
When you write a book, there are so many people on the sidelines cheering you on. As you get closer to the finish line, the cheering gets louder and more intense, the crowd roars, and then you cross the line. The first time I ran a half marathon, I felt like doing nothing for days. My feet ached because I embraced the then-popular idea of running barefoot. I realized shortly after the run that it wasn’t such a great idea to try on the asphalt streets of downtown Toronto, and I paid for it for days. The point here is that there are so many people to thank during the process of writing a book and I can’t thank you all individually, so consider this your collective high-five! Thank you all.

Of course, you have to thank your family. They’re the ones who are there at the half-way mark with nourishment, brightly colored signs, and cheering the loudest—“Go, Daddy, Go!” Heather, Avalon, and Ella, thank you. I love you all so much.

Thank you to my clients who have worked with me over the past few years! Cheers to our continued success!

In particular, thanks to my agent, Esmond Harmsworth, who continues to support my work and ideas. And I can’t forget my incredibly talented cousin, Holly Barimah, who designed the fantastic-looking process visuals inside the book.

And thanks to the fine folks at Career Press for believing in this concept.

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