Shipping Events

It's your first day at and your new boss swings by your desk to tell you about the first project you're going to tackle: log management. Your job is to consolidate log output to a central location from a variety of sources. You've got a wide variety of log sources you need to consolidate but you've been asked to start with consolidating and managing some Syslog events.

Later in the project we'll look at other log sources and by the end of the project all required events should be consolidated to a central server, indexed, stored, and then be searchable. In some cases you'll also need to configure some events to be sent on to new destinations, for example to alerting and metrics systems.

To do the required work you've made the wise choice to select Logstash as your log management tool and you've built a basic plan to deploy it:

  • Build a single central Logstash server with a single node Elasticsearch cluster on it (we'll discuss scaling more in Chapter 8).
  • Configure your central server to receive events, index them and make them available to search.
  • Install a Filebeat on a remote agent.
  • Configure Filebeat to send some selected log events from our remote agent to our central server.
  • Install Kibana to act as a web console and front end for our logging infrastructure.

We'll take you through each of these steps in this chapter and then in later chapters we'll expand on this implementation to add new capabilities and scale the solution.

Note To run a central Logstash server or an Elasticsearch server you'll generally need hosts with 4Gb of RAM or better.

Our Event Lifecycle

For our initial Logstash build we're going to have the following lifecycle:

  • The Filebeat on our remote hosts collects and sends a log event to our central server.
  • The Logstash server on our central host takes the log event from and indexes it.
  • The Logstash server sends the indexed event to Elasticsearch.
  • Elasticsearch stores and renders the event searchable.
  • The Kibana web interface queries the event from Elasticsearch.

Now let's implement this lifecycle!

Installing Logstash on our central server

First we're going to install Logstash on our central server. We're going to build an Ubuntu 16.04 host called with an IP address of as our central server.

Central server

  • Hostname:
  • IP Address:

As this is our production infrastructure we're going to be a bit more systematic about setting up Logstash than we were in Chapter 2. To do this we're going to use the available Logstash packages.

Tip There are other, more elegant, ways to install Logstash using tools like Puppet or Chef. Setting up either is beyond the scope of this book but there are several Puppet modules for Logstash on the Puppet Forge and a Chef cookbook. I strongly recommend you use this chapter as exposition and introduction on how Logstash is deployed and use some kind of configuration management to deploy in production.

Installing Java

Logstash's principal prerequisite is Java and Logstash itself runs in a Java Virtual Machine or JVM. Logstash requires Java 8 or later to work!

So let's start by installing Java. The fastest way to do this is via our distribution's packaging system installer, for example yum (or in more recent releases dnf) in the Red Hat family or Debian and Ubuntu's apt-get command.

Tip I recommend we install OpenJDK Java on your distribution. If you're running OS X the natively installed Java will work fine but on Mountain Lion and later you'll need to install Java from Apple.

On the Red Hat family

We install Java via the yum command:

$ sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk
Tip On newer Red Hat and family versions the yum command has been replaced with the dnf command. The syntax is otherwise unchanged.

On Debian & Ubuntu

We install Java via the apt-get command:

$ sudo apt-get -y install default-jre

Testing Java is installed

We then test that Java is installed via the java binary:

$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_91"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-8u91-b14-3ubuntu1~16.04.1-b14)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.91-b14, mixed mode)

Any Java versioned prefixed 1.8 indicates Java 8.

Installing Logstash

First let's install Logstash. To do so we need to add the Logstash APT repository to our host. Let's start by adding the appropriate GPG key for validating the packages.

$ wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

You may also need the apt-transport-https package.

$ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https

Now let's add the APT repository configuration.

$ echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-5.x.list
Tip If we were running on a Red Hat or a derivative we would install the appropriate Yum repository. See the agent install later in this chapter for Red Hat installation steps.

We then run an apt-get update to refresh our package list.

$ sudo apt-get update

And finally we can install Logstash itself.

$ sudo apt-get install logstash

Now let's install some of the other required components for our new deployment and then come back to configuring Logstash.

Tip The packages install Logstash into the /usr/share/ directory, /usr/share/logstash.

Installing Logstash via configuration management

You could also install Logstash via a variety of configuration management tools like Puppet or Chef or via Docker or Vagrant.

You can find Chef cookbooks for Logstash at the Chef supermarket.

You can find Puppet modules for Logstash on the Puppet Forge.

