Chapter Four. Shooting Landscapes Like a Pro

Pro Tips for Capturing the Wonder of Nature




If you ever get to shoot in some truly amazing outdoor locations, like the Grand Canyon or Yosemite National Park, it’s really a very humbling photographic experience. The reason why is you’re looking at this amazing vista, at the sheer grandeur of it all, and it looks so awe inspiring you’d figure a chimp could even take a great photo of it. I mean, it’s just so spectacular, how could you mess it up? Then you set up your tripod, look in your viewfinder, and it happens—you begin to silently sob. You’re sobbing because you bought all this expensive camera gear, with multiple camera bodies and lenses that cost more than a Toyota Prius hybrid, you’ve got more filters than a Ritz Camera store, and your camera bag weighs approximately 54 lbs. You saved all year, took your two-week vacation from work, bought round-trip airfare, and rented a huge SUV big enough to haul you, your family, and all your expensive gear out into the sweltering summer heat of the canyon. Now you’re looking through your viewfinder and what you see doesn’t look half as good as the stinkin’ postcards in the park’s gift shop that sell for $1.25 each. Tears begin to stream down your face as you realize that you’re not going to get the shot you came for. And whose fault is all this? Ansel Adams—that’s who. He screwed up the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, and a dozen other locations for us all. But even though we’re not Ansel Adams, we can surely get better photos than the ones in the gift shop, right? Well, it starts with reading this chapter. Hey, it’s a start.

The Golden Rule of Landscape Photography



There’s a golden rule of landscape photography, and you can follow every tip in this chapter, but without strictly following this rule, you’ll never get the results the top pros do. As a landscape photographer, you can only shoot two times a day: (1) Dawn. You can shoot about 15 to 30 minutes before sunrise, and then from 30 minutes to an hour (depending on how harsh the light becomes) afterward. The only other time you can shoot is (2) dusk. You can shoot from 15 to 30 minutes before sunset, and up to 30 minutes afterward. Why only these two times? Because that’s the rule. Okay, there’s more to it than that. These are the only times of day when you get the soft, warm light and soft shadows that give professional quality lighting for landscapes. How stringent is this rule? I’ll never forget the time I was doing a Q&A session for professional photographers. The other instructor was legendary National Geographic photographer Joe McNally. A man in the crowd asked Joe, “Can you really only shoot at dawn and dusk?” Joe quietly took his tripod and beat that man to death. Okay, that’s an exaggeration, but what Joe said has always stuck with me. He said that today’s photo editors (at the big magazines) feel so strongly about this that they won’t even consider looking at any of his, or any other photographer’s, landscape work if it’s not shot at dawn or dusk. He also said that if he takes them a shot and says, “Look, it wasn’t taken during those magic hours, but the shot is amazing,” they’ll still refuse to even look at it. The point is, professional landscape photographers shoot at those two times of day, and only those two times. If you want pro results, those are the only times you’ll be shooting, too.

Become Married to Your Tripod


Okay, so now you know that as a pro landscape shooter your life is going to be like this: you get up before dawn, and you miss dinner about every evening (remember, there’s no shame in coming to dinner late). If you’re okay with all that, then it’s time to tell you the other harsh reality—since you’ll be shooting in low light all the time, you’ll be shooting on a tripod all the time. Every time. Always. There is no hand-holding in the professional landscape photography world. Now, I must warn you, you will sometimes find landscape photographers out there at dawn some mornings shooting the same thing you are, and they’re hand-holding their cameras. They don’t know it yet, but once they open their photos in Photoshop, they are going to have the blurriest, best-lit, out-of-focus shots you’ve ever seen. Now, what can you do to help these poor hapless souls? Quietly, take your tripod and beat them to death. Hey, it’s what Joe McNally would do. (Kidding. Kind of.)

