
Numbers in bold relate to the figures on the page listed.

actuality: in digital photography 176; in documentary photography 176, 201, 204; in narrative 144; and visual perception 22, 118, 124; see also realism

Adams, A. 59

Adobe Photoshop (software) 84, 121, 235, 263

advertising 5, 2345

aesthetics: of the arts 4257, 147, 1567, 263; balance 42; of photography 425, 220, 236

African art and photography 86

Agee, J. 149, 200

Alberti, L.B. 17, 138

Alhazen (Ibn Al-Haitham) 18

American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) 219

analogue photography 63, 67, 856, 220, 2314, 239

Annan, T. 199

anthropology/ists, use of photography 47, 87, 98, 129, 157, 1646, 21113

anthropometric photography 21112, 250

aperture 67, 69

Arago, D.F.J. 47

archives (photographic) 246; Barnardo’s 201; and copyright 2446

Aristotle 18, 147, 248

Arnheim, R. 66, 86, 107, 126

Arrington, Clarence 224

art photography 37

arts: and aesthetics 4257, 147, 1567; cultural systems of 21, 102, 114, 1334; Impressionist 36, 44; modernist 356, 51; and musical analogy 50; original artworks 248; performance 57; and photography 6, 1517, 31, 35, 45, 489, 148, 262; and realism 148; rules of painting 62; theories 54; use of mirror images 1312, 138

aspect ratio 122, 263

assignments 6970, 81, 179, 188; clothing/dress occasions 71, 80; and communication 70; examples 758, 189; feature photography 18992; research 69, 756; and weather forecasts 71; see also case studies

Associated Press Managing Editors’ Committee 254

association theory 22

Atget, J.E.A. 203

Auden, W.H. (poet) 108

audio-visual work 250

Austin, J.L. 91

Austin, Mark 198

Australia: ‘After 200 Years’ project 15961, 199; art and photography 42, 102

authenticity: in analogue photography 121, 200, 234; in digital photography 173, 211, 236, 244, 252; in documentary photography 90, 121, 177

balance 262; and aesthetics 42, 57; colour 2046, 252; content and composition 140, 179, 182, 203, 241, 260; in shoots 68

Baldinucci, F. 239

Banks, M.S. 33, 1545

Banville, J. 138

Barnardo, Dr T.J. 201

Barrett, L. 22, 155

Barthes, Roland 74, 84, 109, 11314, 143, 145, 159; evolution of the camera 10, 29, 31; historical photography 957; photo-sequencing/punctum 143; and portrait shoots 69; semiotics theory 88; ‘third effect’ 31

Basic Photography (Langford) 22

Baudelaire, C. 38, 39

Baumgarten, A.G. 42

Bayard, H. 172

Bazin, A. 43, 47

Beard, R. 200

Beardsley, M.C. 42

Becker, Howard 100

Bell, C. 32, 51

Bell, D. 38

Beloff, H. 211

Benjamin, W. 32, 120, 139, 203

Berger, J. 42

Berkeley, George: theory of vision 22, 245, 28, 33, 55, 240

Bibby, C. 30

binary opposites 74, 878, 135

bin Laden, Osama 253

binocular disparity 33, 39

Bloom, H. 37

Boden, M.A. 235

Bogre, M. 175

Bolas, M. 251

Born, M. 242

Bourdieu, P. 176

Bowman, S. 244

bracketing exposures 67, 263

Brandt, Bill 127

Brassai, G.H. 148, 1568

British Journal of Photography 197

Bronson, D.H. 19, 20, 149

Browne, M. 61

Bullock, A. 46

Burgin, V. 36, 90, 95, 99

burning-in 23940, 263

Busey, S.C. 249

BuzzFeed 242

Caillebotte, G. 64

Callahan, H. 35

camera lucida 18, 28, 235

Camera Lucida (Barthes) 10

camera obscura 2, 15, 1718, 21, 289

cameras 69, 205; 35mm 80, 106, 166, 254; analogue 85; angles and positions 667, 69, 122; digital (input devices) 85; evolution of 2831; Graflex Speed Graphic 106; mistakes 72; optical principles 845