You can find an Ansible role for Logstash here.

You can find Docker images for Logstash on the Docker Hub.

You can find a Vagrant configuration for Logstash on GitHub.

Creating a basic central configuration

Now we've got our environment configured we're going to set up our Logstash configuration file to receive events. We're going to call this file central.conf and create it in the /etc/logstash/conf.d directory.

Tip Since Logstash 5.0.0 there is also a /etc/logstash/logstash.yml file that you can use to configure Logstash's command line options and configuration.
$ sudo touch /etc/logstash/conf.d/central.conf

Let's put some initial configuration into the file.

input {
  beats {
    port => 5044
output {
  stdout { }
  elasticsearch { }

In our central.conf configuration file we can see the input and output blocks we learned about in Chapter 2. Let's see what each does in this new context.

The central.conf input block

For the input block we've specified one plugin: beats, with one option: port. The beats plugin starts a server on our Logstash central host to listen, on port 5044, for incoming events from Beats. On our client nodes we're going to use a Filebeat to send our events to the central server.

The central.conf output block

The contents of central.conf's output block is fairly easy to understand. We've already seen the stdout plugin in Chapter 2. Incoming events will be outputted to STDOUT and therefore to Logstash's own log file. I've done this for debugging purposes so we will be more easily able to see our incoming events. In a production environment you would probably disable this to prevent any excess noise being generated.

We've added another plugin called elasticsearch. This plugin sends events from Logstash to Elasticsearch to be stored and made available for searching. We're not configuring any options, which will mean that Logstash tries to connect to an Elasticsearch cluster located on the localhost on port 9200. In our case this will be the Elasticsearch cluster we installed earlier.

Running Logstash as a service

Now we've provided Logstash with a basic centralized configuration we can start our Logstash process. You can now run or restart the Logstash service.

$ sudo service logstash start

And ensure it starts when the host is booted.

$ sudo systemctl enable logstash

Checking Logstash is running

We can confirm that Logstash is running by a variety of means. First, we can use the init script itself:

$ sudo service logstash status
● logstash.service - logstash
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/logstash.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sat 2016-11-05 10:45:34 UTC; 2s ago
. . .

Finally, Logstash will send its own log output to log files in the /var/log/logstash/ directory.

An interlude about plugins

So far we've seen a couple of different plugins. Plugins provide support for a wide variety of inputs, filters and outputs that we can use to ingest, manipulate and output our log data. Logstash ships with a wide variety of useful plugins by default. You can also add additional plugins or even write your own (see Chapter 9). Since version 1.5.0 Logstash plugins have been packaged at RubyGems. This is designed to make it easier to package and distribute them.

Plugins are managed with the logstash-plugin binary. It's located in the /usr/share/logstash/bin directory. This is the default installation location created by the Logstash packages. Let's use it now to list all of the currently installed plugins.

$ sudo /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin list
. . .

We see a list of all the plugins and codecs installed on the host. If we don't find the plugin we want we can see if it's available on the Logstash GitHub plugin organization.

We can then install a new plugin with the logstash-plugin binary. Let's install Logstash's JMX input plugin. We find it on GitHub here. We can install it by referencing the plugin repository name: logstash-input-jmx

$ sudo /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-input-jmx
Validating logstash-input-jmx
Installing logstash-input-jmx
Installation successful

We can also update an existing plugin.

$ sudo /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin update logstash-input-jmx

Or remove plugins.

$ sudo /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin uninstall logstash-input-jmx

The Kibana Console

Also available for Logstash is a powerful web interface called Kibana that you can use to query and display your log events. The Kibana web interface is a customizable dashboard that you can extend and modify to suit your environment. It allows the querying of events, creation of tables and graphs as well as sophisticated visualizations.

Kibana is a separate product that we can install on our central Logstash host or on another host. It connects directly to our Elasticsearch instance and queries data from it.

Installing Kibana

We're going to install Kibana on our host. Kibana is available as a download from the Elastic website and as packages for Ubuntu and Red Hat distributions.

Let's install Kibana now. First, if we haven't already, we install the package key.

$ wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Next, unless we've already done it above, we need to add the Elastic APT repository to our host.

$ echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-5.x.list
Tip If we were running on a Red Hat or a derivative we would install the appropriate Yum repository. See this documentation for details.

We then run an apt-get update to refresh our package list.

