
Ability, 2

Absenteeism, motivating environment and, 8

Accomplishment reward, 98

Action plan, 119128

case study, 125127

phased implementation of, 120

Aldus Jackson Salon and Spa, 125127

American Society of Training and Development (ASTD), 8

Annual reviews

communicating organizational goals via, 33

employee development and, 57, 6769

Areas for improvement, development and, 57, 62


enthusiasm, 4344

growth and development, 5861

motivating environment, 23, 913, 122125

work/life balance, 111114

See also Checklists; Worksheets

Attitude, 2

Awards, 53, 8687. See also Rewards

Balance, in coaching, 7677. See also Work/life balance

Benefits, of motivating environment, 713

Body language, coaching and, 76


cash, 86

time, 85, 115

Book group, 53, 68

Brainstorming sessions, 53

Breaks, work/life balance and, 114115, 116

Burnout, 108

Business case, for motivation, 13

Calm manner

coaching and, 7778

modeling enthusiasm and, 49

Career goals, development and, 57, 6263

Carnegie, Dale, 15

Ceremony, rewards and, 103

Certificates, acknowledging effort, 86

Change, coaching and, 72


development resources/opportunities, 6465

ways to acknowledge employees, 9192

Coaching, 14, 7180

versus counseling, 71

defined, 71

as dialogue, 7980

emotion and, 7778

environment for, 7576

explaining reason for, 75

fairness and, 77

importance of, 7280

key concepts of, 7380

positioning, 7879

reinforcing expectations and, 46


achieving organizational goals and, 3134

face-to-face, 33, 40, 9394

of job purpose, 4, 10, 12

modeling enthusiasm and, 49

motivation and, 6, 11, 12, 9295, 126

with teams, 95

Compliments, 85, 97

Conference Board, 102

Conference calls, communicating organizational goals via, 39

Conferences, motivation and, 68

Contests, 54, 98

Counseling, versus coaching, 71

Creativity, rewards and, 103

Cultural fit, hiring and, 19

Developing Business Leaders for 2010, 102103


annual review and, 6769

checklist of resources/opportunities, 6465

coaching and, 71

education as reward and, 104

expectations regarding, 56

financial performance and employee, 8

follow-up on, 6567

growth and development meeting, 5765

motivation and, 5, 10, 12, 14, 126

self-assessment, 5861

setting stage for, 5557

Dialogue, coaching and, 7980

Dickens, Charles, 93

Dilbert, 14

Diversity, team outings and, 90

Drucker, Peter F., 57

Education, as reward, 104

Efficiency, motivating environment and, 8

Eisner, Michael, 4748


acknowledging effort via, 85

communicating organizational goals via, 39

limitations of, 94

Emotion, coaching and, 7778

Employee litigation, motivating environment and, 8

Employee needs, 56, 10, 12

coaching to, 7374

Employee of the month, 98


acknowledging effort of, 8588

communication with, 2829

determining enthusiasm level of, 4245

determining what excites, 8183

distribution of work and, 8384

motivating to achieve organizational goals, 3140

new hires, 2122

setting enthusiasm expectations for, 4546


building enthusiastic team, 4245

modeling, 4750

motivation and, 14, 41

setting expectations, 4546

team meetings and, 5054


creating positive work, 45, 10, 12


assessment of, 23, 913, 122125

benefits of, 713

creating, 17

Ethics, modeling enthusiasm and, 48

Face-to-face communication, 33, 40, 9394


acknowledging effort and, 86

awards and, 104

coaching and, 77

False kindness, 74

Feedback, 8788

Field trips, 68

Food, providing at meetings, 51

Franklin, Benjamin, 119


modeling enthusiasm and, 4849

work environment and, 5, 10, 12

work/life balance and, 116

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 115

Games, use in meetings, 52

Generation X, coaching, 72

Generation Y, coaching, 72

Gibbons, J., 48

Gifts, acknowledging effort and, 85

Gilbert, Ken, 54

Giuliani, Rudy, 49


career, 57, 6263

organizational. See Organizational goals

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 72

Growth and development meeting, 5765

Growth and development plan, 57, 6061, 63

Guest speakers, 52

Herzberg, Frederick, 17, 26


conducting multiple interviews, 1819

creating motivating workplace and, 6, 11, 12, 13, 1821, 126

cultural fit and, 19

enthusiasm and, 41

new hires, 2122

orientation and, 2228

recruitment and, 19

rectifying mistake in, 28

role of Human Resources in, 19

Holtz, Lou, 2, 18


acknowledging effort and, 87

coaching with, 74

modeling enthusiasm and, 47

Human Resources, role in hiring, 19

Humility, modeling enthusiasm and, 49

Hygiene theory, 17, 26, 31

Individual growth and development plan (IGDP), 57, 6061, 63

Individual rewards, 99, 101103

Interrelation, job, 2425

Interviews, hiring

conducting multiple, 1819

development questions, 56

knock-out questions, 20

open-ended questions, 2021

