
Note: an f indicates a figure; a t, a table.


Apathy vs. engagement with constructive conflict, 35

Apple as artistic organization, 52–54

Artist, 49–62, 59–60f

Apple as artistic organization, 53–54

career path, 49–50

chaos, 53

CONTROL questions, 62

experimentation, 52

hallmarks of, 51

opportunity finding, 56t

organic growth, 52

organizational level, 52

revolutionary vs. conventionality, 53

scenario-making exercise, 55–58

visionary talent, 52

Artist vs. Engineer, 15–16

Assembling diverse perspectives for dwelling in constructive conflict, 39–40

Athlete, 83–97, 94–96f

career path, 83–85

characteristics, 85–86

COLLABORATE questions, 97

collaboration exercise, 96–97

courage, 87

need for Sage, 86

news agency revitalization, 87–89

portfolio management exercise, 89–92

profit and speed, 86

selecting projects, 91t

winners and losers, 86

Athlete vs. Sage, 16–18


Back-office leadership and Engineer, 68

Bandler, Richard, 106

Behind-the-scenes innovation and Engineer, 67

Belushi, John, 15

“Biggest weakness” interview question, 1–2

Big wins, 91

Board of advisors building exercise for Sage, 108–111

Boeing, 66

British Petroleum, 66


Career path

Artist, 49–50

Athlete, 83–85

Engineer, 63–65

Sage, 99–100

Carse, James P., 93

Chanel, Coco, 15

COLLABORATE questions for Athlete, 97

Collaboration exercise for Athlete, 96–97

Collaborative innovation and Sage, 108

Compassionate facilitation and Sage, 101

COMPETE questions exercise and Sage, 115

Constructive conflict, 27–36

apathy vs. engagement, 35

between Artist and Engineer, 79–81

between Athlete and Sage, 117120

conflict between Artists and Engineers, 79–81

developmental phases of growth, 31–32

disharmony between Artists and Engineers, 30–31

dwelling in the conflict, 34

flatlining, 32

and innovation, 8–9

and innovation code, 27–28

modes of communication, 34

organizational growth cycle, 32f

rating candidates, 119t

recruitment, 33

self-narrative context exercise, 36

sigmoid S, 31–33

tension between Sages and Athletes, 30–31


and Athlete, 87

for dwelling in constructive conflict, 42

CREATE questions exercise and Engineer, 77

Curie, Marie, 16


Dell Computer, 66

Developmental phases of growth in constructive conflict, 31–32

Devi and holistic medical practice, 28–30

Disharmony between Artists and Engineers in constructive conflict, 30–31

Disney, Walt, 15, 52

Dominant worldview assessment, 24–26, 26t

Dwelling in constructive conflict, 34

assembling diverse perspectives, 39–40

courage, 42

empathy and argument, 42

engagement in conflict, 41–42

generating positive deviance, 38, 41

harnessing dissatisfaction, 38

hybrid solution construction, 45

innovation, phases, 46–47

opportunity, 43

overarching patterns of thinking exercise, 48

root causes, 44

shared goal or vision, 43–44

shared motivator, 44

third-party facilitator, 43


Ellington, Duke, 15

Empathy for dwelling in constructive conflict, 42

Engagement in constructive conflict, 41–42

Engineer, 63–77, 74–76f

back-office leadership, 68

behind-the-scenes innovation, 67

career path, 63–65

CREATE questions exercise, 77

pragmatism, 65–66

rapid prototyping exercise, 70–73

sweatshop mentality, 66

understated innovation, 67

Wall Street bank back-office strategies, 69–70

Engineer vs. Artist, 15–16

Epstein, Brian, 43


board of advisors building exercise, 108–111

collaboration exercise for Athlete, 96–97

COMPETE questions exercise and Sage, 115

constructive conflict between Artist and Engineer, 79–81

CONTROL questions and Artist, 62

constructive conflict between Athlete and Sage, 117–120

CREATE questions and Engineer, 77

dominant worldview assessment, 24–26, 26t

future story of oneself, 128

overarching patterns of thinking for dwelling in constructive conflict, 48

portfolio management exercise for Athlete, 89–92

rapid prototyping, 70–73

scenario-making and Artist, 55–58

self-narrative context exercise, 36

self-narratives, 10–11

Experimentation and Artist, 52


Failure cycle and Sage, 106

Finite and Infinite Games (Carse), 93

Flatlining in constructive conflict, 32

Four dominant worldviews, 18t