$ sudo apt-get update

And finally we can install Kibana itself.

$ sudo apt-get install kibana
Tip The packages install Kibana into the /usr directory, /usr/share/kibana.

Configuring Kibana

To configure Kibana we use the kibana.yml file in the /etc/kibana/ directory. The major items we might want to configure are the interface and port we want to bind Kibana to and the Elasticsearch cluster we wish to use for queries. All of those settings are at the top of our configuration file.

# Kibana is served by a back end server. This controls which port to use.
server.port: 5601

# The host to bind the server to. ""

# The Elasticsearch instance to use for all your queries.
elasticsearch.url: "http://localhost:9200"

. . .

Here we can see that our Kibana console will be bound on port 5601 on all interfaces. The console will point to an Elasticsearch server located at http://localhost:9200 by default. This matches the Elasticsearch server we've just installed. If we installed Kibana on another host we'd specify the host name of a node of that cluster.

The configuration file also contains other settings, including the ability to setup TLS-secured access to Kibana.

Running Kibana

To run Kibana we use the kibana service.

$ sudo service kibana start

This will run the Kibana console as a service on port 5601 of our host.

And we need to ensure Kibana starts when our host boots.

$ sudo systemctl enable kibana

We then see the Kibana console by browsing to

Our Kibana console
Our Kibana console

From this setup screen we need to select the indexes that Kibana will search and visualize. By default Kibana has populated logstash-* as our index pattern. We also need to select which field contains event timestamps. Open the dropdown and select @timestamp. Then click the Create button. This will complete Kibana's configuration.

Note Kibana will create a special index called .kibana to hold its configuration. Don't delete this index otherwise you'll need to reconfigure Kibana.

Now click Discover on the top menu bar to be taken to Kibana's basic interface. The Discover interface lists all events received and all the fields available to us. It includes a historical graph of all events received and a listing of each individual event sorted by the latest event received.

It also includes a query engine that allows us to select subsets of events.

Our Kibana Discovery console
Our Kibana Discovery console

We're not going to show you how to do much with Kibana itself primarily because web consoles change frequently and that sort of information and any images we'd show you dates quickly. Thankfully there are some really good sources of documentation that can help.

The Kibana User Guide at the site is excellent and provides a detailed walk through of using Kibana to search, visualize and build dashboards for log events.

There's also some great blog posts on Kibana here and here.

Installing a Filebeat on our first agent

Our central server is now idling waiting to receive events so let's make it happy and set up a Beat, specifically the Filebeat, to send some of those events to it. We're going to choose one of our CentOS hosts, with an IP address of as our first agent.

Note We could also install Logstash itself on the agent and use it to collect and send on our logs. This is a pretty heavyweight solution though and can often result in our logging collection consuming more resources than our application.


  • Hostname:
  • IP Address:

On the agent we're going to begin with sending some Syslog events to the central Logstash server.

Installing the Filebeat

Next we need to install and configure a Filebeat on the remote agent. Let's install it now.

First, we download the Yum GPG key.

$ sudo rpm --import

We'll now add the Elastic Yum repository to our host. Create a file called /etc/yum.repos.d/elastic.repo and add the following content.

name=Elastic repository for 5.x packages

We then install Filebeat via the yum command.

$ sudo yum install filebeat

Our agent configuration

Now we've got our base in place, let's edit our Filebeat's agent configuration in /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml. By default, when installed, a Filebeat collects all of logs from files in the /var/log directory. Filebeats collects logs using components called prospectors. Let's look at the Prospectors section of the Filebeat configuration and make some changes.

#=========================== Filebeat prospectors =============================

# Each - is a prospector. Most options can be set at the prospector level, so
# you can use different prospectors for various configurations.
# Below are the prospector specific configurations.

- input_type: log
  document_type: syslog
    - /var/log/secure

. . .

We've added one option: document_type. The document_type adds a type to our log events, in our case we've add this with a value of syslog. We're going to use this type to route and manipulate log events later in this book.

The paths option specifies a list of paths to crawl and fetch log entries from. In the default case this will be all files, *.log, in the /var/log directory. We've updated this line to only prospect from one file: /var/log/secure. This file holds security-related events.

By default, Filebeat outputs directly to an Elasticsearch cluster. We're going to quickly change that to point to our new central Logstash server. To do this we find the Elasticsearch output section.

