As I began to invest in the diamond painting craft, I realized there were differences among companies. I wanted to record these nuances, as well as my own progress and opinions for each canvas I purchased and completed. My memory is solid, but after opening more than 20 canvases it was hard to recall if I even liked the canvas. Thus, the diamond painting review log sheet was born. This review sheet offers places to record information from your unboxing experience, canvas rating opportunities, and space to note your own opinions.


I begin using my log sheet the moment I order a painting. Yes, the excitement of clicking add to cart and pay now translates over to my log sheet. I begin filling the top portion of the log with names, dates, prices, sizes, etc. Once I receive the painting, I am able add further information and continue with the unboxing review portion of the log. Knowing a company’s quality helps me to make future decisions of what stores provide what quality when buying future paintings. I have included a 5-star/5-part section for you to make your own unboxing and post completion reviews. Through averaging ratings a total rating of each piece/store is created. I personally do not purchase from any store a second time that rates below a 3.75–4-star review.

I hope this review sheet brings insight into the designs, styles, diamond type, stores, and sizes you enjoy most! Happy reviewing!


Including a picture of your painting on the log sheet is essential. Some companies will include a painting picture on the box, an inventory sheet, or may even include it as a sticker. If no picture is available, print one from the purchase site. Having an image will benefit connecting the recorded information with the painting itself. Bonus: It adds color to the log too.

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