Extending Logstash

One of the awesome things about Logstash is that there are so many ways to get log events into it, manipulate and filter events once they are in and then push them out to a whole variety of destinations. Indeed, at the time of writing, there were nearly 100 separate input, filter and output plugins. Every now and again though you encounter a scenario where you need a new plugin or want to customize a plugin to better suit your environment.

Tip The best place to start looking at the anatomy of Logstash plugins are the plugins themselves. You'll find examples of inputs, filters and outputs for most purposes in the Logstash source code repository.

Now our project has almost reached its conclusion we've decided we better learn how to extend Logstash ourselves to cater for some of the scenarios when you need to modify or create a plugin.

Warning This introduction is a simple, high-level introduction to how to extend Logstash by adding new plugins. It's not a guide to writing or learning Ruby.

Plugin organization

Since Logstash 1.5.0 plugins have been shipped as Ruby Gems. As we've seen earlier in the book a lot of plugins are shipped with the Logstash package. Others are available from the Logstash plugins GitHub account. You can use the logstash-plugin binary to install these.

To construct our own plugins we can use some simple scaffold code that the Logstash team provides for each plugin type:

We can copy these sample plugins and create a new plugin of our own from the template. Let's quickly look at the plugin template's structure.

$ tree logstash-input-pluginname
├── Gemfile
├── README.md
├── Rakefile
├── lib
│   └── logstash
│       └── inputs
│           └── pluginname.rb
├── logstash-input-pluginname.gemspec
└── spec
    └── inputs
        └── pluginname_spec.rb

We can see that it looks like a pretty typical Ruby Gem. The core of our plugin is contained in the lib/logstash directory, inside a directory named for the type of plugin being developed: input, filter, or output. We also have a spec directory to hold any tests for the plugin. Rounding out our template are a README, license and a Rakefile to help us automate our plugin's build.

We've also got a .gemspec or Gem specification file that helps us build our plugin.

Gem::Specification.new do |s|
  s.name = 'logstash-input-example'
  s.version         = '0.1.2'
  s.licenses = ['Apache License (2.0)']
  s.summary = "This example input streams a string at a definable interval."
  s.description = "This gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipeline using $LS_HOME/bin/logstash-plugin install gemname. This gem is not a stand-alone program"
  s.authors = ["Elastic"]
  s.email = '[email protected]'
  s.homepage = "http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/index.html"
  s.require_paths = ["lib"]

  # Files
  s.files = `git ls-files`.split($)
   # Tests
  s.test_files = s.files.grep(%r{^(test|spec|features)/})

  # Special flag to let us know this is actually a logstash plugin
  s.metadata = { "logstash_plugin" => "true", "logstash_group" => "input" }

  # Gem dependencies
  s.add_runtime_dependency 'logstash-core', '>= 1.4.0', '< 2.0.0'
  s.add_runtime_dependency 'logstash-codec-plain'
  s.add_runtime_dependency 'stud'
  s.add_development_dependency 'logstash-devutils'


This file, and the s.metadata line specifically, configures the Gem as a Logstash plugin. Also important is the s.version field which tells Logstash the version of the plugin. This replaces the previously-used milestone method in older plugins.

The varying versions you specify produce logging output warnings or status that tell people about the maturity of your plugin. Versions produce the following results:

  • 0.1.x - A warning message: "This plugin isn't well supported by the community and likely has no maintainer."
  • 0.9.x - A warning message: "This plugin should work but would benefit from use by folks like you. Please let us know if you find bugs or have suggestions on how to improve this plugin."
  • 1.x.x - No warning message.

You would also specify any Gem or library dependencies in the Gemspec.

Note All plugins must have a runtime dependency on the logstash-core gem and a development dependency on the logstash-devutils gem.

Anatomy of a plugin

Let's look at one of the more basic plugins, the stdin input, and see what we can learn about plugin anatomy. You can see the full plugin code here but let's look at some key pieces.

A plugin starts with a series of require statements that include any supporting code.

# encoding: utf-8
require "logstash/inputs/base"
require "logstash/namespace"
require "concurrent/atomics"
require "socket" # for Socket.gethostname

Firstly, each plugin requires the Logstash base class for the type of plugin, here logstash/inputs/base. We also require the base Logstash class, logstash/namespace.

We also include any prerequisites, in this case the stdin input requires the Socket library for the gethostname method and the concurrent gem to provide some concurrency helpers. In the case of the concurrent gem we'd also add that as a dependency in our Gem specification file to ensure it is added when the plugin is built.

s.add_runtime_dependency 'concurrent-ruby'

We then create a class and inherit the LogStash::Inputs::Base class we required above. For filters we would require the LogStash::Filters::Base class and outputs the LogStash::Outputs::Base class respectively.

class LogStash::Inputs::Stdin < LogStash::Inputs::Base
  config_name "stdin"

  default :codec, "line"

  def initialize(*args)
    @stop_requested = Concurrent::AtomicBoolean.new(false)

  def register
    @host = Socket.gethostname

. . .

Each plugin also requires a name provided by the config_name method. The config_name provides Logstash with the name of the plugin.

