Chapter 3. Into the Real World

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The previous chapter demonstrated the configuration for basic packet filtering on a single machine. In this chapter, we will build on that basic setup, but move into more conventional territory: the packet-filtering gateway. Although most of the items in this chapter are potentially useful in a single-machine setup, our main focus is to set up a gateway that forwards a selection of network traffic and handles common network services for a basic local network.

A Simple Gateway

We will start with building what you probably associate with the term firewall: a machine that acts as a gateway for at least one other machine. In addition to forwarding packets between its various networks, this machine’s mission will be to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in the network traffic it handles. That’s where our PF configuration comes in.

But before diving into the practical configuration details, we need to dip into some theory and flesh out some concepts. Bear with me; this will end up saving you some headaches I’ve seen on mailing lists and newsgroups all too often.

Keep It Simple: Avoid the Pitfalls of in, out, and on

In the single-machine setup, life is relatively simple. Traffic you create should either pass out to the rest of the world or be blocked by your filtering rules, and you get to decide what you want to let in from elsewhere.

When you set up a gateway, your perspective changes. You go from the “It’s me versus the network out there” mindset to “I’m the one who decides what to pass to or from all the networks I’m connected to.” The machine has several, or at least two, network interfaces, each connected to a separate network, and its primary function (or at least the one we’re interested in here) is to forward network traffic between networks.

It’s very reasonable to think that if you want traffic to pass from the network connected to re1 to hosts on the network connected to re0, you will need a rule like the following.[13]

pass in proto tcp on re1 from re1:network to re0:network 
                  port $ports keep state

However, one of the most common and most complained-about mistakes in firewall configuration is not realizing that the to keyword does not in itself guarantee passage to the end point. The to keyword here means only that a packet or connection must have a destination address that matches those criteria in order to match the rule. The rule we just wrote lets the traffic pass in to just the gateway itself, on the specific interface named in the rule. To allow the packets in a bit further and to move on to the next network, we need a matching rule that says something like this:

pass out proto tcp on re0 from re1:network to re0:network 
                     port $ports keep state

But please stop and take a moment to read those rules one more time. This last rule allows only packets with a destination in the network directly connected to re0 to pass, and nothing else. If that’s exactly what you want, fine. In other contexts, such rules are, while perfectly valid, more specific than the situation calls for. It’s very easy to let yourself dive deeply into specific details and lose the higher-level view of the configuration’s purpose, and maybe earn yourself a few extra rounds of debugging in the process.

If there are good reasons for writing very specific rules like the preceding ones, you probably already know that you need them and why. By the time you have finished this book (if not a bit earlier), you should be able to articulate the circumstances when more specific rules are needed. However, for the basic gateway configurations in this chapter, it is likely that you will want to write rules that are not interface-specific. In fact, in some cases, it is not useful to specify the direction either, and you would simply use a rule like the following to let your local network access the Internet.

pass proto tcp from re1:network to port $ports keep state

For simple setups, interface-bound in and out rules are likely to add more clutter to your rule sets than they are worth. For a busy network admin, a readable rule set is a safer one.

For the remainder of this book, with some exceptions, we will keep the rules as simple as possible for readability.

Network Address Translation vs. IPv6

Once we start handling traffic between separate networks, it’s useful to look at how network addresses work and why you are likely to come across several different addressing schemes. The subject of network addresses has been a rich source of both confusion and buzzwords over the years. The underlying facts are sometimes hard to establish, unless you go to the source and wade through a series of RFCs. Over the next few paragraphs, I will make an effort to clear up some of the confusion.

For example, a widely held belief is that if you have an internal network that uses a totally different address range than the one assigned to the interface attached to the Internet, you’re safe, and no one from the outside can get at your network resources. This belief is closely related to the idea that the IP address of your firewall in the local network must be either or

There is an element of truth in both notions, and those addresses are common defaults. But the real story is that it is possible to sniff one’s way past network address translation (although PF offers some tricks that make that task a little harder).