Cameron, A. 234

Cameron, J. 38

Cameron, Julia Margaret 112

Capa, C. 203

captions: functions 13940; and image manipulation 239; and metaphors 131; one-liners 115, 119; in photojournalism 589, 113; and syndicated images 12730; ‘words and pictures’ 103

Carpenter, E. 211

Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson) 127, 132, 137, 1523

Cartesian principles 201, 42, 215

Cartier-Bresson, H. 46, 50, 62, 100, 112, 205, 264

case studies: Australian project 15961, 162; ‘Bert is Evil’ 2514; Guardian assignment 106, 118, 1818; identity search 1614; independent photography 20610; Libyan People’s Bureau siege 1925; ‘Looking-glass War’ 12739; Nachtwey (war photographer) 2289; Photo-Elicitation 16472; Sorgi’s photo of a suicide 1059, 150

catalysers 143

Cause of Death (Hilliard) 103, 1245

CD-ROMs 250

Chambi, M. 199

charge-coupled devices (CCDs) 16, 64, 85, 89, 264

chemical photography see analogue photography

Chinese art 21, 113

chirography 263; and photographic images 235, 248, 264

Chou Ch’en 21

cinema 239

‘citizen’ journalist 2434

Clark, Sir Kenneth (art historian) 17, 28, 50

Claudet, A.F.J. 23

Clifford, James 164

CNN 243

Coburn, A.L. 1011, 235

coherence: compositional 134; sequential 143

Coleman, A.D. 224

Collier, J. 145

collodion (wet plate) process 249

colonial photography 4, 7, 145, 159, 160, 211, 262

colour photography 2036, 210; colour mixing/printing 210; and magazine cover design 2567; and war documentation 204

Colvin, C. 27

communications 248; and assignments 70; photographic 1489; reader’s-viewer’s role 1920

composite photographs 232, 238; see also manipulation; photomontage

composition 627; and framing 82

computers 82, 206, 231; and image manipulation 234, 23941; and photography on internet 210, 228, 243; programs/software 121, 235, 240

Conceptual Art 36, 264

constructivism 24, 264; photography 139

Constructivist Theory of Perception 248

contact sheets 116, 11719, 184, 191, 221, 264; production of prints 117

context 103, 11317, 126; historical and political 1302; and manipulation 238

continuity 143

conventionalism 261, 264

copyright 244

Cork, Richard (art critic) 49

Couldrey, N. 243

Courbet, Gustave 177

Cowling, M. 213

Cratylus 114, 251

critical theory, purpose of 912

cropping 63, 92, 103, 1227, 2567, 264; angled 1267; see also framing

Crowder, J. W. 16472

cultural factors 36, 100, 21114; anthropometric approach 21213; and image context 11314; and photojournalism 21415; and visual images 39, 100, 199, 213

culture: and development of photography 367; theories of 212

current affairs photography 69

Curtiz, Michael 218

Cutler, A.W. 4

Daguerre, L.J.M. 200, 2367

daguerrotypes 3, 21, 200, 2367, 249, 264

Danius, S. 156

Dante Alighieri 108

darkrooms/studios 108; techniques 239

Darwin, Charles 23

da Vinci, Leonardo 95

decisive moment 50, 95, 100, 112, 264

Delacroix, Eugène: musical analogy 501

Delaroche, Paul 47, 262

della Francesca, Piero 17

della Porta, Giovanni Battista 28

Demarchy, R. 31

de Mare, E. 62

de Maria, Walter (sculptor) 49

depth: of field 67, 141; of meaning 103, 108, 249; perception of 33, 50, 62; representation of 45; and surface patterns of images 50, 62

de Saussure, Ferdinand 88

Descartes, René 1920, 24, 34, 39, 147

detachment 61, 107

diachronic technique 76, 181, 201

didactic approach 1756, 202, 264

digital photography 85, 2319; airbrushing 235, 255; altered images 2548; copyright 244; definition 223; and ethical issues 221, 255; image manipulation 2358, 252; image transmission 6, 85, 114, 235; photojournalism 2412; postproduction 121; theory 24751; see also documentary photography

digital storage 73

Dioptrics (Descartes) 19

distancing see detachment

distortion 90, 219, 237; and expressionism 46; perspective 18, 57

documentary photography 78, 99, 100, 17588, 214; case study: Guardian assignment 106, 118, 1818; case study: Libyan People’s Bureau siege 1925; cultural chasm 21114; educational role 175; feature photography 18992, 162; image interrogation 1501, 164, 241; informed/uninformed consent 2245; Observer Hodge Award 80; see also news photography; photojournalism; social documentary photography

