Chapter 10. Special Containers

The C++ standard library provides not only the containers for the STL framework, but also some containers that fit some special needs and provide simple, almost self-explanatory interfaces. You can group these containers into

  • The so-called container adapters

    These containers adapt standard STL containers to fit special needs. There are three standard container adapters:

    1. Stacks

    2. Queues

    3. Priority queues

    Priority queues are queues in which the elements are sorted automatically according to a sorting criterion. Thus, the "next" element of a priority queue is the element with the "highest" value.

  • A special container, called a bitset

    A bitset is a bitfield with an arbitrary but fixed number of bits. You can consider it a container for bits or Boolean values. Note that the C++ standard library also provides a special container with a variable size for Boolean values: vector<bool>. It is described in Section 6.2.6.


The class stack<> implements a stack (also known as LIFO). With push(), you can insert any number of elements into the stack (Figure 10.1). With pop(), you can remove the elements in the opposite order in which they were inserted ("last in, first out").

Interface of a Stack

Figure 10.1. Interface of a Stack

To use a stack, you have to include the header file <stack>[1]:

   #include <stack>

In <stack>, the class stack is defined as follows:

   namespace std {
       template <class T,
                 class Container = deque<T> >
       class stack;

The first template parameter is the type of the elements. The optional second template parameter defines the container that is used internally by the stack for its elements. The default container is a deque. It was chosen because, unlike vectors, deques free their memory when elements are removed and don't have to copy all elements on reallocation (see Section 6.9, for a discussion of when to use which container).

For example, the following declaration defines a stack of integers[2]:

   std::stack<int> st;     // integer stack

The stack implementation simply maps the operations into appropriate calls of the container that is used internally (Figure 10.2). You can use any sequence container class that provides the member functions back(), push_back(), and pop_back(). For example, you could also use a vector or a list as the container for the elements:

Internal Interface of a Stack

Figure 10.2. Internal Interface of a Stack

   std::stack<int,std::vector<int> > st;     // integer stack that uses a vector

The Core Interface

The core interface of stacks is provided by the member functions push(), top(), and pop():

  • push() inserts an element into the stack.

  • top() returns the next element in the stack.

  • pop() removes an element from the stack.

Note that pop() removes the next element but does not return it, whereas top() returns the next element without removing it. Thus, you must always call both functions to process and remove the next element from the stack. This interface is somewhat inconvenient, but it performs better if you only want to remove the next element without processing it. Note that the behavior of top() and pop() is undefined if the stack contains no elements. To check whether the stack contains elements, the member functions size() and empty() are provided.

If you don't like the standard interface of stack<>, you can easily write a more convenient interface. See Section 10.1.4, for an example.

Example of Using Stacks

The following program demonstrates the use of class stack<>:

// cont/stack1.cpp

   #include <iostream>
   #include <stack>
   using namespace std;

   int main()

       stack<int> st;

       // push three elements into the stack

       // pop and print two elements from the stack
       cout << << ' ';
       st.pop() ;
       cout << << ' ';
       st.pop() ;

       // modify top element = 77;

       // push two new elements

       // pop one element without processing it
       st.pop() ;

       // pop and print remaining elements
       while (!st.empty()) {
           cout << << ' ';
           st.pop() ;
       cout << endl;

The output of the program is as follows:

   3  2  4  77

Class stack<> in Detail

The stack<> interface is so small, you can understand it easily by reading its typical implementation:

   namespace std {
      template <class T, class Container = deque<T> >
      class stack {
          typedef typename Container::value_type value_type;
          typedef typename Container::size_type  size_type;
          typedef          Container             container_type;
            Container c;     // container
            explicit stack(const Container& = Container());

            bool        empty() const             { return c.empty(); }
            size_type   size()    const           { return c.size(); }
            void push   (const value_type& x)     { c.push_back(x); }
            void        pop()                     { c.pop_back(); }
            value_type& top()                     { return c.back(); }
            const value_type& top() const         { return c.back(); }

      template <class T, class Container>
        bool operator==(const stack<T, Container>&,
                        const stack<T, Container>&);
      template <class T, class Container>
        bool operator< (const stack<T, Container>&,
                        const stack<T, Container>&);
      ...// (other comparison operators)

The following subsections describe the members and operations in detail.

Type Definitions

stack:: value_type

  • The type of the elements.

  • It is equivalent to container:: value_type.

stack:: size_type

  • The unsigned integral type for size values.

  • It is equivalent to container:: size_type.

stack:: container_type

  • The type of the container.


stack::stack ()

  • The default constructor.

  • Creates an empty stack.

explicit stack:: stack (const Container& cont)

  • Creates a stack that is initialized by the elements of cont.

  • All elements of cont are copied.

size_type stack::size () const

  • Returns the current number of elements.

