
  • “About” page, 277
  • Acronyms, 338, 354
  • Action(s). See also Buying process
  • Active Rain, 41
  • Adagio Teas, 72–75
  • Advertising:
    • print, 4, 388
    • search engine, 374
    • trade publications and, 18
    • traditional, 19, 75
    • TV-style broadcast, 15
    • wasted resources and, 18–19
  • Advertising agency, 4, 19, 65, 248
  • Agency, prospective, 394
  • Agile, Real-Time Customer Service (e-book), 216
  • Agility, social networking and, 65–66
  • AIIM Industry Watch research papers, 205
  • Air New Zealand, 103
  • Alerts. See Google Alerts
  • Alexander, Greg, 207–210
  • Alexa ranking, 82
  • Allison-Shane, Heidi M., 325–326
  • Amanda Palmer & The Grand Theft Orchestra, 275–276
  •, 33–34
    • AI and, 144
    • bestseller list, 73, 403
    • email delivery market, 136
    • profile link and, 90
    • reviews on, 260
  • Amdocs, 135–136
  • American Airlines:
    • interruption marketing and, 19
    • real-time business at, 53–58
    • real-time marketing/PR, 123–124
  • American Idol, 141–142
  • Amtower, Mark, 246–247
  • Anderson, Chris, 32
  • Android phones, 217, 311
  • Apollo 12, 349–350
  • Apple iPhones. See iPhones
  • Apps. See also specific app
    • content strategy and, 216–218
    • mobile, 62, 217
  • Art, websites and, 118–122
  • Artificial intelligence (AI), 143–155
    • about, 143–144
    • AI-powered marketing and PR, 144–147
    • algorithms and, 144, 155
    • automation of tasks and, 9–10
    • customer benefit and, 149–150
    • daily routine and, 144
    • machine learning and, 143, 144
    • marketing already AI-powered, 147–149
    • as part of your marketing, 152–154
    • project, creating, 150–152
    • remaining human in world of, 154–155
  • Assets, marketing, 377
  • Assistance, obtaining, 393–398
    • agency, prospective, 394
    • colleagues and bosses, 397–398
    • journalist on team, 395–396
    • lawyers in the way, 395
  • Associated Press (AP), 219
  • Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM), 204
  • ATP World Tour, 217
  • Attention, generating, 397
  • Attention spans, 298
  • Attivio, 310–311
  • Audience. See also Fans
    • blog, building, 279–280
    • social media and, 61–75
    • targeting specific, 262
    • underserved, 32, 33, 37
    • website visitors, 149, 196
  • Audio. See also Podcast(s)
    • companion blogs, 313
    • content strategy and, 213
    • editing files, 312
    • Improv with the CIO, 97–99
    • podcast delivery of content, 104–105
    • tagging of, 312
  • Authenticity, 37, 122, 248, 262–263, 402
  • Authority:
    • building, 83–85
    • citing an, 131
    • fact-based thought leadership, 226
  • Automaker websites, 15–16
  • Automated speech recognition, 143
  •, 128–129
  • Award, Killer Content, 98
  • B2B. See Business-to-business (B2B) companies
  • Baked Relief, 139–141
  • Baltic countries, 114
  • Banks, Rob, 200
  • Barak, Jeff, 135
  • Barger, Christopher, 90
  • Barto, Lindsay, 46–49
  • Basement Systems, 202
  • Batterson, Mark, 402–403
  • Beiber, Justin, 366–367
  • Beko, 166–167
  • Belize Travel Blog, 42–43
  • Bell, Catherine, 393
  • Belniak, Alan, 263–264
  • Benchmarks/benchmarking
    • content strategy and, 209
    • determination of, 206
  • Benson, Robert, 268
  • Best practices, newsrooms, 332–340
    • acronyms, jargon, industry-speak, 338
    • background info for journalists, 334–335
    • bloggers, embracing, 338
    • calls to action for journalists, 337
    • conferences, trade shows and, 337
    • executive appearances and, 337
    • experts, showcasing, 339–340
    • faculty researchers and, 340–342
    • global standards and, 336
    • language and, 338
    • links to social networking feeds, 334
    • localization and, 260
    • media understanding, content and, 336–337
    • mobile media room, 339
    • multimedia content, 335
    • needs analysis, 332–333
    • product specs, data and, 335–336
    • RSS feeds and, 338–339
    • searching, browsing and, 333–334
  • Bicycling, 38
  • Big Birge Plumbing, 44–45
  • Big data, 55, 150, 188, 296, 340, 341
  • Billing notices, 150
  • Bing, searching on, 36, 78, 322, 364, 374
  • Bing Ads, 374, 376
  • Bios, 202, 250, 251, 334
  • Blakesberg, Jay, 255
  • Blecher, Todd, 236–237
  • Bligh, Anna, 141
  • Blog(s). See also Wordpress platform
    • about, 77–78, 80–81
    • audience, building, 279–280
    • blinging out your, 278
    • blogging, bloggers and, 81–83
    • cities that blog, 280–282
    • commenting on, 7, 81, 89–90, 271–272
    • companion blogs, podcasts and, 313
    • content strategy and, 213
    • described, 80–81
    • determining whether site is, 81–83
    • etiquette, 89
    • feedback, writing, 234–235
    • first-mover advantage, 95
    • getting started, 95
    • instant feedback from, 77
    • junk removal company's, 93–95
    • lawyer's, 83–85
    • million-dollar blog post, 130–132
    • monitor blogs, 88–89
    • need for, 79–80
    • real-time content/product and, 121
    • reverse-chronological aspect of, 80
    • social networking age and, 79–80
    • spontaneity and, 375
    • thinking like a publisher, 49–50
    • understanding, 85–87
    • uses for, 87–88
    • writing like on a, 10–11
  • Bloggers:
    • about, 80–81
    • advance book copies to, 6
    • credit given to, 275
    • embracing, 338
    • influential, 36, 88, 91, 348–349, 363
    • interesting experiences and, 90–91
    • pitching influential, 349
    • reaching worldwide, 91–92
  • Blogging, 271–283
    • basics, 80–81, 275–277
    • “blog voice,” 11, 283
    • book, section by section, 5
    • California lawyer blog, 83–85
    • disclosure and, 274–275
    • employee guidelines for, 92–93, 273–275
    • ethics, 273–275
    • etiquette, 87, 89, 279
    • first-mover advantage, 95
    • getting started, 283
    • newsjacking and, 360
    • outside North America, 282–283
    • privacy and, 274
    • return on investment of, 78
    • tagging and, 280
    • topics, 272–273
  • Blogging software, 275, 276, 277
  • Blog mentions, 89, 349–351
  • Blogosphere:
    • comment spam and, 276–277
    • ethics and, 274–275
    • market intelligence and, 89
    • mentality and, 226–227
    • monitoring, 80, 95
  • Blogrolls, 376
  • Blog URL, 79, 90, 271, 276
  • Blossom, John, 349
  • Bluewire Media, 175
  • Boeing Company, 236–237
  • Boomer, Allison, 286
  • Boston Globe, 88, 356
  • Boston Herald, 220
  • Boyer, Chris, 222–224
  • Brander, Brooke, 352
  • Brand journalism:
    • at Boeing, 236–237
    • at Cleveland Metropolitan School District, 398–401
    • at Raytheon, 219–221
  • Brand(s)/branding. See also Reputation management
    • damage to, 368–369
    • megabrands, 18
    • newsjacking and, 368–369
    • personal, 249–252
    • social networking and, 249–252
  • Branson, Richard, 201–202
  • Brathen, Rachel, 291
  • Brewer, Lynn, 169
