Chris Conlan

The Blender Python API

Precision 3D Modeling and Add-on Development

Chris Conlan

Bethesda, Maryland, USA

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ISBN 978-1-4842-2801-2

e-ISBN 978-1-4842-2802-9

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-2802-9

Library of Congress Control Number: 2017944928

© Chris Conlan 2017

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For my teachers and colleagues at the University of Virginia Department of Statistics.


This text details the development and use of 3D modeling tools in Blender’s Python API. We challenge the perception of Blender as purely an artist’s tool by building precise data-driven models. Simultaneously, we teach you how aid and enable artists by deploying custom tools in the familiar Blender environment.

The knowledge presented in this text is the result of a deep understanding of not only Blender’s documentation and source code, but also of the source code of add-ons written by Blender’s core developers. The author has discovered many useful functionalities that are, as of the time of writing, undocumented. Thankfully, we as users can stay on the cutting edge by listening to and learning from those developers. This text unifies well-documented introductory material and undocumented advanced material to create a powerful reference.

This book is packed with code examples and screenshots of powerful scripts and add-ons. We include scripts to automate precise tasks that would otherwise be very difficult to implement by hand. In addition, we build add-ons that augment Blender’s existing functionalities with new tools, objects, and customization options.


3D modeling is the art of manipulating data to create 3D representations of objects and environments. 3D artists use the following tools and techniques to build 3D models.

  • Manual modeling involves the artist interacting with a software interface. This can be:

    • Using a 3D modeling suite (Blender, Maya, or 3ds Max) to create and edit objects by hand

    • Playing video games with 3D building elements (Minecraft, Fallout 4, or Sims)

    • Manually inputting data into a 3D object file (.obj, .stl, or .glTF)

  • Automated Modeling involves algorithmically generating 3D models. This can be:

    • Procedural generation of environments and characters in video games

    • Generating detailed models of buildings from architectural specifications

    • Producing 3D-printed art from fractal algorithms

  • Primitives are the basic building blocks of 3D models. Though there are no strict rules on what constitutes a primitive, these can be:

    • Simple closed shapes like planes, cubes, and pyramids

    • Simple curved shapes like spheres, cylinders, and cones

    • Complex shapes like tori (plural of torus), Bezier curves, Nurbs surfaces

3D models are data representations of objects and environments. 3D models have the following components.

  • Data formats allow models to differentiate and specialize by application. Every type of 3D model has a format by which it is specified. These include:

    • Suite-specific formats like .blend for Blender, .3ds for 3ds Max, and .ma for Maya

    • Renderer-specific formats like .babylon for BabylonJS, .json geometry descriptor for 3JS, and .glsl for OpenGL shaders

    • Minimalistic interchange formats like .obj and .stl

  • Vertices and faces define the points and the surfaces connecting those points in 3D space.

    • Vertices are triplets of real numbers 3D space, or traditional ( x, y, z ) coordinates of each point of the object.

    • Faces are triplets of integers, where ( i, j, k ) represents the triangle in 3D space formed by the i -th, j -th, and k -th vertex.

Prerequisite Knowledge for This Book

This book covers Blender version 2.78c running Python 3.5.2. Most examples run on Blender 2.70 and greater, and the concepts apply to Blender generally. Nonetheless, it is recommended that readers use Blender 2.78c to best follow along. As we discuss the history and development of Blender and the Python language, we will point out programming practices that are not likely to work on past and future versions.

We assume a basic working knowledge of Blender and Python 3. Familiarity with any version of Blender 2.60 or greater is sufficient. Similarly, pure Python 2 programmers will have no problem following along.

Material Overview

This text introduces knowledge and sequentially builds on it to create more and more complete and complex software solutions. We introduce and discuss the following major topics.

Chapter 1 : The Blender Interface

There are many individual interfaces that make up Blender. The core interfaces are highly scriptable because almost every possible user interaction is tied directly to a Python function. We establish some familiarity with those parts of the interface especially important for Python programming.

The Blender interface will act as both the deployment and development environment for your software. We discuss unique considerations for programming and testing Python while remaining in the Blender interface.

In an effort to minimize usage of screenshots throughout this text, we introduce important vocabulary for discussing the Blender interface. Using this vocabulary, we can focus on Python code while allowing users to work in their own preferred layout of the Blender interface.

Chapter 2 : The bpy Module

The bpy module is the core of the Blender Python API. Learning to navigate this module will drastically improve your understanding both Blender and the API. Early in this book, we focus on classes within bpy that construct objects and manipulate their associated metadata. Later in the book, we access new classes in the bpy module that turn scripts into plugins.

The module itself is very verbose. Early scripts will appear both complicated and repetitive. After getting our feet wet with object creation and manipulation, we will begin adding useful function to a toolkit we will build throughout the book. We will store complex and commonly-used algorithms in the toolkit but encourage readers to commit core elements of the bpy module to memory. In this way, we create code that is both easy to write and easy to share.

Chapter 3 : The bmesh Module

The bmesh module is a relatively new module that attempts to simplify complex vertex-level manipulation of object data. For those readers familiar with Blender, most of the operations in bmesh will only run in Edit Mode and not Object Mode. This serves to enforce that the functions in bmesh are for granular changes rather than global transformation of the mesh data.

