Tip 14

Phone Habits


Like e-mail, the phone is a wonderful tool for communicating quickly, as long as it is used correctly. You only get 24 hours each day, so try not to burn too many of them talking to telemarketers or chatting about the weather.

Here are a few more ways to use the phone effectively:

• Make a plan. Before you dial, take a moment to think about what you want to say. Are there any major points to be covered or questions to be resolved? Write them down on a sticky note or a slip of paper. You can lose a lot of time with excessive follow-up calls.

• Get to the point. If you are really serious about cutting down your phone time, or need to be encouraged to get to the point more quickly, buy a small kitchen timer and place it next to your phone. Every time you make or receive a call, start it. Few things remind you to get to the point faster than seeing the minutes and seconds count down right in front of you. Plus, while people like and need friendliness, getting to the point shows respect.

• Screen. Not everyone who rings you has something important to say, especially if you’re working on a critical project. Get in the habit of making appointments for important calls.

• Make voice mails brief. Never leave long rambling messages. Instead, think for a moment about what you need to convey and then deliver it succinctly. Be sure to indicate whether you need the other person to return your call, the best time for them to call back, and always speak slowly and clearly when leaving your phone number. I am still getting better at this, but I sure appreciate those who do it well.

• Be present. If at all possible, turn off your phone during meetings. Don’t answer calls and stop texting. I know someone who lost a $500 million deal because he took a call during an important lunch meeting. In many cases, if everyone would avoid interruptions during meetings, they would last half as long!

A poll conducted for Staples found that almost half of the small-business managers in the United States work during time meant for family, while 49 percent make business calls and check e-mail messages while behind the wheel; 18 percent read e-mail messages in the bathroom.

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