  • To check whether the stack is empty (contains no elements), use empty() because it might be faster.

bool stack::empty () const

  • Returns whether the stack is empty (contains no elements).

  • It is equivalent to stack:: size()==0, but it might be faster.

void stack::push (const value_type& elem)

  • Inserts a copy of elem as the new first element in the stack.

value_type& stack::top ()

const value_type& stack::top () const

  • Both forms return the next element of the stack. The next element is the element that was inserted last (after all other elements in the stack).

  • The caller has to ensure that the stack contains an element (size()>0); otherwise, the behavior is undefined.

  • The first form for nonconstant stacks returns a reference. Thus, you could modify the next element while it is in the stack. It is up to you to decide whether this is good style.

void stack::pop ()

  • Removes the next element from the stack. The next element is the element that was inserted last (after all other elements in the stack).

  • This function has no return value. To process this next element, you must call top() first.

  • The caller must ensure that the stack contains an element (size()>0); otherwise, the behavior is undefined.

bool comparison (const stack&. stack1, const stack& stack2)

  • Returns the result of the comparison of two stacks of the same type.

  • comparison might be any of the following:

      operator ==
      operator !=
      operator <
      operator >
      operator <=
      operator >=
  • Two stacks are equal if they have the same number of elements and contain the same elements in the same order (all comparisons of two corresponding elements must yield true).

  • To check whether a stack is less than another stack, the stacks are compared lexicographically. See the description of the lexicographical_compare() algorithm on page 360.

A User-Defined Stack Class

The standard class stack<> prefers speed over convenience and safety. This is not what I usually prefer. I have written my own stack class. It has the following two advantages:

  1. pop() returns the next element.

  2. pop() and top() throw exceptions when the stack is empty.

In addition, I have skipped the members that are not necessary for the ordinary stack user, such as the comparison operations. My stack class is defined as follows:

// cont/Stack.hpp
/* ************************************************************
* Stack.hpp
*  - safer and more convenient stack class
* ************************************************************/

    #ifndef STACK_HPP
    #define STACK_HPP

    #include <deque>
    #include <exception>

    template <class T>
    class Stack {
        std::deque<T> c;        // container for the elements

        /* exception class for pop() and top() with empty stack
       class ReadEmptyStack : public std::exception {
           virtual const char* what() const throw() {
               return "read empty stack";

       // number of elements
       typename std::deque<T>::size_type size() const {
           return c.size();

       // is stack empty?
       bool empty() const {
           return c.empty();

       // push element into the stack
       void push (const T& elem) {
           c.push_back(elem) ;

       // pop element out of the stack and return its value
       T pop () {
           if (c.empty()) {
               throw ReadEmptyStack();
           T elem(c.back());
           return elem;

       // return value of next element
       T& top () {
           if (c.empty()) {
               throw ReadEmptyStack();
           return c.back() ;

   #endif /* STACK_HPP */

With this stack class, the previous stack example could be written as follows:

// cont/stack 2.cpp

   #include <iostream>
   #include "Stack.hpp"          // use special stack class
   using namespace std;

   int main()
      try {
         Stack<int> st;

         // push three elements into the stack

         // pop and print two elements from the stack
         cout << st.pop() << ' ';
         cout << st.pop() << ' ';

         // modify top element = 77;

         // push two new elements

         // pop one element without processing it

         /* pop and print three elements
 * - ERROR: one element too many
         cout << st.pop() << ' ';
         cout << st.pop() << endl;
         cout << st.pop() << endl;
      catch (const exception& e) {
         cerr << "EXCEPTION: " << e.what() << endl;

The additional final call of pop() forces an error. Unlike the standard stack class, this one throws an exception rather than resulting in undefined behavior. The output of the program is as follows:

   3 2 4 77
   EXCEPTION: read empty stack


The class queue<> implements a queue (also known as FIFO). With push(), you can insert any number of elements (Figure 10.3). With pop(), you can remove the elements in the same order in which they were inserted ("first in, first out"). Thus, a queue serves as a classic data buffer.

Interface of a Queue

Figure 10.3. Interface of a Queue

To use a queue, you must include the header file <queue>[3]:

   #include <queue>

In <queue>, the class queue is defined as follows:

   namespace std {
       template <class T,
                 class Container = deque<T> >
       class queue;

The first template parameter is the type of the elements. The optional second template parameter defines the container that is used internally by the queue for its elements. The default container is a deque.

For example, the following declaration defines a queue of strings[4]:

   std::queue<std::string> buffer;      // string queue

The queue implementation simply maps the operations into appropriate calls of the container that is used internally (Figure 10.4). You can use any sequence container class that provides the member functions front(), back(), push_back(), and pop_front(). For example, you could also use a list as the container for the elements:

Internal Interface of a Queue

Figure 10.4. Internal Interface of a Queue

   std::queue<std::string,std::list<std::string> > buffer;

The Core Interface

The core interface of queues is provided by the member functions push(), front(), back() and pop():

  • push() inserts an element into the queue.