The real reason we use a specific set of internal address ranges and a different set of addresses for unique external address ranges is not primarily due to security concerns, but because it was the easiest way to work around a design problem in the Internet protocols: a limited range of possible addresses.

In the 1980s, when the Internet protocols were formulated, most computers on the Internet (or ARPANET, as it was known at the time) were large machines with anything from several dozen to several thousand users each. At the time, a 32-bit address space with more than four billion addresses seemed quite sufficient, but several factors have conspired to prove that assumption wrong. One factor is that the address-allocation process lead to a situation where the largest chunks of the available address space were already allocated before some of the world’s more populous nations even connected to the Internet. The other, and perhaps more significant, factor was that by the early 1990s, the Internet was no longer a research project, but rather a commercially available resource with consumers and companies of all sizes consuming IP address space at an alarming rate.

The long-term solution was to redefine the Internet to use a larger address space. In 1998, the specification for IPv6, with 128 bits of address space for a total of 2128 addresses, was published as RFC 2460. But while we were waiting for IPv6 to become generally available, we needed a stopgap solution. That solution came as a series of RFCs that specified how a gateway could forward traffic with IP addresses translated, so that a large local network would look like just one computer to the rest of the Internet. Certain previously unallocated IP address ranges were set aside for these private networks. These were free for anyone to use, on the condition that traffic in those ranges would not be allowed out on the Internet untranslated. Thus Network Address Translation (NAT) was born in the mid-1990s, and quickly became the default way to handle addressing in local networks.[14]

PF supports IPv6 as well as the various IPv4 address translation tricks. (In fact, the BSDs were among the earliest IPv6 adopters, thanks to the efforts of the KAME project.[15]) All systems that have PF also support both the IPv4 and the IPv6 address families. If your IPv4 network needs a NAT configuration, you can integrate the translation as needed in your PF rule set. In other words, if you are using a system that supports PF, you can rest assured that your IPv6 needs have been taken care of, at least on the operating system level.

The examples in this book use mainly IPv4 addresses and NAT where appropriate, but most of the material is equally relevant in networks that have implemented IPv6.

Final Preparations: Defining Your Local Network

In Chapter 2, we set up a configuration for a single, stand-alone machine. We are about to extend that configuration to a gateway version, and it’s useful to define a few more macros to help readability and to conceptually separate the local networks where you have a certain measure of control versus everything else. So how do you define your “local” network in PF terms?

Earlier in this chapter, you saw the interface:network notation. This is a nice piece of shorthand, but you can make your rule set even more readable and easier to maintain by taking the macro a bit further. For example, you could define a $localnet macro as the network directly attached to your internal interface (re1:network in our examples). Or you could change the definition of $localnet to an IP address/netmask notation to denote a network, such as for a subnet of private IPv4 addresses, or fec0:dead:beef::/64 for an IPv6 range.

If your network environment requires it, you could define your $localnet as a list of networks. For example, a sensible $localnet definition combined with pass rules that use the macro, such as the following, could end up saving you a few headaches.

pass proto { tcp, udp } from $localnet to port $ports

We will stick to the convention of using macros such as $localnet for readability from here on.

Setting Up a Gateway

We will take the single-machine configuration we built from the ground up in the previous chapter as our starting point for building our packet-filtering gateway. We assume that the machine has acquired another network card (or you have set up a network connection from your local network to one or more other networks, via Ethernet, PPP, or other means).

In our context, it is not too interesting to look at the details of how the interfaces are configured. We just need to know that the interfaces are up and running.

For the following discussion and examples, only the interface names will differ between a PPP setup and an Ethernet one, and we will do our best to get rid of the actual interface names as quickly as possible.

First, since packet forwarding is off by default in all BSDs, we need to turn it on in order to let the machine forward the network traffic it receives on one interface to other networks via one or more separate interfaces. Initially, we will do this on the command line with a sysctl command, for traditional IPv4:

# sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1

If we need to forward IPv6 traffic, we use this sysctl command:

# sysctl net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1

This is fine for now. However, in order for this to work once you reboot the computer at some time in the future, you need to enter these settings into the relevant configuration files.