  • Bricks-and-mortar news, 34–35
  • “The Bridge,” 127–128
  • Britain's Got Talent, 141–142
  • Broadbelt, Steve, 242–243
  • Broshear, Nathan, 352
  • Browsability, 333
  • Browsers, web, 115, 116, 119
  • Bucas, Gerard, 385
  • Budget, marketing, 4, 19, 100, 148, 377
  • BuildDirect, 200–201
  • Burns, Kelly, 266
  • Business(es). See also Company
    • building, YouTube videos and, 100–103
    • content driving, 42
    • humanizing of, 243
    • Nextdoor and, 260–261
    • Snapchat for, 137–139
    • social networking for local, 260–261
  • Business-casual video, 302–303
  • Business goals, 161
  • Business growth. See also Salespeople
    • buyer-centric website and, 191–195
    • content strategy and, 206–210
    • plumbing company's, 44–45
    • salesperson-in-chief, 201–202
    • sales transformation and, 187–189
    • web content and, 189–190
  • Business-to-business (B2B) companies, 98, 103, 219, 229
  • Business-to-business (B2B) marketers, 167, 245
  • Business-to-business (B2B) marketing strategies, 68, 375
  • Business-to-business (B2B) world, 190, 232
  • Business-to-consumer (B2C) component, 34
  • Business-to-government (B2G) companies, 219
  • BusinessWeek bestseller list, 6
  • Business Wire, 231, 315, 322, 361
  • Buyer-centric website, 191–195
    • content tools, interactive, 193
    • current content and, 194
    • customer interaction and, 194
    • feedback loops, 194
    • interactive content tools, 193
    • media and learning styles, 195
    • pass-along value and, 195
    • personality of, 191–193
    • photos and images, 193
    • social media share buttons, 194
    • steps to buying and, 195–198
    • tips for creation of, 191–195
  • Buyer persona(s), 162–163
    • basics of, 45–49
    • The Longhairs, 46–49
    • planning template for, 176
    • profile, 163–165
    • research-based, 188
    • web marketing and, 168
  • Buyer Personas (Revella), 164
  • Buyers. See also Consumers; Customer(s); e-commerce
    • asking for date, 180
    • believing your message, 171–172
    • community, connections with, 50–52
    • content development and, 173–175
    • content strategy and, 52–53
    • global marketplace, 115, 167
    • inclusive use of term, 11
    • income of, 225–227
    • information development and, 43–44
    • keywords, phrases and, 318–319, 324–326
    • niche, 19
    • point of view of, 168–171, 383
    • reaching, 39–58
    • real-time business and, 53–58
    • RSS feeds and, 323
    • sales process and, 320–321
    • video and, 301–302, 310–311
  • Buying habits, 16–17
  • Buying process:
    • bio pages and, 202
    • building a, 65
    • buyer personal profiles and, 207
    • content creation and, 196, 201
    • content strategy and, 210
    • education of salespeople and, 203
    • social networking and, 262
    • stages in, 196, 197
    • web content and, 188, 189–190
  • California lawyer blog, 83–85
  • Calls to action, 151, 337, 383
  • “Campaigns,” 362–363
  • CanadaNewsWire, 322
  • Canada Tourism, 64–65
  • Canfora, Roseann, 398–401
  • Cannabis, 65–69, 281–282
  • Cannabiz Media, 67
  • Canticle Communications, 51
  • Captcha, 276
  • Cash for Purses, 370–371
  • Casual Fridays, 302
  • Century 21 Real Estate LLC, 40–41
  • CEO. See C-level executives
  • Cervélo Cycles, 29–31
  • Chaa Creek, The Lodge at, 42–43
  • Change agents, attracting, 51
  • Charts, content strategy and, 213
  • Chat rooms, 61, 63
  • Chevrolet, 369
  • Chief information officer (CIO), 97–99
  • Chief marketing officers (CMOs), 182, 208, 389–391
  • Chrétien, Siobhan, 64–65
  • Churches, 401–403
    • National Community Church, 402
    • Trinity Cathedral, 50–52
  • CIA, Twitter and, 252–253
  • Cincom Expert Access, 224
  • Cincom Systems, Inc., 224
  • CIO, Improv with the, 97–99
  • CIO Magazine, 98
  • Cisco Systems, 97–98, 320
  • Cities that blog, 280–282
  • Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD), 398–401
  • C-level executives:
    • bosses, colleagues and, 397–398
    • CEO, 202, 398
    • CIO, 97–99
    • CMO, 182, 208, 389–391
    • reaching, 167–168
    • salesperson-in-chief, 201–202
  • Clients, news releases and, 326–328
  • Closing deals, continuation of conversation, 205–206
  • CMO (Chief marketing officer), 182, 208, 389–391
  • Collaboration:
  • Colleagues, bosses and, 397–398
  • Colleges and universities:
    • direct-mail packages, 17
    • Ontario University (UOIT), 340–342
    • Pennsylvania State University, 266–268
    • selecting, videos and, 99
  • Comments
    • on blogs, 7, 81, 89–90, 92, 95
    • negative, 81, 268, 281
    • online publications and, 362
    • regulatory changes and, 135–136
    • social engagement and, 87
  • Comment spam, 276–277
  • Communications. See also Conversation; Language; Writing for buyers
    • buyer's own words, 168–171
    • crisis, 266–268
    • keywords, phrases and, 318–319
    • real-time, 54, 131, 133, 137, 358
  • Communications revolution, 28–29
  • Communities:
    • connectedness and, 50–52
    • video submissions, 309
    • virtual, 5, 50, 261
  • Community, connections with, 50–52
  • Company. See also Business(es)
    • name not mentioned, 211
    • name of, special characters and, 381
    • real-time mind set and, 129
  • Computerworld, 220
  • comScore, 259
  • The Concrete Network, 34–35
  • Conferences and events, 263–264, 337
  • Connectedness, community and, 50–52
  • Connected Planet (publication), 136
  • Consulting business, podcast and, 106–108
  • Consumers. See also Buyer(s); Customer(s), global, 166–167
  • Contact information:
  • Content. See also Information; Link(s)
    • ability levels and, 198–200
    • about, 111–112
    • buying process and, 189–190, 196
    • calendar-based approach to, 209
    • compelling, 52, 166, 173–174, 285–286, 385
    • content-rich website, 111–122
    • creation of, 119, 182–184
    • critical importance of, 321
    • curators of, salespeople as, 200–201
    • current, 194
    • development of, 173–175
    • distribution of information, 212–218
    • driving action, 34, 38, 43, 48, 52–53, 189
    • free, 180–181
    • goals, action and, 52–53
    • in highly regulated industries, 221–224
    • indexable, 330
    • informational, 195–196
    • initiative, 388
    • interactive tools and, 193
    • Killer Content award, 98
    • media understanding and, 336–337
    • multimedia, 335
    • nontext, 193, 335
    • offline, 237, 279
    • original, percentage of, 254
    • other considerations and, 42
    • ownership of, 377
    • planning template for, 177
    • podcast delivery of, 104–105
    • proprietary, 336
    • publishing (see Publisher, thinking like a)
    • putting it all together, 117–118
    • reaching buyers directly, 189
    • real-time content marketing, 305–306
    • repurposing of, 326
    • salespeople as curators for, 200–201
    • search engines and (see Search engine(s))