Shoot in Aperture Priority Mode


The shooting mode of pro outdoor photographers is aperture priority mode (that’s the little A or Av on your digital camera’s mode dial). The reason why this mode is so popular is that it lets you decide how to creatively present the photo. Here’s what I mean: Let’s say you’re shooting a tiger with a telephoto zoom lens and you decide you want the tiger (who’s in the foreground of the shot) to be in focus, but you want the background out of focus. With aperture priority mode, it’s easy—set your aperture to the smallest number your lens will allow (for example, f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, etc.) and then focus on the tiger. That’s it. The camera (and the telephoto lens) does the rest—you get a sharp photo of the tiger and the background is totally out of focus. So, you just learned one of the three aperture tricks: low numbers (and a zoom lens) leave your subject in the foreground in focus, while the background goes out of focus. Now, what do you do if you want the tiger and the background to both be in focus (you want to see the tiger and his surroundings clearly)? You can move your aperture to either f/8 or f/11. These two settings work great when you just want to capture the scene as your eye sees it (without the creative touch of putting the background majorly out of focus). Far away backgrounds (way behind the tiger) will be a little bit out of focus, but not much. That’s the second trick of aperture priority mode. The third trick is which aperture to use when you want as much as possible in focus (the foreground, the middle, the background—everything): just choose the highest number your lens will allow (f/22, f/36, etc.).

Composing Great Landscapes



The next time you pick up a great travel magazine that features landscape photography or look at some of the work from the masters in digital landscape photography, like David Muench, Moose Peterson, Stephen Johnson, Bill Fortney, and John Shaw, take a moment to study some of their wonderful, sweeping images. One thing you’ll find that most have in common is that these landscape shots have three distinct things: (1) A foreground. If shooting a sunset, the shot doesn’t start in the water—it starts on the beach. The beach is the foreground. (2) They have a middle ground. In the case of a sunset shot, this would be either the ocean reflecting the sun, or in some cases it can be the sun itself. And lastly, (3) they have a background. In the sunset case, the clouds and the sky. All three elements are there, and you need all three to make a really compelling landscape shot. The next time you’re out shooting, ask yourself, “Where’s my foreground?” (because that’s the one most amateurs seem to forget—their shots are all middle and background). Keeping all three in mind when shooting will help you tell your story, lead the eye, and give your landscape shots more depth.

The Trick to Shooting Waterfalls



Want to get that silky waterfall or that stream effect you see in those pro photos? The secret is leaving your shutter open (for at least a second or two), so the water moves while everything else (the rocks and trees around the waterfall or stream) remains still. Here’s what you do: switch your digital camera to shutter priority mode (the S or Tv on your camera’s mode dial), and set the shutter speed to 1 or 2 full seconds. Now, even if you’re shooting this waterfall on a bit of an overcast day, leaving your shutter open for a few seconds will let way too much light in, and all you’ll get is a solid white, completely blown-out photo. That’s why the pros do one of two things: (1) They shoot these waterfalls at or before sunrise, or just after sunset, when there is much less light. Or they (2) use a stop-down filter. This is a special darkening filter that screws onto your lens that is so dark it shuts out most of the light coming into your camera. That way, you can leave the shutter open for a few seconds. Such little light comes in that it doesn’t totally blow out your photo, and you wind up with a properly exposed photo with lots of glorious silky water. Now, if you don’t have a stop-down filter and you run across a waterfall or stream that’s deep in the woods (and deep in the shade), you can still get the effect by trying this: put your camera on a tripod, go to aperture priority mode, and set your aperture to the biggest number your lens will allow (probably either f/22 or f/36). This leaves your shutter open longer than usual (but that’s okay, you’re in deep shade, right?), and you’ll get that same silky-looking water.

A Tip for Shooting Forests



Want a great tip for shooting forest scenes? Don’t include the ground in your shots. That’s right, the ground in the forest is often surprisingly messy (with dead branches, and leaves, and a really cluttered look) and that’s why so many pro forest shots don’t include the ground—it distracts from the beauty of the trees. So, easy enough—frame your shots so they don’t include the ground, and you’re shooting better forest shots right off the bat. Now, if the ground looks good, then by all means include it, but if it’s a mess, you’ve got a way to save the shot. Here’s another forest shooting tip: overcast days are great for shooting forests because it’s difficult to get a decent forest shot in bright, harsh sunlight. However, there is one exception to this rule: if there’s “atmosphere” (fog or mist) in the forest on bright days, the sun’s rays cutting through the fog or mist can be spectacular.