In OpenBSD and NetBSD, you do this by editing /etc/sysctl.conf and adding or changing the IP forwarding lines to look like this:


In FreeBSD, make the change by putting these lines in your /etc/rc.conf:

gateway_enable="YES" #for ipv4
ipv6_gateway_enable="YES" #for ipv6

The net effect is identical; the FreeBSD rc script sets the two values via sysctl commands. However, a larger part of the FreeBSD configuration is centralized into the rc.conf file.

Now it’s time to check whether all of the interfaces you intend to use are up and running. Use ifconfig -a or ifconfig interface_name to find out.

The output of ifconfig -a on one of my systems looks like this:

$ ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 33224
        groups: lo
        inet netmask 0xff000000
        inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
        inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x5
        lladdr 00:60:97:83:4a:01
        groups: egress
        media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX full-duplex)
        status: active
        inet netmask 0xfffffff8 broadcast
        inet6 fe80::260:97ff:fe83:4a01%xl0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x1
        lladdr 00:30:05:03:fc:41
        media: Ethernet autoselect (100baseTX full-duplex)
        status: active
        inet netmask 0xffffffc0 broadcast
        inet6 fe80::230:5ff:fe03:fc41%fxp0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2
pflog0: flags=141<UP,RUNNING,PROMISC> mtu 33224
enc0: flags=0<> mtu 1536

Your setup is most likely somewhat different. Here, the physical interfaces on the gateway are xl0 and fxp0. The logical interfaces lo0 (the loopback interface), enc0 (the encapsulation interface for IPSEC use), and pflog0 (the PF logging device) are probably on your system, too.

If you are on a dial-up connection, you probably use some variant of PPP for the Internet connection, and your external interface is the tun0 pseudo-device. If your connection is via some sort of broadband connection, you may have an Ethernet interface to play with. However, if you are in the significant subset of ADSL users who use PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE), the correct external interface will be one of the pseudo-devices tun0 or pppoe0 (depending on whether you use userland pppoe(8) or kernel mode pppoe(4)), not the physical Ethernet interface.

Depending on your specific setup, you may need to do some other device-specific configuration for your interfaces. After you have that set up, you can move on to the TCP/IP level and deal with the packet-filtering configuration.

If you still intend to allow any traffic initiated by machines on the inside, your /etc/pf.conf for your initial gateway setup could look roughly like this:

ext_if = "re0" # macro for external interface - use tun0 or pppoe0 for PPPoE
int_if = "re1" # macro for internal interface
localnet = $int_if:network
# ext_if IP address could be dynamic, hence ($ext_if)
match out on $ext_if from $localnet nat-to ($ext_if)
block all
pass from { lo0, $localnet }

Note the use of macros to assign logical names to the network interfaces. Here, Realtek Ethernet cards are used, but this is the last time we will find this of any interest whatsoever in our context.

In truly simple setups like this one, we may not gain very much by using macros like these, but once the rule sets grow a little larger, you will learn to appreciate the readability they add.

Also note the match rule with nat-to. This is where you handle NAT from the nonroutable address inside your local network to the sole official address assigned to you. If your network uses official, routable addresses, you simply leave this line out of your configuration. The match rules, which were introduced in OpenBSD 4.6, can be used to apply actions when a connection matches the criteria without deciding whether a connection should be blocked or passed.

The parentheses surrounding the last part of the match rule ($ext_if) are there to compensate for the possibility that the IP address of the external interface may be dynamically assigned. This detail will ensure that your network traffic runs without serious interruptions, even if the interface’s IP address changes.

If your system runs a pre-OpenBSD 4.7 PF version, your first gateway rule set would look something like this:

ext_if = "re0" # macro for external interface - use tun0 or pppoe0 for PPPoE
int_if = "re1" # macro for internal interface
localnet = $int_if:network
# ext_if IP address could be dynamic, hence ($ext_if)
nat on $ext_if from $localnet to any -> ($ext_if)
block all
pass from { lo0, $localnet } to any keep state

The nat rule here handles the translation much like the match rule with nat-to in the previous example.