This module, in the author’s opinion, is what distinguishes the Blender Python API from other automated 3D modeling software. The bmesh module gives us algorithmic access to Blender’s large suite of Edit Mode tools for vertex-level, edge-level, and face-level object manipulation. It allows us to write procedural generation algorithms for very complex objects in hundreds instead of thousands of lines of code.

Chapter 4 : Topics in Modeling and Rendering

It is essential to anyone working in 3D modeling to have a basic understanding of the mechanisms we rely on to render and visualize our work product. We will discuss the basics of rendering pipelines and important rendering topics for Blender Python development. Many perceived bugs and strange behaviors in Blender and in visualizers to which we export are actually intended behaviors of renderers. We learn to detect and program around these behaviors to ensure we are creating highly portable models.

We discuss common and uncommon file formats, Z-fighting, normal vectors, the differences between software and hardware rendering, and much more. This will help us debug Python code based on behaviors we see in various rendering software.

Chapter 5 : Introduction to Add-On Development

Bridging the gap between a script and a distributable add-on can be a difficult process that relies on very specific development practices, careful code organization, and occasional meta-programming. Many of these concepts mirror standard Python module development practices, while many others rely on unique behaviors of Blender’s scripting interface.

We discuss GUI development, custom Blender data objects, bpy.types , and bpy.utils in detail here. We discuss organization of add-on files and ways to increase portability across different versions of Blender. At this point in the text, readers will be able to create add-ons that extend Blender to the benefit of modelers that do have Python experience.

Chapter 6 : The bgl and blf Modules

The bgl module is an OpenGL wrapper for Blender that is useful for marking up, measuring, and visualizing objects and data in the Blender interface. The blf module is for drawing text and fonts with the Blender interface and is rarely used without the bgl module. We touch on the bpy_extras and mathutils modules to aid us here.

These modules are incredibly useful for add-on development, because we can influence the data the user sees without affecting the models themselves. We introduce them at this point in the text because their effectiveness depends on the ability to run them as add-ons.

Chapter 7 : Advanced Add-On Development

Up to this point, we will have used Blender’s Text Editor to create scripts and add-ons. The Text Editor introduces various limitations on the form of our add-ons that we overcome here. We also discuss best practices for data storage and module management by citing popular community add-ons. We conclude this chapter with a discussion of advanced GUI development.

Chapter 8 : Textures and Rendering

Up to this point, we will have worked purely with meshes in Blender. In this chapter, we bring scenes to life with texturing and rendering. We discuss procedural uv -mapping, lighting placement, and camera positioning. With this discussion comes an overview of lighting types, camera perspective dynamics, and bounding box algorithms.

We conclude this chapter by procedurally rendering an arbitrary scene and providing a framework for automated rendering pipelines. We focus on still renderings in this chapter, but readers interested in automated animation will be able to extend the examples without difficulty.

History of Blender and Python

The relationship between the Blender interface and the Blender Python API is a rare one in the world of software development. It is typical for API-enabled platforms to treat users and developers as separate classes of citizens, complete with separate tools, separate environments, and separate goals. Blender, on the other hand, has erased the line between developers and users, making it easy for users to act as developers and vice versa.

The close relationship between developers and users is the product of wise early design decisions within Blender’s core development team. Before Blender was released as free open source software in August 2003 as version 2.26, the core development team released the Python API documentation for the then-premium version 2.25. Python 2.0 had just been released in October 2000, and Blender was already using it to manage calls from the interface to its C-level data structures.

Released in 2009, Blender 2.50 and forward would use pure Python to dispatch editing tasks to its lower-level algorithms and data structures. Every action on the user interface was linked to a Python function, and the user had the option of accessing and calling these functions from consoles and scripts.

As we moved through the early 2010s, Blender artists would become increasingly aware of the influence Python scripting had on the modeling experience. Certain add-ons would become “must-haves” for artists with interests in certain fields. Developers of other 3D modeling software were jumping on the opportunity to develop exporters to port Blender to their software. Today, Blender has its modularity to thank for its massive talent pool, well-paying career opportunities, and active development community.


