
A very special thank you to Jay Veloso Batista for yeoman’s work on editing this book, and to Kathleen Lennon for keeping it all on track. For the excellent cover design, we have the talented Greg Lennon to thank.

The editors would like to thank the following people and organizations for their support and assistance in the considerable undertaking that was the assembly of this book.


Section Editors

Jay Veloso Batista

Brian Campanotti

Arjun Ramamurthy

Chris Lennon

Clyde Smith

Glenn Reitmeier

Contributing Authors

Francois Abbe

Bryce Alden

Wendy Aylsworth

Brian Campanotti

Annie Chang

Frans De Jong

Julian Fernández-Campón

Brendan Kehoe

Al Kovalick

Shawn Maynard

Stan Moote

Karyn Reid

Andy Quested

Jeff Stansfield


Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences


ITU-R Recommendations – (BS – Sound, BT – Television)

ITU-R Reports – (BS – Sound, BT – Television)

International Association of Broadcast Manufacturers

National Association of Broadcasters

Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers

The VES Handbook of Visual Effects Industry Standard VFX Practices and Procedures

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