The Rise of PF

If you have a taste for history, you probably already know that OpenBSD and the other BSDs[3] are direct descendants of the BSD system (sometimes referred to as BSD Unix), the operating system that contained the original reference implementation of the TCP/IP Internet protocols in the early 1980s.

As the research project behind BSD development started winding down in the early 1990s, the code was liberated for further development by small groups of enthusiasts around the world. Some of these enthusiasts were responsible for keeping vital parts of the emerging Internet’s infrastructure running reliably, and BSD development continued along parallel lines in several groups. The OpenBSD group became known as the most security-oriented of the BSDs. For its packet filtering needs, it used a subsystem called IPFilter, written by Darren Reed.

It shocked the OpenBSD community when Reed announced in early 2001 that IPFilter, which at that point was intimately integrated with OpenBSD, was not covered under the BSD license. Instead, it used almost a word-for-word copy of the license, omitting only the right to make changes to the code and distribute the result. The problem was that the OpenBSD version of IPFilter contained several changes and customizations, which, as it turned out, were not allowed under the license. As a result, IPFilter was removed from the OpenBSD source tree on May 29, 2001, and for a few weeks, the development version of OpenBSD (-current) did not include any firewalling software.

Fortunately, at this time, in Switzerland, Daniel Hartmeier had been performing some limited experiments involving kernel hacking in the networking code. He began by hooking a small function of his own into the networking stack and then making packets pass through it. Then he began thinking about filtering. When the license crisis happened, PF was already well under development. The first commit of the PF code was on Sunday, June 24, 2001, at 19:48:58 UTC. A few months of intense activity followed, and the resulting version of PF was launched as a default part of the OpenBSD 3.0 base system in December of 2001.[4] This version contained a rather complete implementation of packet filtering, including network address translation, with a configuration language that was similar enough to IPFilter’s that migrating to the new OpenBSD version did not pose major problems.[5]

PF proved to be well-developed software. In 2002, Hartmeier presented a USENIX paper with performance tests showing that the OpenBSD 3.1 PF performed equally well or better under stress than either IPFilter on OpenBSD 3.1 or iptables on Linux. In addition, tests run on the original PF from OpenBSD 3.0 showed mainly that the code had gained in efficiency from version 3.0 to version 3.1.[6]

The OpenBSD PF code, with a fresh packet-filtering engine written by experienced and security-oriented developers, naturally generated interest in the sister BSDs as well. The FreeBSD project gradually adopted PF, first as a package, and then from version 5.3 on, in the base system as one of three packet filtering systems. PF has also been included in NetBSD and DragonFly BSD.[7]

This book focuses on the PF version available in OpenBSD 4.8. I will note significant differences between that version and the ones integrated in other systems as appropriate.

If you’re ready to dive into PF configuration, you can jump to Chapter 2 to get started. If you want to spend a little more time getting your bearings in unfamiliar BSD territory, continue reading this chapter.

[3] If BSD does not sound familiar, here is a short explanation. The acronym expands to Berkeley Software Distribution and originally referred to a collection of useful software developed for the Unix operating system by staff and students at the University of California, Berkeley. Over time, the collection expanded into a complete operating system, which in turn became the forerunner of a family of systems, including OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, DragonFly BSD, and, by some definitions, even Apple’s Mac OS X. For a very readable explanation of what BSD is, see Greg Lehey’s “Explaining BSD” at (and, of course, the projects’ websites).

[4] The IPFilter copyright episode spurred the OpenBSD team to perform a license audit of the entire source tree and ports in order to avoid similar situations in the future. Several potential problems were resolved over the months that followed, resulting in the removal of a number of potential license pitfalls for everyone involved in free software development. Theo de Raadt summed up the effort in a message to the openbsd-misc mailing list on February 20, 2003. The initial drama of the license crisis had blown over, and the net gain was a new packet filtering system under a free license, with the best code quality available, as well as better free licenses for a large body of code in OpenBSD itself and in other widely used free software.

[5] Compatibility with IPFilter configurations was an early design goal for the PF developers, but it stopped being a priority once it could be safely assumed that all OpenBSD users had moved to PF (around the time OpenBSD 3.2 was released, if not earlier). You should not assume that an existing IPFilter configuration will work without changes with any version of PF. With the syntax changes introduced in OpenBSD 4.7, even upgrades from earlier PF versions will involve some conversion work.

[6] The article that provides the details of these tests is available from Daniel Hartmeier’s website. See

[7] At one point even a personal firewall product, Core Force, claimed to be based on PF. By early 2010, Core Security, the company that developed Core Force (, seemed to have shifted focus to other security areas such as penetration testing, but the product was still available for download.

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