
Although only one name appears on the spine of this book, it takes a team of dedicated and talented people to pull a project like this together. I’m not only delighted to be working with them, but I also get the honor and privilege of thanking them here.

To my amazing wife Kalebra: I don’t know how you do it, but each year you somehow get more beautiful, more compassionate, more generous, more fun, and you get me to fall even more madly in love with you than the year before (and so far, you’ve done this 25 years in a row)! They don’t make words to express how I feel about you, and how thankful and blessed I am to have you as my wife, but since all I have here are words—thank you for making me the luckiest man in the world.

To my wonderful, crazy, fun-filled, son Jordan: When I wrote the first version of this book, I wrote that you were the coolest little boy any dad could ever ask for. Now that you’re 17 years old, and you’re 6’1" and 220 lbs. of muscle (my brother calls you “The Wall”), you’re not a little boy by any means, but you are definitely still the coolest! Although I know you don’t read these acknowledgments, it means so much to me that I can write it, just to tell you how proud I am of you, how thrilled I am to be your dad, and what a great big brother you’ve become to your little sister. Your mom and I were truly blessed the day you were born.

To my beautiful daughter Kira: You are a little clone of your mom, and that’s the best compliment I could ever give you. You have your mom’s sweet nature, her beautiful smile, and like her, you always have a song in your heart. You’re already starting to realize that your mom is someone incredibly special, and take it from Dad, you’re in for a really fun, exciting, hug-filled, and adventure-filled life. I’m so proud to be your dad.

To my big brother Jeff: A lot of younger brothers look up to their older brother because, well...they’re older. But I look up to you because you’ve been much more than a brother to me. It’s like you’ve been my “other dad” in the way you always looked out for me, gave me wise and thoughtful council, and always put me first—just like Dad put us first. Your boundless generosity, kindness, positive attitude, and humility have been an inspiration to me my entire life, and I’m just so honored to be your brother and lifelong friend.

To my in-house team at KelbyOne: You make coming into work an awful lot of fun for me, and each time I walk in the door, I can feel that infectious buzz of creativity you put out that makes me enjoy what we do so much. I’m still amazed to this day at how we all come together to hit our often impossible deadlines, and as always, you do it with class, poise, and a can-do attitude that is truly inspiring. You guys rock!

To my Photo Assistant Brad Moore: I dedicated this book to you because I wanted you to know how much help you’ve been to me, not just throughout this book and the updates to this book series, but in everything I’m trying to accomplish as a photographer, businessman, and family man. Your ideas and input have made everything I’ve done that much better. You’re a very valued member of our team, but beyond that, I’m proud to call you my friend.

To “Mega-Intern” Chris Hendrix: Thanks for helping Brad and I with some of the last-minute shoots we had to do for the book. You were a great help (and you’ve got a great eye—we’re expecting big things from you in the future).

To my Editor Kim Doty: I couldn’t be any luckier than to have you editing my books and shepherding them along. This one has taken a lot more time and sweat than any of us expected, but you always kept your trademark attitude and a smile on your face. Both of those kept a smile on mine, and I’m very grateful. Also, a big thanks to Cindy Snyder who tirelessly tech edits, checks, and rechecks everything I write to make sure it works (I keep telling her, “Hey, this stuff actually works,” but she still somehow feels compelled to make certain). I’m delighted that you do what you do the way you do it. Thanks again, Cindy!

To Jessica Maldonado (a.k.a. Photoshop Girl): I can’t thank you enough for all your hard work on the cover, layout, and on the look of this and all my books. I love the way you design, and all the clever little things you add to everything you do. You’re incredibly talented, a joy to work with, and I feel very, very fortunate to have you on my team.

To my friend and Creative Director Felix Nelson: You’re the glue that keeps this whole thing together, and not only could I not do this without you—I wouldn’t want to. Keep doin’ that Felix thing you do!

To my best buddy Dave Moser: Well, we did it! Thanks for everything you did to make this, probably our 60-something book together, come together. I know, I know “Write, Forrest, write!” ;-)

To my dear friend and business partner Jean A. Kendra: Thanks for putting up with me all these years, and for your support for all my crazy ideas. It really means a lot.

I owe a special thanks to my buddy Matt Kloskowski: You really helped me mentally get through a couple of stages of this book where I had kind of hit a wall. Your help and advice really made a difference and helped me create the kind of book I really wanted to make for my readers. I couldn’t have done it without you. Thanks, man!

To my Executive Assistant Lynn Miller: Thanks so much for managing my schedule and constantly juggling it so I can actually have time to write. I know I don’t make it easy (I’m kind of a moving target), but I really appreciate all your hard work, wrangling, and patience throughout it all. I’m very glad to have you on our team.

To Ted Waitt, my awesome Editor at Peachpit Press: There’s nothing like having a serious photographer as your Editor, and while you’re a kick-butt Editor, you’re an even better friend.

To my publisher Nancy Aldrich-Ruenzel, marketing mavericks Scott Cowlin and Sara Jane Todd (SJ), and the incredibly dedicated team at Peachpit Press: It’s a real honor to get to work with people who really just want to make great books.

To all the talented and gifted photographers who’ve taught me so much over the years: Moose Peterson, Joe McNally, Bill Fortney, George Lepp, Anne Cahill, Vincent Versace, David Ziser, Jim DiVitale, Tim Wallace, Peter Hurley, Cliff Mautner, Dave Black, Helene Glassman, and Monte Zucker.

To my mentors John Graden, Jack Lee, Dave Gales, Judy Farmer, and Douglas Poole: Your wisdom and whip-cracking have helped me immeasurably throughout my life, and I will always be in your debt, and grateful for your friendship and guidance.

Most importantly, I want to thank God, and His Son Jesus Christ, for leading me to the woman of my dreams, for blessing us with such amazing children, for allowing me to make a living doing something I truly love, for always being there when I need Him, for blessing me with a wonderful, fulfilling, and happy life, and such a warm, loving family to share it with.

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