Acknowledgments for the Seventh Edition

First, a disclosure: Because I do advisory work, run seminars, and do paid speaking gigs in the world that I write about, there are inevitable conflicts. I have friends in some of the organizations that I discuss in this book, as well as on my blog and on the speaking circuit, and I have run seminars for or advised several of the companies mentioned in the book.

At John Wiley & Sons, my publisher Matt Holt and my editor Shannon Vargo have steered me through the publishing business with wit and wisdom. We’ve now done seven books together! Also at Wiley, thanks to Peter Knox, Sally Baker, and Deborah Schindlar for their help and support.

Kyle Matthew Oliver read every word of each draft of this book, and his sound advice and practical suggestions made it much better.

I work with awesome people who make me look good, especially my daughter Allison, who works with me on my Master Newsjacking and New Marketing Mastery online learning programs; Doug Eymer, who designs web and print materials for me; Bob Ruffolo and the team from IMPACT Branding & Design, who create magic on my websites; Shana Bethune and Dave Jackel, who help me create videos; and Colin Warwick, who helps with words. Thank you all.

I have some wonderful partners, including Juanito Pascual, whom I work with in our sonic branding agency Signature Tones. I am particularly grateful to Tony Robbins for bringing me into the Business Mastery community, where I present several times a year and deliver my New Marketing Mastery program. Thank you, Tony, and the entire team at Robbins Research International.

I would also like to thank the thousands of bloggers who added to the conversations around The New Rules of Marketing & PR by writing on their blogs or by leaving intelligent and useful comments on my blog.

A particular thank-you goes to Tony D’Amelio, who manages my speaking activities. Tony together with his colleagues Matt Anderson, Carin Kalt, Meg Joray, Kirsten Riemer, and Jenny Taylor play critically important roles in making sure that I am speaking in front of the best audiences around the world.

And especially, thank you to my wife, Yukari, for supporting my work and understanding when I am under deadline or away from home speaking in some far-flung part of the world.

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