

1. Noah Fleming, Cultivate the Enduring Customer Loyalty That Keeps Your Business Thriving (New York: Amacom, 2015).

2. Jenny Beightol, “Small Business Survey 2016: Marketing & Customer Retention Trends,” Belly, May 10, 2016,

3. Robert Cialdini, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (New York: Collins, 2007).

1. The Science of Experience

1. Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow (New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2013).

2. Leon Festinger, A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1957).

3. Check out Elizabeth Loftus’s fantastic Ted Talk, How Reliable Is Your Memory?,

4. Daniel Simons, Counter-Intuition,

5. Melanie Tannenbaum, “Are Your 9/11 Memories Really Your Own?”, Scientific American, September 11, 2013,

6. Business News Daily, “Relaxed Shoppers Spend More Money,”

7. Sheena Iyengar, The Art of Choosing (New York: Hatchette Book Group, 2010).

3. Stage One: Imagination Before Persuasion

1. Julian Watkins, The 100 Greatest Advertisements 1852–1958: Who Wrote Them and What They Did (New York: Dover Publications, 2012).

2. Want to try and win the $100 bounty? Check out the hunt here:


4. Jay Abraham has fantastic tactical marketing materials on the power of preeminent marketing. Check out all of Jay’s material, but start with Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got:

5. Ad Age and Schlitz Brewing purity claims:

6. Dan Gilbert, Stumbling on Happiness (New York: Vintage Books, 2007).

7. A collection of fascinating social experiments can be found in the book Experiments With People: Revelations From Social Psychology by Robert P. Abelson, Kurt P. Frey, and Aiden P. Gregg (New York: Psychology Press, 2012).

4. Stage Two: Conversion Not Coercion

1. Check out Evergreen and my blog to understand the concept of the Messy Closet Theory. The theory suggests that organization is often far more desirable than a messy, confusing closet. This concept applies to your storefront, your website, your phone systems, and so on.

2. In Glengarry Glen Ross, Alec Baldwin’s character delivers one of the most fantastic monologues ever. View it here:

3. “Jets bringing their own toilet paper to London because ‘why not?’,” by Zac Jackson, NBCSports, October 1, 2015,

4. Erik Knowles, “Resistance and Persuasion,”

5. Jay Haley, Uncommon Therapy: The Psychiatric Techniques of Milton H. Erickson (New York: W. W. Norton, 1993).

5. Stage Three: Experience Choreography

1. John M. Darley and Daniel C. Batson, “‘From Jerusalem to Jericho’: A Study of Situational and Dispositional Variables in Helping Behavior,”

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 27 (July 1973).

2. Martin E. P. Seligman, “Learned Helplessness,” Annual Review of Medicine 23 (February 1973), 401–412.

3. Chris Hurn, “Stuffed Giraffe Shows What Customer Service Is All About,” The Huffington Post, updated July 17, 2012. This is the story used by every customer service speaker on the planet: www.hufl'

4. Lindsey Rupp, “Delight the Customer or Lose Your Job: Restoration Hardware CEO Sends Scorching Memo.” Bloomberg, February 25, 2016.

5. See the e-mail sent to Donald Trump’s e-mail database about using his helicopter in Scotland:

6. Andrea Petersen, “How Luxury Hotels Decide If You Deserve a Perk,” The Wall Street Journal, April 29, 2015,

7. Martin Lindstrom, Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy (New York: Broadway Books, 2010).

8., the best mattress ever.

9. Ikea employees share information on the “Open the Wallet” sections of the store.

10. Antonio Damasio, Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain (New York: Penguin, 2005).

6. Stage Four: Happily Ever After

1. Gail Goodman, “How Gail Goodman Built Constant Contact’s Funnel to Build the $1 Billion Email Marketing Empire,” Kissmetrics Blog:

2. The Serial Position Effect,

3. Learn more about NPS at

4. Jennifer Kaplan, “The Inventor of Customer Satisfaction Surveys Is Sick of Them, Too,” Bloomberg Technology, May 4, 2016,

5. Sign up for my Tuesday Tidbit at

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