  • front() returns the next element in the queue (the element that was inserted first).

  • back() returns the last element in the queue (the element that was inserted last).

  • pop() removes an element from the queue.

Note that pop() removes the next element but does not return it, whereas front() and back() return the next element without removing it. Thus, you must always call front() and pop() to process and remove the next element from the queue. This interface is somewhat inconvenient, but it performs better if you only want to remove the next element without processing it. Note that the behavior of front(), back(), and pop() is undefined if the queue contains no elements. To check whether the queue contains elements, the member functions size() and empty() are provided.

If you don't like the standard interface of queue<>, you can easily write a more convenient interface. See Section 10.2.4, for an example.

Example of Using Queues

The following program demonstrates the use of class queue<>:

// cont/queue1.cpp

    #include <iostream>
    #include <queue>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;

    int main()

        queue<string> q;

        // insert three elements into the queue
        q.push("These ");
        q.push("are ");
        q.push("more than ");

        // read and print two elements from the queue
        cout << q.front();
        cout << q.front();

        // insert two new elements
        q.push("four ");
        // skip one element

        // read and print two elements
        cout << q.front();
        cout << q.front() << endl;

        //print number of elements in the queue
        cout << "number of elements in the queue: " << q.size()
             << endl;

The output of the program is as follows:

   These are four words!
   number of elements in the queue: 0

Class queue<> in Detail

Similar to stack<>, the typical queue<> implementation is rather self-explanatory:

   namespace std {
       template <class T, class Container = deque<T> >
       class queue {
           typedef typename Container::value_type value_type;
           typedef typename Container::size_type size_type;
           typedef          Container            container_type;
           Container c;     // container
           explicit queue(const Container& = Container());

           bool     empty() const              { return c.empty(); }
           size_type size() const              { return c.size(); }
           void     push(const value_type& x)  { c.push_back(x); }
           void     pop()                      { c.pop_front(); }
           value_type&      front()            { return c.front(); }
           const value_type& front()const      { return c.front(); }
           value_type&       back()            { return c.back(); }
           const value_type& back() const      { return c.back(); }

       template <class T, class Container>
         bool operator==(const queue<T, Container>&,
                         const queue<T, Container>&);
       template <class T, class Container>
         bool operator< (const queue<T, Container>&,
                         const queue<T, Container>&);
         //(other comparison operators)

The following subsections describe the members and operations in detail.

Type Definitions


  • The type of the elements.

  • It is equivalent to container:: value_type.


  • The unsigned integral type for size values.

  • It is equivalent to container::size_type.

queue:: container_type

  • The type of the container.


queue::queue ()

  • The default constructor.

  • Creates an empty queue.

explicit queue::queue (const Container& cont)

  • Creates a queue that is initialized by the elements of cont.

  • All elements of cont are copied.

size_type queue::size () const

  • Returns the current number of elements.

  • To check whether the queue is empty (contains no elements), use empty() because it might be faster.

bool queue::empty () const

  • Returns whether the queue is empty (contains no elements).

  • It is equivalent to queue::size()==0, but it might be faster.

void queue::push (const value_type& elem)

  • Insert a copy of elem as the new last element in the queue.

value_type& queue::front ()

const value_type& queue::front () const

  • Both forms return next element of the queue. The next element is the element that was inserted first (before all other elements in the queue).

  • The caller has to ensure that the queue contains an element (size()>0); otherwise, the behavior is undefined.

  • The first form for nonconstant queues returns a reference. Thus, you could modify the next element while it is in the queue. It is up to you to decide whether this is good style.

value_type& queue::back ()

const value_type& queue::back () const

  • Both forms return the last element of the queue. The last element is the element that was inserted last (after all other elements in the queue).

  • The caller must ensure that the queue contains an element (size()>0); otherwise, the behavior is undefined.

  • The first form for nonconstant queues returns a reference. Thus, you could modify the last element while it is in the queue. It is up to you to decide whether this is good style.

void queue::pop ()

  • Removes the next element from the queue. The next element is the element that was inserted first (before all other elements in the queue).

  • Note that this function has no return value. To process the next element, you must call front() first.

  • The caller must ensure that the queue contains an element (size()>0); otherwise, the behavior is undefined.

bool comparison (const queue& queue1, const queue& queue2)

  • Returns the result of the comparison of two queues of the same type.

  • comparison might be any of the following:

      operator ==
      operator !=
      operator <
      operator >
      operator <=
      operator >=
  • Two queues are equal if they have the same number of elements and contain the same elements in the same order (all comparisons of two corresponding elements must yield true).

