Addiction, 89

spiritual poverty and, 89–90

African Americans. See Blacks

Anger, xviii, xxii, xxxii, xxxiv, 32, 36, 42, 87, 92

Arrogance and failure, 8

Aspiration and hope, xiv, xvi, 29, 84. See also Hope

Aspirational mind, 92–93

Aspirations, 17, 27–29, 84

Authenticity, 42

Banking basics resources, 102–103

Bankruptcy, 8

Bartlett, Steve, 45

Baskin, Harvey, 61–63

Benjamin, Regina, 83–84

Black communities, preying on, xxxiv–xxxv

Black Consumerism changing to Black Wealth Accumulation, 10

Black Enterprise magazine, 20

Blacks, 9, 31, 39, 51

first Memo for, xvi

Booker, Effie, 48

Brown, Eboni, 6–8

Brown, Michael shooting of, 22, 23

Building, ix–x, xiii, 17–21

a Nation of Builders, ix, xiii, 19

Capital, xv, 99

higher-capital people, 45, 50

of people, 42, 45, 50, 61. See also Inner capital; Relationship capital

people as, 26, 59

Capitalism, 25. See also Free enterprise; How the Poor Can Save Capitalism

“bad,” xxix, 73

selfishness and, 56

Capitalists, 22, 23

Casey, Jim, 20

Choice, 39–40. See also Freedom

Circle of influence, 43–47

Civil rights movement, 99

Clinton, Chelsea, 15

Clinton Global Initiative America (CGI America) meeting, 72

Cognitive expansion, 92–93. See also Mind, quieting the

Compassion. See Sympathy vs. empathy

Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), 51

Contemporary slavery. See “Modern Slavery”

Coolidge, Calvin, 68

Courage, 67

Credit, 9

Credit cards, 8, 101–102

Credit checks, 7–8

Credit files, building alternative, 12

Credit lines/lines of credit, 59, 60

Credit score game, Operation Hope gets in the, 11–13

Credit scores, xxxi, 5–6, 10

500-credit-score neighborhoods, 93

Eboni Brown and, 6–8

and employment, 6, 98

improving, 6–7, 10–12, 21

and the Memo, 98

nature of, 43

Operation HOPE and, 11–13, 98

ramifications of, 6, 8, 10–14, 98

resources regarding, 101–102

Credit underwriting, 57–58, 60

Crises, dealing with, 95–96

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 92

Cynicism, 29, 69–70. See also Hopelessness

Depression, 92. See also Hopelessness

Dermalogica, 77

Detroit, 32–33

Dignity, 42, 83, 87, 96

Doff, Rachael, 91

Douglass, Frederick, xxi, 87

Drug dealers, 72

as illegal entrepreneurs, 72–75

Dukes, Allison, 44

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), 12

Economic independence, xxv

rules for, xxvii

Economic inequality, xx

Education, 68

Empathy modern, 37

vs. sympathy, 37, 38

Employment, 72. See also Job(s)

at large vs. small company, 20–21

Empowerment, xiii, xxxvi, 11, 12, 30, 37, 38. See also HOPE, Operation; specific topics