We also specify the default codec the plugin uses, here line, using default :codec. The line codec decodes events that are lines of text data.

Every plugin also has the register method inside which you should specify anything needed to initialize the plugin, for example our stdin input sets the @host host name instance variable.

Each type of plugin then has a method that contains its core execution:

  • For inputs this is the run method, which is expected to run forever.
  • For filters this is the filter method.
  • For outputs this is the receive method.

Let's look our stdin's run method.

  def run(queue)
    while @stop_requested.false?
        # Based on some testing, there is no way to interrupt an IO.sysread nor
        # IO.select call in JRuby. Bummer :(
        data = $stdin.sysread(16384)
        @codec.decode(data) do |event|
          event["host"] = @host if !event.include?("host")
          queue << event
      rescue IOError, EOFError, LogStash::ShutdownSignal
        # stdin closed or a requested shutdown
      rescue => e
        # ignore any exception in the shutdown process
        break if @stop_requested.true?

So what happens in our stdin input? After the register method initializes the plugin then the run method is called. The run method takes a parameter which is the queue of incoming data. In the case of the stdin input the loop inside this method is initiated.

The input then runs until stopped, processing any incoming data from STDIN, decoding the incoming data using the default codec specified and turning it into events.

The decorate method then applies any metadata we've set in our configuration, for example if we've set a tag on the event.

The decoded and decorated event is then injected back into the queue to be passed to Logstash for any further processing.

One last method is defined in our stdin input, teardown. When this method is specified then Logstash will execute it when the plugin is being shutdown. It's useful for cleaning up, in this case closing the pipe.

  def teardown
    @logger.debug("stdin shutting down.")
    $stdin.close rescue nil

Creating our own input plugin

Now we've got a broad understanding of how a plugin works let's now create one of our own. We're going to start with a simple plugin to read lines from a named pipe: a very simple pipe-based file input.

First, let's create a directory to hold our plugin.

$ mkdir -p /src/logstash-input-namedpipe

Let's make it a Git repository.

$ cd /src/logstash-input-namedpipe
$ git init

Let's populate this directory with the input plugin template.

$ cd /tmp
$ git clone https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-input-example.git
$ cd logstash-input-example
$ rm -rf .git
$ cp -R * /src/logstash-input-namedpipe/

Here we've changed into the /tmp directory, used Git to clone the example input plugin template and then copied that template into our plugin directory.

We're now going to delete the example plugin file, rename the RSpec test file and rename our Gem specification.

$ cd /src/logstash-input-namedpipe
$ rm lib/logstash/input/example.rb
$ mv spec/inputs/example_spec.rb spec/inputs/namedpipe_spec.rb
$ mv logstash-input-example.gemspec logstash-input-namedpipe.gemspec

We'd also edit our Gem specification to update it to the correct name, version and update any required dependencies.

Next let's edit our input itself. First we created a file to hold our plugin.

$ cd logstash-input-namedpipe
$ touch lib/logstash/input/namedpipe.rb

Now let's populate our file, starting with adding our require statements and creating our base class.

require 'logstash/namespace'
require 'logstash/inputs/base'

class LogStash::Inputs::NamedPipe < LogStash::Inputs::Base
   . . .

We've added requires for an input and a class called LogStash::Inputs::NamedPipe.

Now let's add in our plugin's name and status using the config_name method. We're also going to specify the default codec, or format, this plugin will expect events to arrive in. We're going to specify the line codec as we expect our events to be text strings.

require 'logstash/namespace'
require 'logstash/inputs/base'

class LogStash::Inputs::NamedPipe < LogStash::Inputs::Base
    config_name "namedpipe"

    default :codec, "line"

    # The pipe to read from
    config :pipe, :validate => :string, :required => true

    . . .

You can see we've also added a configuration option, using the config method. This method allows us to specify the configuration options and settings of our plugins, for example if we were configuring this input we could now use an option called pipe:

input {
   namedpipe {
     pipe => "/tmp/ournamedpipe"
     type => "pipe"

Configuration options have a variety of properties: you can validate the content of an option, for example we're validating that the pipe option is a string. You can add a default for an option, for example :default => "default option", or indicate that the option is required. If an option is required and that option is not provided then Logstash will not start.

Now let's add the guts of the namedpipe input.

require 'logstash/namespace'
require 'logstash/inputs/base'

class LogStash::Inputs::NamedPipe < LogStash::Inputs::Base
    config_name "namedpipe"
    default :codec, "line"
    config :pipe, :validate => :string, :required => true

    def register
      @logger.info("Registering namedpipe input", :pipe => @pipe)

    def run(queue)
      @pipe = open(pipe, "r+")
      @pipe.each do |line|
        line = line.chomp
        host = Socket.gethostname
        path = pipe
        @logger.debug("Received line", :pipe => pipe, :line => line)
        @codec.decode(line) do |event|
          event["host"] = host
          event["path"] = path
          queue << event

    def teardown

We've added three new methods: register, run, and teardown.

The register method sends a log notification using the @logger instance variable. Adding a log level method, in this case info sends an information log message. We could also use debug to send a debug-level message.

