
Page numbers followed by f refers to figures

ABM (account-based marketing), 168

Accelity, 154

Account executives (AEs), 100, 120

Accountability sessions, 46

Account-based marketing (ABM), 168

Action drivers, 50–55, 64, 68, 70–72, 199f, 201f

Adamson, Brent, 30


definition of, 16

and inbound strategies, 9–10

negative response to, 35

nondigital, 10

in organic social media, 83

outbound strategies using, 11, 31, 86

paid social media, 83–84

and terms/payments, 64–65

traditional, 34–35

Advertorials, 37

Advocates, 77, 93, 127–128

AEs (account executives), 100, 120, 41, 90, 100

Anchor bias, 36

Approach angles, 170–171, 179

Approval and commitment stage of buying cycle, 215–216

Assessment and measuring stage of buying cycle, 217–219

Asynchronous selling, 12, 19, 58–59, 76, 88, 120, 163, 184, 207, 215 (See also Synchronous selling)

“At scale” execution, xvii

Audio Rooms (LinkedIn platform), 95–96

Authenticity, 5, 135

Authority, 147–149

Automated email sequences, 10–11, 18, 79f, 129, 183, 188

Average recurring revenue per customer, 143

B2B (see Business-to-business [B2B])

B2C (business-to-consumer), 12, 104

Baby boomers, 188

Baby steps, taking, 146

Bad selling, xvii

Behavior tracking, 47, 109, 111, 184, 194

Best practices, 36, 65–71, 131, 172, 216

Bidders, 31

Big shift, 27–28

Blogs, 27, 37, 69, 80, 108, 146–147, 151, 163

in Connection layer, 77

as digital assets, 42

and e-conversations, 18

engaging with, 29

gated content in, 118

keywords in, 81

and search engines, 80

as social profiles, 90

subscribers of, 107, 116

Bornancin, Brandon, 99–101

“Bottom 30 percent” of buyers, 32f, 33, 38

Brainstorming, 42

“Break/fix” repair basis, 126

Broadcasting, 6, 10, 141

Brochures, 29, 39, 90

Business, essence of, 1

Business development goals, setting, 193–194

Business-to-business (B2B), 12, 29–30, 104

Business-to-consumer (B2C), 12, 104

Business-Within-a-Business (BWB), 75–77

Buyer intent, 15

Buying activity, 3f

Buying mode, 31–32, 185, 188

BWB (business-within-a-business), 75–77

Calendly, 189

Caller ID, 181

Calls to action (CTAs), 178

Cantor, Eddie, 147

“Care and feeding” requirement, 111

Case studies, 70, 157

Chambers of commerce, 149–150

Champions, 77, 93, 102, 103f, 128–130

Channel partners, xiii

Chicago, Ill., 81

Choice decisions, 48–49, 56, 64, 208, 213

Choice drivers, 49–50, 55–65, 68, 71–72

Churn, 39, 128, 143

Cinnabon, 33

Clarity, 146, 182

Clarity, getting, 146

Closers, 20

Closing and Negotiating for Maximum Profitability™ (workshop), 209

Closing deals, 198, 199f, 201f, 207, 209

Clubhouse, 95

Cochrane, Graham, 140

Cold calling, 31, 34–35, 189

Cold emailing, 184

Cold texting, 189

Collaborators, 172

Comments (commenting), 16

converting to prospects, 86

and engagers, 111–115

leaving, 186–187

leveraging, 163

linking to, 146, 190

and live networking, 106–108

and negotiation, 63

posting, 37, 103f

and promoters, 116–118

in social audio, 96

and trust factor, 59–60


consistent, 137, 151

one-way, 102

outbound, 10–11

real-time, 14, 56, 88, 102

Compelling promise, 141–143

Complementary supplier referrals, 175

“Connect and pitch” prospecting tactic, 186

Connection layer, 77–84, 79f, 97

Connector position, 171–172


as action driver, 50, 51

assessing, 27, 39

and integrity, 156

negative, 128

quantifying, 211

in recognition phase, 210–211

of remaining at Point A, 25, 35

Consistent communication, 137, 151

Consumers, 108–111

Contact, 119

Contact information, 103f

collecting, 73, 119

during conversation phase, 118

exchanging information for, 55, 89, 100, 117

as personal branding, 134

purchasing, 105

and subscriber lists, 183–184

“Contact us” forms, 120

