This Is Your Memo

The civil rights movement was waged and won in the streets, but the silver rights movement will be waged and won in the suites.

Civil rights was about race and the color line, but silver rights is about class and poverty. If you deal with class, you often get race for free. It is time for a new movement, and its color is green (as in the color of money).

But wealth—just like poverty—begins in the heart, the soul, and the mind before it ever ends up in your pockets.

We must remember that we are our first capital. We are the CEOs of our own lives.

We are investors and investments.

We are holders of relationship capital.

We are translators and transmitters of our dreams.

We must become lifetime learners.

We must never give up our childlike curiosity, our hope, and our joy.

We must accept that there is no one else just like us on this entire planet.

And then we must embrace this reality, acquiring self-esteem and confidence, absent of arrogance and unnecessary ego.

Ultimately, we must claim our own definitions of ourselves. We must own that most precious and invaluable asset—our self-determination.

But you cannot self-determine without first getting the Memo.

The Memo is all the important stuff in the world that no one bothered to tell you, yet alone to teach you, about how to make your inner capital—your mind-set, your relationships, your entrepreneurial skills, and, most of all, your spiritual wealth—work for you toward your economic liberation.

This is your Memo.

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