Filtering on Interface Groups

Your network could have several subnets that may never need to interact with your local network except for some common services like email, web, file, and print. How you handle the traffic from and to such subnets depends on how your network is designed. One useful approach is to treat each less-privileged network as a separate local network attached to its own separate interface on a common filtering gateway, and then give it a rule set that allows only the desired direct interaction with the neighboring networks attached to the main gateway.

You can make your PF configuration more manageable and readable by grouping logically similar interfaces into interface groups and apply filtering rules to the groups rather than the individual interfaces. Interface groups, as implemented via the ifconfig group option, originally appeared in OpenBSD 3.6 and have been adopted in FreeBSD 7.0 onward.

All configured network interfaces can be configured to belong to one or more groups. Some interfaces automatically belong to one of the default groups. For example, all IEEE 802.11 wireless network interfaces belong to the wlan group, while interfaces associated with the default routes belong to the egress group. Fortunately, an interface can be a member of several groups, and you can add interfaces to interface groups via the appropriate ifconfig command, as in this example:

# ifconfig sis2 group untrusted

The equivalent under OpenBSD would be in the hostname.sis2 file or the ifconfig_sis2= line in the rc.conf file on FreeBSD 7.0 or later.

Where it makes sense, you can then treat the interface group much the same as you would handle a single interface in filtering rules:

pass in on untrusted to any port $webports
pass out on egress to any port $webports

If by now you’re thinking that in most, if not all, the rule set examples up to this point it would be possible to filter on the group egress instead of the macro $ext_if, you have grasped an important point. It could be a useful exercise to go through any existing rule sets you have and see what using interface groups can do to help readability even further. Remember that an interface group can have one or more members.

Note that filtering on interface groups makes it possible to write essentially hardware-independent rule sets. As long as your hostname.if files or ifconfig_if= lines put the interfaces in the correct groups, rule sets that consistently filter on interface groups will be fully portable between machines that may or may not have identical hardware configurations.

On systems where the interface group feature is not available, you may be able to achieve some of the same effects via creative use of macros, like this:

untrusted = "{ ath0 ath1 wi0 ep0 }"
egress = "sk0"
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