Dear Feng Shui Enthusiast,

In recent years we’ve seen a surge of books on feng shui. Why is this? Why are we only now embracing this ancient Chinese art and science? Is it because it’s the newest and coolest thing to do? Is it because we’re coming to realize the benefit of alternative methods of therapy? Are we looking for a leg up on our competitors? Or are we willing to try just about anything to create a harmonious haven? Regardless of the reason, we’re delighted you’re investigating a tradition revered throughout Asia.

Coaxed by our clients, friends, and students, we have put together a userfriendly guide explaining feng shui. Peeling away layers of superstition and myth permeating the modern practice, we’ve exposed the classic teachings based on humanity’s inseparable link with nature. You see, long before the theory of quantum physics was postulated, the ancient Chinese believed everyone and everything are but one big dance of interconnected energy. They called this energy qi. Simply put, feng shui is the study of how qi affects our health, wealth, and relationships. Knowing how to harness positive qi and remedy negative qi is the essence of feng shui.

Here, you’ll learn the origins of feng shui and its fundamental principles. We’ll share with you the most sophisticated method of analyzing and determining the auspiciousness of your home and its surroundings, as well as how to choose a home. Also, we’ll explore a method of Chinese astrology called The Four Pillars of Destiny. Based on the qi you inhaled at birth, you’ll learn how to determine the colors, environment, and career best suited to you. You’ll learn your life’s purpose. And you’ll find out which years are lucky for you, and which are not.

Are you ready? We think Idiot’s Guides: Feng Shui, Third Edition, will forever change how you view yourself and the world. Withyour help, feng shui will become a world tradition.

Most sincerely,


Elizabeth Moran


Master Joseph Yu


Master Val Biktashev

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