Chapter 13

The Flying Stars, Part 3

In This Chapter

image Time: nine periods of 20 years each

image The personalities of the nine stars

image The ruling number

image What we can expect from Period 8 (2004 to 2024)

In this chapter, you’ll learn about time. You’ll understand that the nine stars or numbers of the Luoshu relate to specific periods of time. And that, like a person, each star has a personality that changes over time. Also, new to this edition of the book, you’ll learn how Period 8, a 20-year cycle of time that began on February 4, 2004, impacts your destiny.

Time: Three Cycles and Nine Periods

To Westerners, the Chinese concept of time may seem very peculiar. Time isn’t linear, but spiral-shaped. Following the laws of yin and yang, time repeats itself. Because time repeats, events are also likely to repeat. This idea is the central premise of the Yijing, considered the oldest book of divination still in use. Basically, when you ask the oracle a question, you are projecting your situation into a time-space model, the Yijing. Because your situation has occurred before, the Yijing can foretell a probable solution. To learn more about the Yijing and how you can use it to help you solve a dilemma, concern, or problem, please see The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the I Ching (Alpha Books, 2002).

Referring to the following table, the largest unit of time consists of 180 years. Called the Great Cycle (Da Yun), February 4, 1864, marked the beginning of the 180 cycle we are currently in. The cycle officially ends on February 4, 2044, with the new one beginning immediately thereafter.

Master Class

Remember, in feng shui we use the Chinese solar year that be-gins variously on February 3, 4, or 5 of each year. This is because feng shui studies how qi changes over the year as marked by the position of the sun on the ecliptic path.


The Great Cycle is divided equally into 3 cycles of 60 years each: the Upper Cycle (1864–1924), the Middle Cycle (1924–1984), and the Lower Cycle (1984–2044). The Great Cycle is also divided into 9 luck periods composed of 20 years each. Notice that the Upper Cycle consists of Period 1 (1864–1884), Period 2 (1884–1904), and Period 3 (1904–1924). The Middle Cycle consists of Period 4 (1924–1944), Period 5 (1944–1964), and Period 6 (1964–1984). Finally, the Lower Cycle consists of Period 7 (1984–2004), Period 8 (2004–2024), and Period 9 (2024–2044). Can you guess what period we are in now? Period 8 began on February 4, 2004.

Wise Words

A Great Cycle (Da Yun) lasts 180 years. It is divided into three 60-year cycles (Yuan) called the Upper, Middle, and Lower Cycles (Shang Yuan, Zhong Yuan, Xia Yuan). The Great Cycle is also divided into nine 20-year luck periods. We are currently in Period 8 (2004–2024) of the Lower Cycle (1984–2044).

So, where is all this leading, you ask? The year the construction of your house was completed determines which 20-year period it was “born into.” For example, if your house was completed in 1902, it falls in Period 3 of the Upper Cycle. If your house was completed in 1927, it falls in Period 4 of the Middle Cycle. If your house was completed in 1985, it falls in Period 7 of the Lower Cycle. Finally, if your house was completed in 2004, then it shares the period we are currently in—Period 8 of the Lower Cycle.

The key words here are “construction completed.” This is because construction may have begun in one year and ended in the next, a factor that becomes especially crucial if the 20-year period is changing. How can you find out when your house was built? What if you live in an apartment complex? No sweat. This information is a phone call away. The county recorder’s office, the tax assessor’s office, your building supervisor, or rental office should be able to help you.

Before we proceed, determine to which 20-year period your home was built. Record the information here:

My home was built in Period _____.

Now, let’s step back for a minute and talk more about numbers and their characteristics as they relate to human events. The idea behind this concept is central to evaluating your numeral-based Flying Star chart.

It’s All in the Numbers

As you’re coming to learn, numbers express more than their values—they express ideas and beliefs. And, somehow, nature and humankind conform to this manmade abstraction, an idea we talked about in Chapter 2. In classical feng shui, numbers also express probabilities: the probability an event may happen within a given time and space. It could be a good event, such as a promotion or wedding, or a bad event, suggesting misfortune or illness. But how can these events be determined?