Enlightenment, 95–96

Entrepreneurs, 18. See also Mind-set: entrepreneurial

drug dealers as illegal, 72–75

working 18 hours a day to keep from getting a real job, 70

the world, according to an entrepreneur, 65–71

Entrepreneurship, xxvii, 64–65. See also Small businesses

building things and, x–xi, 17–21

Etsy, 79–80

Evil, 85

Failure reasons for, 8–9

success and, 65–66, 95

Fear, 67–68

hope as antidote to, 90

Ferguson, Missouri, 22–25

Ferguson unrest, 23

Ford, Henry, 29

Fraser, George, 53–54

Free enterprise, xxi, xxvii, 21–25. See also Capitalism

Freedman’s Savings Bank, xxi, 94

Freedom, 85. See also Choice; Self-determination

defined, 13

George, Bill, 12

Gig economy, embracing the, 75–81

Giving vs. getting, 53. See also Relationship building: networking and

Gladwell, Malcolm, 74

Govan, Marquis, 23

Greed and failure, 8–9

Gutierrez family, 16–17

Hanna, William, 58–60

Harlem, 32, 33

Height, Dorothy I., 50, 87

Himanen, Pekka, 88

Home ownership, 14–17

resources regarding, 103

Homelessness, 37–38, 67

Hope, xiii, 29, 70, 84–85, 91–93. See also Hopelessness

aspiration and, xiv, xvi, 29, 84

vs. fear, 90

and wealth, 29, 30, 84, 85, 87, 90, 92

HOPE, Operation, ix, xxxiii, 18, 21, 44, 45, 51, 56–57, 74, 101

Andrew Young and, 49–50

credit scores and, 11–13, 98

employment and, 98

finances, 57–60

Fred Smith and, 65–66

how a relationship saved, 58–61

leaders, ix, 11, 50, 65–66, 79

mission and aims, xiii, xv, 109

overview, 109

partners, 4, 76–77

Ryan Taylor and, xxii

silver rights movement and, 11, 49

Tishaura Jones and, 4

Trevor Travers and, 79

virtual assistants (VAs) and, 79

HOPE Corps, 12

HOPE Doctrine on Poverty, xiv, 27

HOPE Doctrine on Wealth, xv–xvi, 29–30

HOPE Inside, 4, 6, 12, 44–45

Hopelessness, xix, xxiii, 84, 90–93. See also Hope; Negativity

How the Poor Can Save Capitalism: Rebuilding the Path to the Middle Class (Bryant), xiv, xxii, 80

Identity Projects, 90

Immigrants, 71

Inner capital, xxv, 66, 100

managing, xxv

Integrity, 42

Intelligence, 68, 92–93

Invisible Class, 21, 31, 34, 71, 87

ability to leave the, xxxiii

characteristics and composition of, xvii–xix

credit scores and, xxxi, xxxiii, 5–6

don’t feel seen, xix

entrepreneurship and, 64

home ownership, 14

how they are being robbed, 31

how to respond to unfair treatment, 69

liberation of the, xxxvi

and the Memo, xvii, xxxiii, 5

minorities and, xxxi, 14

nature of, xviii–xix

people entering the, 35

Ryan Taylor and, xxii–xxiii

what they need, 37, 38, 64, 90

Job(s), 23. See also Employment

in Ferguson, Missouri, 23–24

getting or creating a, 70–71

Johnson, John H., 20

Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies in Washington, DC, 48–49

Jones, Quincy Delight, Jr., 47, 50, 51, 53, 88

Jones, Tishaura, 4

Kemp, Jack, 53

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 9, 86–87, 90

King, Rodney, 22

Leadership. See Love Leadership

Lewis, Edward, 20

Lincoln, Abraham, xxi

Loans, 9, 43. See also Credit scores; Credit underwriting; Mortgages

Love Leadership: The New Way to Lead in a Fear-Based World (Bryant), 66, 67, 95

Mackin, Sally, 67

Malcolm X, xxxii, 87

Mandela, Nelson, 86

Martin, Roland, xxix, xxxiv

McGrath, Dan, 45

McGrew, Rod, 4, 15, 86, 97

McLean, Eric, 80

McNeely, Robert, 48–49

Memo, the, xxxvi, 99–100. See also specific topics

and building relationship capital, 50

getting vs. not getting, xvi, xvii, xix, xxix–xxxii, 13, 34, 63. See also Invisible Class

