Chapter 12
George Takes a Walk
As George sat at his desk thumbing through the book Marty had given him looking for a positive energy exercise that appealed to him, he thought of his old friend Chuck who had made a fortune during the Internet boom. He remembered how surprised he had been to hear that Chuck and his wife had divorced. He thought about appearances and how on the outside Chuck seemed to have everything. Money. Family. Big house. A plethora of companies that wanted Chuck to run them. Yet George realized everything isn’t always what they seem. He found out that Chuck really had a lot of personal problems that spilled over and caused the destruction of everything else in his life. When George really thought about it, he never remembered Chuck being happy.
Thinking of Chuck made him realize even more than ever that he didn’t want to go down that road. Everyone else probably thought they had it all, too. If they only knew, he thought. Appearances weren’t enough. The show wasn’t doing it anymore. He wanted to feel good, so a big smile came across his face when he came across the Thank-You Walk in the Energy Book. One moment he was reading how it’s physically impossible to be stressed and thankful at the same moment, and the next minute he was walking around his building outside saying what he was grateful for.
He knew if people from his company saw him talking to himself they would think he was crazy but he didn’t mind. Sure it felt a little funny but the walk was energizing him, and counting his blessings really did make him feel great. The book said that being grateful floods the body and brain with positive endorphins and emotions and combined with walking is a powerful energy booster. It sure was right. As George walked back into his building he felt more positive, energized, and ready to take on the day at work. Joy was right, he thought. Feeding the positive dog does feel good. Now if I can just feed the lions at work I’ll be okay. He chuckled as he walked into his office to meet with his team about the new product launch.
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