In the West, we’ve learned to determine the outcome of events by applying the laws of cause and effect. This has been the basis of Western scientific thinking for centuries. Causality is the name of the game—nothing is left to chance, a very unscientific process. The Chinese, on the other hand, are concerned with acausal probabilities, chance happenings and coincidences that are connected by seemingly unrelated events. Nature, or more precisely, the macrocosm, plays a starring role in their acausal theory. They believe human events aren’t necessarily caused by natural phenomena, only connected in an acausal relationship. Countless hours through countless centuries were spent correlating acausal events between the outer world and our well-being. Numbers became a method of recording and predicting, forming the basis of the Yijing, from which feng shui is partially derived.

In Sync with Greater Nature

This acausal connecting principle is actually known as synchronicity, a word coined by renowned Swiss psychologist Carl Jung (1875–1961). Simply, synchronicity can be described as a pattern of coincidences in which thoughts, ideas, objects, and events (or a combination) are linked to form a theme of meaning to the observer(s).

Wise Words

Developed by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung (1875–1961), synchronicity expresses the connection of acausal (random) events within a limited time frame. The Chinese believe human events are linked with nature in an acausal relationship. Feng shui seeks to determine probabilities of synchronistic events within a certain time period. Numerology is one method classical feng shui uses.

We’ve all experienced synchronicity. For example, we (Elizabeth Moran and Val Biktashev) experienced a meaningless type of synchronicity, a happening that was more of an oddity than a life-altering event. Late one night we were driving home. The street was quiet; the road was empty; the radio was off. Suddenly, at the same time, we started to sing the same line from the Elton John song “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.” Shocked at this unlikely incident, we stared at each other. Then, I (Elizabeth) turned on the radio. Guess what was playing? We and the radio station were “in sync.” What’s the probability of this happening? What caused this striking coincidence? While we won’t get into the why here, we talk at great length about the scientific reasoning behind synchronicity in Chapter 11 of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the I Ching.

The Attack on America

Yet, there are synchronistic events that are meaningful to the observer(s). For instance, take the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on New York City’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the governmental complex for the Department of Defense, located just outside Washington, D.C. A number of seemingly unrelated facts came together on this particular day within a specific space. The synchronicities involve the number 11. They are downright chilling:

image The attack occurred on 9/11: 9 + 1 + 1 = 11

image September 11 marks the two hundred fifty-fourth day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11.

image After September 11, 111 days are left in the year.

image From afar, the Twin Towers (part of the World Trade Center complex) resembled a gigantic number 11.

image The first airplane that crashed into the North Tower was American Airlines Flight 11.

image In 1788, New York was the eleventh state to join the Union.

image The words “New York City” contain 11 letters.

image The words “The Pentagon” contain 11 letters.

image The word “Afghanistan” contains 11 letters.

Pretty amazing, huh? You may wonder what the number 11 means. According to retired Harvard professor Annemarie Schimmel, as she states in her well-researched book, The Mystery of Numbers (Oxford University Press, 1993), “Larger than 10 and smaller than 12, it stands between two very important round numbers and therefore, while every other number had at least one positive aspect, 11 was always interpreted in medieval exegesis ad malam partem, in a purely negative sense. The sixteenth-century numerologist Petrus Bungus went so far as to claim that 11 ‘has no connection with divine things, no ladder reaching up to things above, nor any merit.’ He considered it to be the number of sinners and penance.”

Feng Facts

Consider another coincidence involving the number 11: The April 19, 1995, explosion devastating the A. P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City happened at 9:02 A.M.: 9 + 2 = 11. The evildoer behind this tragic event was Timothy McVeigh. He was executed on June 11, 2001. If you add up the digits to this date, they total 11: 6 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 11.

We need not dwell on the symbolic meaning of the number 11 and the extraordinary facts linking it with the attacks of September 11. You can formulate your own conclusion. Here, our point is to illustrate a recent, albeit catastrophic, example of numeric synchronicity.

In classical feng shui, the combination of numbers generated by a Flying Star qi chart represents synchronistic probabilities. For example, the Chinese recognized that a 2-1 combination was often linked with spousal conflict, separation, or divorce. An 8-9 combination spawned the likelihood of weddings and pregnancy. A 5-1 combination meant the probability of ear, kidney, or genital disorders. Get the idea? You’ll be learning more about interpreting number combinations in later chapters.