On the other hand, this rule set probably allows more traffic than what you actually want to pass out of your network. In one of the networks where I’ve done a bit of work, the main part of the rule set is based on a macro called client_out:

client_out = "{ ftp-data, ftp, ssh, domain, pop3, auth, nntp, http,
                https, 446, cvspserver, 2628, 5999, 8000, 8080 }"

It has this pass rule:

pass inet proto tcp from $localnet to port $client_out

This may be a somewhat peculiar selection of ports, but it’s exactly what my colleagues there needed at the time. Some of the numbered ports were needed for systems that were set up for specific purposes at other sites. Your needs probably differ at least in some details, but this should cover some of the more useful services.

Here’s another pass rule that is useful to those who want the ability to administer machines from elsewhere:

pass in inet proto tcp to port ssh

Or use this form, if you prefer:

pass in inet proto tcp to $ext_if port ssh

When you leave out the from part entirely, the default used is from any, which is really quite permissive. It lets you log in from anywhere, which is great if you travel a lot and need SSH access from unknown locations around the world. If you’re not all that mobile—say you haven’t quite developed the taste for conferences in far-flung locations or you really want to leave your colleagues to fend for themselves while you’re on vacation—you may want to tighten up with a from part that includes only the places where you and other administrators are likely to log in from for legitimate reasons.

Our very basic rule set is still not complete. Next, we need to make the name service work for our clients. We start with another macro at the start of our rule set.

udp_services = "{ domain, ntp }"

This is supplemented with a rule that passes the traffic we want through our firewall:

pass quick inet proto { tcp, udp } to port $udp_services

Note the quick keyword in this rule. We have started writing rule sets that consist of several rules, and it is time to revisit the relationships and interactions between them.

As noted in the previous chapter, the rules are evaluated from top to bottom, in the sequence they are written in the configuration file. For each packet or connection evaluated by PF, the last matching rule in the rule set is the one that is applied.

The quick keyword offers an escape from the ordinary sequence. When a packet matches a quick rule, the packet is treated according to the present rule. The rule processing stops without considering any further rules that might have matched the packet. As your rule sets grow longer and more complicated, you will find this quite handy. For example, it’s useful when you need a few isolated exceptions to your general rules.

This quick rule also takes care of NTP, which is used for time synchronization. Common to both the name service and time synchronization protocols is that they may, under certain circumstances, communicate alternately over TCP and UDP.

Testing Your Rule Set

You may not have gotten around to writing that formal test suite for your rule sets just yet, but there is every reason to test that your configuration works as expected.

The same basic tests in the stand-alone example from the previous chapter still apply. But now you need to test from the other hosts in your network as well as from your packet-filtering gateway. For each of the services you specified in your pass rules, test that machines in your local network get meaningful results. From any machine in your local network, enter a command like this:

$ host

It should return exactly the same results as when you tested the stand-alone rule set in the previous chapter, and traffic for the services you have specified should pass.[16]

You may not think it’s necessary, but it does not hurt to check that the rule set works as expected from outside your gateway as well. If you have done exactly what this chapter says so far, it should not be possible to contact machines in your local network from the outside.

[13] In fact, the keep state part denotes the default behavior and is redundant if you are working with a PF version taken from OpenBSD 4.1 or later. However, there is generally no need to remove the specification from existing rules you come across when upgrading from earlier versions. To ease transition, the examples in this book will make this distinction when needed.

[14] RFC 1631, “The IP Network Address Translator (NAT),” dated May 1994, and RFC 1918, “Address Allocation for Private Internets,” dated February 1996, provide the details about NAT.

[15] To quote the project home page at, “The KAME project was a joint effort of six companies in Japan to provide a free stack of IPv6, IPsec, and Mobile IPv6 for BSD variants.” The main research and development activities were considered complete in March 2006, with only maintenance activity continuing, now that the important parts have been incorporated into the relevant systems.

[16] Unless, of course, the information changed in the meantime. Some sysadmins are fond of practical jokes, but most of the time changes in DNS zone information are due to real-world needs in that particular organization or network.

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