documentation 215; and the camera 36, 90; cultural 211; practice of 71, 159; social 200, 203

dodging 239, 240, 257

Dodo 2089

Doisneau, R. 178

Dolce, Ludovico 147

door-stepping 265

doppelgänger concept/tradition 74, 138

Dortu, Max 202

drones 260

dualism/duality 20, 90, 215; East–West 1336

Dubrey, F. 113

Duchenne, G.B.A. 30

Dukor, G. 132, 152

Duncan, D. 204

Dusard, J. 200

Dzenko, C. 110

Dzȩgiel, L. 135

Eagleton, Terry (literary critic) 89

Eastlake, Elizabeth 5, 104

Eaton, Isabel 197

Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, The (Gibson) 33

ecological perception 325, 265

Edgerton, S.Y. 21, 27

editing process 9, 115, 118; animation 122, 251; cropping 122, 256

editors: roles 1202, 120

Edwards, E. 102

Eisenstadt, A. 95

Eisenstein, S. 31, 140

Elford, P. 96

Else, G.F. 147

encoding, photographic 86

enhancement 2549

entertainment 135; and mass culture 55, 215; and photography 3, 38

Epstein, R. 1556

equipment 69, 70, 78, 801; fill-in flash 205; see also cameras; computers

Erice, V. 157

Erwitt, E. 211

ethical issues 198, 200; codes and guidelines 21820, 257; and digital photography 181, 254; disaster/war images 204, 2259; and human/individual rights 21415, 218, 2257; image manipulation and misrepresentation 2214; informed/uninformed consent 2268; invasion of privacy 73, 215, 225; and news organisations 21820; and paparazzi 2245; and photojournalism 21729, 257

ethnographic photography 47, 16472, 211, 251, 262

European Network of Press Agencies 247

Evans, D. 54

Evans, F. 31

Evans, H. 61, 92, 95, 1034; on cropping 1224

Evans, W. 158, 200

Export, V. 54

exposure(s) 27, 28, 67, 100, 106, 254; bracketing 67, 263; ensuring accuracy 67; timing/duration 100

expressionism 527, 250, 260, 265; and aesthetic intentions 567; and shooting 57

Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (Darwin) 307

eye–camera analogy 1822, 30, 33, 39, 147, 265; and digital photography 231; and Gibson’s theory of perception 334; and stereoscopes 30

f-64 group 46

Facebook 242

Fahrmeier, E. 35

false attachment 634, 265

Farm Security Administration Project 200

feature photography 18992

Fellig, A. (Weegee) 106, 204

feminist photography 43, 534, 108, 214 262

Fenton, R. 152, 204

film 85; silver halides 85, 265

film montage: theory of 31

films (movies), fiction/documentary 238, 240

film-stock 266

Fiske, J. 124

Fleischhauer, C. 200

focalisation 144

focus, differential 141

forensic photography 478, 211

formalism 4952, 250, 260, 265; and aesthetic intentions 567; composition 63; cropping 1223; and feature photography 189; and shooting 57

formats: and contexts 121; cover templates 257; landscape/portrait 1912, 257

Foster, R.F. 157

Foucault, M. 21213

framing 636, 123, 255

freelancing: assignments 17980; combining skills 180; commercial sponsorship 209; new technologies 20910; photo-opportunities 71, 178, 189; setting up 7880; see also independent photography