Jackson, Aldus, 125127

Jackson, Nelson, 72

Jet Blue Airlines, 26

Job descriptions, 2324

Job purpose

communicating, 4, 10, 12, 126

orientation and, 24

Knowledge, power and, 119

Knowledge sharing, 4

Leadership, motivating environment and, 8

Leiter, Michael, 108

Listening skills, coaching and, 76

Locations, meeting, 52

Lombardi, Vince, 71

Long-term goals, 3233

planning worksheet, 3438

Madwed, Sidney, 5


determining what excites employees, 8183

discussion of life balance, 110

knowing team needs, 56, 10, 12

as mirror of team, 67, 11, 12

modeling enthusiasm, 4750

motivating employees to achieve goals, 3840

sharing goals with employees, 3134

state of the union presentation, 40

Mandino, Og, 41

Maslach, Christina, 108

MBO reward, 98


communicating mission during, 27

communicating organizational goals during, 33, 39

enthusiasm and, 5054

growth and development, 5765

team, 5054, 68

delegating segment of, 5354

highlighting team member during, 54

making motivating, 5154

Memos, communicating organizational goals via, 39

Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 71

Mid-term goals, 3233

planning worksheet, 35


communicating, 27

to new hires, 22

reviewing during orientation, 2526

team, 2627

Mission statement, 2526


enthusiasm, 4750

work/life balance, 115117

Money, as reward, 104

Mother Teresa, 107

Motivate, defined, 1

Motivating environment

benefits of, 713

creating, 17

assessment of, 23, 913, 122125


acknowledging effort and, 8588

annual review and, 6769

business case for, 13

checklist of ways to acknowledge employees, 9192

coaching and, 7180

communication and, 9295

defined, 1, 2

determining what excites employees, 8183

distribution of work and, 8384

enthusiasm and, 41

key principles of, 1315

team outings and, 8890

Motivation theory, 1718

Music, playing at meetings, 51

Newsletters, communicating organizational goals via, 39

Observation, determining what excites employees via, 8183

One-on-one communication, 33, 40, 9394

Open-ended questions, 2021

Organizational goals

long-term, 3238

mid-term, 3233, 35

motivating employees to achieve, 3140

short-term, 3233, 35

state of the union presentation, 40

Organizational policies, supporting, 4950

Orientation, 2228

advantages of, 2223

communicating expectations regarding development, 5657

communicating organizational goals, 33

explaining job interrelation, 2425

explaining job purpose, 24

providing job descriptions, 2324

reviewing mission/credo/values, 2526

Peale, Norman Vincent, 47

Pitino, Rick, 80

Plaques, 104

Positive work environment, creating, 45, 10, 12

Powell, Colin, 7

Power, knowledge and, 119


coaching and, 7273

enthusiasm and, 41

motivating environment and, 1, 78

Profits, motivating environment and, 8

Promotions, 98

Prop, meeting, 53

Public Agenda Forum, 7


development, 56

knock-out, 20

open-ended, 2021

Raises, motivation and, 6768

Recruitment, 19

Respect, modeling, 48


defined, 97

individual, 99, 101103

motivation and, 6, 11, 12, 14, 97105, 127

positioning, 102

team, 99101

tips on, 103105

types of, 98

Ritz Carlton, 2526

Sales, motivating environment and, 8

Sanders, Tim, 4

Saturn Company, 100

Seminars, motivation and, 68

Short-term goals, 3233

planning worksheet, 35

Situational ethics, 48

Southwest Airlines, 5, 7

Starbucks, 2627

State of the union presentation, 40

Strengths, development and employee, 57, 62

Succession plans, 73

Team meetings

enthusiasm and, 5054

motivation and, 68


achieving organizational goals in, 3839

action planning for, 121

building enthusiastic, 4245

goals of communication with, 95

knowing needs of, 56, 10, 12

managers as mirrors of, 67, 11, 12


documenting, 27

explaining during orientation, 2627

outings, 8890

rewards for, 6, 11, 12, 99101

advantages of, 99

disadvantages of, 99100

Tenure award, 98

Theme, meeting, 53

Time off, unexpected, 115

Toastmasters, 86, 103

Training, during meetings, 52. See also Development

Trophies, 104

Turnover, motivating environment and, 8

Twain, Mark, 97

Values, organizational

communicating to new hires, 22

reviewing during orientation, 2526

Videos, use in meetings, 5152

Voice mail

acknowledging effort via, 86

communicating organizational goals via, 39

Wal-Mart, 3839

Welch, Jack, 74

Work, strategic distribution of, 8384

Work hours, modeling enthusiasm and, 4748

Work/life balance

breaks and, 114115, 116

concept of, 15, 107111

modeling, 115117

self-assessment of, 111114

signs of lack of, 110

symptoms and suggestions, 114

Worksheets, long-term planning, 3438. See also Assessments

Work space

coaching and, 76

motivation and, 2, 4, 10, 12, 126

Yahoo, 4

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