Content, 51–53, 64–65, 68–70, 88–90, 94–95, 108–111, 125–126, 161–163

audio rooms for, 96–97

and consistency, 151

curating/creating, 66–68, 145–146

delivery of, 62–63

and one-to-one approach, 176–179

and organic searches, 80–81

sharing, 115–116

in social media, 83–84, 90–91, 113–115

video, 45–47

Content marketing, xv, 27

Content sharing, 83, 115–117, 129

Control, maintaining, 13

Convenience, 13

Conversation phase, 102, 103f, 118–124, 130

Conversational marketing tools, 120

Conversion layer, 77, 79f, 87–91, 96, 97

Copywriting, 18–19

Copywriting for Sales Professionals (program), 19

Core beliefs, 58

Cost per acquisition (CPA), 84, 162

Courage to step out, 145–146

Courville, Roger, 153

CPA (cost per acquisition), 84, 162

Credibility, 147–149

CRM (see Customer relationship management)

Cross-departmental initiative, 65

CTAs (calls to action), 178

Current state (Point A), 25–27, 29, 30f, 33–36, 42, 93, 125, 128, 138, 171–172, 199f, 201f, 210–211

Custom solution demonstrations, 208

Customer (digital buyer designation), 124

Customer experience (CX), 56, 59–60

Customer relationship journeys, 11, 75, 97–103, 103f, 128, 163, 170

conversation phase of, 118–124

and digital selling engine, 77–78

post-conversation stage of, 124–129

pre-conversation stage of, 105–118

three phases of, 102

Customer relationship management (CRM), 108, 184, 194, 199

Customer results model, 35, 128

Customer reviews, 29, 60, 62, 89, 90–94

CX (customer experience), 56, 59–60

Deal paths, 215

Denver, Colo., 81

Desired future state (Point C), 25–27, 34f, 36, 42, 50, 93, 125, 128, 138, 199f, 200f

Digital buying process, 201f

action/choice decisions in, 48–49

approval and commitment stage of, 215–216

assessment and measurement stage of, 217–219

asynchronous advancing of, 17, 204–206

and the big shift, 27–29

changes in, 29–31

and customer alliance, 26–27

in customer results model, 24–26

and empowering customers, 32–34

implementation stage of, 216–217

and knowledge sharing, 40–42

selection/requests during, 214–215

synchronous advancing of, 206–207

“think like a fish” metaphor for, 23–24

using digital assets in, 210–219

using insight during, 34–40

Digital gravity, 135

Digital persuasion, 17

Digital salesmanship, 47

Digital selling:

asynchronous, 27

eight truths about, 6–20

and insight, 36–37

motives for, 51

need for marketing in, 19–20

online, 92–93

primary media for, 17–19

risks of, 54–55

securing resources for, 54

and steady client stage, 126–127

and terms/payments, 65

and urgency, 52–53

using emails or texts in, 94–95

Digital selling engines:

and company websites, 88–90

components of, 79f

definition of, 76–77

four layers of, 77–78

sketching out, 94–95

tools for, 65

Digital stalking, 7–8

Digital-first marketplaces, xiv, 24, 85

Direct mail marketing, 6, 10

Direct messages (DMs), 10, 16, 19, 53, 79f, 91, 115, 117–118, 189

as attention getter, 186–187

in connection layer, 77

in conversation phase, 102

in LinkedIn, 104, 190–192

and outreach, 163

personal messages via, 129

using keywords in, 81

Discounts, 125

Discovery, 85, 92, 169, 199f, 201f, 207–208

Discussion forums, 10, 12, 37

Discussion groups, 89

DMs (see Direct messages)

Domino’s Pizza, 62

Drift, 120

Drop-bys, 72

Dupree, Dale, 158

Dwell time, 109

e-books, 10, 52, 122

e-conversations, 18, 27, 38–39, 44, 87, 102, 119

Educator positions, 171

e-learning, 46

Email campaigns, 19, 31–32, 186

Email newsletters, 68, 90, 98, 116, 118, 147, 150–151

Email prospecting, 183–185

Email subscriber lists, 55, 80, 89, 94–95, 97–98, 100, 117, 125, 183

Email subscribers, 96, 116–118

Email tracking, 184

Empowerment, customer, 34

Endorsements, 46, 59, 103f, 107, 127 (See also Testimonials)

