Chapter 22
Better Today than Yesterday
What’s missing? What can I do better? How can I show my team I’m on their bus? George thought as he sat at the bus stop Wednesday morning thinking about his conversations with Jamie and José and his team’s overall performance yesterday. The day’s events ran through his mind in the way a football coach would revisit every play of a game or a dancer would rehash every move, every twist, and every turn of her performance. It is then that one remembers successes and mistakes and thinks of “should haves” and “could haves.” It is a critical time that one improves if they are willing to learn, grow from mistakes, and build upon their success. George had always known this but somewhere along the way he had forgotten to stop learning and growing.
But now he was thinking clearly again and he remembered the great advice he had received from his college lacrosse coach, who had told him, “The goal is not to be better than anyone else but rather be better than you were yesterday.” Indeed George wanted to be a better leader, a better person, a better husband, and a better father. He wanted José to feel good about working for him and he wanted Jamie to see that he wasn’t going to implode. George’s goal was to improve every day, help his team improve, and hopefully deliver an incredible launch to the executives of the NRG Company. He knew it was a long shot but hope and a desire to change and succeed were all he had left. His team had made great strides yesterday but he also knew they would need a lot more to turn the impossible into the possible and succeed on Friday. He knew something was missing but he wasn’t sure what.
He pulled the rock Joy had given him out of his pocket. Although he felt silly for carrying around a rock in his pocket, everything else Joy had said made sense so he figured she must have had a good reason for giving it to him. He looked at it and remembered what she had said, “When you find the value in the rock you will find the treasure in yourself and in others.” Maybe there is a gem inside here or something like that, he thought. Then he laughed at the crazy thought. No way. As if Joy would give me a rock with a diamond inside it. I don’t think so, he said to himself. But what value could possibly be found in this rock, he wondered. Maybe it was from an ancient civilization or something like that. Or maybe the rock symbolizes strength. It certainly did help me when I was having it out with Tom, he thought. Or maybe it was from a special river. Or perhaps the rock became valuable because it was a special gift from her and because she had received it as a special gift from her teacher. I have no idea, he thought. Maybe Joy will have some answers about the rock and also about what I’m missing as a leader, he thought as Bus #11 pulled up.
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