  • To check whether a queue is less than another queue, the queues are compared lexicographically. See the description of the lexicographical_compare() algorithm on page 360.

A User-Defined Queue Class

The standard class queue<> prefers speed over convenience and safety. This is not what I usually prefer. I have written my own queue class. It has the following two advantages:

  1. pop() returns the next element.

  2. pop() and front() throw exceptions when the queue is empty.

In addition, I have skipped the members that are not necessary for the ordinary queue user, such as the comparison operations and the back() member function. My queue class is defined as follows:

// cont/Queue.hpp

    /* ************************************************************
     * Queue.hpp
* -safer and more convenient queue class
     * ************************************************************

    #ifndef QUEUE_HPP
    #define QUEUE_HPP

    #include <deque>
    #include <exception>
    template <class T>
    class Queue {
        std::deque<T> c;             // container for the elements

        /* exception class for pop() and top() with empty queue
       class ReadEmptyQueue : public std::exception {
            virtual const char* what() const throw() {
                return "read empty queue";

       // number of elements
       typename std::deque<T>::size_type size() const {
           return c.size();

       //is queue empty?
       bool empty() const {
           return c.empty();

       // insert element into the queue
       void push (const T& elem) {

       // read element from the queue and return its value
       T pop () {
           if (c.empty()) {
               throw ReadEmptyQueue();
           T elem(c.front());
           return elem;

       // return value of next element
       T& front () {
           if (c.empty()) {
               throw ReadEmptyQueue();
           return c.front();

       #endif /* QUEUE_HPP */

With this queue class, the previous queue example could be written as follows:

// cont/queue 2.cpp

   #include <iostream>
   #include <string>
   #include "Queue.hpp"          // use special queue class
   using namespace std;

   int main()
      try {
         Queue<string> q;

         // insert three elements into the queue
         q.push("These ");
         q.push(''are ");
         q.push(''more than ");

         // read and print two elements from the queue
         cout << q.pop();
         cout << q.pop();

         // push two new elements
         q.push("four ");

         // skip one element

         // read and print two elements from the queue
         cout << q.pop();
         cout << q.pop() << endl;

         // print number of remaining elements
         cout << "number of elements in the queue: " << q.size()
              << endl;

         // read and print one element
         cout << q.pop () << endl;
      catch (const exception& e) {
         cerr << "EXCEPTION: " << e.what() << endl;

The additional final call of pop() forces an error. Unlike the standard queue class, this one throws an exception rather than resulting in undefined behavior. The output of the program is as follows:

   These are four words!
   number of elements in the queue: 0
   EXCEPTION: read empty queue

Priority Queues

The class priority_queue<> implements a queue from which elements are read according to their priority. The interface is similar to queues. That is, push() inserts an element into the queue, whereas top() and pop() access and remove the next element (Figure 10.5). However, the next element is not the first inserted element. Rather, it is the element that has the highest priority. Thus, elements are partially sorted according to their value. As usual, you can provide the sorting criterion as a template parameter. By default, the elements are sorted by using operator < in descending order. Thus, the next element is always the "highest" element. If more than one "highest" element exists, which element comes next is undefined.

Interface of a Priority Queue

Figure 10.5. Interface of a Priority Queue

Priority queues are defined in the same header file as ordinary queues, <queue>[5]:

    #include <queue>

In <queue>, the class priority_queue is defined as follows:

    namespace std {
       template <class T,
                 class Container = vector<T>,
                 class Compare = less<typename Container::value_type> >
       class priority_queue;

The first template parameter is the type of the elements. The optional second template parameter defines the container that is used internally by the priority queue for its elements. The default container is a vector. The optional third template parameter defines the sorting criterion that is used to find the next element with the highest priority. By default, it compares the elements by using operator <.

For example, the following declaration defines a priority queue of floats[6]:

   std::priority_queue<float> pbuffer;      // priority queue for floats

The priority queue implementation simply maps the operations into appropriate calls of the container that is used internally. You can use any sequence container class that provides random access iterators and the member functions front(), push_back(), and pop_back(). Random access is necessary for sorting the elements, which is performed by the heap algorithms of the STL (the heap algorithms are described in Section 9.9.4,). For example, you could also use a deque as the container for the elements:

   std::priority_queue<float,std::deque<float> > pbuffer;

To define your own sorting criterion you must pass a function or function object as a binary predicate that is used by the sorting algorithms to compare two elements (for more about sorting criteria, see Section 6.5.2, and Section 8.1.1,). For example, the following declaration defines a priority queue with reverse sorting:

                             std::greater<float> > pbuffer;

In this priority queue the next element is always one of the elements with the lowest value.

The Core Interface

The core interface of priority queues is provided by the member functions push(), top(), and pop():

  • push() inserts an element into the priority queue.

  • top() returns the next element in the priority queue.