    • strategies (see Content strategy)
    • successful websites and, 114
    • targeted, 388, 401
    • thoughtful, 262
    • timely, 94
    • viral, 195
  • Content-based marketing and PR, creating, 4
  • Content management system (CMS), 81
  • Content marketing:
    • Facebook Live and, 305–306
    • photographs as, 285–286
    • real-time, 305–306
  • Content real estate, 79, 271, 272, 381
  • Content-rich websites, 111–122
    • about, 111–112
    • art, science and, 118–122
    • global marketplace and, 114–115
    • mobile-friendly site, 115–117
    • political advocacy and, 112–114
    • putting it all together, 117–118
    • successful websites and, 114
  • Content strategy, 211–227
    • about, 211–212
    • business growth and, 206–210
    • buyer's income and, 225–227
    • buying process and, 210
    • getting information out there, 212–218
    • highly regulated industries and, 221–224
    • journalists creating, 219–221
    • thoughtful content, 218
    • thought leaders, leveraging, 224
    • white papers and, 216, 224–225
  • Content tools, interactive, 193
  • Conversation:
    • blog comments and, 89
    • continuing post-sale, 205–206
    • recording a, 143
  • Cook, Tim, 25, 121
  • Cortes, Wilberto, 306
  • Coupons, 149, 215
  • Couric, Katie, 371
  • Craigslist, 62
  • Creativity, old rules and, 20
  • Credit, blogging and, 275
  • Crisis communications, 266–268
  • Crismani, Danielle, 139–141
  • Crowdsourcing, 139–142
    • Kickstarter, 257–258
    • product creation and, 72
  • Cruise, Tom, 126–127
  • CruiseCompete, 325–326
  • Current events, tying news to, 9, 354–355, 363, 365–368
  • Customer(s). See also Buyer persona(s)
    • AI and, benefit from, 149–150
    • anticipation of needs of, 33–34
  • Customer compensation, 226
  • Customer interaction, 194
  • Customer profile, social profile and, 56–57
  • Customer ranking, 33
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) systems, 148
  • Customer retention, 53, 332
  • dbaDIRECT, 321
  • Deadliest Warriors (TV show), 104
  • Deal, closing, 197–198
    • continuation of conversation, 205–206
    • e-commerce offerings, 197–198
  • Deflategate moniker, 357
  • Delamarter, John, 117
  • Demographics, 45, 50, 165, 174, 259
  • Digital news, 4
  • Direct-mail advertising, 17
  • Direct Messages (DMs), 54, 56, 74
  • Disclosure, blogging and, 275–276
  • Distribution services. See also RSS feeds, news release, 315, 322, 323, 324
  • Domain names, “.org” sites, 140
  • Donations, real-time, 134–135. See also Crowdsourcing
  • Dore, Philippe, 217
  • Dot-com boom, 4, 68, 302
  • Dow Chemical, 129
  • Dowd, Jim, 127–128
  • Dow Jones Enterprise Media Group, 231
  • Downloads. See also e-books
    • audio, 213 (see also Podcasting)
    • registration, or not, 204–205
  • Dresden Dolls (musical group), 256, 257
  • eBay, 62
  • e-books:
    • content strategy and, 215–216
    • downloads, 203
    • The New Rules of PR, 5, 215
    • offer, 204–205
  • e-commerce:
    • audio product company, 115
    • “buy now” button and, 197
    • landing pages and, 382
    • offline content coordination and, 190
    • Products button and, 93
  • EContent (magazine), 21, 335
  • The Edge (newsletter), 4
  • Edge of Tomorrow (movie), 126
  • Editorial gatekeepers, 397
  • Editors:
    • online media rooms and, 396
    • overused words/phrases, 234
    • reaching/telling story, 331–332
  • Edmunds Forums, 16
  • Education, salespeople and, 203
  • 8 Reasons You Need a Strategy for Managing Information—Before It's Too Late (Mancini), 204
  • Eloqua, 130–132
  • Email:
    • addresses, multiple, 149
    • artificial intelligence and, 144
    • attachments, 355
    • employee guidelines for, 92–93
    • Gmail accounts, 144
    • job searches and, 18
    • newsletters, 151, 179, 197, 205, 214–215, 326
    • press releases, 21
    • “re:” in subject lines, 346–347
    • spam and, 277
  • email service providers (ESPs), 136
  • Employees, blogging and, 92–93, 273–275
  • Employment. See Job search
  • Engagement(s):
    • client, 84
    • data, 151
    • Facebook groups and, 244–245
    • instant, 137
    • metrics, real-time, 54
    • old rules and, 124
    • patient, long-term, 223
    • proactive, 57
    • social, 31, 65
    • social media and, 256
    • speaking, 161, 247, 340, 341
    • user messages and, 66
    • where buyers are, 18
  • Engineering Mind, An (blog), 104
  • Essence, 370–371
  • Estonia, 8, 114
  • Ethics, blogging and, 273–275
  • Evans, Peter, 342
  • Events:
    • advertising based on, 132
    • current, 9
    • feedback from, 124–125
    • Google Doodles and, 192
    • healthcare-related, 221
    • organizing, 39
    • real-time, 132
    • sales “events,” 16
    • speaking at, 78
    • ticket purchases and, 218
  • Everybody Writes (Handley), 235
  • Executives. See also C-level executives
    • newsroom and, 337
    • reaching senior, 167–168
    • Salesperson-in-Chief, 201–202
    • from traditional to modern CMO, 389–391
  • Expenses, content and, 182–184
  • Expertise, showcasing of, 41–43, 306–308
  • Eyeball Wars, 380
  • Eymer, Doug, 289, 293, 405
  • Facebook:
    • crisis communications and, 266–268
    • demographics and, 259
    • engagements and, 244–245
    • Facebook Groups and, 244–245
    • human element and, 243
    • “liking” and “tagging,” 243, 296
    • marketing and, 241–243
    • number of active users, 8
    • personal pages on, 247
    • product marketing and, 241–243
    • promotional messages on, 255
    • real-time content marketing and, 305–306
    • service marketing and, 241–243
    • sharing posts on, 254
    • tagging, 241
    • traffic status page, 133
  • Facebook Advertising, 153, 377
  • Facebook fan page, 256
  • Facebook groups, 244–245
  • Facebook “Like” button, 277, 295
  • Facebook Live, 305–306
  • Facebook pages, 244
  • Facebook wall, 250
  • Faculty researchers, 340–342
  • The Fall of Advertising and the Rise of PR (Reis), 224
  • Fannick, Glenn, 88, 89
  • Fanocracy, 380
  • Fans:
    • base of, building, 264–265
    • connecting with, 256–257
  • The Fault in Our Stars, 126
  • Fear, managing your, 391
  • Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 135
  • Feedback loops, website and, 194
  • Feil, Stuart, 167–168
  • File sharing and storage service, 65–66
  • First-mover advantage, 95
  • Flanagan, Jack, 258–259
  • Flegenheimer, Matt, 368
  • Fleming, Lucy, 42
  • Flickr, 61
  • Flip Video camera, 100, 101
  • Flock, 152–154
  • Fogarty, Mignon, 108–109
  • Forbes Insights, 167
  • Fossett, Elizabeth, 53
  • Four Ps of marketing, 160, 184–185
  • Franklin, Adam, 175
  • Free information/offers, 180–181, 386
  • G+ (Google Plus), 9, 79
  • Garcia, Jerry, 255
  • Garnsey, Sarah F., 117–118
  • Gatorade, 172
  • General Mills, 369
  • General Motors, 90
  • Geolocation, 217
