
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” denote figures; “t” tables; “b” boxes.


Acknowledgement tokens, 15–16
Acquaintances, 240, 241
Adjusting a research method, 53, 54
Agitated and annoyed participant
at product’s usability issues, 210b, 211
at prototype’s limited functionality, 201b, 202
at your neutral role, 204
Assists, 46b, 109, 118
direct assist, 110
diversionary assist, 47b, 110, 180, 293
vague assist, 110
Authority, aura of, 14


Backup participants, 65, 155, 285, 286
Body language, 30
moderator’s, 30, 39, 49–52
participant’s, 34t
Break, taking a, 26, 26t, 33, 52–53
Building engagement, 49–50, 50f
By the book style, 17, 18t–19t


Children, 96, 97
Clarifying a task/question, 44–45
Comfort, 13, 29t, 32–35, 34t
Compensation, 35, 284, 288
Conference room, 86, 87
Consent form, 32b–33b, 82, 287
Control, regaining, 38–39
Creativity, 14
Cultural customs and taboos, 292
Cursing, 237b


Dangerous environment, 271b, 272, 273
Data integrity, 13, 57
Defensive observers, 164
Discriminatory comments, 237, 238
Disengaging from participants, 51–52, 51f
Distracted participants, 49, 195b, 220b, 221
Distracted remote observers, 168
Down to business style, 18t–19t, 20, 142
Dropped call, 131, 132
Drunk/stoned participant, 267b, 268


Embarrassing situation, 22b, 227b
Encouraging participants, 64
Ending a session early, 54–55
Empathy, 14
Equipment, familiarity with, 70, 71
Ethical responsibilities, 16, 32b–33b, 55–57, 229
External circumstances, participant distracted by, See Distracted participants


Facility, research, 231b, 292
Fire alarm, 257b, 258
First-click, 188
First-time participants, 203
Flexibility, 14
Flirting, 244b, 245
Floater participants, 65, 155, 285, 286
Focus, shifting, See Refocus the research
Focus group, Participant thinks it’s a, 79, 80
Friendly face style, 17, 18t–19t


Goals (Research goals), 12, 57
Ground rules, observers, 294–295


Hearing difficulties, 186b
sense of, 247, 248
using, 238


Ill/unwell participant, 262, 263b, 264
Illegal activities, 273b, 274
Improvisation, 15b
Incentive, See Compensation
Inquisitive mind style, 17, 18t–19t
Insulting participant, 207
in-person, 167, 168
observers, 163–165
remote, 167, 170, 171
Internal employees as participants, 284, 285
Internet connectivity, 129, 130
Irrelevant details, 127, 178b

J – L

Job interview, Participant thinks it’s a, 93–95, 94
Language and tone, 36–38, 37b, 38t
Late participants, 153, 154
Life-threatening situation, See Dangerous environment
Live website/applications, 289
Loud and distracting observers, 156, 157
Low-literacy participants, 72, 73


Mentors, 301
Misrecruits, 65
improving skills, See Skills improvement, moderating
problematic behavior, 29, 29t, 30f
resources, 302–303
stories, 303
Moderating approach, Communicating to observers, 293
Moderating styles, 17, 18t–19t
adapting, 20, 20f
Moderating patterns, 43, 43t
choosing a pattern, 55–57, 56t
Motor control difficulties, 261

N – O

Natural disaster, 259b, 260
Negative feedback
doesn’t have any, 116
reluctance to give, 103
New moderators, 21b, 299
Nervous and upset participant, 33b, 34b, 84, 114, 207b, 208, 228b, 229
No-show participants, 161, 162
Notes, 81, 105–106
note-taking behavior, 31, 51
Observers, 315–316
defensive, 164
distracted remote, 168
ground rules, 294–295
interrupting, 164
loud and distracting, 156, 157
remote session, 163, 165
setting expectations, 293–295
taking responsibility with, 44
Offensive behavior, 237
Organization, protecting your, 12
Oversharing, 242b, 243


Paralanguage, See Language and tone
Participant expectations, 284
Patterns, See Moderation Patterns
Pets, 96, 97
Phone rings, 292, 295
Physical attributes, 225b, 226
Physical disability, 231b, 232
Pilot session, 189
Practice sessions, 301–302
Pretexts, 27b, 55, 238
Presession briefing, 93, 201, 287
Prioritizing, 188, 286–287
Product preparation, 289
Prototype preparation, 289
Prototype/product changes, 133, 134


Questionnaire backup, 286
Qualities of moderator, 13


Reading difficulties, See Low-literacy participants
Reassuring participants, 47–49, 48b–49b
Recording, 81
participant’s concerns, 82
setting up, 91–92
Recruiting backup/floater participants, 65
Recruiting confirmation, 80, 89, 97, 252, 284, 313
Recruit criteria, 64, 283, 312
deal-breakers, 65
“give-away” questions, 64–65
monitoring, 313
verifying criteria, 63
Recruiting requirements, See Recruit criteria
Recruiting screener, 64–65
Redirecting participants, 45–47, 47b, 176
Refocus the research, 53–54, 218
Remote participant, 187
dropped call, 131, 132
dry run, 128
screen-sharing software, 127
Repositioning, 269
Rights of participant, protection, 32b–33b
Ringmaster, session, 13–15
Running out of time, 188b


Safe phrase, 292
Safety, physical, 28
Screen recording software, 125b
Screener, See Recruiting screener
Self-blaming participant, 144b, 145
Self-reflection, 299b
Sense of humor, 14
Service animal, 231b, 232
Setup complexity, 290
Shift focus
See Redirect the focus
Sick participant, See Ill/unwell participant
Site visit checklist, 315
Skills improvement, moderating, 306–307
practice participant, 300
practice session, 301
resources, 302–303
Slow and careful participants, 182b, 183
Struggling, 190b, 191
Styles, See Moderating styles


Tangent, 175
identifying and prioritizing high-priority, 286
interdependent, 118
unable to complete, 111
Technical obstacles
checklist for, 126
internet connectivity, 129, 130
remote participant
call drop, 131, 132
screen-sharing software, 127
troubleshooting directions, 128
screen recording software, 125b
handling, 291b
Think aloud, encouragement to, 107, 108
Tone, 238, 302
See also Language and tone
Touching, 270
Troubleshooting skills, 13, 291b

U – Z

Unexpected answers, 180b, 181
Uncomfortable participant, 33, 34t
Unpleasant smells, 265b, 266
Unwilling/unsure participant, 148b, 149, 200
Upset participant, See Nervous and upset participant
Vague responses, 184b, 185
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