to carry the messages among field leaders because they knew it was certain death.
That spelled a near-complete breakdown in the ability of the Iraqi command-and-control system. Even when Iraqi Central Command was able to get radio orders through to the field, the field commanders, Mike says, “were terrified about these communications because they knew that the messages were being listened to by the U.S. Army and would be used to send attacks against their location” — especially since, by responding to the orders, the field commander revealed that he was still alive, and could expect his response had allowed the Americans to pinpoint his location. In an effort to spare their own lives, some Iraqi field units disabled their remaining communication devices so they would not have to hear incoming communications.
“In short order,” Mike remembers with obvious glee, “the Iraqi Army collapsed into chaos and inactivity in many locations because no one was able — or willing — to communicate.”


For the most part, the following is directly taken from our conversation with this former hacker, who is now a well-established, respected security consultant.
It’s all there, dude, it’s all there. “Why do you rob banks, Mr. Horton?” “That’s where the money is.”
I’ll tell you a funny story. Me and this guy Frank from the National Security Agency — I won’t even give his name, he now works for Microsoft. We had a [penetration test] engagement with a company that makes digital gift certificates. They’re out of business, I’m still not gonna mention them.
So, what are we gonna hack? Are we gonna hack the crypto in the gift certificate? No, [the encryption] was like awesome, very well done. It’s cryptographically secured, it would be a waste of time to try. So what are we gonna attack?
We look at how a merchant redeems a certificate. This is an insider attack because we’ve been allowed to have a merchant account. Well, we find a flaw in the redemption system, an application flaw that gave us arbitrary command execution on the box. It was foolish, childish, no special skills needed — you just gotta know what you’re looking for. I’m not a cryptanalyst, not a mathematician. I just know how people make mistakes in applications and they make the same mistakes over and over again.
On the same subnet with the redemption center, they have [a connection to] their mint — the machine that makes the gift certificates. We broke into that machine using a trust relationship. As opposed to just getting a root prompt, we made a gift certificate — we minted a gift certificate with 32 high bits, and set the currency unit to U.S. dollars.
I now have a gift certificate worth $1,900,000,000. And the certificate was completely valid. Someone said we should have set it to English pounds, which would have been more bang for the buck.
So, we went to the web site for the Gap and bought a pair of socks. Theoretically, we had a billion, nine hundred million coming in change from a pair of socks. It was awesome.
I wanted to staple the socks to the pen test report.
But he wasn’t done. He didn’t like the way he thought the story must have sounded to us, and he went on, hoping to correct the impression.
Maybe I sound like a rock star to you, but all you see is the path I took and you go, “Oh, my God, look how clever he is. He did this to get on the box, and then on the box he violated a trust relationship, and then once there he got onto the mint and he fabricated a gift certificate.”
Yeah, but do you know how hard that really was? It was like, “Well, try this, did that work?” No sale. “Try this, did that work?” No sale. Trial and error. It’s curiosity, perseverance and blind luck. And mix in a little bit of skill.
I actually still have those socks.


One of the things poker players feel pretty confident about when sitting down at a table in a major casino — whether playing today’s most popular version, Texas Hold ’Em, or some other variation — is that, under the watchful eyes of the dealer, the pit bosses, and the all-seeing video cameras, they can count on their own skill and luck, and not worry much that some of the other players might be cheating.
These days, thanks to the Internet, it’s possible to sit down at a poker table electronically — playing from the comfort of your own computer, for money, against live players sitting at their computers in various parts of the country and the world.
And then along comes a hacker who recognizes a way to give himself more than a little advantage, by using a homemade bot — a robot — in this case, an electronic one. The hacker, Ron, says that this involved “writing a bot that played ‘mathematically perfect’ poker online while misleading the opponents into thinking they were playing against a real human player.” Besides making money on everyday games, he entered his bot in quite a number of tournaments with impressive success. “In one four-hour ‘free-roll’ (no entry fee) tournament that started with three hundred players, the bot finished in second place.”
Things were going great guns until Ron made an error in judgment: He decided to offer the bot for sale, with a price tag of $99 a year to each buyer. People began to hear about the product and folks using the online poker site he had targeted became concerned that they might be playing against robotic players. “This caused such an uproar (and concern by casino management that they would lose customers) that the site added code to detect the use of my bot and said they would permanently ban anyone caught using it.”
Time for a change in strategy.
After unsuccessfully attempting to make a business of the bot technology itself, I decided to take the whole project underground. I modified the bot to play at one of the largest online poker sites, and extended the technology so it could play in “team mode,” where two or more bots at the same table share their hidden cards among themselves for unfair advantage.
In his original email about this adventure, Ron implied that his bots were still in use. Later, he wrote again asking us to say the following:
After assessing the financial harm that would be caused to thousands of online poker players, Ron ultimately decided never to use his technology against others.
Still, online gamblers, you need to decide for yourselves. If Ron could do it, so can others. You might be better off hopping a plane to Las Vegas.