Engagers, 111–115

e-relationships, xiv, 15, 33–34, 74, 78, 91, 99–131, 135, 181, 186

Evaluation stage of buying cycle, 213–214

Executive assistants, 175–176

Executive-level prospects, 171, 184, 213

Expertise, 137–139 (See also Insight; Knowledge)

Exploration stage of buying cycle, 212

Exploring online, 13


in approval and commitment stage, 215

minimizing, 55, 63, 204

and social algorithms, 94

using content to attain, 109

value of, 45

via paid social media, 83–84

via public speaking, 149

via publishing, 41

via shared content, 115

via testimonials, 127

Express Mail, 187

External referrals, 175

Face time, 204


advertising on, 162, 165

and B2C businesses, 104

and company websites, 88

contact information on, 100

and content creation, 66, 69

groups, 8, 57, 108, 150

live shows on, 95

as organic social media, 83

as paid social media, 85–86

posting on, 110, 114–115

profiles, 91

research on, 135

using comments from, 60

Facebook Business Pages, 91

Facebook Direct Message, 186

FAQs (frequently asked questions), 81

FedEx, 40, 62, 76, 86, 187, 192

FedEx Office, 41

Fiverr, 70

Follower, 107–108

Forecast accuracy, 83

Forecasting, 199

Forrester Research, xiii

Fortune 500, 123

Four Key Elements of a One-to-One Approach, 177

Four Reasons Why Enterprise IT Projects Fail (article), 148

Free guides, 52–53, 89, 91, 100, 117, 210–212

Frequently asked questions (FAQs), 81

“Friends and family” businesses, 88

Gamification, 111

Gartner, 3, 29, 62, 205

Gartner Future of Sales 2025 report, 7

Gartner Insights (website), 62

Gated content, 117–118

Gatekeepers (executive assistants), 175–176

Gen Z, 188

Generation Xers, 188

Generators, 20

Genuine irresistibility, 152–159

Geographic territories, 76

Ghost writers (proxies), 184

Gig economy, xiii


and asynchronous selling, 13

and information gathering, 29

organic searches using, 80–82

paid search using, 82–83

and personal branding, 133

and social profiles, 90

Google Ads, 82

Google AdWords, 82

Google Business Profile, 60

Google Maps, 7

“Got Milk?” campaign, 204

GoTo Webinar, 95

Go-to-market strategies, 47, 74

Handwritten notes, 188

Hane, Allyn, 41

Hardy, Shawn, 58–59

Heart for serving others, 139–141

Hermes, Jackie, 154

Hollywood, 144

Holmes, Chet, 31

“Hoop jumping,” 48

Hootsuite, 68

How to Get Professionally Published (Stinnett), 147

How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile to Attract Followers and Convert Leads Like Crazy (Stinnett), 91

Hubspot, 184

Hypefury, 68

Hyperlinks, 37, 116

IBM, 1, 100

Implementation stage of buying cycle, 216–217

Inbound connection layer, 80–84, 97

Inbound demand generation, 48, 65, 75, 161

Inbound prospecting, 150

as choice driver, 57

connecting with, 86

and connection layer, 77

content creation for, 44, 65

and digital selling engines, 76–80

and email subscriber lists, 183

on LinkedIn, 37, 150

outbound vs., 21, 162–163, 168

and scheduling apps, 190

strategies for, 9–12, 74–75, 99–101, 161

using digital assets for, 197

(See also Outbound prospecting)

Inbound telephone calling, 87

Independent research, 3, 29

Independent sales contractors, xii–xiii

Industry benchmarks, 203, 218

Industry events, 2, 10

Industry experts, 29, 58

Industry trends, 94, 114, 125, 171

Innovators, 172


beliefs about, 56

and champions, 129

as choice driver, 59

and consistent communication, 151

and content development, 68–70

and email subscriber lists, 183–184

engaging in early stages with, 34–40

and repeat customers, 125–126

sharing, 40–42, 95

and social profiles, 90, 92, 94

and starter customers, 122–123

for subscribers, 116–117

and text messaging, 188–189


and buying process, 162

defining, 16

and insight, 35–38, 45–48

and organic search, 80

publishing with, 45–48, 71

specific, 173

of websites, 90

Intent data, 38

Internal referrals, 175

Irresistibility, genuine, 152–159

Junk folders, 184

Key performance indicators (KPIs), 142

Keywords, 80–82

King, Stephen, 41

Kinko’s, 41

Knowledge, 40–41, 56, 59, 66–67, 104, 137–139 (See also Insight)

