


abrazos, 10

acculturation, 6, 12, 155, 161, 208, 217

adaptation, 158, 220

adaptiveness, 11, 12, 92, 212, 218–19, 220

¡adelante! (global vision and immigrant spirit), 8, 15, 151–66

advocacy, 164–66, 169, 170

affection, 191

affinity, Latinos by, xii, 11, 12, 15, 61, 63, 101, 193, 211, 219

African Americans

activist agenda of, 178

identity of, 145

national anthem of, 239n24, 240n27

slavery, 42

Afro-Cuban heritage, 33

Afro-Iberian heritage, 33

The Alamo, 43

aliados, 124

Alliance for Progress, 14

An American Agenda from a Latino Perspective (Latino Policy Forum), 174–75

American GI Forum, 224–25

American history. See United States history

American Indians. See Native Americans

Archuleta, Lena, 122

Arizona, 164, 172, 174, 242n27

Asian, use of term, 117

ASPIRA (organization), xix, 123, 124, 125, 136

assertiveness training, 75

assimilation, 70, 154–55, 212, 216, 217

Aztec civilization, 31, 100, 229


baby boomers, 120–21

Bardem, Javier, 49

bendición, 12–13

Berriozábal, Maria Antonietta, 148

Between Two Worlds: How Young Latinos Come of Age in America (Pew Hispanic Center), 163, 222, 223

bienvenido spirit

about, xii, 132, 155, 208, 222

defined, 239n9

evidence of, 118, 220

family connections and, 101

leadership with, 175

bilingualism, 46

Black Madonna, 32–33, 34

Blackburn, Ron Moreno, 125


use of term, 116–17

See also African Americans

body language, showing recognition, 61

Bordas, Juana, 73

Bowman, Lee, 54

Brazil, 33

“Browns”, term on U.S. census form, 113–14

Burns, James McGregor, 173

business, verbal agreements, 106


Cabral, Anna Escobedo

about, xviii, 151, 162, 194–95

collective good, 110, 136, 206

community stewardship, 75–76, 110, 140, 143

California, 47, 119

Campbell, Joseph, 94

canta y no llores (song), 198, 199

cariño, 10, 191

carisma, 190–91

Castro, Fidel, 65

Castro, Joaquín, 86

Castro, Julián

about, x, xviii, 75, 85–86, 144, 151, 180, 194–95

citizen participation, 143

community stewardship, 140

on entrepreneurialism, 225

intergenerational leadership, 121, 123

on Latinos, 175, 225

values of, 139, 146, 147

vision of, 160, 161

Castro, Richard, 184, 185

Castro, Rosie, 85–86

Catholic Church, indigenous people and, 31

celebrating life (gozar la vida), 10, 16, 102, 183–95

celebration, 186–88, 201

Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), 178

character (personalismo)

about, 5, 14, 50, 54, 57–66, 139

characteristics, 58, 59, 139

confianza and, 62–63

as leadership practice, 63–66, 159–60, 170

qualities of, 61

charisma, 91, 190–91

Chávez, César

about, xvii, 76, 84, 140, 144

on community stewardship, 140, 202

farm workers’ march, 9, 84, 126, 140, 201, 203

on spirituality and leadership, 11, 203

Chile, 218

Circle of Latina Leadership, 122, 125

circular relationships, 124

civil rights movement, 44–45, 114, 121–22, 165

coalition building and activist leadership (“sí se puede”), xi, 9–10, 15, 166, 167–81, 226

coalition leadership, 10

collaboration, 123, 131, 132, 139, 142, 146

collective action, consistencia as, 171–73

collective community stewardship (juntos), 8, 15, 76, 135–49

collective cultural field, 194

collective identity, 119, 120, 206

collective leadership, 142

collectivist cultures, 100–101, 103, 104, 108, 136, 138

collectivist leaders, 135–36

Colorado, 20, 47, 184

Columbus, Christopher, 25

Columbus Day, 36

commitment, 170

communication, 188–89

with cariño, 10, 190

with charisma, 190–91

charisma, 91, 190–91

and leadership, 90–91

mutual learning and, 124

community, 7, 98

community celebrations, 185, 186, 201

community organizing, 169

community service, 202

community stewardship, 8, 15, 76, 85, 135–49

compartir, 8, 145–46

compassion, 11

conciencia (personal awareness)