Where to Put the Horizon Line



When it comes to the question of “Where do I place the horizon?” the answer is pretty easy. Don’t take the amateur route and always place the horizon in the dead center of the photo, or your landscape shots will always look like snapshots. Instead, decide which thing you want to emphasize—the sky or the ground. If you have a great-looking sky, then put your horizon at the bottom third of your photo (which will give you much more emphasis on the sky). If the ground looks interesting, then make that the star of your photo and place the horizon at the top third of your photo. This puts the emphasis on the ground, and most importantly, either one of these methods will keep your horizon out of the center, which will give your shots more depth and interest.

Getting More Interesting Mountain Shots



One theme you’ll see again and again throughout this book is to shoot from angles we don’t see every day. For example, if your subject is mountains, don’t shoot them from the road at the bottom of the mountain. This is exactly how we see mountains every day when we drive by them on the interstate, so if you shoot them like that (from the ground looking up), you’ll create shots that look very normal and average. If you want to create mountain shots that have real interest, give people a view they don’t normally see—shoot from up high. Either drive up as high as you can on the mountain, or hike up as high as is safe, then set up your camera and shoot down on or across the mountains. (This is the same theory as not shooting down on flowers. We don’t shoot down on flowers because that’s the view we normally have of them. In turn, we don’t shoot up at mountains, because we always see them from that same view. It’s boring, regular, and doesn’t show your viewer something they haven’t seen a hundred times before.)

The Trick for Warmer Sunrises and Sunsets


Here’s a trick I picked up from Bill Fortney for getting even warmer sunrises and sunsets: For Nikon shooters, go to your camera’s Shooting menu and choose Cloudy as your white balance. Press the right arrow button to get the White Balance Cloudy submenu, and move the dot in the middle of the grid to the right three spots (to A3), and then click OK. This does an amazing job of warming these types of photos. If you’re a Canon shooter, go to your camera’s menu and choose Cloudy as your white balance. Go back to the menu, select WB SHIFT/BKT, move the dot in the middle of the grid to the right three spots (to A3), and then press the Set button. Note: Don’t forget to turn this setting off when you’re not shooting sunrises or sunsets. Okay, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world (it won’t ruin all your subsequent shots), but your world will be a little warmer.

Turn on “The Blinkies” to Keep More Detail


Okay, they’re technically not called “the blinkies” (that’s our nickname for them), they’re actually called highlight warnings (or highlight alerts) and having this turned on, and adjusting for it, is a critical part of getting properly exposed landscape shots. This warning shows exactly which parts of your photo have been overexposed to the point that there’s no detail in those areas at all. You’ll be amazed at how often this happens. For example, even on an overcast day, clouds can blow out (turn solid white with no detail) easily, so we keep our camera’s highlight warning turned on. Here’s how it works: When the highlight warning is turned on and you look at the shot in your LCD monitor, those blown out areas will start to blink like a slow strobe light. Now, these blinkies aren’t always bad—if you shoot a shot where the sun is clearly visible, it’s going to have the blinkies (I don’t mean sunlight, I mean the red ball of the sun). There’s not much detail on the suface of the sun, so I’d let that go. However, if your clouds have the blinkies, that’s a different story. Probably the quickest way to adjust for this is to use your camera’s exposure compensation control (covered on the next page). For now, let’s focus on making sure your highlight warning (blinkies) is turned on. If you have a Nikon camera, press the playback button so you can see the photos on your memory card. Now, push the down arrow button to see file information, then the right arrow button until the word Highlights appears below your photo on the LCD monitor. If you have a Canon camera, press the playback button to view your images and then press the Info button to see the blinkies.