  • Ghonim, Wael, 142
  • Global marketplace:
    • global consumers, 166–167
    • reaching, 114–115
    • web content and, 7–8
  • Global standards, newsrooms and, 336
  • Globaltus, 115
  • Gmail accounts, 144
  • Goals:
    • content, action and, 52–53
    • organizational, 160–162
  • Gobbledygook:
    • analysis of, 230–231
    • overused words/phrases, 234–235
  • The Gobbledygook Manifesto (blog post), 230, 234
  • Godin, Seth, 19
  • Going viral, 195
  • GolinHarris International, 127–129
  • Google. See also Search engine(s)
  • Google AdWords, 116, 147, 160, 183, 184, 374, 376, 377
  • Google Alerts, 127
  • Google Doodles, 192
  • Google Hangouts, 312
  • Google News, 318–319, 322–323, 325, 365, 371
  • Google Places, 116
  • Google Plus (G+), 9, 79
  • GoPro, 292
  • Gordon, Richard, 350
  • GrabCAD community, 273
  • Graff, John M., 104
  • Graff, Mike, 350
  • Grain Surfboards, 1–3
  • Grammar Girl (podcast), 108–109
  • Graphs, content strategy and, 213
  • Grateful Dead, 255
  • Green, John, 126–127
  • Green Short Challenge, 242–243
  • Growing business. See Business growth
  • Guitars That Jam (Blakesberg), 255, 256
  • Gutenberg, Johannes, 402
  • Hack the Entrepreneur (podcast), 106–108
  • Hagerty Insider (Smartphone app), 134
  • Hair Ties for Guys, 47–49
  • Halligan, Brian, 202
  • Handley, Ann, 235
  • Harrison, Richard, 136
  • Harry (Prince), 359
  • Hashtags, 9. See also Twitter
  • Hawley, Chris, 219–221
  • Header photo, 252
  • Healthcare, 221–224
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 221
  • Healy, Chris, 46–49
  • Heath, Dan, 224
  • Help, requesting. See Assistance, obtaining
  • Hennigan, Brian, 321
  • Heritage Communities, 287–288
  • Highly regulated industries, content creation in, 221–224
  • Hightail file sharing and storage service, 65–66
  • Hilton, Paris, 360
  • Hinerfeld, Daniel, 113
  • HootSuite, 249, 368
  • Hotel & Igloo Village Kakslauttanen, 27–28
  • House of Cards: Confessions of an Enron Executive (Brewer), 169
  • Howe, Peter J., 356
  • Howell, Mark, 212
  • How to Market to Me (blog), 71
  • HTML:
    • blogging and, 81
    • display format and, 115
    • news releases and, 334
  • HubSpot, 119, 148–149, 202, 208, 210, 271, 278, 298, 299, 384
  • HubSpot Academy, 215
  • Huffington, Ariana, 201–202
  • Huffington Post (blog), 21, 82, 83, 346
  • Human element, Facebook and, 243
  • Humor:
    • product descriptions and, 235–236
    • video and, 98, 99, 103
  • IBM:
    • employee guidelines for, 395
    • mockumentaries, 309
    • Watson Personality Insights, 147
  • Ideas. See also Thought leadership
    • marketplace of, 360–362
    • showcasing your, 295–297
    • U.S. Air Force and, 352–353
  • Identity, unique, 380
  • IEEE Spectrum, 341
  • Images, 285–299. See also Infographics; Photographs
    • buyer-centric website and, 193
    • real people versus stock photos, 287–289
  • Improvement, measurement and, 206
  • Improv with the CIO, 97–99
  • IN1 multitool utility case, 235–236
  • In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day (Batterson), 403
  • Inbound Marketing, 390
  • Industries, highly regulated, 221–224
  • Industry-speak, 338
  • Infographics, 213, 297–299
  • Infographics, 213
  • Information. See also Content; Link(s)
    • background, for journalists, 334–335
    • development of, 43–44
    • distribution of, content and, 212–218
  • Informational content, 195–196
  • Inova Health System, 222–224
  • Inquisitr, 370
  • Instagram:
    • marketing products using, 292–293
    • reasons to love, 290–291
    • video and image sharing on, 61
  • International Telecommunications Union, 11
  • Internet. See also Search engine(s); Web
    • communications revolution and, 29
    • high-speed connections, 114, 375
    • niche markets and, 36
  • Interruption marketing, 19–20
  • Investor relations (IR), 329, 331, 339
  • Investor Relations Group, 350
  • InVision, 390–391
  • iOS, 105, 137
  • iPads, 290, 339
  • iPhones:
    • announcement of new, 25
    • apps for, 216–217, 290–291, 292
    • audio file uploads, 143
    • case for, 121, 235–236
    • podcasting and, 311
    • recording on, 304
  • iPods, 312
  • iTunes, 97, 105, 107, 195, 309, 312, 313
  • Jackel, Dave, 309–310
  • Jackson, Mitch, 83–85
  • Janesky, Larry, 202
  • Jargon, 338. See also Keywords and phrases
  • Jenkins, Toby, 175
  • Job search:
    • as advertising a product, 18
    • new rules of, 69–70
    • social media and, 70–72
  • Johnson, Steve, 214, 225–226
  • Journalism. See Brand journalism
  • Journalistic black hole, 23
  • Journalist(s):
    • background info for, 334–335
    • big picture and, 354
    • calls to action for, 337
    • multimedia, 398, 399, 400
    • newsjacking and, 358–360
    • thinking like, 3
    • on your team, 395–396
  • Julich, Bobby, 30
  • Jungman, Lacy, 287–289
  • Junk removal company, 93–95
  • Jurek, Richard, 349–351
  • Kagan, Marta, 298–299
  • Kaine, Tim, 358
  • Kardon, Brian, 389–391
  • Kawasaki, Guy, 224
  • Kellogg Company, 331–332
  • Kelly, Allen, 367
  • Kessler, Andy, 30–31
  • Keysight Technologies, 375
  • Keywords and phrases:
    • gobbledygook, analysis of, 230–231
    • newsjacking and, 364–365
    • news releases and, 324–326
    • search engines and, 385
  • Kickstarter, 257–258
  • Killer Content award, 98
  • Kirchoff, Lindsey, 71–72
  • Knight-Ridder, 4, 259
  • Knox, Peter, 386
  • Kohner, Gary, 292–293
  • Korn, Rebecca, 138
  • Kovalsky, Corinne J., 219–221
  • Kretchmer, Rafi, 216
  • Kreymerman, Ilya, 72–73, 74
  • Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, 357–358
  • Landing pages. See Web landing pages
  • Langan, Mark, 42
  • Language:
    • acronyms, jargon, industry-speak, 338
    • easy-to-understand, 336
    • entertainment company, 233
    • gobbledygook and, 234–235
    • local languages and, 259–260, 336
    • marketing, 232
    • natural language processing, 143
    • newsroom and, 338
    • overused words/phrases, 234
  • Language sites, local, 259–260
  • Latvia, 114, 115
  • Lawyer(s):
    • assistance from, 395
    • blog of, 83–85
  • Leadership. See Thought leadership
  • Lead generation, 148, 205, 386. See also Sales leads
  • Lead scoring, 146
  • Learning styles, buyers,' 195
  • Legal team, 274, 395
  • Legend, John, 99
  • Leggat, Ian, 265
  • Legitimacy:
    • augmentation of, 341
    • media coverage and, 353–354
  • LessLoss Audio Devices, 115
  • Letterman, David, 373
  • Lexicon. See Keywords and phrases
  • Lifetogether, 212
  • “Liking,” Facebook and, 243, 296
  • Lind, DeDe, 349, 351
  • Lind, Tracey, 50–52
  • LinkedIn:
    • profiles on, 245–248
    • “Share” button, 277
    • SlideShare and, 214
  • LinkedIn Ads, 377
  • Link(s):
    • navigation, 191, 278
    • in news releases, 324, 334
    • permanent, 323
    • to social networking feeds, 334
  • Lithuania, 114, 115, 283
