Praise for The Effective Hiring Manager

“Throughout my career as an army officer, C-suite executive and board member, I have used oral book reports as an effective method to both develop and synchronize the people I work with. The Effective Hiring Manager is not only a must read it will be our next group ‘book.' The book reinforces everything that is critical to our firm. Don't just do things without thinking, do things that really matter and DO THEM RIGHT.”

—John Hoffman,
Chairman and CEO, Pivotal Systems

“Mark and the Manager Tools team changed my life. They gave me the foundational skills I now rely on to be a good manager. The Effective Hiring Manager is another great example of this. If you want to make great hires, you've got to read this book.”

—Ryan Carson,
CEO & Founder, Treehouse

“As with The Effective Manager, Mark Horstman strikes gold with practical guidance that can be immediately applied to the most consequential job of a manager—hiring the best people. This book will dramatically change how you view the hiring process and how you do it.”

—Joseph D'Alessandro,
Deputy Chief of Grant Compliance and
Fiscal Services. School District of Philadelphia

“If you are serious about raising the professional talent standard in your organization, The Effective Hiring Manager should become your official hiring handbook. Every manager should get a copy, absorb the process and then implement the disciplines in the book. Read this, distribute this, practice this, and watch the change take hold.” 

—Daniel McGuire,
Managing Partner,
Arcturus Advisory Services, LLC

“On Capitol Hill hiring mistakes are not just HR problems, they can also be political nightmares. Mark takes the mystery out of the hiring process by laying out a step-by-step process and anticipating challenges and resistance to change. You can't achieve your objectives and retain the best people if you don't hire the best people in the first place.”

—Mark Strand,
President, Congressional Institute

“This book is a wonderful, practical book for all managers. Do not hire just because someone leaves—think about it first. You may have just reduced your costs for free. Get your team to think about what they can stop doing—creative abandonment. A must read for all the managers on my team.”

—Anandha Ponnampalam,
Vice President, Delivery & Digital
Transformation Lead Publicis Sapient 

“Whether you are a seasoned leader or a first-time manager, with the advice in The Effective Hiring Manager, you will make better hires that strengthen your company. Mark Horstman provides practical guidance for each step of the hiring process.”

—Dirk W van de Bunt,
Chief Administrative Officer and
General Counsel Guthy|Renker Ventures, LLC

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