How to Deal with the Dreaded Blinkies


If you look on your camera’s LCD monitor and you see the blinkies appearing in an area that’s important to you (like in the clouds, or in someone’s white shirt, or in the snow, etc.), then you can use your digital camera’s exposure compensation control. Basically, you’re going to lower the exposure until the blinkies go away. It usually takes a few test shots (trial and error) to find out how much you have to back down, but normally this only takes a few seconds. Here’s how it works:

Nikon: Press the exposure compensation button that appears just behind your shutter button (as shown above). Then move the command dial until your exposure compensation reads –1/3 (that’s minus 1/3 of a stop). Now take the same shot again and see if the blinkies are gone. If they’re not, do the same thing, but lower the amount another 1/3, so it reads –2/3 of a stop, and so on, until the blinkies are gone.

Canon: Turn the mode dial to any creative zone mode except manual, turn the power switch to the quick control dial setting, then set the exposure compensation by turning the quick control dial on the back of the camera and using the settings mentioned above.

How to Show Size



If you’ve ever had a chance to photograph something like the California redwood trees or a huge rock formation out in Utah’s Monument Valley, you’ve probably been disappointed that when you looked at those photos later, you lost all sense of their size. In person, those redwoods were wider around than a truck. In your photos, they could’ve been the regular pines in your backyard, because they lost their sense of size. That’s why, when trying to show the size of an object, you need something in that shot to give the object a sense of scale. That’s why many photographers prefer to shoot mountains with people in the scene (hikers, climbers, etc.) because it instantly gives you a frame of reference—a sense of scale that lets the viewer immediately have a visual gauge as to how large a mountain, or a redwood, or the world’s largest pine cone really is. So, the next time you want to show the sheer size of something, simply add a person or a familiar object to your shot and you’ve got an instant frame of reference everyone can identify with. It’ll make your shots that much stronger. (Note: By the way, this also works for things that are very small. Put the object in someone’s hands, and it instantly tells the story.)

Don’t Set Up Your Tripod. Not Yet


Okay, so you walk up on a scene (a landscape, a mountain range, a waterfall, etc.) and you set up your tripod and start shooting. What are the chances that you just happened to walk up on the perfect angle to shoot your subject? Pretty slim. But that’s what most people do—they walk up on a scene, set up their tripod right where they’re standing, and they start shooting. It’s no big surprise that they wind up with the same shot everybody else got—the “walk-up” shot. Don’t fall into this trap: before you set up your tripod, take a moment and simply walk around. View your subject from different angles, and chances are (in fact, it’s almost guaranteed) that you’ll find a more interesting perspective in just a minute or two. Also, hand-hold your camera and look through the viewfinder to test your angle out. Once you’ve found the perfect angle (and not just the most convenient one), you can then set up your tripod and start shooting. Now the odds are in your favor for getting a better than average take on your subject. This is one of the big secrets the pros use every day (legendary landscape photographer John Shaw has been teaching this concept for years)—they don’t take the walk-up shot. They first survey the scene, look for the best angle, the best view, the interesting vantage point, and then (and only then) they set up their tripod. It sounds like a little thing (surveying the scene before you set up), but it’s the little things that set the pros apart.

The Trick to Getting Richer Colors


One tool the pros use to get richer, more vivid colors is the polarizing filter. Of all the add-ons used by landscape pros, the polarizing filter is probably the most essential. This filter screws onto the end of your lens and it basically does two things: (1) it cuts the reflections in your photo big time (especially in water, on rocks, or on any reflective surface), and (2) it can often add more rich blues into your skies by darkening them and generally giving you more saturated colors throughout (and who doesn’t want that?). Two tips: (1) polarizers have the most effect when you’re shooting at a 90° angle from the sun, so if the sun is in front of you or behind you, they don’t work all that well, and (2) you’ll use the rotating ring on the filter to vary the amount (and angle) of polarization (it’s also helpful so you can choose to remove reflections from either your sky or the ground). Once you see for yourself the difference a polarizing filter makes, you’ll say something along the lines of, “Ahhhh, so that’s how they do it.”