on home ownership, 14

overview and nature of, xvi–xx, xvii, xxv

Mind, quieting the, 91–96

Mind-set, 7, 16, 26–29, 67, 93. See also

Poverty mind-set and being CEO of oneself, 26

entrepreneurial, 65–71, 74, 75. See also Entrepreneurs

and wealth, 34, 40

Minority groups, 86

Moddelmog, Hala, 44

“Modern Slavery” (Bryant), xxxiv–xxxvi, 31

Money, 1–2, 12. See also Wealth

Mortgages, 14–16

Moving, keeping, 67–68

Murray, Cecil “Chip,” 87

Nation of Builders, ix, xiii, 19

Negativity, 29, 42, 69–70. See also Anger; Hopelessness

New York City, 32, 33

“No,” 67, 95

Operation HOPE. See HOPE, Operation

Oppression, Martin Luther King on, 86

Optimism, 69–70. See also Hope

Peck, Scott, 97

Peres, Shimon, 25

Perfection (as illusion), 41–42

Persistence, 68–69

Personality and persona, 88–89

Pessimism, 69–70. See also Hopelessness

Poverty, xiv, 28–29. See also How the Poor Can Save Capitalism

mind-set as cause of, 26, 27, 30. See also Poverty mind-set

types of, xiv. See also Spiritual poverty

Poverty mind-set, 32, 93. See also Poverty: mind-set as cause of

Power, true/real. See also Spiritual power

allows everyone to win, 86–88

the way to, xxv

Power of Now, The (Tolle), 96–97

Pride and failure, 8–9

Primerica Life Insurance Company, 76

Private and public parts of ourselves, 88–89

Public assistance, 37–39. See also Welfare

Public persona vs. private parts of self, 88–89

Purpose, 70, 88, 90

lack of, 27, 90

Quieting the mind lets the spirit flow, 91–96

Racial gap of the unbanked, 24

Relationship building. See also Relationship capital: building

nature of, 53

networking and, 53–58

Relationship capital, xxvii, 42–43, 56, 63

assessing your relationship capital with yourself, 43

building, 42–43, 45, 50, 53–56. See also Relationship building Relationship(s). See also Circle of influence

how Operation HOPE was saved by a, 58–61

as investments, xxvii

with oneself, 41

Resilience, 68–69

Retirement resources, 102

Rogers, Bill, 44–45

Role models, xvi, 18, 29, 30, 74–75, 83

bad, xiv, 27, 34, 73, 93

Seefus, Jack, 57–58

Self. See also Identity Project public vs. private, 88–89

Self-acceptance and self-love, 29, 41

Self-determination, xxi, 13, 100

Self-esteem and self-confidence, 26–29

Selfishness, good vs. bad, 55

examples of, 55–56

700 Credit Score Community, 6–7

Silver rights movement, 11, 49, 99. See also HOPE, Operation

Slaves and slavery, xxi, xxix

“Modern Slavery” (Bryant), xxxiv–xxxvi, 31

Small businesses, 18, 46, 57, 72, 75

employment at, 20–21, 35

failing/dying, 19, 22–25, 35

in Ferguson, Missouri, 22–25

growing into large businesses, 19, 71, 76

need for more, 19, 35

overview and nature of, 22–23

resources for, 104–105

Smith, Fred, 65–66

Spiritual capital, xxvii, 84, 85, 90

Spiritual poverty, xiv

and addiction, 89–90

international crisis of, 90

Spiritual power, 85, 91, 96. See also Power, true/real

Spiritual wealth. See also Mind, quieting the

creating your own, 96–98

Stress, money and, 12

Success and failure, 65–66, 95

nature of, 65–66

redefined, 95

SunTrust Banks, 44, 45

Sustenance poverty, xiv

Sympathy vs. empathy, 37, 38

TaskRabbit, 79

Tax code, 14

Tax resources, 104

Taxes, paying, 73

Taylor, Ryan, xxii–xxiii

Taylor, Susan, 20

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 82

“Thick credit files,” 12

Tolle, Eckhart, 96–97

Travers, Trevor, 79

Triggs, Lance, 11, 12

Triplet, David, 79

Uber, 76

UPS (United Parcel Service), 20

Virtual assistants (VAs), 78–79

Walmart, 20

Walton, Sam, 20

Wealth. See also Money; specific topics

building, 61

hope and, 29, 30, 84, 85, 87, 90, 92

HOPE Doctrine on Wealth, xv–xvi, 29–30

true, xv, xxvii, 30, 99

Wealth gap, xx

Wealthy characteristics of the, 30

how we choose (or not) to be, xxvii, 31–34

Welfare, 28. See also Public assistance

Wells, Jim, 45

Winning, 86–88

Wurwand, Jane, 77

Young, Andrew “Bo,” III, 49

Young, Andrew Jackson, Jr. (ambassador), 8, 53, 82–83, 86, 87

how Bryant chased down, 47–52

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