Chapter 30

Writing Discussion

This technique draws on the advantages of online discussion boards and chat rooms and transfers them to live, face-to-face discussion settings. In small groups, participants respond to a question or problem through texting, instant messaging, or handwriting in block letters on notecards. A debrief reflects on its strengths and weaknesses.


  • To experience relating to others who may or may not be physically present solely through written, not oral, communication
  • To support those who find the fast pace of oral discussion unnerving and who prefer a more deliberative style of written communication
  • To combine written communication with eye contact, gesturing, body language, and touch

How It Works

  • In small groups of five people consider a question or problem. Participants are told that written communication is the primary mode. No speech is permitted. Participants are also encouraged to use facial cues and body language to amplify their written communication.
  • In live meetings, workshops, and classes people handwrite messages on notecards. Each person writes in big enough letters for everyone in the group to see, and the notecards are placed in the center of the table or pinned to an easel. Now everyone can see all of them as the discussion proceeds, and they can be moved to accommodate new postings or be rearranged into new clusters.
  • In a spoken debrief, members talk about the advantages and disadvantages of relying on written communication.

Where and When It Works Well

  1. Online discussion boards. The inspiration for this technique arises from discussion boards in which almost all communication occurs through writing. This technique is thus especially appropriate, even necessary, in online settings.
  2. When you want to deemphasize speech. Those who are not comfortable relying solely on the spoken word appreciate even a temporary shift to the written word.
  3. To deepen discussion. In contrast to the transitory nature of speech, writing sometimes enables people to probe a topic more comprehensively.

What Users Appreciate

  1. It's easier to keep track of the discussion. People can review all the preceding contributions before making a comment.
  2. It enables time to process information. Those who need time to ponder questions are often drawn to this activity.
  3. Introverts are more relaxed. Removing the pressure to speak extemporaneously is a big relief to introverts.

What to Watch Out For

  1. The frustration of garrulous extroverts. Confining their comments to writing often frustrates extroverts. Remind people there will always be those who appreciate slowing down the discussion and using the more deliberative approach of writing.
  2. Neglecting texting. A discussion using texting that is projected onto a screen (perhaps on Today's Meet or Backchannel Chat) is different from one using notecards. Younger students typically prefer to text.
  3. The loss of spontaneity and camaraderie. In a live spoken discussion you can sometimes feel the energy crackling in the room as people excitedly finish each other's sentences, jump in with examples, and respond immediately. This energy is less evident in Writing Discussion but is replaced by a more reflective tone.
  4. Failing energy. In the age of the keyboard, lengthy discussion relying entirely on handwritten messages can quickly get tiring and frustrating. Bring the exercise to a close if it is causing special difficulty for participants.
  5. Illiteracy. Note the caveat we offered regarding Quick Writes. This is potentially humiliating when people are not literate or not comfortable writing.
  6. Dyslexia and spelling difficulties. Those with dyslexia or who have spelling difficulties will find this uncomfortable.

Questions That Fit This Protocol

Because this technique focuses on a method of communication, there are no specific questions associated with it.

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