#-------------------------- Elasticsearch output ------------------------------
  # Array of hosts to connect to.
#  hosts: ["localhost:9200"]

. . .

#----------------------------- Logstash output --------------------------------
  # The Logstash hosts
  hosts: [""]

. . .

We comment out the output.elasticsearch block and uncomment the output.logstash section. Inside that block we specify the IP address of our central Logstash server,, and the port we specified in our beats input on the central server: 5044.

Installing Filebeat as a service

Now we've provided Filebeat with a basic remote configuration we can start it as a service.

$ sudo service filebeat start

And ensure it's enabled at boot.

$ sudo chkconfig --add filebeat

Checking Filebeat is running

We can confirm that Filebeat is running by a variety of means. First, we can use the service command:

$ sudo service filebeat status
● filebeat.service - filebeat
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/filebeat.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2016-11-03 21:36:55 UTC; 5min ago
. . .

Finally, Filebeat will send its own log output to log files in the /var/log/filebeat/ directory.

Sending our first events

We've now got our central server and our first agent set up and configured. We're monitoring and sending all log events from log files in the /var/log directory. Any new events logged to it should now be passed to Filebeat and then sent to the central server. They'll be processed, passed to Elasticsearch, indexed and made available to search.

So how do we send some initial events? The /var/log/secure file is the destination for security-relevant system logs including log in activity. So let's login to our host via SSH and generate some messages. Now let's generate a specific event by SSH'ing into Maurice.

smoker$ ssh [email protected]
Note We could also use a tool like logger here to generate some events. We'll see logger again in Chapter 4.

On the central server though one of our outputs is Elasticsearch via the elasticsearch plugin. So we can confirm that our events are being received and sent to Elasticsearch, indexed, and are available to search by querying Elasticsearch.

We check this by querying the Elasticsearch server via its HTTP interface. To do this we're going to use the curl command.

$ curl "http://localhost:9200/_search?q=type:syslog&&pretty=true"
  "took" : 3,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
  "total" : 10,
  "successful" : 10,
  "failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : 5,
"max_score" : 0.5945348,
"hits" : [ {
  "_index" : "logstash-2016.11.05",
  "_type" : "secure",
  "_id" : "ZSMs-WbdRIqLmszB5w_igw",
  "_score" : 0.5945348, "_source" : {"message":"Dec 9 07:53:16 sshd[2352]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)","@timestamp":"2016-11-05T07:53:16.737Z","@version":"1","host":"","path":"/var/log/secure",type":"syslog"}
. . .

Here we've issued a GET to the Elasticsearch server running on the localhost on port 9200. We've told it to search all indexes and return all events with type of syslog. This type was set by the document_type option we set in the Filebeat configuration on the remote agent.

We've also passed pretty=true to return our event stream in the more readable 'pretty' format. You can see it's returned some information about how long the query took to process and which indexes were hit. But more importantly it's also returned some events which means our Elasticsearch server is operational and we can search for our events.

When we look at the output from Elasticsearch we should see events related to our login attempt. Let's look at one of those events:

  "message":"Dec 9 07:53:16 sshd[2352]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)",

We see it is made up of the fields we saw in Chapter 2 plus some additional fields. The host field shows the hostname of the host that generated the event. The path field shows the file /var/log/secure that the event was collected from. Both these fields are specific to Filebeat, that processed this event.

The message gives us the exact message being collected. The @timestamp field provides the date and time of the event. and the @version shows the event schema version. Lastly, the event type of syslog has been added by the file input.

Looking at our events in Kibana

Querying Elasticsearch isn't the ideal way the examine our events. We do have a console, Kibana, we can use to examine events. Let's take a look at one our log events in the console. We browse to and we should see the Discover tab. Our events should have automatically populated in the tab and we can use the available fields to query or dissect specific event.

Our event in Kibana
Our event in Kibana


We've made a great start on our log management project. In this chapter we've installed and configured Logstash and Elasticsearch on a central server.

We've installed and configured Filebeat on a remote agent and we can easily replicate this configuration (preferably using configuration management tools like Puppet and Chef).

We're collecting log events from a Syslog log file and transmitting them to our central server. We're indexing them and making them searchable via Elasticsearch and the Kibana web interface.

In the next chapter we're going to expand on our implementation and look at processing some additional log sources, especially in situations when we can't deploy an agent.

  1. Not the first Puppet book.

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