
Getting extraordinary things done in organizations is hard work. The climb to the summit is arduous and steep. Leaders encourage others to continue the quest. They inspire others with courage and hope.
Leaders give heart by visibly recognizing people’s contributions to the common vision. With a thank-you note, a smile, and public praise, the leader lets others know how much they mean to the organization.
Leaders express pride in the accomplishments of their teams. They make a point of telling the rest of the organization about what the teams have achieved. They make people feel like heroes.
Hard work can also be fun work. Hoopla is important to a winning team. Everybody loves a parade. Leaders find creative ways to celebrate accomplishments. They take time out to rejoice in reaching a milestone.
And what sustains the leader? From what source comes the leader’s courage? The answer is love. Leaders are in love—in love with the people who do the work, with what their organizations produce, and with their customers.
In the next two chapters, we will see how you must
  • Recognize Contributions by showing appreciation for individual excellence.
  • Celebrate the Values and Victories by creating a spirit of community.

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