A Number Is Worth a Thousand Words

Each number of the Luoshu (please refer to Chapter 11 for a reminder) reflects a certain kind of qi. It’s important to understand that numbers, too, follow the laws of yin and yang. No number can be favorable or unfavorable all the time. Rather, the auspiciousness of each number is cyclic. But before you learn how to determine a number’s timeliness, you first must understand the inherent nature of each number. Remember, we’re talking about the numbers comprising a Flying Star qi map, which is generated by the period (time) your home was built in along with its magnetic (space) orientation. Other numbers such as those signifying your birth date, address, age, and the like, have no significance in feng shui. The following are the nine numbers of the Luoshu and their innate characteristics.

Luoshu NumberInherent Characteristics
1Wisdom, fame, and fortune
2Fertility and health (favorable and unfavorable)
3Misfortune, quarrels, and robbery
4Writing, academic achievement, creativity, romance, and low morals (extramarital affairs)
5Power, catastrophe, death, lawsuits, and illness
6Authority and respect
7Competition and destruction
8Happiness and wealth
9Enhances accompanied number whether favorable or unfavorable

In general, the numbers 1, 6, and 8 are considered good-natured and auspicious. The numbers 2, 3, and 7 are harmful and inauspicious. The number 4 is neutral. The number 5 shows its power by being sinister, by hurting others. Yet, during Period 8 (2004–2024), the number 5 will be tempered. This is because the ruling number 8 (a benevolent earth number) will help keep its naughty earth brother in check. Because they speak the same earth language, they can communicate better and reach an understanding.

Master Class

In Val’s experience, the number 2 star is perhaps the most virulent, causing stomach, digestive, and reproductive problems in women (and even in female pets). If you’re female and the number 2 star is on the mountain or health side (the subject of Chapter 16) of your bedroom, reposition your bed or switch places with your mate so that 2 won’t negatively impact your health. Even if a metal remedy is installed (metal reduces 2 earth), 2’s propensity for causing health problems is still strong. Regarding pets, a client’s female dog slept against a wall containing the 2 mountain star. As result, the dog was plagued with chronic stomach problems. When the dog’s bed was moved to another wall, her stomach ailments disappeared.

The Ruler Principle

In the Luoshu, the number 5 occupies the central square of the nine-part grid. It rules the Earth. Thus, the number 5 represents the stable matter of earth qi and its gravitational force, pulling everything toward the center.

Conversely, there’s heaven qi. It moves and changes over time. Each of the nine stars or numbers takes turns to rule heaven. Each star rules for 20 years or for one period. As you learned earlier on in this chapter, we are now in Period 8, with the number 8 ruling from 2004 to 2024. The ruling star is the most powerful star, followed by the star that is next in line. Using an analogy, think of number 8 as the current president of the United States or Britain’s prime minister. Although we don’t yet know who the president/prime minister-elect will be, the stars are more orderly. The successor of number 8 is number 9, the next ruling star for the time period 2024 to 2044.

What about the immediate past ruler, the number 7 governing 1984 to 2004? Consider this star like the most recent former president of the United States. While he is no longer president, he is still influential.

Wheel of Fortune

Looking at the following illustration, notice how the life cycle wheel revolves in a counterclockwise fashion: that which rules retires and then dies, only to grow again. Numerically, 8 rules; 7 is retired; 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2 are dead; 1 is growing into the apprentice ruler; and 9 is the future ruler.

The life cycle of numbers.

To determine the ruling star for the 20-year period beginning on February 4, 2024, simply turn the wheel one position to the left. The number 9 now rules, and 8 retires. The other numbers follow suit.

Master Class

Numbers should be defined in terms of the aging process with their inherent characteristics taken into consideration. For example, the number 1 is inherently a good number representing fame and fortune. If we let number 1 represent Miss America, her reign marks the height of her glory. When she has completed her term, she retires. She is still attractive, but as she ages, she becomes prone to illness and hardship. In other words, when a star ages and then dies, it no longer has the strength to help you.