What to Shoot in Bad Weather


Okay, so you’re thinking that it’s an overcast or drizzly day, and you’re going to spend the day inside working on your photos in Photoshop. That’s not the worst idea in the world, but you’ll miss some great shooting opportunities, like:

(1) Right after a rain, while it’s still cloudy and dark, is the perfect time to shoot foliage, forests (the green leaves look more saturated and alive, even leaves on the ground look good, plus the water droplets on the leaves and flowers add interest), mossy rivers, and waterfalls (you can use slower shutter speeds while the sun is buried behind the overcast rain clouds).

(2) If it’s storming, there’s a good chance that right after the rain stops, and the clouds break, and the sun peeks through, there’s a very dramatic shot coming. It may only last a couple of minutes, and it will either start storming again or clear up and just get really sunny (an outdoor photographer’s enemy), so be ready for those few magical moments between storms. They’re worth waiting for.

(3) Before the storm “lets loose,” you can get some really amazing skies, with angry clouds and sometimes colorful light or strong light beams. Most people miss these shots, so be ready (just don’t shoot in the rain, to protect you and your gear).

Atmosphere Is Your Friend



Besides just keeping us here on earth, the atmosphere (low-hanging clouds or fog) can make for some really interesting landscape photos (we’re talking soft, diffused light heaven). In fact, some of my personal favorite shots are taken when the fog rolls in between mountains (but, of course, you need to shoot this from above the fog on a higher mountaintop). I’ve shot horses on the beach with the fog rolling in and it creates almost a Hollywood fantasy effect that looks great on film (digital film, anyway). Also, beams of light in the forest, beaming through moisture in the air, or through thick fog, can be just amazing. Get up early (or miss dinner) to make the most of these atmospheric effects.

Getting Rid of Lens Flare—The Manual Way


Another great reason to wear a baseball cap when you shoot (besides the two obvious reasons: [1] it protects you from the harmful rays of the sun, and [2] it looks cool) is to help eliminate (or at the very least, reduce) lens flare. If you’re using a lens hood on your camera, that can certainly help, but I’ve found that often it alone is not enough. That’s where your ballcap comes in—just take it off and position it above the right or left top side of your lens (depending on where the sun is positioned). Then look through your camera’s view-finder to see (1) right where to position your ballcap so it blocks the lens flare from the sun (it’s easier than you think), and (2) to make sure your ballcap doesn’t show up in your photo (I’ve had more than one photo with the edge of a ballcap in the frame. I guess that’s why they make Photoshop—to remove silly stuff like that). I’m still surprised how well this totally manual technique for removing lens flare works.

The Landscape Photographer’s Secret Weapon


So, earlier you learned about the polarizer and how essential that filter is. This filter, the neutral density gradient filter, isn’t necessarily essential but it is the secret weapon of professional landscape photographers. It lets them balance the exposure between the ground and the sky to capture a range of exposure which, without it, their camera could never pull off (it’s either going to expose for the ground or for the sky, but not both at the same time). For example, let’s say you’re shooting a landscape at sunset. If you expose for the sky, the sky will look great but the ground will be way too dark. If you expose for the ground, then the sky will be way too light. So, how do you get both the sky and the ground to look right? With a neutral density gradient filter (a filter that’s dark at the top and smoothly graduates down to transparent at the bottom). What this essentially does is darkens the sky (which would have been overexposed), while leaving the ground untouched, but the brilliance of it is the gradient—it moves from darkening (at the top of the filter) and then graduates smoothly down to transparent. That way it only darkens the sky, but it does so in a way that makes the top of the sky darker, and then your sky gradually becomes lighter until the filter has no effect at all by the time it reaches the ground. The result is a photo where both the sky and ground look properly exposed.

