Know Your Network and Stay in Control

The recurring theme in this book has been how PF and related tools make it relatively easy for you, as the network administrator, to take control of your network and make it behave the way you want it to behave. In other words, build the network you need.

Running a network can be fun, and I hope you have enjoyed this tour of what I consider to be the best tool available for network security. In presenting PF, I have made a conscious decision early on to introduce you to the methods and ways of thinking via interesting and useful configurations, rather than offer a full catalog of available features, or for that matter, make this book the complete reference. The complete PF reference already exists in the man pages, which are updated every six months with the new OpenBSD releases. You can also find further information in the resources I’ve listed in Appendix A.

Now that you have a broad basic knowledge of what PF can do, you can start building the network according to your own ideas of what you need. You have reached the point where you can find your way around the man pages and locate the exact information you need. This is when the fun part starts!

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