The run method is our queue of log events. It opens a named pipe, identified using our pipe configuration option. Our code constructs a source for our log event, that'll eventually populate the host and path fields in our event. We then generate a debug-level event and use the to_event method to take the content from our named pipe, add our host and path and pass it to Logstash as an event. The run method will keep sending events until the input is stopped.

When the input is stopped the teardown method will be run. This method closes the named pipe and tells Logstash that the input is finished.

Building our plugin

To build a Logstash plugin we treat it exactly like a Ruby gem. We can build our plugin based on the Gemspec.

First we'd install any dependencies with Bundler.

$ cd logstash-input-namedpipe
$ bundle install

Once this is done we can build our actual plugin gem.

$ cd logstash-input-namedpipe
$ gem build logstash-input-namedpipe.gemspec

This will create a new gem in the logstash-input-namedpipe directory.

Now let's add our new plugin to Logstash and see it in action.

Tip You can read more about creating input plugins in the Logstash documentation.

Adding new plugins

Adding new plugins to Logstash is done using the logstash-plugin binary. You just need a copy of the Gem file you built of your plugin.

$ bin/logstash-plugin install /path/to/gemfile/logstash-input-namedpipe-0.1.0.gem

You should now be able to see the installed plugin in the list of plugins on that Logstash server.

$ bin/logstash-plugin list
. . .
. . .

Writing a filter

Now we've written our first input let's look at another kind of plugin: a filter. As we've discovered filters are designed to manipulate events in some way. We've seen a variety of filters in Chapter 5 but we're going to write one of our own now. In this filter we're going to add a suffix to all message fields. Let's start by adding the code for our filter:

require "logstash/filters/base"
require "logstash/namespace"

class LogStash::Filters::AddSuffix < LogStash::Filters::Base
    config_name "addsuffix"

    config :suffix, :validate => :string

    def register

    def filter(event)
      if @suffix
        msg = event["message"] + " " + @suffix
        event["message"] = msg

Let's examine what's happening in our filter. Firstly, we've required the prerequisite classes and defined a class for our filter: LogStash::Filters::AddSuffix. We've also named and set the status of our filter, the experimental addsuffix filter, using the config_name method.

We've also specified a configuration option using the config method which will contain the suffix which we will be adding to the event's message field.

Next, we've specified an empty register method as we're not performing any registration or plugin setup. The most important method, the filter method itself, takes the event as a parameter. In our case it checks for the presence of the @suffix instance variable that contains our configured suffix. If no suffix is configured the filter is skipped. If the suffix is present it is applied to the end of our message and the message returned.

The filter_matched(event) method call at the end of our filter ensures any tags or other metadata specified in our configuration are applied to the event.

Tip If you want to drop an event during filtering you can use the event.cancel method.

Now we can configure our new filter, like so:

filter {
  addsuffix {
    suffix => "ALERT"

If we now run Logstash we'll see that all incoming events now have a suffix added to the message field of ALERT resulting in events like so:

  "host" => "smoker.example.com",
  "@timestamp" => "2013-01-21T18:43:34.531Z",
  "message" => "testing ALERT",
  "type" => "human"

You can now see how easy it is to manipulate events and their contents.

Tip You can read more about creating filter plugins here.

Writing an output

Our final task is to learn how to write the last type of plugin: an output. For our last plugin we're going to be a little flippant and create an output that generates CowSay events. First, we need to install a CowSay package, for example on Debian-distributions:

$ sudo apt-get install cowsay

Or via a RubyGem:

$ sudo gem install cowsay

This will provide a cowsay binary our output is going to use.

Now let's look at our CowSay output's code:

require "logstash/outputs/base"
require "logstash/namespace"

class LogStash::Outputs::CowSay < LogStash::Outputs::Base
  config_name "cowsay"

  config :cowsay_log, :validate => :string, :default => "/var/log/cowsay.log"

  def register

  def receive(event)
    msg = `cowsay #{event["message"]}`
    File.open(@cowsay_log, 'a+') { |file| file.write("#{msg}") }


Our output requires the prerequisite classes and creates a class called LogStash::Outputs::CowSay. We've specified the name of the output, cowsay with config_name method. We've specified a single configuration option using the config method. The option, cowsay_log specifies a default log file location, /var/log/cowsay.log, for our log output.

Next we've specified an empty register method as we don't have anything we'd like to register.

The guts of our output is in the receive method which takes an event as a parameter. In this method we've shell'ed out to the cowsay binary and parsed the event["message"] (the contents of the message field) with CowSay. It then writes this "cow said" message to our /var/log/cowsay.log file.

We can now configure our cowsay output:

output {
  cowsay {}

You'll note we don't specify any options and use the default destination. If we now run Logstash we can generate some CowSay statements like so:

Cow said "testing"
Cow said "testing"

You can see we have an animal message. It's easy to see how you can extend an output to send events or portions of events to a variety of destinations.

Tip You can read more about creating output plugins here.


This has been a very simple introduction to writing Logstash plugins. It gives you the basics of each plugin type and how to use them. You can build on these examples easily enough and solve your own problems with plugins you've developed yourself.

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