My coauthor and I found this story compelling. Even though it may be only partially true or, for all we know, entirely made up, we decided to share it essentially the way it was submitted:
It all started when I was about 15 years old. A friend of mine, Adam, showed me how to place free phone calls from the school payphone, which was located outside on the pavilion where we used to eat lunch. This was the first time I had done anything even remotely illegal. Adam fashioned a paperclip into a kind of free phone card, using the paperclip to puncture the earpiece of the handset. He would then dial the phone number he wanted to call, holding down the last digit of the number and at the same time touching the paper clip to the mouthpiece. What followed was a series of clicks and then ringing. I was awestruck. It was the first time in my life when I realized how powerful knowledge could be.
I immediately began reading everything I could get my hands on. If it was shady information, I had to have it. I used the paperclip trick all through high school until my appetite for darker avenues followed. Perhaps it was to see just how far this newfound avenue could go. That coupled with the thrill of doing something “bad” is enough to drive any young 15-year-old punk to the underground.
What followed next was my realization that it took more than just knowledge to be a hacker. You had to have that social cunning in order to execute the trap.
I learned of these programs called Trojans through an online friend who had me load one into my computer. He could do amazing things like see what I was typing, recording my video cam stream, and all kinds of other fun stuff. I was in heaven. I researched all I could about this Trojan and began packing it into popular executables. I would go into chat rooms and try to get somebody to download one, but trust was an issue. No one trusted me, and with good reason.
I went into a random teen IRC chat room and that’s where I found him: a pedophile came in looking for pictures of young kids and teens. At first I thought it was a joke, but I decided to play along and see if I could make a victim out of this person.
I began to chat privately with him posing as a young girl who had every intention of meeting him one day — but not the way he thought. This gentleman was sick to say the least. My 15-year-old instincts wanted to do the world justice. I wanted to burn this guy so bad he would think twice about fishing for kids again. I tried on many occasions to send him the Trojan, but he was smarter than me. He had anti-virus software installed that blocked my every attempt. The funny thing was he never suspected me of being malicious. He thought that perhaps my computer was infected and it was attaching itself to the pictures I attempted to send. I just played dumb.
After a few days of chatting, he began to get pushier. He wanted dirty pictures of me and he told me he loved me and wanted to meet me. He was a first class scumbag and just the perfect target to burn without remorse if I could just get in. I had gathered enough information about him to gain access to a few of his email accounts. You know those secret questions they ask you? “What is your favorite color?” “What is your mother’s maiden name?” All I had to do was fish this information out of him and voila I was in.
The stuff he was up to was highly illegal. Let’s just say lots of pornography with children of varying ages. I was sickened.
Then it dawned on me. If he wouldn’t accept the Trojan from me maybe he would accept it from one of his porn buddies. I spoofed an email address and wrote a short message.
I thought for sure he was going to catch on and I waited patiently all afternoon for him to check the email. I had given up. I wasn’t meant for this [social engineering] stuff.
Then at about 11 p.m. that night it happened. I got the message triggered by my Trojan to tell me it had installed on his machine. I had done it!
I gained access and immediately began copying evidence into a folder [I created on his computer]; I named it “jailbait.” I learned all kinds of information about this guy. His name, address, where he worked, and even what documents he was working on at the time.
I couldn’t just call the FBI or the local police [because I was afraid just knowing about the material on that man’s computer] would land me in jail, and I was scared. After some more poking and prodding I learned he was married and he had kids. This was horrible.
I did the only thing I knew to do. I sent his wife an email with all the information she needed to access the jailbait file. I then covered my tracks and unloaded the Trojan.
That was my first taste of exploitation of not only code, but emotions to get something done. Once I had access, I realized it wasn’t all it was cut out to be. It required more than just knowledge, it required cunning, lying, manipulating and hard work. But it was worth every ounce of energy to burn that asshole. I felt like a king at 15. And I couldn’t tell a single soul.
But I wish I would have never seen the things I did.


It’s clear from many of the stories in this book that most hackers take years developing their knowledge. So it always seems remarkable to me when I run across an exploit involving hacker-type thinking carried out by someone with no background in hacking. This is one of those.
At the time of this incident, John was college senior majoring in Computer Science, and found an intern position at a local electric and gas company so that on graduation he’d have not just a degree but some experience. The company put him to work performing Lotus Notes upgrades for the employees. Each time he called someone to set up an appointment, he’d ask them for their Lotus Notes password so he could perform the upgrade. People had no hesitation in providing the information.
Sometimes, though, he would find himself playing voicemail tag and end up with a scheduled appointment but no opportunity to ask for the password in advance. You know what’s coming, and he figured it out for himself: “I found that 80 percent of the people had never changed their password from when Notes had been installed on their system, so my first try was ‘pass.’”
If that failed, John would drift around the person’s cubicle and take a little look-see for a Post-it note with all their passwords, generally stuck right in plain view on the monitor, or else hidden (if that’s an appropriate word) under the keyboard or in their top drawer.
And, if that approach still left him empty-handed, he had one more card to play. “My last line of attack was studying the personal items in their cubicle. Anything that would give a clue to children’s names, pets, hobbies, and the like.” Several guesses was most often all it took.
One time, though, was harder than usual. “I still remember one woman’s password was giving me a hard time until I noticed that every picture had a motorcycle in it.” On a hunch, he tried “harley” . . . and got in.
Tickled by the success, he started keeping track. “I made a game of it and got in more than 90 percent of the time, spending less than ten minutes on each one. Those that eluded me generally turned out to be simple information that I could have found with deeper research — most often, children’s birthdays.”
It turned out to be a profitable internship, one that “not only provided me with some resumé fodder, but also taught me how our first line of defensive against hackers is also our weakest: the users themselves and their password choices.”
And that seems like a powerful message to end with. If every computer user were to improve his or her passwords tonight — and not leave new passwords in some easy-to-find place — then tomorrow morning, we would suddenly find ourselves living in a much more secure world.
We hope that will be an action message for every reader of this book.


1 CNet, “Lost World, LAPD: Hacks or Hoaxes?,” by Janet Kornblum, May 30, 1997.
2 CNet, “The Ten Most Subversive Hacks,” by Matt Lake, October 27, 1999.
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