  • Littlechild, Dave, 47
  • Live news conference, 361
  • Live-streaming news, 361–362
  • Livingston, Bobby, 350–351
  • Localization, 260
  • Local language sites, 259–260
  • Logan, Lara, 352
  • Lohan, Lindsay, 370
  • The Longhairs, 46–49
  • Long tail:
    • of marketing, 32–33
    • of PR, 35–36
    • of search, 378
    • of voice search, 379–380
  • Machine Learning, 9, 143–155
  • MacMillan, John, 340–341
  • Made to Stick (Heath), 224
  • Magazines, print, 67
  • Mainstream marketing, 33, 37
  • Mainstream media:
    • blogosphere and, 82
    • communications strategy and, 317
    • print magazines, 67
    • product coverage and, 24
    • social media versus, 62
  • Mainstream message, 32
  • Mallikarjunan, Sam, 152–154
  • Mancini, John, 204–205
  • Marashi, Jon, 392–393
  • Marijuana. See Cannabis
  • Marijuana Business Magazine, 67
  • Marijuana Venture, 67
  • Marine Week, U.S. Marine Corps's, 90–91
  • Market, business growth in, 44–45
  • Market2Lead, 130–131
  • Marketing:
    • content driving, 351
    • four Ps of, 160, 184–185
    • inbound/outbound, 390
    • Instagram and, 292–293
    • long tail of, 32–33
    • new rules of, 36–37
    • old rules of, 20
    • PR, web and, 38
    • in real time, 123–142
    • top management of (see CMOs (Chief marketing officers))
    • wired world and, 40–41
    • writing for, 233
  • Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute, 145
  • Marketing assets, owning not renting, 377
  • Marketing expenses, 182–183, 198–200
  • Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead (Meerman Scott & Blakesberg), 255
  • Marketing over Coffee (podcast), 311, 313
  • Marketing plan. See also Plan for marketing and PR
    • about, 159–160
    • building, 159–185
    • organizational goals and, 160–162
    • sticking to, 184–185
  • Marketing strategy:
    • cohesive, 108
    • planning template for, 175–179
  • Marketing the Moon, 380
  • Market intelligence, blogosphere and, 89
  • Market/marketplace. See also Global marketplace
    • ideas and, 360–362
    • micromarkets, 33
    • niche markets, 22, 36
  • Massachusetts Family Insurance Blog, 272–273
  • Master Newsjacking (online course), 358
  • McDermott, Chip, 39–40
  • McGlynn, Lawrence, 272–273
  • McGuire, Tim, 222
  • McNeight, Mary, 306–307, 308
  • Measurement:
    • free, power of, 180–181
    • improvement and, 206
    • new rules of, 179–180
    • real-time engagement, 54
    • of trends, 88
    • what to measure, 181–182
  • Media. See also Mainstream media; Social media
    • buyers' preferred, 195
    • importance of, 22–23
    • nontraditional (see Blog(s); Podcast(s))
    • old rules and, 21, 22–23
    • pitching the, 353–356
    • reaching members of, 345–356
    • “tip lines,” 354, 362
  • Media alerts, real-time, 361
  • Media kit, online, 334
  • Media Marmot Search Tool, 343
  • Media measurement, 88
  • Media outlet, tip line for, 354
  • Media relations:
    • blog mentions and, 349–351
    • blogs and, 348–349
    • new rules of, 347–348
    • pitching the media, 346–347
    • sleazy tactics and, 346–347
    • U.S. Air Force and, 352–353
  • Media room, mobile, 339
  • MediaRoom service, 331–332
  • Medical privacy laws, 221, 306
  • Medium (website), 259
  • Megabrands, 18
  • Message, articulation of, 171
  • Message boards, 61
  • Metrics. See Measurement
  • “Microblogging.” See Twitter
  • Micromarkets, 33
  • Millennials, 71, 139
  • Million-dollar blog post, 130–132
  • Mind-set:
    • real-time, 127–129
    • your, 389
  • Mirman, Eugene, 240–241
  • Mobile applications, 62, 217
  • Mobile devices. See also iPhones; Smartphones; specific type
    • clickable phone numbers, 116
    • mobile media room and, 339
    • screen size and, 116, 119
    • search engines and, 116
    • web browsers and, 115, 116, 119
  • Mobile-friendly website, 115–117
  • Mobile Google, 116
  • Mobile listening applications, 105
  • Mobile media room, 339
  • Monitor blogs, 88–89
  • Moschella, Bill, 222
  • MSNBC, 6, 304
  • Multimedia, 113, 193, 259, 335, 343. See also specific type
  • Murray, David, 70–72
  • Musk, Elon, 201–202
  • Nalgene bottle videos, 99
  • Name recognition, 31, 296
  • Nantucket Island Surf School, 292–293
  • Nastor, Jon, 106–107
  • National Community Church, 402
  • National Healthcare Marketing Summit, 222
  • National Instruments, 104
  • Natural language processing, 143
  • Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), 112–114
  • Naughton, Jim, 51
  • NDRC. See Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
  • Netflix, 32, 33, 38, 144, 148
  • Netscape Navigator, 28
  • Networks. See also Social networking; specific network
  • New England Cable News (NECN), 356
  • New rules:
    • about, 4–5, 27–28
    • anticipation of customer needs, 33–34
    • for any organization, 401–403
    • bricks-and-mortar news, 34–35
    • communications revolution and, 28–29
    • global applicability of, 7–8
    • job search and, 69–70
    • life with the, 6–8
    • long tail of marketing, 32–33
    • long tail of PR, 35–36
    • of marketing and PR, 36–37
    • measurement and, 179–180
    • news releases and, 317–318
    • open for business, 29–31
    • reaching media and, 345–356
    • showcasing success and, 11–12
    • web, convergence of marketing and PR on, 38
    • what's new, 8–10
    • writing like on a blog, 10–11
    • your turn to use, 403–404
  • The New Rules of Marketing & PR, 5, 6, 380
  • The New Rules of PR, 5, 8, 215
  • The New Rules of Sales and Service, 188, 296
  • The New Rules of Selling, 295, 296
  • News. See also Google News
    • breaking, commenting on, 362
    • bricks-and-mortar, 34–35
    • digital, 4
    • negative, 368–369
  • News2U, 322
  • News conference, live, 361
  • NewsEdge Corporation, 4
  • Newsfeed, alternative, 259
  • Newsjacking, 357–371
    • about, 357–358
    • blogging and, 360
    • brand damage and, 368–369
    • defined, 128
    • etymology of, 8–9
    • finding news to jack, 362–367
    • for fun and profit, 370–371
    • goal of, 367
    • hashtags and, 361
    • idea marketplace and, 360–362
    • journalists and, 358–360
    • keywords, phrases and, 364–365
    • live-streaming and, 361–362
    • media tip lines and, 362
    • online publications and, 362
    • podium, power of, 361
    • real-time media alerts and, 361
    • serendipity and, 365
    • steps in, 366
    • tracking people you know, 364
    • tweeting and, 362
    • Twitter and, 368
    • your connections and, 358–360
    • your news and, 365–367
  • Newsletter:
  • News-monitoring strategies, 363
  • News releases, 315–327. See also Press releases
    • browsability and, 333
    • clients, prospects and, 326–328
    • direct-to-consumer, 168
    • distribution service for, 322–323
    • driving buyers into sales process, 320–321
