
Much like the online marketplaces we build, this book would not have been possible without the hard work and passion of so many.

Entrepreneurship is “a team sport.” We are so thankful for the true partnership we found in each other and the incredible team we have built at Mirakl. For every business that said, “not now,” and every industry titan that suggested that we leave marketplaces to the digital giants, there is a Mirakl Worker who pushed the marketplace revolution forward. And for the Mirakl Workers who have been with us since those very first days at Avenue Victor Hugo in Paris and Harvard Square in Cambridge, your entrepreneurial spirit and trust were paramount.

Thank you to Xavier Flamand and Fabien Sfez of Fnac Group for understanding our vision and seeing the possibilities, and to the teams at, Mistergoodeal, and Galeries Lafayette for being among the first to take the leap with Mirakl. From our first customers who believed in the power of the marketplace model to the hundreds of leading brands who trust Mirakl to power and scale their online marketplaces, thank you. The world is better off for your commitment to transformation and growth.

And to all of those who generously took the time to share their stories, thank you. The list is too long to fit on this page, but we are immensely grateful to every single company and leader whose story appears in this book. Your generosity of time and experience will surely inspire those who are just embarking on a marketplace journey.

Thanks to our investors and board members who believe wholeheartedly in Mirakl and our future as a generational company. Thank you to Lauren Bowden, Bruce Chizen, Frédéric Court, Tom Ebling, Scott Friend, Xavier Lazarus, Christian Lucas, and Alexandre Margoline.

While launching marketplaces is in our DNA, writing and publishing books is not. So thank you to Stephen Baker for bringing our words to life; to the team at Wiley who first encouraged us to put “pen to paper” and who has been a source of support and expert advice ever since; and to all of the Mirakl Workers who were indispensable in getting this over the finish line.

Finally, we couldn't conclude without thanking our loved ones, who have supported us and our vision since that first day at Sancerre, and through every up and down since. Our deepest love and thanks to Jessica Nussenbaum, Tessa Nussenbaum, Noa Nussenbaum, Joseph Corrot, and Ruben Corrot.

Photograph of Sancerre, where the idea for Mirakl was born.

Sancerre, where the idea for Mirakl was born

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