KPIs (key performance indicators), 142

Landing pages, 18, 36, 79f, 87, 90, 96, 118

“The Lawn Care Nut” (YouTube channel), 41

Lead conversion, 82

Lead funnels, 87

Lead generation, 11, 74–75, 80, 84

Learning from others, 146

Levine, Larry, 154

Likes (see Comments)


action drivers using, 51–54

advertising on, 6, 84

connecting via, 106–107, 119, 124, 186–187

gated content on, 117, 118

groups, 13, 30

messaging via, 86, 104

outreach process using, 192

posting on, 38, 42, 68, 69, 115–116, 127, 146, 147, 150

profiles, 17, 28, 60, 87, 90–91, 97, 99–100, 133–134, 190

reasons people use, 15

and search engine optimization, 80

value of using, 149–150

LinkedIn Navigator, 84, 106

Live Audio Rooms (Facebook platform), 95

Live video, 2–3, 10, 14, 37, 46, 67, 77, 79f, 87–88, 92, 100, 105, 120, 133, 148

LiveChat, 120

Logos, 16, 147, 159

Long-tail keywords, 82

Lookalike profiles, 83

Lookers, 32

Loom, 185

Magnetic personal branding, 20, 75, 84, 101, 179

and compelling promise, 141–143

and consistent communication, 151

and courage to step out, 145–146

and credibility/authority, 147–149

definition of, 133

and genuine irresistibility, 152–159

and having a platform with reach, 149–151

and heart for serving others, 139–141

importance of, 133–136

and knowledge/expertise, 137–139

nine essential elements of, 136–137

and relatable personal story, 143–145

Maintaining control, 13

Marketeers, 19, 27, 40, 84

Marketing (term), 1, 9

Marketplace noise, 85, 163

Masterclasses, 40, 89

McKenna, Dave, 58–59

Micro-learning, 46

Micro-offers (see Mini-offers)

“Middle 30 percent” of buyers, 32f, 33

Millennials, 188

Mini-offers, 122–123, 126, 204

Mitigating risk, 47, 55, 91, 213

Motive (action driver), 50–52, 170, 209

Multipronged approach, 86, 188, 190–194

Name dropping, 178

Named accounts, 76

National Speakers Association, 149

NBC, 148

Needs analysis/assessment, 92, 199f, 201f, 207

Nested content, 68

Networking, 2, 10, 12, 20, 104, 106

Networking and Referrals for Sales Prospecting (mini-course), 175

Newsletters, 62 (See also Email newsletters)

“Next 30 percent” of buyers, 32f, 33, 108

Niche marketing, 138–139

Nine qualities of irresistibility, 152

Ninjio, 62

NTSI, 58

Numbers game approach, 33, 85–86

Old school selling, 72

One-way communication, 102

Online forums, 29–30, 89

“Open 7 percent” of buyers, 31–37, 169

Optical character recognition, 115

Opt-in subscribers, 94, 103f, 105, 116–118, 125, 184

Organic search, 80–82

Organic social media, 36, 83, 95

Others, heart for serving, 139–141

Outbound connection layer, 84–87

Outbound prospecting

and asynchronous selling, 58

best practices, 32, 161

cold-calling for, 34, 74

and contact gathering, 74

copy writing for, 18

creating content for, 65

and customer buying process, 198–201

defining angle of, 170–176

definition of, 9

digital content for, 48

and digital selling engines, 76

digital tools for, 48, 179–190

direct messaging, 104

and inbound attraction, 11

inbound vs., 21

on LinkedIn, 15, 150

mindset for, 163–166

multipronged approach to, 190–193

objective of, 168–170

and outbound connection layer, 84

ownership of, 20, 75

practical application of, 32

strategies for, 74–75, 99–101

tactical vs. targeted, 166–168

30-day plan for, 193–195

(See also Inbound prospecting)