    • keywords and phrases in, 318–319, 324–326
    • links in, importance of, 324
    • new rules of, 317–318
    • publishing to your website, 323
    • real-time marketing/PR, 136–137
    • RSS feeds and, 323
    • strategy, development of, 321
    • website, publishing to, 323
    • web world and, 317
  • Newsrooms, 329–343
    • best practices (see Best practices, newsrooms)
    • reaching reporters/telling story, 331–332
    • reach of, 342–343
    • search engine optimization and, 330
    • university study and, 340–342
  • News services, online, 322, 323, 324
  • News sites, online, 36, 82, 323, 354, 370, 371
  • News story, life of a, 363
  • Newswire outlets, 315
  • New Yorker, 82
  • New York Times, 27, 63, 82, 109, 219, 341, 343, 368, 396
  • Nextdoor, 260–261
  • Niche markets, 22, 36
  • Niche products, 19
  • Nonprofit organizations, 40, 161, 232
  • Nontext content, 193, 335
  • NPR, 6, 52, 113
  • NurserySource, 68
  • Obama, Barack, 129, 171
  • Obama, Michelle, 128
  • O'Brien, Stewart, 369
  • Ocean Frontiers Ltd., 242
  • Offline marketing, 41, 108–109, 175, 180, 237, 290, 388
  • Old rules, 15–18
    • advertising, 18–19
    • client engagement and, 124
    • four Ps and, 160, 184–185
    • ignoring, 25–26
    • marketing, 20
    • media and, 21, 22–23
    • one-way interruption, 19–20
    • PR and, 24–25
    • press releases and, 23
  • Olympic event results, 132
  • O'Neal, Shaquille, 373
  • 1-800-GOT-JUNK? 93–95
  • One-way interruption, 19–20
  • Online buzz. See Viral buzz
  • Online collaboration platform, 152–154
  • Online marketing. See Web; Websites; YouTube videos
  • Online media kit, 334
  • Online media room, 339
  • Online news services, 321, 322, 323
  • Online news sites, 323
  • Online presence, 70
  • Online publications, 362
  • Online services, 4
  • Online success, 3
  • Online video. See Video
  • Online video channel, 309
  • Ontario University (UOIT), 340–342
  • OPEN (Open Cycle), 29–31
  • Open for business, 29–31
  • The Oprah Winfrey Show, 36
  • Optimization. See Search engine optimization
  • Oracle, 130–132
  • Organization(s):
    • buyer personas and, 162–163
    • forward-thinking, 54, 93
    • new rules and, 401–403
    • reputation, monitor blogs and, 88–89
  • Organizational goals, 160–162
  • Outbound marketing, 390
  • Palmer, Amanda, 256–258, 262
  • Pandora, 313
  • Paplauskas, Tomas, 115
  • Pass-along value, 195–198
  • Patch, Ryan, 30
  • Payne, Joe, 130–132
  • PayPal users, 116
  • Pay per click (PPC) advertising, 152–153
  • Pence, Mike, 358
  • Penn, Christopher, 311, 313
  • Pennsylvania State University, 266–268
  • Personal branding. See Brand(s)/branding
  • Peterson, Jim, 35
  • Petosky, Eric, 352
  • Phishing, 193, 346
  • Phone numbers, clickable, 116
  • Phones. See iPhones; Smartphones
  • Photographs:
    • buyer-centric website and, 193
    • content marketing and, 285–286
    • expensive products and, 289–290
    • header, 252
    • Infographics and (see Infographics)
    • Instagram (see Instagram)
    • Pinterest and (see Pinterest)
    • profile photo, 251–252
    • SlideShare and, 214, 262, 295–297
    • stock photos/real people, 287–289
    • website policies for, 288
  • Phrases. See Keywords and phrases
  • Pierce, Jonathan, 54–58
  • Piner, Michael, 242–243
  • Pinterest:
    • “pinning,” 294
    • sharing with, 293–295
  • Pinterest “Pin it” button, 277, 295
  • Pitches, nontargeted, 346–347
  • Pitt, Harvey, 169, 170
  • Plan for marketing and PR:
    • Beko, 166–167
    • buyer personas and (see Buyer persona(s))
    • measurement and (see Measurement)
    • organizational goals and, 160–162
    • senior executives and (see C-level executives)
    • sticking to, 184–185
    • template, strategy and, 175–179
  • Planning template, marketing strategy, 175–179
  • Playboy, 349–350, 351
  • Plug-ins, software, 111
  • Plumbing company, 44–45
  • Podcast(s):
    • audio content delivery through, 104–105
    • basics, 311–314
    • defined, 105
    • Grammar Girl, 108–109
    • Hack the Entrepreneur, 106–108
    • long commutes and, 113
    • music, choral, 51
  • Podcasts app, 105
  • Podium, power of, 361
  • Policies:
  • Political advocacy, 112–114
  • Pollan, Cliff, 302
  • The Power of the People Is Greater Than the People in Power: A Memoir (Ghonim), 142
  • PowerPoint slides, 215, 295, 297, 299
  • Pragmatic Institute, 225–226
  • Pragmatic Marketing, 214
  • Presidential elections, 358
  • Press clip, 22, 26, 53, 161, 180
  • Press kit, 334
  • Press releases. See also News releases
    • email, 21
    • journalistic black hole, 23
    • old rules and, 23
  • Press rooms. See Newsrooms
  • Prince (musician), 368–369
  • Print advertisements, 4, 388
  • Printing press, invention of, 28
  • Print magazines, 67
  • Privacy:
  • Private Parts (movie), 135
  • PR Newswire, 231, 315, 319, 322, 330, 331, 332, 361
  • Product(s):
    • Beko, 166–167
    • donation, real-time, 134–135
    • expensive, photographs and, 289–290
    • humor in descriptions of, 235–236
    • Instagram marketing and, 292–293
    • name not mentioned, 211
    • niche, 19
    • regulatory changes and, 135–136
    • reviews about, 86, 101
  • Product managers, 225–226
  • Product specs, 335–336
  • Profiles:
    • LinkedIn, 245–248
    • profile photo, 251–252
    • showcasing success, 11–12
  • Proprietary content, 336
  • Prospects, news releases and, 326–328
  • PR plan:
    • about, 159–160
    • building, 159–185
    • organizational goals and, 160–162
    • sticking to, 184–185
  • PRWeb, 322, 361
  • PTC/USER World Event, 263–264
  • Publications. See also specific publication
  • Public relations (PR):
    • long tail of, 35–36
    • marketing, web and, 38
    • new rules of, 36–37
    • old rules of, 24–25
    • in real time, 123–142
    • third-party ink and, 22
    • writing for, 233
  • Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), 316
  • Publisher, thinking like a, 41–42, 49–50, 70, 321, 324
  • Radio, 6, 105
  • Radler, David, 287
  • Rambeau, Dee, 348
  • Raytheon, 219–221, 396
  • Real estate:
    • blogging and, 373
    • business of, 174–175
    • Century 21 Real Estate LLC, 40–41
    • content as, 79, 271, 272, 381
    • header photo as, 252
    • review-based sites and, 260
    • search engine, 380–381
  • Reality Check (Kawasaki), 224
  • Really simple syndication (RSS), 105, 277
  • Real-time business, buyers and, 53–58
  • Real-time commentary, Twitter and, 135
  • Real-time communications, 54, 131, 133, 137, 358
  • Real-time content marketing, 305–306
  • Real-time events, 132
  • Real-time marketing and PR, 123–142
    • about, 123–124
    • advertising and, 132
    • application, real-time, 134
    • crowdsourced support, 139–142
    • donation of products and, 134–135
    • Facebook Live and, 305–306
    • million-dollar blog post, 130–132