about, 5, 14, 50, 54, 66, 67–77, 80, 204

action and, 73–75

as collective process, 74–75

cultural identity and, 68–70

exclusion and, 70–71

leadership and, 137

other-centered nature of, 75–76

psychology of oppression and, 71

self-confidence and, 73–76

confianza (trust), 62–63, 65

conformity, 59

congeniality, 102–3

conquistadores, 26, 34, 39, 207

consciousness, 80–81

consistencia, 9, 170–73

contact culture, 191

cooperation, 62, 146

Corona, Miguel, 60–61

Corporate Achievers (program), 153

Cortés, Hernán, 26, 27

Cosmic Race (Raza Cósmica), 212–13, 228

courage, 167–68, 203, 204–5

courtesy, 102, 103

Covey, Stephen, 53, 80, 81, 94

creation myths, 26

credibility, 62, 65

crossing over, 158

Cruz, Celia, 49, 186

Cruz, Penélope, 49

Cuba, 32–33

Cubans, 145

la cultura (culturally based leadership), 6, 14, 99–111

cultural adaptives, 11, 12, 92, 212, 218–19, 220

cultural balance, 194

cultural fluidity, 221

cultural hybrids, 45, 220

cultural identity, 68–73

cultural inferiority complex, 71

cultural pride, 222–23

cultural self-awareness, 157–58

culturally based leadership (la cultura), 6, 14, 99–111


about, 95, 97

acculturation, 6, 12, 155, 161, 208, 217

assimilation, 70, 154–55, 212, 216, 217

collective cultural field, 194

collectivist cultures, 100–101, 103, 104, 108, 136, 138

cultural permeability, 21

diversity in Latino culture, xi, xii, 6, 7, 8, 25, 36, 95, 98, 111, 113–28, 222

I cultures, 82, 159

individualistic culture, 135, 136

leadership and, 110

melding of, 24–25

multicultural leadership principles, xiii, xiv

value systems, 97

values, 60, 97, 98, 99–111

We cultures, 82, 100–101, 103, 104, 107, 109, 137, 159

See also Latino culture

cultures within cultures, 158–59

cyclical reciprocity, 109


dance, 49

dancing, 183, 187

Davis, F. James, 116

de colores (inclusiveness and diversity)

about, 15, 94, 132, 211, 220, 222

family and, xii

generational shift and, 120–21

intergenerational spirit, 7, 11

Latino organizations, 119

leadership and, xi

U.S. census, 7, 113–17, 120–21, 127

“De Colores” (song), 7, 126, 201, 229, 240n27

Deal, Terrence, 54

dedication, 140

deference, 105, 105–6


baby boomers, 120–21

generational shift, 120

Latino immigration, 156, 157, 163

Latino population, ix, xi–xii, 11, 45, 48, 111, 226

Millenials, 120, 123, 124, 126

multiracial youth population, 127

Denver, 122, 146, 184

dependency ratio, 156

Descartes, René, 192

destino (personal and collective purpose)