Freund, G. 111, 1489

Friedlander, L. 172

Friedrich, Caspar David 56

Frith, F. 91, 146, 148, 198, 248

Gardener, Alexander 2256

Geertz, Clifford (anthropologist) 88, 129, 1378, 152

Geffroy, Y. 155

gelatin plate 234, 249

Gell, A. 1, 28, 134, 214, 248

Genette, Gérard (literary critic) 144

Gestalt psychology 31, 32, 84, 140, 265

Gibson, J.J. 25, 91, 235; theory of perception 325, 39, 51, 99, 145, 231

Gide, A. 108

Goldberg, V. 119, 205

Goldsworthy, Andy (artist) 41, 49, 210

Gombrich, E.H. 29, 55, 60, 239; ‘Mirror and Map’ paper 92, 141

Goody, J. 134

Gorgoni, Gianfranco 224

Graham, Paul 206

Green, D. 212

Greenberg, C. 35, 45, 501, 83

Grierson, John (film-maker) 176

Grover, Jan Zita 55

Grundberg, A. 2401

Gunther, R. 146

Gutman, J. M. 86, 92

Haas, E. 204

Hagen, M.A. 135

Hanson, F.A. 1334, 151

Harbutt, C. 109

Haslam, J. 135

Hawkes, T. 49

Haworth-Booth, M. 240

Heartfield, J. 54

Hegel, G.W.F. 137

Heise, C.G. 56

Helmholtz, Hermann von 24, 31, 33, 39

Henderson, L. 223

Herodotus 147, 149

Hevey, D. 199

Hicks, Wilson 141

high-control photography 61, 138

Hilliard, John (artist) 36, 103, 114, 1245, 1412

Hine, L. 199, 201, 203

historical photography 43, 47, 96, 112, 11617, 225, 262

history: definition 102

history/development of photography 2, 37, 1441, 49, 148, 198, 224, 24850; advent of colour 2035; art status 235; equipment 254; future of photojournalism 21415, 2602; and image manipulation 2357; revolutionary approach 2023

Hitler, Adolf 2213

Hoernle, E. 2023

Hoffman, Professor A. J. 2223

Holmes, Oliver Wendell 39, 235

Hopkinson, Sir Tom 127

Houron, L.D. du 204, 240

house style 18990, 214, 265

Houston, 169; Williams Tower 5860

How the Other Half Lives (Riis) 201

Hughes, C. Jabez 54

iconic representation 25, 249, 261, 265; Peirce’s scheme 88, 923

Ignacio, Dino 2667

illusory information 27

images 512, 84; context of 11112, 11314; digital 14, 2001, 2345, 2478; and dual awareness 50; integrity of 2357; interpretations of 102, 109, 146, 266; juxtapositioning 140; latent 85, 266; manipulation 221, 2348, 2401, 252, 2548; metaphorical potential of 1312; perception of 8, 114, 143; power and earning potential 1978; reading thumbnails and contact sheets 11719; retinal 22; sequences 1415; static 101; surveillance 523; symbolic nature of 904; symbolism of 904, 108; and symmetry 1334; syndicated 1257; and text relationship 1401; and trompe l’oeil 25; see also manipulation; transmission; viewers

Immediate Family (Mann) 215

implied narrative 100

independent photography 20610, 266; funding 210; special interest groups 210

indexical function 25, 249, 261, 265

Indian art and photography 86

In Our Own Image (Ritchen) 121

International Fund for Concerned Photography 203

internet 210, 234; image availability 228, 2523; and image transmission 6, 2424; and photography 2424

interrogatory principle 109, 1501, 241

Introduction to Communication Studies (Fiske) 1245

investigative journalism 49, 72, 78, 200, 265

Irby, K. 255

Iversen, M. 88

Jameson, F. 176, 221

Japanese art 21, 113

Jones, Dylan 255

Jordanova, L. 1578

journalistic photography see photojournalism

Jussim, E. 217, 229

Keane, A.H. 1489

Kember, S. 52

Kennard, P. 545

Kepler, Johann 1819, 147

Kingsley, Charles 30

Kircher, A. 17

Klein, William 10, 112, 143

Klingender, F.D. 54

Koffka, K. 312, 140

Köhler, W. 32

Kosuth, J. 35

Krauss, R. 38, 144, 176

Kristeva, Julia 74

Krupp, Alfried 220

Kubler, G. 249

Kuhn, A. 15, 94, 112

Lamprey, J. 212

Land Art 35

landscape photography 49

Langer, S. 51

Langford, M.H. 22, 33

Lartigue, J.H. 100

Last Supper, The (da Vinci) 95

latent image 85, 236

lateral message 97, 114

Laurent, Michael 61, 226

Lavrentiev, A. 66

le Carré, John 130, 132, 136, 138

Lemon, L.T. 51

Levin, H. 45

Levine, L. 234

Levine, S. 38

Lévi-Strauss, Claude 74, 878, 135

light/lighting 845, 93; and image manipulation 220; metering 66; and visual perception 22, 61