In Sickness and in Health: The Timeliness of the Stars

How does each number individually embody a ruling, retired, dead, or apprentice/future ruler star? Consult the following table. Pertaining to the previous Period 7 (1984–2004), take the number 1. An inherently favorable number, it has been dead for 100 years since Period 3 (1904–1924). In its death cycle, the number 1 has been known to cause marital troubles. Referring to the illustration of the life cycle, you’ll see that number 1 rose from the dead and became the apprentice future ruler in 2004, when number 8 became the ruler. During its productive years, the number 1 promotes wisdom, fame, and fortune. Let’s take the number 8. Currently, it’s the ruling star. Referring to the chart, when the number 8 is in its ruling or apprentice/future ruler cycle, it ushers in the possibility of financial gain, happiness, and overall good fortune. However, beginning on February 4, 2024, it retires. It exhibits both its good and bad qualities (just like the number 6 does during Period 7).

We suggest placing a paper clip on the following page. Until you have memorized each number’s inherent nature and life cycles, you’ll be referring to this table often.


Hail Period 8

Classical feng shui practitioners worldwide stood up and cheered when Period 8 was ushered in on February 4, 2004. Harkening back to what you learned earlier in this chapter, remember the number 8 (along with the numbers 1 and 6) is inherently good-natured, bringing happiness, prosperity, and all-around good luck. Who doesn’t want that? Now that the number 8 is the ruler, its innate goodness magnifies for 20 years ending on February 3, 2024. So, what can you expect during this auspicious period of time? Well, let’s back-peddle for a moment to discuss how Period 7 (1984–2004) impacted us.

Innately, the number 7 (along with the numbers 2 and 5) is harmful. Its timely characteristics are only made manifest when it’s the ruler. During this time, the number 7 is outwardly beautiful. Associated with the Dui trigram (youngest daughter), Period 7 proved especially favorable for women. During Period 6 (1964–1984), women planted the seed to win more authority and respect—timely characteristics of the period—with the women’s liberation movement. During Period 7, women harvested their fruits. Out of the kitchen and into the workforce, more women were made company executives and corporate and governmental leaders than at any other time in history.

Feng Facts

During Period 7, women ad-vanced. Even feng shui, an industry dominated by men, has seen many more female practitioners than male practitioners.

Associated with the mouth area, 7 shined on people or industries that relied on their voice to gain a leg up. Singers, especially female performers, took stage. Just think of the success of Madonna, Celine Dion, and Britney Spears, for example. Lawyers became celebrities (Leslie Abramson, Gloria Allred, and Johnnie Cochran, for example); litigiousness became rampant—particularly in America. The expressions, “I’ll sue you” and “So, sue me!” became commonplace. Gossip or tabloid magazines and talk shows glittered in Period 7. Advertising dazzled. Yet, let’s not forget number 7’s inward ugliness. Characterized primarily by fire and casualties, the wrath of 7 reared its ugly head with terrorism, something Americans had not witnessed on their own soil. The 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 1995 A. P. Murrah Federal Building bombing, and the catastrophic events of September 11, 2001, are recent examples.

Although Period 7’s timely characteristics primarily revolved around the advancement of women and talkers, Period 8 focuses on the doers of the world. Associated with the Gen trigram (youngest son), it’s a time of action and fresh energy. The phrase “All bark and no bite” will not apply. Activists will take center stage, motivating others to roll up their sleeves and help out. Associated with the hand, Gen also represents something being stopped. What will be stopped is still in question. Stopping terrorism and war is a probability. Stopping the destruction of our planet (pollution, ravaging rain forests, for example) might move to the forefront. To stop, we use the hand and not the mouth.

Because the number 8 is related to the earth, industries that combine the hand and earth will prosper. These include land development, construction, farming, and mining. Yet, let’s not forget 8’s timely characteristics ushering in happiness and financial gain. You’ll learn about enhancing the number 8’s goodness in successive chapters.

In the previous chapter and in this chapter, you’ve determined the two most important factors that will generate a numeric qi pattern of your home—the magnetic orientation (space) and the period (time) it was born into. In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to “fly” the stars to create the numeric qi pattern.

The Least You Need to Know

image The Chinese view time as cyclic. The largest unit of time is made up of 180 years. Called the Great Cycle, it is divided into three equal parts of 60 years each. Each 60-year cycle is subdivided into three equal parts of 20 years each.

image Each of the nine stars or numbers of the Luoshu has distinct personalities that change over time.

image In Flying Star methodology, numbers and combinations of numbers express the probability of events occurring.

image Currently, we are in Period 8 (2004–2024) of the Lower Cycle, which ushers in a cycle of happiness, prosperity, and all-around good luck.

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