Outcome-oriented marketing, 27, 38

Outreach, 184

Outsourcing, 19–20, 65, 70, 75, 168, 212

Paid search advertising, 10

Paid social media advertising, 9–10, 36, 83–84

Partner and alliance referrals, 175

Partner-based relationships, 130

Payback/return, 32, 54, 121, 156, 159, 203, 209

Payments, terms and, 56, 64–65

Pay-per-click (PPC), 82

PDFs, 193, 206

“People you may know” suggestions, 108

Personal story, relatable, 143–145

Phone (see Telephone[s])

Pilot engagement, 122

Pipeline management, 199

Platform with reach, 149–151

Podcasts, 10, 12, 15, 53, 79f, 95, 96, 105, 107, 116, 148, 151, 185

Points A/B/C (see Current state [Point A]; Desired future state [Point C]; Transaction state [Point B])

Post-conversation phase, 102, 103f, 124–130

Power-Prospecting at the Executive Level™ (course), 171

PPC (pay-per-click), 82

Pre-conversation phase, 102, 103f, 105–118

Pre-roll videos, 10–11, 16, 82

Press releases, 58, 60

Price to value/risk ratio, 56, 63

Prioritized prospecting objectives, 170

Priority (action driver), 50

Problem solver position, 171

Problems and results inventories, 42

Process improvement, 172

Product testing, 11, 103f, 120–121

Product/services solution, 56, 61–62

Profit opportunities, 173

Promise, compelling, 141–143

Promoters, 115–116

Prospecting, 9

email, 183–185

tactical, 166–168, 184

targeted, 106, 166–168, 172, 174, 184–185, 190, 193

(See also Inbound prospecting; Outbound prospecting)

Proxies, 184

Public speaking, 18, 148–149, 151

Pull quotes, 69

Pyramid of Awareness, 32f, 33–34, 42, 45, 113, 197

Quantum leap, 28

Real-time communication, 14, 56, 88, 102

Real-time selling, 12–13, 27–28

Recognition, 10–11

of awards, 59, 62

of customer needs, 204

of outbound communication, 10–11

of problems/dissatisfaction, 25–26, 26f, 30f, 51

Recognition stage of buying cycle, 210–211

Recommendations, 59–60

Referrals, 175–176

Relatable personal story, 143–145

Repeat customers, 77, 125–126

Requests for proposal (RFPs), 214

Resources (action driver), 51

Retargeting ads, 10

Retention and repeat layer, 77–78, 79f, 93–97

Return on investment (ROI), 38–39, 47, 54, 74, 82, 84, 201f, 203, 213 (See also Payback/return)

RFPs (requests for proposal), 214

Risks (action driver), 51

ROI (see Return on investment)

Rotary clubs, 150

Rowling, J. K., 41

Rushmore, 81

SaaS (see Software as a service)

Sales copy, 18–19, 89, 92, 197

Sales cycles, 13, 102

Sales development representatives (SDRs), 19, 100, 120

Sales entrepreneurs, xii

Sales environments, 12, 16, 31, 74, 76–77, 85, 92, 102, 158, 178, 197, 207

Sales Excellence (company), 57, 69, 93, 128, 150, 175, 203

Sales Excellence® Core Methodology, ix

Sales pitches, 38–39, 93, 186

The Sales Rebellion movement, 158

Scheduling apps, 189–190

Schmidt, Tim, 58–59

Scribie, 82

Scrolling, 108–110, 133–134

SDRs (see Sales development representatives)

Seamless SDR, 120

Seamless.AI, 73, 99–101, 120

Search engine optimization (SEO), 9, 19, 80–82, 163

Search engines, 7, 15–16, 30, 80–81, 104

Seismic, 184

Select and request stage of buying cycle, 214–215

Self-publishing, 147

Selling from the Heart: How Your Authentic Self Sells You (Levine), 154

Selling layer, 91–93, 97

Selling Power magazine, 45

Selling Results! (Stinnett), ix

Selling to C-Level and VP-Level Executives™ (training course), 142

Semrush, 81

SEO (see Search engine optimization)