    • mind-set and, 127–129
    • news releases and, 136–137
    • regulatory changes and, 135–136
    • response to citizens, timely, 133
    • Snapchat for business, 137–139
    • Tom Cruise and, 126–127
    • tweeting and, 135
    • urgency of, 132–137
  • Real-time media alerts, 361
  • Real-time products/content, 121
  • Reddit, 62
  • Registration, downloads and, 204–205
  • Regulatory changes, 135–136
  • Reis, Al, 224
  • Release forms, video, 303–304
  • Renting marketing assets, versus owning, 377
  • Reporters:
    • newsjacking and, 362
    • reaching, telling story, 331–332
  • Reputation management. See also Brand(s)/branding
    • monitor blogs and, 88–89
  • Research, content strategy and, 214
  • Results, measurable. See Measurement
  • Return on investment (ROI), 78, 179, 383
  • Revella, Adele, 164–165
  • Revenue growth, 53, 161, 179, 210
  • Review(s):
  • Review-based sites, 260
  • Revolution 2.0 (Ghonim), 142
  • Reznor, Trent, 257
  • Rich Site Summary (RSS), 105, 277
  • The Rise of the Digital C-Suite, 167
  • Risinger, Matt, 100–103
  • Risinger Homes, 100–103
  • Robbins, Tony, 305
  • Roetzer, Paul, 145–146
  • Rotten Tomatoes, 260
  • Round Two Creative Group, 47
  • Rovner, Mark, 243
  • RSS feeds:
    • blogging and, 277
    • news releases and, 323
    • newsroom and, 338–339
  • Rubel, Steve, 316
  • Sales. See also e-commerce
    • sharing more than selling rule, 253–256
    • social selling, 246
    • transformation, 187–189
  • Sales Benchmark Index, 206–210
  • Sales leads, 310–311. See also Lead generation
  • Salespeople:
    • closing the sale, 197–198
    • as content curators, 200–201
    • educating your, 203
    • new buying process and, 203
    • salesperson-in-chief, 201–202
    • selling season and, 209
  • Salesperson-in-Chief, 201–202
  • Sales process, driving buyers into, 320–321
  • Sales transformation, 187–189
  • Sandusky, Jerry, 266–267
  • Sarbanes-Oxley legislation, 169
  • Savage, Adam, 400
  • Savings, online tools and, 223
  • Scala, Inc., 385–386
  • Schmidt, Dave, 230, 234
  • Schwartz, Larry, 67–69
  • Scott, Yukari Watanabe, 27–28
  • Search & Rescue Dogs, 53–54
  • Search engine(s). See also Google; specific search engine
    • algorithms, 279, 324, 330
    • Boolean operators and, 365
    • bypassing, 68
    • keywords, phrases and, 385
    • mobile devices and, 116
    • page ranking algorithms, 324
    • prominence on, 380
    • queries and, 88, 216
    • rankings and, 324
    • real estate of, 380–381
    • social sites and, 80
    • special characters and, 381
  • Search engine advertising, defined, 374
  • Search engine marketing:
    • about, 373–374
    • defined, 374
    • enhancements, focused, 374
    • fragmented business and, 385–386
    • Google's first page and, 375–378
    • marketing assets, owning, 377
    • past, optimization of, 384
    • search, long tail of, 378
    • search engine real estate and, 380–381
    • voice search, long tail of, 379–380
    • web landing pages, 381–383
  • Search engine optimization (SEO):
    • defined, 374
    • great websites and, 120
    • keywords, phrases and, 376
    • newsroom and, 330
  • Search engine real estate, carving out, 380–381
  • Search Engine Watch, 376
  • Selling. See Sales
  • Selling season, 209
  • Senior executives, reaching, 167–168
  • Service Dog Academy, 306–308
  •, 169–170
  • Sharing more than selling rule, 253–256
    • original content, percentage of, 254
    • promotion, percentage of, 254–256
    • sharing/engaging, percentage of, 254
  • Shopping sites, 260
  • Shore Communications Inc., 349
  • Showcasing:
    • expertise, 339–340
    • success, 11–12
  • Sierer, Todd, 104
  • Silva, Tom, 100
  • Silver, Trent, 370–371
  • Silver Oak wine, 264–265
  • Simonis, Linas, 283
  • Sinville, MaryAnne, 310–311
  • SitOrSquat app, 216–217
  • 60 Minutes, 302, 352
  • Slide presentations, 214
  • SlideShare, 214, 262, 295–297
  • Slingerland, Stephanie, 331–332
  • Smartphone apps, 259. See also specific app
  • Smartphones. See also iPhones
    • PayPal users and, 116
    • video and, 304–305
  • Smith, Bradley H., 169–170
  • Smith, Colin, 319, 320
  • Smith, Helaine, 216
  • Smith-Winchester, Inc., 230, 234
  •, 126, 136
  • Snapchat:
    • for business, 137–139
    • number of active users, 137
  • Snapchat for business, 137–139
  • Snapchat Stories, 137–138, 259
  • Social bookmarking sites, 62
  • Social communications, 224
  • Social engagement, 31, 65
  • Social feeds, 202, 254, 255. See also specific type
  • Social media. See also Tagging; specific network
    • as cocktail party, 63–64, 261–262
    • comments and (see Comments)
    • conferences or events, offline, 263–264
    • currencies of, 89
    • described, 62–63
    • engagement and, 256
    • exercise, comparison to, 269–270
    • experts on, 56
    • fear of, 391
    • forms of, 41–42
    • job search via, 70–72
    • power of, 141
    • presence, 45, 394
    • sites, types of, 41
    • tagging (see Tagging)
    • targeted audience and, 61–65
    • “Upgrade to Canada” program, 64–65
  • Social media share buttons, 194
  • Social networking. See also Sharing more than selling rule; specific network
    • about, 239–240
    • Adagio Teas and, 72–75
    • agility and, 65–66
    • blogs and, 79–80
    • buying process and, 262
    • cannabis business and, 65–69
    • commenting on sites, 27
    • crisis communications and, 266–268
    • customer experience and, 75
    • described, 62
    • fans, connecting with, 256–257
    • for local businesses, 260–261
    • million dollars raised using, 257–258
    • pages, optimizing, 262–263
    • personal branding and, 249–252
    • planning template for, 178
    • sharing more than selling rule, 253–256
    • sites, types of, 258–260
  • Social networking feeds, links to, 334
  • Social networking sharing tools, 277
  • Social networks:
    • business and personal life on, 391–393
    • power of, 65, 270
    • primary uses of various, 291
  • Social networks, number of active users, 8, 137, 239
  • Social selling, 246
  • Social sharing, 75, 295–296, 390
  • Social sharing tools, 73
  • Socol, Jay G., 281
  • Software, blogging, 275, 276, 277
  • South by Southwest conference, 90
  • Space shuttle Endeavor, 367
  • Spam:
    • comment spam, 276–277
    • email addresses and, 277
    • email and, 347, 376
  • Spam artists, 346
  • SPD Blotter blog, 281–282
  • Speaking engagements, 161, 247, 340, 341
  • Speeches, travels and, 8
  • Speech recognition, automated, 143
  • Spotify, 32, 33, 38, 313
  • Springer, Tom, 68–69
  • Squarespace, 275
  • Stakeholders:
    • blogs and, 88
    • communication and, 52, 391
    • importance of, 89
    • news media and, 331
  • Starbucks, 159–160
  • Staying connected, 50–52
  • Stelzner, Michael A., 216
  • Stern, Howard, 135
  • Stewart, Jim, 116