Keeping Your Horizons Straight


There is nothing that looks worse than a crooked horizon line. It’s like when you don’t get the fleshtone color right in a photo—it just jumps out at people (and people can’t resist pointing this out. It doesn’t matter if you’ve taken a photo with composition that would make Ansel Adams proud, they’ll immediately say, “Your photo’s crooked”). A great way to avoid this is by using the Virtual Horizon feature on your camera (if your camera has this feature, like the Nikon D600 shown above on the left) or with a double level—a simple little gizmo that slides into your flash hot shoe (that little bracket on the top of your camera where you’d attach an external flash). This double level gizmo has a mini-version of the bubble level you’d find at Home Depot and it lets you clearly see, in an instant, if your camera is level (and thus, your horizon line). The double level version works whether your camera is shooting in portrait or landscape orientation and is worth its weight in gold (of course, that’s not saying very much, because I doubt the thing weighs even one ounce, but you get my drift). As luck would have it, they’re more expensive than they should be—between $25 and $80—but still very worth it.

Shooting on Cloudy Days



This is another one of those things that may initially elicit a “Duh” response, but I’ve been out shooting with more photographers than I can think of who didn’t think of this simple concept when shooting on gray, overcast days—shoot to avoid the sky. I know, it sounds silly when you’re reading it here, but I’ve heard it time and time again, “Ah, the sky is so gray today, I’m not going to shoot.” Baloney. Just take shots that limit the amount of visible sky. That way, if you make a tonal adjustment later in Photoshop (that’s a fancy way of saying, “I’m going to make the sky look bluer than it really was on that gray, overcast day”), you won’t have to work very hard. This just happened on my last shoot, where we’d have 20 minutes of blue sky and then an hour and a half of gray, overcast sky. I just really limited the amount of sky in my photos (I was shooting urban city photos), and then it took just seconds to fix in Photoshop. Here’s what I did:

   Step One: I opened one of the photos where the sky looked nice and blue, then took the Eyedropper tool (I), and clicked on the blue sky to make that my Foreground color.

   Step Two: I then opened a photo with small amounts of gray, overcast sky and with the Magic Wand tool (W) clicked in the sky to select it (which took all of two seconds).

Step Three: I added a new blank layer above my Background layer and filled the selection with my Foreground color. That’s it—my gray sky was blue.

Tips for Shooting Panoramas, Part 1



There is something so fascinating about what happens when you stitch together five or six (or more) landscape photos into one long, single image. It’s as close as you can get (with a photograph anyway) to recreating the experience of being there. Now, although this will take more than one page to describe, shooting panos right is easy, so if you’re serious about panos, follow these rules. However, if you have Photoshop CS4 or higher (or Elements 6 or higher), Photomerge is so vastly improved, you can simply just overlap each shot by 20% when you shoot your pano.

(1) Shoot your pano on a tripod. (Note: Panos work best shot on a tripod, and if you’re shooting at sunrise or sunset, they’re a must. That being said, you can shoot hand-held if the light is bright enough, like if you’re shooting in daylight or really bright cloudy light.)

(2) Shoot vertically (in portrait orientation) rather than horizontally (in landscape orientation). It’ll take more shots to cover the same area, but you’ll have less edge distortion and a better looking pano for your extra effort.

(3) Switch your camera’s white balance to Cloudy. If you leave it set to Auto, your white balance may (will) change between segments, which is bad, bad, bad.

(4) There’s more—go to the next page...

Tips for Shooting Panoramas, Part 2



(5) Press your shutter button halfway down to set your exposure, then look in your viewfinder and make note of the f-stop and shutter speed. Now switch your camera to manual mode and dial in that f-stop and shutter speed. If you don’t, and you shoot in an auto exposure mode of any kind, your exposure may (will) change for one or more of the segments.

(6) Once you focus on the first segment, turn off auto focus for your lens. That way, your camera doesn’t refocus as you shoot the different segments.

(7) Overlap each segment by 20–25%. That’s right, make sure that about 1/4 of your first shot appears in the second shot. Each segment needs to overlap by at least 20% so Photoshop’s stitching software can match things up. This is very important.