  • pop() removes an element from the priority queue.

As for the other container adapters, pop() removes the next element but does not return it, whereas top() returns the next element without removing it. Thus, you must always call both functions to process and remove the next element from the priority queue. And, as usual, the behavior of top() and pop() is undefined if the priority queue contains no elements. If in doubt, you must use the member functions size() and empty().

Example of Using Priority Queues

The following program demonstrates the use of class priority_queue<>:

// cont/pqueue1. cpp

    #include <iostream>
    #include <queue>
    using namespace std;

    int main()
        priority_queue<float> q;

        // insert three elements into the priority queue

        // read and print two elements
        cout << << ' ';
        cout << << endl;

        // insert three more elements

        // skip one element

        //pop and print remaining elements
        while (!q.empty()) {
            cout << << ' ';
        cout << endl;

The output of the program is as follows:

   66.6 44.4
   33.3 22.2 11.1

As you can see, after 66.6, 22.2, and 44.4 are inserted, the program prints 66.6 and 44.4 as the highest elements. After three other elements are inserted, the priority queue contains the elements 22.2, 11.1, 55.5, and 33.3 (in the order of insertion). The next element is skipped simply via a call of pop(), so the final loop prints 33.3, 22.2, and 11.1 in that order.

Class priority_queue<> in Detail

Most of the priority_queue<> operations are as self-explanatory as stack<> and queue<>:

   namespace std {
      template <class T, class Container = vector<T>,
                class Compare = less<typename Container::value_type> >
      class priority_queue {
          typedef typename Container::value_type value_type;
          typedef typename Container::size_type  size_type;
          typedef          Container             container_type;
          Compare comp; // sorting criterion
          Container c;  // container
          // constructors
        explicit priority_queue(const Compare& cmp = Compare(),
                                const Container& cont = Container())
         : comp(cmp), c(cont) {

        template <class InputIterator>
        priority_queue(InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
                       const Compare& cmp = Compare(),
                       const Container& cont = Container())
         : comp(cmp), c(cont) {

         void push(const value_type& x); {
         void pop() {

         bool              empty() const { return c.empty(); }
         size_type         size() const  { return c.size(); }
         const value_type& top() const   { return c.front(); }

As you can see, the priority queue uses the STL's heap algorithms. These algorithms are described in Section 9.9.4. Note that, unlike other container adapters, no comparison operators are defined.

The following subsections describe the members and operations in detail.

Type Definitions

priority_queue:: value_type

  • The type of the elements.

  • It is equivalent to container:: value_type.


  • The unsigned integral type for size values.

  • It is equivalent to container::size_type.


  • The type of the container.


priority_queue::priority_queue ()

  • The default constructor.

  • Creates an empty priority queue.

explicit priority_queue::priority_queue (const CompFunc& op)

  • Creates an empty priority queue with op used as the sorting criterion.

  • See page 191 and page 213 for examples that demonstrate how to pass a sorting criterion as a constructor argument.

priority_queue::priority_queue (const CompFunc& op const Container& cont)

  • Creates a priority queue that is initialized by the elements of cont and that uses op as the sorting criterion.

  • All elements of cont are copied.

priority_queue::priority_queue (InputIterator beg, InputIterator end)

  • Creates a priority queue that is initialized by all elements of the range [beg,end).

  • This function is a member template (see page 11), so the elements of the source range might have any type that is convertible into the element type of the container.

priority_queue::priority_queue (InputIterator beg, InputIterator end,const CompFunc& op)

  • Creates a priority queue that is initialized by all elements of the range [beg,end) and that uses op as the sorting criterion.

  • This function is a member template (see page 11), so the elements of the source range might have any type that is convertible into the element type of the container.

  • See page 191 and page 213 for examples that demonstrate how to pass a sorting criterion as a constructor argument.

priority_queue::priority_queue (InputIterator beg, InputIterator end, const CompFunc& op, const Container& cont)

  • Creates a priority queue that is initialized by all elements of the container cont plus all elements of the range [beg,end) and that uses op as the sorting criterion.

  • This function is a member template (see page 11). So, the elements of the source range might have any type that is convertible into the element type of the container.

Other Operations

size_type priority_queue::size () const

  • Returns the current number of elements.

  • To check whether the priority queue is empty (contains no elements), use empty() because it might be faster.

bool priority_queue::empty () const

  • Returns whether the priority queue is empty (contains no elements).

  • It is equivalent to priority_queue::size()==0, but it might be faster.

void priority_queue::push (const value_type& elem)

  • Inserts a copy of elem into the priority queue.

const value_type& priority_queue::top () const

  • Returns the next element of the priority queue. The next element is the element that, of all elements in the priority queue, has the maximum value. If more than one element has the maximum value, which element it returns is undefined.