Franklin and video game management, 20–23

Future story of oneself exercise, 128


Gardner, Howard, 106

General Electric, 86

Generating positive deviance for dwelling in constructive conflict, 38, 41

Gifts you don’t know you have, 4

Goldman Sachs, 86

Grinder, John, 106


Harnessing dissatisfaction for dwelling in constructive conflict, 38

Hepburn, Katherine, 17

Gardner, Howard, 106

Hybrid solutions, 22–23

for dwelling in constructive conflict, 45


Identity as team of different thinkers, 124–125

Individual and organizational levels of innovation code, 19t

Innovation and worldview, 3

Innovation code

constructive conflict, 8–9, 27–28

hybrid solutions, 22–23

individual and organizational levels, 19t

inside-out perspective, 34–35

introduction, 6–7

metaphor, use of for synthesis, 21–22

rivals vs. collaborators, 23

within each of us, 121–124

Innovation, phases for dwelling in constructive conflict, 46–47


Jobs, Steve, 52


King, Dr. Martin Luther Jr., 16


Learning process, self-awareness of and Sage, 106–107

Lennon, John, 37–38


Martin, George, 43

McCartney, Paul, 37–38

McDonald’s, 66

Mentorship and Sage, 105

Merkel, Angela, 17

Metaphor, use of for innovation, 21–22, 45

Microsoft, 86

Miriam and care for elderly patients with dementia, 5–6

Modes of communication and constructive conflict, 34

Multiple intelligences, 106–107

Museum culture change example and Sage, 102–104

Myers-Briggs questionnaire, 13


Neuro-Linguistic Programming and types of learning, 106

News agency revitalization and Athlete, 87–89

Nightingale, Florence, 16


Opportunity finding and Artist, 56t

Opportunity for dwelling in constructive conflict, 43

Organic growth and Artist, 52

Organizational growth cycle of constructive conflict, 32f

Organizational level and Artist, 52

Overarching patterns of thinking exercise for dwelling in constructive conflict, 48


Patience as gift and downfall of Sage, 104–105

Pixar, 52

Portfolio management exercise for Athlete, 89–92

Positive reinforcement for Athlete, 84–85

Post, Emily, 16

Pragmatism and Engineer, 65–66

Profit and speed for Athlete, 86


Rapid prototyping exercise, 70–73

Recruitment of people for constructive conflict, 33

Relational personality test, 14–15

Revolutionary vs. conventionality and Artist, 53

Rivals vs. collaborators, 23

Root causes and dwelling in constructive conflict, 44


Sagan, Carl, 16

Sage, 99–115, 112–114f

board of advisors building exercise, 108–111

career path, 99–100

collaborative innovation, 108

compassionate facilitation, 101

COMPETE questions exercise, 115

failure cycle, 106

learning process self-awareness, 106–107

mentorship, 105

museum culture change example, 102–104

patience as gift and downfall, 104–105

shared values, 101

Sage vs. Athlete, 16–18

Sanne and video game design, 19–23

Scenario-making exercise and Artist, 55–58

Scully, John, 54

Selecting projects decision-making for Athlete, 91t

Self as source of problems, 3–4

Self-narrative context exercise for constructive conflict, 36

Self-narrative exercise, 10–11

Shared goal or vision for dwelling in constructive conflict, 43–44

Shared motivator and dwelling in constructive conflict, 44

Shared values and Sage, 101

Sigmoid S in constructive conflict, 31–33

Small wins, 91

Solheim, Jostein, 16

Special cases, 91

Stewart, Martha, 17

Sweatshop mentality and Engineer, 66

Symphony attendance plummet and dwelling in constructive conflict, 40–41


Tension between Sages and Athletes in constructive conflict, 30–31

Third-party facilitator for dwelling in constructive conflict, 43

Time wasters, 91

Toyota, 66


Understated innovation and Engineer, 67


Versace, Gianni, 52

Visionary talent and Artist, 52


Wall Street bank back-office strategies and Engineer, 69–70

Walton, Sam, 16

Wang, Vera, 52

Welch, Jack, 17

Winfrey, Oprah, 16

Winners and losers for Athlete, 86

Worldview, 2–3

dominant, 18t

dominant worldview assessment, 24–26, 26t

identity as admixture of all worldviews, 124–125

innovation and, 3

as strength, 2–3

as weakness, 3

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