
Chapter One
Shooting Natural Light Portraits Like a Pro

Recipes for Making People Look Their Best

Seven Things You’ll Wish You Had Known...

...Before Reading This Book!

Two More of Those Things

One Last Thing

For Better Light Outdoors, Shoot in Shade

Diffusing Harsh Sunlight

Diffusing a Larger Area

Positioning a Reflector Outdoors

Fix Dappled Light

Direct, Contrasty Window Light

Softening Window Light

Shooting in Direct Sun

Better Window Light

Window Light Without Diffusion 2

Chapter Two
Using Just One Light Like a Pro

Recipes for Great Results While Still Keeping Things Really Simple

One Light Outdoors

Dramatic Portrait Lighting

Fashion Lighting

Mixing Natural with Studio Lighting

Big, Beautiful, Wrapping Light

Entertainment Lighting

Dramatic Side Lighting

Filling In Shadows

Simple, Flat Lighting

Playing Up the Shadow

Chapter Three
Using Two or More Lights Like a Boss!

Two- and Three-Light Recipes That Are Still Pretty Easy

Beauty Look

Two-Light Catalog Look (Men)

Three-Light Catalog Look (Men)

Edgy Lighting for Athletes

Beauty Look with Wraparound Light

One Main with Two Kickers

Simplified Beauty Headshot Variation

Fashion Lighting Variation

Hurley-Look Headshot Lighting

Working with V-Flats

Two-Light Catalog Look (Women)

Chapter Four
Hot-Shoe Flash Like a Pro

Quick Lighting Recipes for Using Flash Like a Pro

Making the Light Even Softer

Two-Light Location Setup

One-Flash Environmental Portrait

The Advantages of Using a Larger Softbox

Simple One-Light Outdoor Flash

Softening Flash with a Hand-Held Diffuser

Using Sunlight as Your Second Light

The “Instant Black Background”

Using Gels with Flash

Dramatic Sunset Portrait

Using a Spot Grid for a Focused Beam

Chapter Five
Shooting Weddings Like a Pro

Recipes for Making the Bride Look Awesome (Because Nobody Cares About the Groom)

Controlling Light Outdoors

Close-Up Detail Shots

Mixing Natural Light with Strobes

Reception Flash

Be the Second Shooter

Dramatic Lighting

Using Natural Light Indoors

Dramatic Edge Lighting with One Light

Go Super-Wide for an Epic Feel

The Lens Flare Look

Controlling What You See in the Frame

Chapter Six
Shooting Travel Like a Pro

Recipes That Make Them Want to Visit That Place Right Now

Hiding Tourists, Cars, Buses, etc.

There’s a Picture in There Somewhere

Moving to Hide Distracting Stuff

Finding Simplicity in a Busy Outdoor Scene

Shoot the Details Instead

The Waiting Game Gamble

Zooming to Hide Distractions

Changing Time and Perspective

Another Trick for Hiding Tourists

Shooting the Food

Going on a Stakeout

Chapter Seven
Shooting Landscapes & Nature Like a Pro

Recipes for Making the Great Outdoors Look Great

Shooting Streams

Shooting Waterfalls

Photographing Animals

Shooting in Daylight

Starbright Sun Effect

Zoo Photography, Part 2

Photographing in an Aquarium

Shooting Individual Flowers

Adding Water Drops to Flowers

Shooting the Moon

Chapter Eight
Shooting Other Stuff Like a Pro

Photo Recipes for All That Other Stuff That We Shoot

Product Photography

Car Detail Shots

Panning to Show Movement

Shooting Action

It’s All About Composition

On-Location Product Shoot

Lighting Pets

Shooting Cityscapes at Dusk

Shooting a Starry Sky

Chapter Nine
Using Post Like a Pro

Step-by-Step Recipes to Get “The Look” Using Lightroom and/or Photoshop

Desatured Bleach Bypass Look

High-Contrast Skin Look

Tone-Mapped HDR Look

Spotlight Effect

Grungy, Aged Look

Black & White

Realistic HDR Look

Creative White Balance

Blur Vignette

Dodging & Burning

Duotone Look


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