  • Stew Art Media, 116
  • Stitcher, 105
  • Stock photos, 287–289
  • Story/stories:
    • background info for, 334–335
    • “The Bridge” and, 127–128
    • media and, 23
    • news, life of a, 363
    • newsjacking and, 358–360
    • profiles, showcasing success, 11–12
    • Snapchat Stories, 137–138, 259
    • wine bottle, 264–265
  • Strategic planning. See Marketing strategy
  • Success:
    • online, 3
    • showcasing, 11–12
  • Super Bowl, 128–129
  • Surfer magazine, 1
  • Survey reports, content strategy and, 214
  • Swan, Wayne, 141
  • Symantec, 366, 367
  • Tagging:
    • audio, 312
    • blog software and, 280
    • described, 241
    • website content and, 147
  • Tea company, social media and, 72–75
  • TechTarget, 216
  • Television news, 6
  • Television shows, 126, 135, 240
  • Template, marketing strategy planning, 175–179
  • Tennis scoring app, 217
  • Text 100 (PR agency), 91
  • Text-mining technologies, 88, 231
  • Textron, Inc., 117–118
  • Theis, Anne, 222
  • Thinking like a publisher, 49–50
  • Third-party ink, 22
  • This Old House (TV show), 100–102
  • Thomson Corporation, 5
  • Thomson Reuters, 5
  • Thought leadership:
    • audio, video and, 213
    • blogs for, 212, 213
    • fact-based, 226
    • infographics and, 213
    • at Inova, 223–224
    • leveraging of, 242
    • positive reputation and, 211
    • PR plan and, 142
    • web content and, 226, 227
    • webinars as, 215
  • Tip lines, media, 362
  • Tony Robbins Business Mastery seminar, 305–306
  • Tourism, “Upgrade to Canada” program, 64–65
  • Tourism Whistler, 342–343
  • Toyota Tundra, 367
  • Trade magazines/journals, 22
  • Trade publications, 18, 363
  • Trade shows, 4, 67, 190, 337, 375
  • Traffic status page, 133
  • Transparency, 248, 262–263, 274, 289
  • Travel market. See “Upgrade to Canada” social program
  • Treadwell, Charlie, 366–367
  • Trends:
    • analysis of, 89
    • apps and, 134
    • content and, 220, 321
    • early market, 347
    • measurement of, 88
    • social media and, 64
    • taking advantage of, 7, 212
  • Triathlon coach, 198–200
  • Trinity Cathedral, 50–52
  • Trint, 143
  • TripAdvisor, 260
  • Trump, Donald, 171, 358
  • TRUSTe, 131
  • Tumblr, 259
  • TweetDeck, 127, 249, 368
  • Tweets/tweeting, 248–249
    • fake tweets, 256
    • newsjacking and, 362
    • number of characters in, 214
    • real-time marketing and, 135
  • Tweetups, 249
  • Twitter. See also Tweets/tweeting
  • Twitter Direct Messages (DMs), 54, 56, 74
  • Twitter feeds, 21, 111, 368, 394
  • Twitter Moments, 365
  • Twitter Search, 70, 249
  • Twitter “Tweet this” button, 277, 295
  • TypePad, 275, 276
  • Underwood, Nate, 288
  • Universities. See Colleges and universities
  • “Upgrade to Canada” social program, 64–65
  • URL, web:
    • blogging and, 271
    • blog URL, 89, 90
    • customizable, 276
    • permanent, 195
    • search engine rankings and, 324
  • U.S. Air Force, media relations and, 352–353
  • U.S. Marine Corps's Marine Week, 90–91
  • U.S. news release distribution services, 322
  • Venn, Tania, 93–95
  • The Verge, 98
  • Vertical industries, 22
  • Vertical market sites, 322
  • Video, 301–311. See also YouTube videos
    • business casual, 302–303
    • buyers and, 301–302, 310–311
    • content strategy and, 213
    • Facebook Live, 305–306
    • Flip Video camera, 100, 101
    • getting started with, 308–310
    • having fun with, 103–104
    • humor in, 98, 99, 103
    • Improv with the CIO, 97–99
    • release forms for, 303–304
    • sales leads and, 310–311
    • showcasing expertise using, 306–308
    • smartphones and, 304–305
    • universities and, 99
  • “Video blogging,” 309
  • Videocasting, 309
  • Video channel, online, 309
  • Video-sharing sites, 308–309. See also specific type
  • Vimeo, 61
  • Vine, 79
  • Viral marketing, 9, 183, 195, 218, 309, 320
  • Viral web content, pass-along value and, 195
  • Virtual coaching services, 198–200
  • Virtual communities, 5, 50, 261
  • Virtual networks, 239, 263
  • Visually (, 299
  • Vlogging, 309
  • Vlogs, 213
  • Vroomen, Gerard, 29–31, 202
  • Wall, John J., 311
  • Wall Street Journal, 6, 22, 109, 129, 170, 239, 387, 407
  • Ward, James (Skip), 216
  • Warwick, Colin, 375–376
  • Washer, Tim, 97–98
  • Waterfield, Gary, 121
  • WaterField Designs, 120–122
  • Watson, Don, 230
  • Web. See also Internet; URL, web
    • business-book model and, 5
    • as a city, 63
    • political advocacy on, 112–114
    • transformation of rules and, 20
  • Web-as-a-city approach, 63
  • Web content. See Content
  • WebEx, 318–319, 320
  • Webinars, content strategy and, 215
  • Web landing pages:
    • reseller channel and, 386
    • search engine marketing and, 381–383
    • self-contained units, 383
  • Weblogs. See Blog(s)
  • Webmaster, 111, 118, 332
  • Websites. See also Blog(s); Content-rich websites
    • .”org” sites, 140
    • “About” page, 277
    • automaker, 15–16
    • browsability and, 333
    • buyer-centric (see Buyer-centric website)
    • buyer personas and, 168
    • contact information on, 89, 197, 260, 336
    • content (see Content)
    • homepage of, 4, 83, 90, 173, 191–192
    • mobile-friendly, 115–117
    • more art than science, 118–122
    • planning template for, 178
    • publishing news releases to, 323
    • reviews and, 44, 61, 260
    • social bookmarking, 62
    • successful, content and, 114
    • thinking like a publisher, 49–50
    • traffic on, 160–161
    • well-designed, 197
  • Website visitors, 149, 196
  • Wesley, John, 403
  • Whistleblower Hotline, 169–170
  • White papers, content strategy and, 216, 224–225
  • Whole Foods Market, 294, 312
  • Wickham, Pam, 219
  • Wikipedia, 142
  • Wikis, 61
  • Wilson, Rebecca, 51
  • Wine bottle stories, 264–265
  • Winfrey, Oprah, 109
  • Wired world, 40–41
  • Woolf, Jeremy, 91
  • Word of Mouth Marketing Association, 275
  • Wordpress platform, 275
  • World Wide Rave, 380
  • World Wide web. See Web
  • Writing, for book, 10–11
  • Writing for buyers, 229–237. See also Blogging
    • about, 229–230
    • brand journalism, 236–237
    • effective writing, 233
    • feedback, from blog, 234–235
    • gobbledygook, analysis of, 230–231
    • humor, product descriptions and, 235–236
    • long-form, 214
    • overused words/phrases, 234
    • point of view and, 383
    • poor writing, 231–232
  • Wynn, Steve, 359
  • Yahoo! searching on, 36, 78, 322, 364, 374
  • Yelp, 260
  • Your Business (TV program), 304
  • YouTube channel, 100, 102, 183
  • YouTube videos:
    • AI and, 144
    • business building and, 100–103
    • stealth insertions to, 309
    • subscribers/views, 100
    • universities and, 99
  • Zabriskie, David, 29
  • Zagat, 260
  • Zaremba, John, 220
  • ZeroTrash, 39–40
  • Zürsun Idaho Heirloom Beans, 286
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