  • The caller must ensure that the queue contains an element (size()>0); otherwise, the behavior is undefined.

void priority_queue::pop ()

  • Removes the next element from the queue. The next element is the element that, of all elements in the priority queue, has the maximum value. If more than one element has the maximum value, which element it removes is undefined.

  • Note that this function has no return value. To process the next element, you must call top() first.

  • The caller must ensure that the queue contains an element (size()>0); otherwise, the behavior is undefined.


Bitsets model fixed-sized arrays of bits or Boolean values. They are useful to manage sets of flags, where variables may represent any combination of flags. C and old C++ programs usually use type long for arrays of bits and manipulate the bits with the bit operators, such as &, |, and ~. The class bitset has the advantage that bitsets may contain any number of bits, and additional operations are provided. For example, you can assign single bits, and read and write bitsets as a sequence of zeros and ones.

Note that you can't change the number of bits in a bitset. The number of bits is the template parameter. If you need a container for a variable number of bits or Boolean values, you can use the class vector<bool> (described in Section 6.2.6).

The class bitset is defined in the header file <bitset>:

    #include <bitset>

In <bitset>, the class bitset is defined as a template class with the number of bits as the template parameter:

   namespace std {
       template <size_t Bits>
       class bitset;

In this case the template parameter is not a type but an unsigned integral value (see page 10 for details about this language feature).

Templates with different template arguments are different types. You can compare and combine bitsets only with the same number of bits.

Examples of Using Bitsets

Using Bitsets as Set of Flags

The first example of using bitsets demonstrates how to use bitsets to manage a set of flags. Each flag has a value that is defined by an enumeration type. The value of the enumeration type is used as the position of the bit in the bitset. In particular, the bits represent colors. Thus, each enumeration value defines one color. By using a bitset, you can manage variables that might contain any combination of colors:

   // cont/bitsetl.cpp

   #include <bitset>
   #include <iostream>
   using namespace std;
   int main()
       /* enumeration type for the bits
* - each bit represents a color
       enum Color { red, yellow, green, blue, white, black, ...,
                    numColors };

       // create bitset for all bits/colors
       bitset<numColors> usedColors;

       // set bits for two colors

       // print some bitset data
       cout << "bitfield of used colors: " << usedColors
            << endl;
       cout << "number of used colors: " << usedColors.count()
            << endl;
       cout << "bitfield of unused colors: " << ~usedColors
            << endl;

       // if any color is used
       if (usedColors.any()) {
           // loop over all colors
           for (int c = 0; c < numColors; ++c) {
               // if the actual color is used
               if (usedColors[(Color)c]) {

Using Bitsets for I/O with Binary Representation

A useful feature of bitsets is the ability to convert integral values into a sequence of bits and vice versa. This is done simply by creating a temporary bitset:

// cont/bitset2.cpp

   #include <bitset>
   #include <iostream>
   #include <string>
   #include <limits>
   using namespace std;

   int main()
       /* print some numbers in binary representation
       cout << "267 as binary short: "
            << bitset<numeric_limits<unsigned short>::digits>(267)
            << endl;

       cout << "267 as binary long: "
            << bitset<numeric_limits<unsigned long>::digits>(267)
            << endl;

       cout << "10,000,000 with 24 bits: "
            << bitset<24>(1e7) << endl;
       /* transform binary representation into integral number
       cout << ""1000101011" as number: "
            << bitset<100>(string("1000101011")).to_ulong() << endl;

Depending on the number of bits for short and long, the program might produce the following output:

   267 as binary short:     0000000100001011
   267 as binary long:      00000000000000000000000100001011
   10,000,000 with 24 bits: 100110001001011010000000
   "1000101011" as number:  555

In this example,

   bitset<numeric_limits<unsigned short>::digits>(267)

converts 267 into a bitset with the number of bits of type unsigned short (see Section 4.3, for a discussion of numeric limits). The output operator for bitset prints the bits as a sequence of characters 0 and 1.



converts a sequence of binary characters into a bitset, for which to_ulong() yields the integral value. Note that the number of bits in the bitset should be smaller than sizeof (unsigned long). This is because you get an exception when the value of the bitset can't be represented as unsigned long.[7]

Class bitset in Detail

The bitset class provides the following operations.

Create, Copy, and Destroy Operations

For bitsets, some special constructors are defined. However, there is no special copy constructor, assignment operator, and destructor defined. Thus, bitsets are assigned and copied with the default operations that copy bitwise.

bitset<bits>::bitset ()

  • The default constructor.

  • Creates a bitset with all bits initialized with zero.

  • For example:

         bitset<50> flags;      // flags: 0000...000000
    // thus, 50 unset bits

bitset<bits>::bitset (unsigned long value)

  • Creates a bitset that is initialized according to the bits of the integral value value.

