List of Situations

These are all of the situations discussed in this book, sorted by frequency (frequent, occasional, or rare).


4.1 Participant does not seem to meet a key recruit criteria
5.1 Participant thinks that she is participating in a focus group
6.1 Participant is reluctant to say anything negative
6.2 Participant does something you don’t understand
6.3 Participant is not thinking aloud
6.4 Participant is not able to complete a necessary task
7.1 Technical issues arise with your setup and/or equipment
7.2 Remote participant experiences difficulty joining
8.1 Participant looks for affirmation
8.2 Participant asks for your opinion
8.3 Participant looks or sounds uncomfortable and/or nervous
8.4 Participant is self-blaming
8.5 Participant asks, “Did other people have trouble with this?”
9.1 Participant is running late
9.2 Observers are loud and distracting
9.3 Participant receives a call during the session
10.1 Participant starts going on a tangent
11.1 Remote participant is obviously distracted
12.1 Participant is extremely entertaining and friendly
12.2 Something personal, inappropriate, or confidential is visible


4.2 Participant either refuses to or can’t do a key task
4.3 Participant has an unexpected physical feature
5.2 Participant doesn’t want to be recorded or has other concerns
5.3 Participant has different expectations for the compensation
5.4 Participant brings you to a conference room or other space
5.5 Participant treats a contextual inquiry like an interview
6.5 Participant ignores or pretends to understand your question
6.6 Participant not approaching workflow naturally
6.7 Participant does not have any negative feedback
6.8 Participant believes he has successfully completed a task
6.9 Observers are not engaged in the session
7.3 Facility loses its internet connection
7.4 Remote participant drops off the call
7.5 Prototype or product changes unexpectedly
8.6 Participant is unwilling or unsure
9.4 Participant cancels or is a no-show
9.5 Observer unexpectedly interacts with the participant
9.6 Session interrupted accidentally by an observer or someone else
9.7 Session interrupted by someone the participant knows
10.2 Participant consistently focuses on irrelevant details
10.3 Participant does something very unexpected
10.4 Participant is slow or thorough
10.5 Participant gives vague responses to questions
10.6 Participant is difficult to hear or understand
10.7 You don’t have time to complete everything
10.8 Participant struggles excessively with a task
11.2 Participant is distressed by a personal line of questioning
11.3 Participant insists that she would never do something
11.4 Participant is frustrated by the prototype’s limited functionality
11.5 Participant seems annoyed at your neutrality
12.3 Participant is obviously distracted by external circumstances
12.4 Participant tells you something personal
12.5 Participant has a disconcerting or distracting physical attribute
13.1 Participant curses or makes inappropriate comments
13.2 You know the participant, or the participant knows you


11.6 Participant does not seem to respect you or take you seriously
11.7 Participant becomes insulting or has an agenda
11.8 Participant becomes agitated by a product’s usability issues
12.6 You have to point out something potentially embarrassing
12.7 Participant seems upset
12.8 Participant has an unexpected disability or service animal
13.3 Participant knows an unexpected amount about you
13.4 Participant flirts with you
13.5 Participant does something awkward or uncomfortable
13.6 Participant makes a strangely specific request
13.7 Participant makes request during a site visit
14.1 Fire alarm goes off or the facility needs to be evacuated
14.2 A natural disaster (e.g., earthquake, tornado) occurs
14.3 Participant starts to looks ill or otherwise unwell
14.4 You begin to feel unwell while moderating a session
14.5 You notice a bad smell or have an allergic reaction
14.6 Participant seems to be drunk or stoned
14.7 Participant touches you
14.8 Participant’s environment contains dangerous items
14.9 Participant is doing something illegal or threatening
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