Lindberg, D.C. 17

lithographic reproduction 237

Loeffler, C.E. 26

London Labour and the London Poor (Mayhew) 200

Longinus 147

Long, John 247

Long, R. 35, 49

Longinus 147

looking-glass images/metaphors 1349

Lumière brothers 204

McCabe, E. 1812

Macdonald, G. 224

McMurdo, Wendy 74

magazine industry 204, 214; cover photographs 2567

Malinowski, B. 98

Malraux, A. 50

Manet, Edouard 50

manipulation: airbrushing 235, 255; ‘Bert is Evil’ website 2513; darkroom techniques 239; digital image 2401, 252; and/or enhancement 2548; of photographic images 2214, 2347, 2401, 248, 2545; through context 239

Mann, Sally 215

Man Ray 28, 197

Maori art 1334

Marks, Nadia 189

Martin, Rupert 206

Marx, Karl 137

Mass Observation projects 21415

Mathews, T.F. 127

Mayhew, H. 200

Meade, C. 236

Meecham, C. 20610

Mellor, D. 202

Mellor, Kate 20610

metaphors 17, 131, 134; functioning of 135; mirror/looking-glass 131, 1334, 1357

Meyer, Pedro 250

Meyer, U. 36

Meyerowitz, J. 205

Michaels, C.F. 39

Michelangelo 95

Middle East Monitor 244

mimesis 19, 22

mirror images and symmetry 1337

Mirzoeff, N. 100

Mitchell, W.J. 237, 247, 248, 255, 262

modernism 36, 46, 50, 266

Moeller, S.D. 61

Moholy-Nagy, L. 198

Molderlings, H. 32

Mondotti, T. 140

monochromatic photography 186, 2036, 210

Monroe, Marilyn: and ethical codes 2213

montage see photomontage

Moore, Julianne 69

morality see ethical issues; truth value (photographic)

Morgan, A.B. 239

Morphy, H. 43

museum exhibitions 209, 239

Muybridge, E. 38

mythic time 4

Nachtwey, James (war photographer) 288

narration/narratives 102, 103; categories of 145; see also implied narrative

National Photographic Record Association 31

National Press Photographers’ Association (NPPA) 218, 227, 247

National Union of Journalists (NUJ) 72, 258

negatives 117, 127, 161

Newhall, B. 901, 2001

Newhall, Nancy 140

Newman, Arnold 2201

Newman, Robert 255

New Realism 32

news photography 73, 120, 1889; see also photojournalism

Nichols, Bill 176

Nicholson, Mike 198

objectivity 30, 43, 47, 112, 148, 176, 209, 213; detached/unattached 112, 113

observational approach 1756, 198, 213

Oechsner, F. 222

Old Closes and Streets of Glasgow (Annan) 199

Ollman, A. 220

On Photography (Sontag) 18

Origin of Species (Darwin) 29

‘Outsiders Photography’ 20610

paparazzi 2234

Parr, Martin 206

patterns: two-dimensional/surface 50, 62; of visual stimulation 32

Peirce, C. S. 25, 889, 924

Penny, S. 19

perception 61; active 51; and colour photography 204; Constructivist Theory of Perception 226; of depth 33; ecological approach 325, 265; evolution of 33; nature of 33, 62; organisation and patterns of 31, 32; philosophy/psychology of 17, 26, 91; viewers’ 99, 114, 1434, 135; and virtual images 23; see also Constructivist Theory of Perception; visual perception

perceptual theory 314, 97

peripateia (pregnant moment) 95

perspective 22; distortion 17, 49; normal 47, 60; theoretical 44; and use of mirror images 1367

photo-calls 71, 78, 188

photo-elicitation 15473

photographers: and subject collaboration 14950, 16472; and writer partnership 2001