  1. Chapter 1:​ The Blender Interface
    1. The Default Blender Interface
      1. 3D Viewport
      2. Header Menu
      3. Properties Window
      4. Tool Shelf and Tool Properties
      5. Timeline
    2. The Scripting Interface
      1. Text Editor
      2. Command Log
      3. Interactive Console
    3. Customizing the Interface
    4. Starting Blender from the Command Line (for Debugging)
    5. Running Our First Python Script
      1. Finding the Function
      2. Testing the Function
      3. Writing the Script
    6. Conclusion
  2. Chapter 2:​ The bpy Module
    1. Module Overview
      1. bpy.​ops
      2. bpy.​context
      3. bpy.​data
      4. bpy.​app
      5. bpy.​types, bpy.​utils, and bpy.​props
      6. bpy.​path
    2. Selection, Activation, and Specification
      1. Selecting an Object
      2. Activating an Object
      3. Specifying an Object (Accessing by Name)
    3. Pseudo-Circular Referencing and Abstraction
    4. Transformations with bpy
    5. Visualizing Multivariate Data with the Minimal Toolkit
      1. Visualizing Three Dimensions of Data
      2. Visualizing Four Dimensions of Data
      3. Visualizing Five Dimensions of Data
      4. Discussion
    6. Conclusion
  3. Chapter 3:​ The bmesh Module
    1. Edit Mode
    2. Selecting Vertices, Edges, and Planes
      1. Switching Between Edit and Object Modes Consistently
      2. Instantiating a bmesh Object
      3. Selecting Parts of a 3D Object
    3. Edit Mode Transformations
      1. Basic Transformations
      2. Advanced Transformations
    4. Note on Indexing and Cross-Compatibility
    5. Global and Local Coordinates
    6. Selecting Vertices, Edges, and Faces by Location
    7. Checkpoint and Examples
    8. Conclusion
  4. Chapter 4:​ Topics in Modeling and Rendering
    1. Specifying a 3D Model
      1. Specifying Meshes
      2. Specifying Textures
    2. Common File Formats
      1. Wavefront (.​obj and .​mtl)
      2. STL (STereoLithograph​y)
      3. PLY (Polygon File Format)
      4. Blender (.​blend) Files and Interchange Formats
    3. Minimal Specification of Basic Objects
      1. Definition of a Cube
      2. Naive Specification
      3. Using Indices to Share Vertices and Normals
      4. Using Coplanar Vertices to Reduce Face Count
      5. Using Face Vertices to Simplify Indices
      6. Representing a Cube as a Primitive
      7. Summary
    4. Common Errors in Procedural Generation
      1. Concentric Normals
      2. Flipped Normals
      3. Z-Fighting
    5. Conclusion
  5. Chapter 5:​ Introduction to Add-On Development
    1. A Simple Add-On Template
    2. Components of Blender Add-Ons
      1. The bl_​info Dictionary
      2. Operators and Class Inheritance (bpy.​types.​Operator)
      3. Panels and Class Inheritance (bpy.​types.​Panel)
      4. Register() and Unregister()
      5. Scene Properties and bpy.​props
    3. Precision Selection Add-On Example
      1. Code Overview for Our Add-On
      2. The poll() Classmethod
      3. EnumProperty Variables
      4. Preparing Our Add-On for Distribution
    4. Conclusion
  6. Chapter 6:​ The bgl and blf Modules
    1. Instantaneous Drawing
    2. Handlers Overview
      1. Clock Example
      2. Managing Handlers
      3. Types of Handlers
      4. Persistent Handlers
    3. Handlers in blf and bgl
    4. Example Add-On
      1. Drawing Lines and Text
      2. Declaring Button-Activated Drawing Functions
      3. Declare Main Drawing Function
      4. Declaring the Operator with Handlers
      5. Declaring the Panel with Dynamic Drawing
    5. Extending our bgl and blf Template
    6. Conclusion
  7. Chapter 7:​ Advanced Add-On Development
    1. Developing in Blender’s Filesystem
      1. Creating an Add-on in the Filesystem
      2. Using F8 to Reload Add-Ons
      3. Important Takeaway
      4. Managing Imports
    2. IDEs for In-Filesystem Development
      1. Lightweight (Notepad++, Gedit, and Vim)
      2. Midweight (Sublime Text, Atom, and Spyder)
      3. Heavyweight (Eclipse PyDev, PyCharm, and NetBeans)
      4. Compiling Blender as a Python Module
      5. Summary
    3. Best Practices for External Data
      1. Using File Interchange Formats
      2. Using Hardcoded Python Variables
      3. Algorithmic Manipulation of Primitives
      4. Summary
    4. Advanced Panel Creation
      1. Panel Organization
      2. Panel Icons
    5. Conclusion
  8. Chapter 8:​ Textures and Rendering
    1. Vocabulary of Textures
      1. Types of Influence in Blender
      2. Types of Textures in Blender
    2. Adding and Configuring Textures
      1. Loading Textures and Generating UV Mappings
      2. Textures Versus Materials in Blender
      3. UV Coordinates and Loops
      4. Another Note on Indexing and Cross-Compatibility
    3. Removing Unused Textures and Materials
    4. Rendering Using Blender Render
      1. Adding Lights
      2. Adding Cameras
      3. Rendering an Image
    5. Conclusion
  9. Index

About the Author and About the Technical Reviewer

About the Author


Chris Conlan began his career as an independent data scientist specializing in trading algorithms. He obtained his degree in statistics from the University of Virginia where he established himself as an expert in automated trading. His passion for intuitive data visualization introduced him to various 3D modeling and virtual reality suites that he hopes to better integrate into the lives of data scientists. He is currently managing development of private technology companies in high-frequency Forex, machine vision, and precision 3D modeling.

About the Technical Reviewer


Justin Mancusi attended the University of Virginia, where he obtained degrees in computer science and mathematics. In the past, he has worked as an independent consultant at the intersection of computing and statistics. He is experienced in a breadth of computational topics including advanced optimization, computational statistics, and stochastic processes.

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