(8) Shoot fairly quickly—especially if clouds are moving behind your landscape. Don’t be lollygagging for two minutes between each shot. Git ‘er done, or something could change (lighting, clouds, etc.) in your pano, which will really mess things up.

(9) Use a shutter release, or at the very least a self timer, so you don’t have any camera movement as you’re shooting each segment. Nothing’s worse than one segment that is blurry.

Tips for Shooting Panoramas, Part 3



Now, if you followed the rules set out on the previous two pages, the rest is easy:

   Step One: Open Photoshop and then go under Photoshop’s File menu, under Automate, and choose Photomerge.

   Step Two: In the resulting dialog, click the Browse button in the center, navigate to your pano photo segments, choose them all, and click Open.

Step Three: At the bottom of the Source Files section, make sure the Blend Images Together checkbox is turned on and turn on Vignette Removal. Leave the Layout set to Auto and click OK.

  Step Four: Photoshop will then stitch the photos together into one seamless panorama (you may need to crop off any transparent areas). If you see a small seam at the top, between two segments, use the Clone Stamp tool (S) to cover it by pressing-and-holding the Option (PC: Alt) key and clicking in a nearby area of sky that looks similar to sample that area. Then, choose a soft-edged brush from the Brush Picker and clone (paint) over the little seam to hide it. If you still have some gaps in the corners, select them, then go under the Edit menu and choose Fill. In the Fill dialog, change the Use pop-up menu to Content-Aware and click OK. Use the Clone Stamp tool to clean up any problems.

Faking Panoramas



If you have Photoshop or Photoshop Elements, there’s a great way to create a fake panorama: crop the photo so it becomes a panorama. Just get the Crop tool (C) and click-and-drag so it selects only the center of your photo, cropping off the top and bottom (as shown above). Then press Return (PC: Enter) and the top and bottom are cropped away, leaving you with a wide panoramic crop of your original photo. Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.

Why You Need a Wide-Angle Lens


If you’re shooting landscapes, you’ve probably come back from a shoot more than once and been disappointed that the incredible vista you saw in person didn’t transfer to your photos. It’s really tough to create a 2D photo (which is what still photos are—two-dimensional) that has the depth and feeling of being there. That’s why I recommend one of two things:

(1) Don’t try to capture it all. That’s right, use a zoom lens and deliberately capture just a portion of the scene that suggests the whole. These can often be much more powerful than trying to fit everything into one photo, which can lead to a photo without a clear subject, and with distracting images and backgrounds. This is why I often shoot with a 70–200mm lens—to get in tight on a portion of the scene.

(2) Buy a super-wide-angle lens. Not a fish-eye lens—a super-wide-angle lens (like a 12mm). If you’re trying to capture it all, a super-wide-angle (sometimes called ultra-wide-angle) lens is often just the trick you need to take in the big picture. My favorite outdoor lens is my 14–24mm zoom lens (which is also a good sports shooting lens, by the way). I must admit, I rarely use the 24mm end, because I use this lens when I’m trying to get “the big picture,” so I use the 14mm end most of the time. You’ll love what it does to clouds, almost giving them a sense of movement along the edges.

Want to Take Things Up a Notch? Shoot Low


When you’re setting up your tripod at some famous landscape location, look at all the other people setting up their tripods. What do they all have in common (take a look at the image on page 65 again)? They’re all standing behind their tripods, right? So, what’s about to happen? They’re all about to take a shot with pretty much the same vantage point and perspective. So, how do you make yours have more impact and stand out? Shoot down low. That’s right—rather than extending the legs of your tripod all the way out, set up your tripod fairly low to the ground, to where you’ll be shooting either sitting down or kneeling down (in some situations you might even want to lay down). This will give you a different perspective and it will accentuate the foreground. These two will often give your images more impact. Remember, if you just do what everybody else is doing, your shots will pretty much look like those of everybody else shooting right beside you. This is one way to tip the scales in your favor.

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