Photographer’s Eye, The (Szarkowski) 35

photographic representation see representation

photographs: captions and contextualization 11314, 124; determinants of 98; duality of 49, 90, 94, 1335; as icons 24, 8994; indexical nature of 86, 8890, 93; metaphorical functions 12930; as sources of information 98100

photography: aesthetics of 425; approaches to subject 197202; avantgarde practice 368; categories of 175, 201; central characteristics 84; cultural chasm 21114; as cultural critique 197216; editing process 114; education 1011; as entertainment medium 3840; and human psychology 39; monochromatic/colour 61; objective nature of 423; realist aspect 101; recording function 47; storytelling/decisive moment 903, 104; and symbolism 8690; theories of 86; and truth 868, 147, 198, 202, 235; as a Western phenomenon 212

photojournalism 4, 1023, 1779; disaster/war photography 203, 2249; editorial skills 111; ethical issues 21719, 257; feature photography 18992; future of 21416; and narratives 144; see also assignments; digital photography; equipment

photomontage 545, 91, 232

photo-narratives/-stories 56, 144, 214

photo-opportunities 71, 72, 179, 189

photo-sequences 1414

Picasso, Pablo 148

pictorialism 54, 266

Picture Post 144, 21415

Pictures on a Page (Evans) 103

Pinney, C. 212

Pirenne, M.H. 27, 39, 50, 62, 134

Piven, J. 78

Plato 2, 18, 147

Poggioli, R. 37

points of view 144

polemic category 1746

Ponting, D. 172, 238

Porta, Giovanni Battista della 28

portrait photography 567, 69, 190; informed/uninformed consent 2256

positivism 47, 102, 211

Postman, N. 250

postmodernism 55

post-production 115, 266; cropping 92, 266; editors/editing 8, 1201; enhancement/manipulation 2578; retouching 241; see also captions; editing process

Poulet, G. 140

Poynter Institute (US) 254

Pozzo, Andrea 267, 34

practice, and theory relationship 89

Predicament of Culture, The (Clifford) 164

pre-production 13, 46, 252, 266

press photography 70, 2412; cards and passes 72; see also photojournalism

Price, W.L. 240

privacy, invasion of 215, 225

propaganda: and use of photography 5

Proust, Marcel 1559

Pryluck, Calvin 226

Raif, S. 108

rationalism 17, 213

realism 2, 14, 1516, 90, 250, 259, 260, 266; and aesthetic intentions 445; cropping 1245; and digital photography 235; documentary photography 176; photographic 469; and shooting 579

reciprocity, concept of 135

recit 144

Redeye photography (Manchester) 210

Rejlander, O. 30, 148, 238

Remembrance of Things Past (Á la recherche du temps perdu) (Proust) 155

Renger-Patzsch, A. 56, 148

representation 85, 90, 92; and context 114; cultural systems of 20; documentary photography 176; of subject matter 177; theories of 11, 18, 20, 115; visual 1824, 27, 260

research: pre-assignment 70, 73; setting limits 748

response theory 145

retinal images 22, 24, 324

Riis, J. 199201

Ritchen, F. 3, 90, 121, 240, 241

Robinson, Henry Peach 62, 91, 117, 238

Rodchenko, Alexander 46, 48, 66, 67, 126, 141, 198

Roosevelt, Theodore (US president) 201

Rorty, Richard 218, 226

Rosaldo, R. 1389

Rosler, M. 91, 237, 240

Royal Photographic Society 31

Ruff, George 225

Ruskin, John 56

Ryan, M-L. 156

St Ignatius Entering Heaven (Pozzo) 267, 34

Sander, A. 2

Sartre, J-P. 109, 133

Saunders, R. 11617, 238

Saussure, Ferdinand de 88

scanners/scanning 231

Scharf, A. 336, 44, 50, 64, 148, 240

Scheiner, C. 1920

Schneider, B. 78

Schuneman, R. 204

Schwarz, H. 18

Seibert, S.R. 249

Sekula, A. 3, 31, 89, 91, 104, 262

self-portraits 30, 567, 1624, 239

self-projection 57, 164

self-reflexive photography 51, 141

selfie 64, 1723

semiotics/semiology 25, 8791, 267

Senses Considered as Perceptual Systems, The (Gibson) 32

sequences, before-and-after shots 141, 201; of images 1415

Seymour, C. 29

Sherman, Cindy 567

Sherrington, C.S. 16

Shklovsky, Viktor (literary critic) 51, 58

shoots/shooting 579; failures and disasters 723; portrait 567; stills 124; unphotographic practicalities 6972; viewpoints 67, 69; see also case studies; equipment