  • If the number of bits of value is too small, the leading bit positions are initialized to zero.

  • For example:

         bitset<50> flags (7);     // flags: 0000...000111

explicit bitset<bits>::bitset (const string& str)

bitset<bits>::bitset (const string& str, string::size_type str_idx)

bitset<bits>::bitset (const string& str, string::size_type str_idx, string::size_type str_num)

  • All forms create a bitset that is initialized by the string str or a substring of str.

  • The string or substring may contain only the characters '0' and '1'.

  • str_idx is the index of the first character of str that is used for initialization.

  • If str_num is missing, all characters from str_idx to the end of str are used.

  • If the string or substring has fewer characters than necessary, the leading bit positions are initialized to zero.

  • If the string or substring has more characters than necessary, the remaining characters are ignored.

  • Throw out_of_range if str_idx > str.size().

  • Throw invalid_argument if one of the characters is neither '0' nor '1'.

  • Note that this constructor is a member template (see page 11). For this reason no implicit type conversion from const char* to string for the first parameter is provided.[8]

  • For example:

        bitset<50> flags(string("1010101"));      // flags: 0000...0001010101
        bitset<50> flags(string("1111000"),2,3);  // flags: 0000...0000000110

Nonmanipulating Operations

size_t bitset<bits>::size () const

  • Returns the number of bits (thus, bits)

size_t bitset<bits>::count () const

  • Returns the number of set bits (bits with value 1).

bool bitset<bits>::any () const

  • Returns whether any bit is set.

bool bitset<bits>::none () const

  • Returns whether no bit is set.

bool bitset<bits>::test (size_t idx) const

  • Returns whether the bit at position idx is set.

  • Throws out_of_range if idx > size().

bool bitset<bits>::operator == (const bitset<bits>& bits) const

  • Returns whether all bits of *this and bits have the same value.

bool bitset<bits>::operator != (const bitset<bits>& bits) const

  • Returns whether any bits of *this and bits have a different value.

Manipulating Operations

bitset<bits>& bitset<bits>::set()

  • Sets all bits to true.

  • Returns the modified bitset.

bitset<bits>& bitset<bits>::set (size_t idx)

  • Sets the bit at position idx to true.

  • Returns the modified bitset.

  • Throws out_of_range if idx > size().

bitset<bits>& bitset<bits>::set (size_t idx, int value)

  • Sets the bit at position idx according to value.

  • Returns the modified bitset.

  • value is processed as a Boolean value. If value is equal to 0, the bit is set to false. Any other value sets the bit to true.

  • Throws out_of_range if idx > size().

bitset<bits>& bitset<bits>::reset()

  • Resets all bits to false (assigns 0 to all bits).

  • Returns the modified bitset.

bitset<bits>& bitset<bits>::reset (size_t idx)

  • Resets the bit at position idx to false.

  • Returns the modified bitset.

  • Throws out_of_range if idx > size().

bitset<bits>& bitset<bits>::flip ()

  • Toggles all bits (sets unset bits and vice versa).

  • Returns the modified bitset.

bitset<bits>& bitset<bits>::flip (size_t idx)

  • Toggles the bit at position idx.

  • Returns the modified bitset.

  • Throws out_of_range if idx > size().

bitset<bits>& bitset<bits>::operator^= (const bitset<bits>& bits)

  • The bitwise exclusive-or operator.

  • Toggles the value of all bits that are set in bits and leaves all other bits unchanged.

  • Returns the modified bitset.

bitset<bits>& bitset<bits>::operator | = (const bitset<bits>& bits)

  • The bitwise or operator.

  • Sets all bits that are set in bits and leaves all other bits unchanged.

  • Returns the modified bitset.

bitset<bits>& bitset<bits>::operator &= (const bitset<bits>& bits)

  • The bitwise and operator.

  • Resets all bits that are not set in bits and leaves all other bits unchanged.

  • Returns the modified bitset.

bitset<bits>& bitset<bits>::operator <<= (size_t num)

  • Shifts all bits by num positions to the left.

  • Returns the modified bitset.

  • The last num bits are set to false.

bitset<bits>& bitset<bits>::operator >>= (size_t num)

  • Shifts all bits by num positions to the right.

  • Returns the modified bitset.

  • The last num bits are set to false.

Access with Operator [ ]

bitset<bits>::reference bitset<bits>::operator [ ] (size_t idx)

bool bitset<bits>::operator [ ] (size_t idx) const

  • Both forms return the bit at position idx

  • The first form for nonconstant bitsets uses a proxy type to enable the use of the return value as a modifiable value (lvalue). See the next paragraphs for details.

  • The caller must ensure that idx is a valid index; otherwise, the behavior is undefined.