Sequenced emails/texts, 94–95

Serving others, heart for, 139–141

Seven Figure Social Selling (Bornancin), 100

7 Good Reasons for Having a Conversation with Your Customer (article), 117–118, 173

7 Ways to Make Your Social Videos Absolutely Outstanding (Stinnett), 110

“Shoot-out” comparisons, 37

Slack, 30, 124

Small businesses, 19–20, 52–53, 65, 66, 70, 75–76, 88–89

Smartphones, 7, 10, 14–15, 88, 110, 119–120, 124, 185

Smith, Jim, 58–59

Social algorithms, 94, 109–117, 190

Social audio, 95–96

Social engagement, 112

Social media influencers, 8, 31, 40, 57, 140, 147, 197, 204

Social media views, 108, 149

Social profile, 90–91

Social proof, 57–58, 143, 178

Social reach, 110

Social selling, 14–15, 100

Software as a service (SaaS), 11, 142–143, 162, 197

Solopreneurs, 9, 57

Solutions, 25

Spam (spammers), 38, 86, 184

Special offers, 125

Specific intent, 173

Speech recognition technology, 82

Spotify, 105

Squarespace, 88

Stability and reliability, 56, 60–61

Star ratings, 60

Starbucks, 33

Starter customers, 55, 103f, 122–124

Steady clients, 126–127

Stealth mode, 7–8

Step out, courage to, 145–146

Step-by-step sales process, 198

Storytelling, 17, 58, 60, 70–71, 136, 143

Strangers, 85, 90, 102, 103f, 105–108, 130

Strategic experimentation, 11

Success ratios, 74

Synchronous selling, 12, 28, 36, 58–59, 76, 88, 199–120, 207, 215 (See also Asynchronous selling)

Tactical prospecting, 166–168, 184

Target accounts, 31, 168, 193–194, 218

Targeted prospecting, 106, 166–168, 172, 174, 184–185, 190, 193

Tech stacks, xiv

TED Talks, 8

Telemarketing, 19–20

Telephone(s), 3, 8, 13–14, 64–65, 77–78, 79f, 89, 120, 169, 180–182, 192, 204

cold calling, 18, 176

inbound connections, 87

live meetings vs., 92

live video vs., 87–88, 92

outbound connections, 10, 31–32, 170

talking points, 18

voicemail, 10, 182–183, 190

(See also Smartphones)

Terms and payments, 56, 64–65

Testimonials, 58–60, 62–63, 91, 94, 103f, 127, 141, 185 (See also Endorsements)

Text messages, 69, 94–95, 124, 188–189 (See also Direct messages [DMs])

Text Tips, 69

“Think like a fish” metaphor, 23–24

Think Like Your Customer (Stinnett), ix, 23, 40

30-Day Prospecting Plan, 193–195

Three Cs of selling, 74

Ticker files, 170

TikTok, 149

Time factors, 13

Toastmasters, 149

“Top 3 percent” of buyers, 31–37, 45, 82, 169

“Touching base” cliché, 94, 173

Trade secrets, 40, 63

Transaction state (Point B), 25–26, 30f, 34f, 126, 141, 201, 219

Trial customer, 103f, 120–121

Trust factor, 56–58

Twitter, 53, 55, 69, 147, 186–187

Twitter Spaces, 95

The Ultimate Sales Machine (Holmes), 31

Unbundling, 123

Understanding Your Customer’s Buying Cycle (worksheet), 205

United Kingdom, 45

Upwork, 70

Urgency (action driver), 50

Vertical markets, 76

“Video fatigue,” 182

Videoconferencing, 11, 13–14, 45, 95, 117, 119, 135, 182, 186, 188–189, 204, 208–209

Vidyard, 185

Visibility, 45, 135 (See also Exposure)

Voicemail, 10, 182–183, 190

Washington Business Journal, 148

Watson, Thomas, 1

Webinars, 10, 32, 53, 79f, 89, 114, 169, 178

Weinberg, Mike, 163–165, 186

WhatsApp, 124, 163, 194

White papers, 17, 32, 36, 61, 63, 64, 117, 211, 212, 218

Why Buy from NTSI? (Stinnett), 58

Wix, 88

WordPress, 89

WordStream, 81

World Wide Web, 29

Yelp, 29

YouTube, 10–11, 15, 28, 36–38, 42, 62, 68–69, 72, 81–82, 95, 97–98, 100, 127, 129, 136, 140, 146, 150–151, 185

Zerkle, Ray, 58–59

Ziglar, Zig, 138

Zoom, 95

ZoomInfo, 74

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