Shore, S. 205

Short History of Photography (Benjamin) 203

Shudakov, G. 66, 141

shutter-speed 67, 69, 89

Sillitoe, D. 1823

simulation 19

single image photography 74, 100, 124, 140; and presentation 143

Siskind, A. 35, 46, 501, 62

Smith, Adophe 200

Smith, H.H. 35

social documentary photography 197203, 215

Sommerlad, N. 195

Sontag, S. 10, 18, 63, 94, 100, 156, 159

Sorgi, I.R.: suicide photograph 1057, 179, 227, 254

Sowerby, A.L.M. 85

Spence, J. 534, 154

Spencer, H. 200

spot news 106

Sprague, S.F. 86, 923

stereoscopes 24, 30, 389

still photography 94, 124, 144; documentary/fiction 241

stock-shots 57, 267

Stoddart, Tom 197

Stone, Sir Benjamin 31, 76, 102, 147, 202, 250

Storm, H. 244

Story of Art, The (Gombrich) 29

straight photography 46

Street Life in London (Thomson) 199

Structuralism 878, 267

subjects: human 177; and photographer 16472

Suchar, C.S. 109, 149, 150, 241

Sune, Camilla: case study 1614

surrealist photography 203

surveillance photography 523

Swan, P.A. 257

Sykes, Homer 767

symbolism in photography 904, 250, 267

symmetry: and mirror images 1327; reflective 135

Szarkowski, J. 35

tableau vivant 94, 101, 117, 234, 267

Tagg, J. 99

Talbot, W.H. Fox 18, 28, 119, 235

Taunt, Henry 756

Taylor, B. 25

Taylor, P. 1601

technological developments 240, 2489, 2512; analog/digital melding 2523

television 234; news manufacture/manipulation 244, 247; photography 192; and social documentation 202

text: and image relationship 13941; see also captions

theory: and practice relationship 89; see also critical theory

third meaning 31, 88, 13941; and photo-sequences 1415

Thomson, J. 199

Through the Looking-glass (Carroll) 132, 137

Tintoretto 140

Tirohl, B. 238

Trachtenberg, A. 202

transmission 6, 85, 114, 235, 2035

transparency 31, 138, 208

transport, for assignments 71

Treatise of Physiological Optics (Helmholtz) 39

trompe l’oeil 267, 47, 267

truth value (photographic) 902, 146, 199, 202, 235, 2401, 248; see also authenticity

Turner, F.J. (historian) 102

Turner, J.M.W. (artist) 556

Twitter 186, 2423

Ucko, P.J. 2

University of North Texas Department of Journalism 254

Urban, Mike 227

US Department of Defense 257

van Leeuwen, T. 100

Varieties of Realism (Hagen) 135

Vermeer, Jan 29

Vice News 243

viewers: and image context 11112; image responses 1447; perception 99, 1434, 145; role of 109, 145

viewpoints: cultural 102, 198;

current/historical 1067; and image

manipulation 220; and interpretations 145; and narratives 144; shoots/shooting 67, 69

Virilio, P. 246

virtual images 109

virtual reality 19, 26

vision, theories of 17, 18, 23, 24

Vision and the Eye (Pirenne) 39

Vision Machine, The (Virilio) 246

visual awareness/literacy, development of 8

visual images: and cultures 39; influence of 79

visualisation 5962, 267

visual perception 21, 24; and actuality 21, 118, 138; ecological approach 326, 265; psychology of 32, 39; theories 21, 22, 31, 326

Warburton, N. 100, 104

websites 210, 223; ‘Bert is Evil’ 2514

Weegee see Fellig, A.

Weisman, A. 200

Wertheimer, M. 32

Western art and photography 202, 28, 29, 92; and image response 112; and mirror images 1367; role of copying and imitation 1367

Western culture 2, 22, 39, 136, 214, 215

Weston, E. 35, 38, 48, 601, 2378

Wheatstone, Sir C. 38

White, J. 138

Williams, J. 244

Winogrand, G. 205

Witschge, T. 244

Wittgenstein, L. 104

Wollaston, W.H. 28

Wollheim, R. 248

Wombell, P. 91, 114

Wood, George 225

Workers’ Camera Leagues 202

Workers’ Film and Photo League 203

Wright, C.E. 245

Wright, T.V. 47, 901, 144, 193, 235, 243

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