Operator [ ] returns a special temporary object of type bitset<>::reference when it is called for nonconstant bitsets. That object is used as a proxy[9] that allows certain modifications with the bit that is accessed by operator []. In particular, for references the following five operations are provided:

  1. reference& operator= (bool)

    Sets the bit according to the passed value.

  2. reference& operator= (const reference&)

    Sets the bit according to another reference.

  3. reference& flip ()

    Toggles the value of the bit.

  4. operator bool () const

    Converts the value into a Boolean value (automatically).

  5. bool operator~ () const

    Returns the complement (toggled value) of the bit.

For example, you can write the following statements:

   bitset<50> flags;
   flags [42] = true;             // set bit 42
   flags [13] = flags[42];        // assign value of bit 42 to bit 13
   flags [42].flip();             // toggle value of bit 42
   if (flags [13]) {              // if bit 13 is set,
       flags [10] = ~flags [42];  // then assign complement of bit 42 to bit 10

Creating New Modified Bitsets

bitset<bits> bitset<bits>::operator ~ () const

  • Returns a new bitset that has all bits toggled with respect to *this.

bitset<bits> bitset<bits>::operator << (size_t num) const

  • Returns a new bitset that has all bits shifted to the left by num position.

bitset<bits> bitset<bits>::operator >> (size_t num) const

  • Returns a new bitset that has all bits shifted to the right by num position.

bitset<bits> operator & (const bitset<bits>& bits1, const bitset<bits>& bits2)

  • Returns the bitwise computing of operator and of bits1 and bits2.

  • Returns a new bitset that has only those bits set in bits1 and in bits2.

bitset<bits> operator | (const bitset<bits>& bits1, const bitset<bits>& bits2)

  • Returns the bitwise computing of operator or of bits1 and bits2.

  • Returns a new bitset that has only those bits set in bits1 and in bits2.

bitset<bits> operator^ (const bitset<bits>& bits1, const bitset<bits>& bits2)

  • Returns the bitwise computing of operator exclusive-or of bits1 and bits2.

  • Returns a new bitset that has only those bits set in bits1 and not set in bits2 or vice versa.

Operations for Type Conversions

unsigned long bitset<bits>::to_ulong () const

  • Returns the integral value that the bits of the bitset represent.

  • Throws overflow_error if the integral value can't be represented by type unsigned long.

string bitset<bits>::to_string () const

  • Returns a string that contains the value of the bitset as a binary representation written with characters '0' for unset bits and '1' for set bits.

  • The order of the characters is equivalent to the order of the bits with descending index.

  • This function is a template function that is parameterized only by the return type. According to the language rules, you must write the following:

          bitset <50> b;
          b.template to_string<char,char_traits<char>,allocator<char> >()

Input/Output Operations

istream& operator>> (istream& strm, bitset<bits>& bits)

  • Reads into bits a bitset as a character sequence of characters '0' and '1'.

  • Reads until any one of the following happens:

    • At most, bits characters are read.

    • End-of-file occurs in strm.

    • The next character is neither '0' nor '1'.

  • Returns strm.

  • If the number of bits read is less than the number of bits in the bitset, the bitset is filled with leading zeros.

  • If this operator can't read any character, it sets ios::failbit in strm, which might throw the corresponding exception (see Section 13.4.4,).

ostream& operator << (ostream& strm, const bitset<bits>& bits)

  • Writes bits converted into a string that contains the binary representation (thus, as a sequence of '0' and '1').

  • Uses to_string() (see page 468) to create the output characters.

  • Returns strm.

  • See page 462 for an example.

[1] In the original STL the header file for stacks was <stack.h>.

[2] In previous versions of the STL you could pass the container as the only template parameter. Thus, a stack of integers had to be declared as follows:

    stack<deque<int> > st;

[3] In the original STL the header file for queues was <stack.h>.

[4] In previous versions of the STL you could pass the container as the only template parameter. Thus, a queue of strings had to be declared as follows:

   queue<deque<string> > buffer;

[5] In the original STL the header file for priority queues was <stack.h>.

[6] In previous versions of the STL you always had to pass the container and sorting criterion as mandatory template arguments. Thus, a priority queue of floating values had to be declared as follows:

    priority_queue<vector<float>,less<float> > buffer;

[7] Note that you have to convert the initial value to type string explicitly. This is probably a mistake in the standard because it was possible to use


in earlier versions of the standard. By accident this implicit type conversion was ruled out when this constructor was templified for different string types. There is a proposed resolution to fix this problem.

[8] This is probably a mistake in the standard because it was possible to use

    bitset<50> flags("1010101")

in earlier versions of the standard. By accident this implicit type conversion was ruled out when this constructor was templified for different string types. There is a proposed resolution to fix this problem.

[9] A proxy allows you to keep control where usually no control is provided. This is often used to get more security. In this case, it maintains control to allow certain operations, although the return value in principle behaves as bool.

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