about, 5–6, 14, 21, 45, 50, 76, 80

defined, 55, 76

family history and tradition, 84, 85–88

fatalism vs., 81–83

honoring one’s legacy, 94–95

leadership and, 77, 83–84

passion and, 88, 89

personal vision and, 94–95

special skills and talents and, 90–92

strategies to actualize, 222–27

synchronicity and, 92

taking advantage of opportunities, 92–93

tips for understanding, 84

Día de la Raza, 36, 37

Día de los Muertos, 201

días de fiesta, 186, 187

dichos, 7, 10, 98, 188


Hernandez v. Texas, 144, 240n8

legacy of, 5, 10, 44, 69, 74, 138, 165, 167

Disintegration: The Splintering of Black America (Robinson), 178


internal diversity, 158

in Latino culture, xi, xii, 6, 7, 8, 25, 36, 95, 98, 111, 113–28

Dominican immigrants, 145

Dominican Republic, 161


Emotional Intelligence (Goleman), 193, 198

emotions, expressing, 191, 192–93

empathy, 206

empowerment, 137, 141, 206, 208

entertainment, Latino influences on, 49

entrepreneurial strength, 225

equality, 108

Esparza, Moctesuma, 105

esperanza. See fe y esperanza

Estrada, Leobardo, 238n2

exclusion, 68, 69, 70–71, 74, 138, 167


Fairlie, Robert W., 155

faith and hope (fe y esperanza), 10–11, 16, 128, 197–208

familia, 63, 99, 100–101, 108, 132, 191, 211, 220


extended family, 7, 11, 118

history and traditions of, 84, 85–88

richness of relationships, 101

farm labor movement, 41

farm workers’ strikes, 201, 203

fatalism, 81–83

fe y esperanza (faith and hope), 10–11, 16, 128, 197–208


channeling, 194

expressing, 191, 192–93

feminism, Latino, 227

festival patronal, 201

fiesta, 186, 187

Florida, 47

foods, 48, 49

forgiveness, 203, 207–8

frame-shifting, 159, 160

Frei, Eduardo, 218

Freire, Paulo, 71


Garcia, Mario, 89

Gardner, John, 174

generosity, 103–5, 109, 118, 132, 145, 146, 198

genetic anthropology, 228, 244n15

gestures, of recognition, 61

global competency, 159

global leadership, 9, 159

global vision and immigrant spirit (¡adelante!), 8, 15, 151–66

Goleman, Daniel, 193, 198

Gómez, Juan, 41

Gonzales, Rodolfo “Corky”, 69

gozar la vida (celebrating life), 10, 16, 102, 183–95

gracias a Dios, 197, 200

“Gracias a la Vida” (song), 200

gratitude, 200

“great man” theory of leadership, 173

Greenleaf, Robert, 55, 64, 68, 92, 94, 136–37, 141

group benefit, 109

group empowerment, 206

Guerra, Juan Luis, 49

Gundling, Ernest, 157


HACR. See Hispanic Association for Corporate Responsibility

hard work, 107–8, 146, 155–56

Harvard University, Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), 178

Hernandez v. Texas, 144, 240n8

Hesselbein, Frances, 212

Hispanic Association for Corporate Responsibility (HACR), xviii, 88, 177


Peters on, 13

use of term, ix, 3, 161

See also Latinos

Hispaniola, 21, 233n3

history, about, 20, 44

hombre de palabra, 106

honesty, 106–7, 171

hope (esperanza), 10–11, 16, 35, 205

Hopi prophesy, 229

hospitality, 118, 220

Huerta, Dolores, 167

Human Genome Project, 244n15

humanistic values, 11, 212

humility, 75, 76, 91, 203, 205–7


“I Am Joaquin” (Gonzales), 69

I cultures, 82, 159

identity, 94–95

Iglesias, Julio, 49

igualdad, 138


age of immigrants, 156

cultural revitalization, 163–64

future worker supply, 156, 157, 175

Latino advocacy and, 164–66

Latino growth and, 149

recent Hispanic immigration, 153–54

to the U.S., 6, 9, 145, 149, 152–53, 155–57

U.S. demographics and, 156, 157, 163

U.S. future and, 155–57

immigration policies, 165

immigration reform, 164–66, 224

inclusiveness and diversity (de colores)

about, 15, 94, 132, 211, 220, 222

family and, xii

generational shift and, 120–21

intergenerational spirit, 7, 11

Latino organizations, 119

leadership and, xi

U.S. census, 7, 113–17, 120–21, 127

indigenous people

community celebrations, 186

conquistadores and, 26–27, 34, 39

diseases and, 27

Manifest Destiny, 4, 21, 37, 41, 42–44

Our Lady of Guadalupe, 27–32, 35–36, 118, 201

Spanish conquest of México, 27–32

individualism, 82

individualistic culture, 135, 136

individuality, 59, 65

Inquisition, 25

integrity, 68

Inter-American Development Bank, 162

intergenerational leadership, 121–26

circular relationships, 124

meaningful participation, 125

mentoring, 121–23, 124

social action, 126

intergenerational spirit, 7

internal diversity, 158

Interns Matter (blog), 60–61

Isabella (Queen of Spain), 25


Jaworski, Joe, 92

Jews, in Spain, 25

Johnson, Lyndon, 162

juntos (collective community stewardship), 8, 15, 76, 135–49


keeping one’s word, 106–7, 171

Kennedy, John F., 154

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 44, 114

Kipling, Rudyard, 44, 235n10

Kouzes, James M., 170–71, 194


la Raza (term), 36, 61–62

La Raza Unida (political party), 85

labor movement, 41, 200

labor unions, 41

The Labyrinth of Solitude (Paz), 233n1, 234n21


bi/multilingualism, 46

Latin-based, 24

Nahuatl language, 109

See also Spanish

Lao Tzu, 53

Latinization of America, 21, 45–50

Latino, use of term, 3, 24, 116, 161

Latino agenda, 178–80

Latino conferences, 187–88

Latino culture

about, xv, 6–7, 10, 39–50, 98

adaptiveness in, 11, 12, 92, 212, 218–19, 220

bendición, 12–13

bienvenido spirit, xii, 101, 118, 132, 155, 175, 208, 220, 222, 239n9

celebrating life (gozar la vida), 10, 16, 102, 183–95

as collective culture, 7–8

community, 7, 98

compassion in, 11

congeniality, 102–3

as contact culture, 191

cooperation, 62, 146

cultural balance, 194

cultural connectivity, 61

cultural pride, 222–23

dancing, 183, 187

deference, 105, 105–6

dichos, 7, 10, 98, 188

diversity in, x–xi, 6, 7, 25, 36, 95, 98, 111, 113–28, 222

elders in, 120

equality, 108

expressing emotions, 191, 192–93

familia, 63, 99, 100–101, 108, 132, 191, 211, 220

family and, 7, 84, 85–88, 101

foods, 48, 49

generosity, 103–4, 105, 109, 118, 132, 145, 146, 198

gozar la vida (celebrating life), 10, 16, 102, 183–95

gratitude, 200

hard work, 107–8, 146, 155–56

honesty, 106–7, 171

hybrid vigor of, 45, 220

influence on American culture, 48–49

intergenerational spirit, 7

Madonna stories, 32

Mestizo ancestry, 23–24

music and dance, 48–49

optimism, 83, 195

Our Lady of Guadalupe, 27–32, 35–36, 118, 201, 207, 228–29

people’s value and, 60

personal names, 216

politeness, 102

reciprocity, 109, 132

relationships, 10, 60–62, 63, 64, 98, 101, 124, 159, 195

respeto, 105–6, 108

serving and helping others, 109–10

simpático, 102–3, 188, 189

socializing, 187

spirituality, 11, 16, 198

values, 11, 60, 97, 98, 99–111

Latino feminism, 227

Latino identity

collective identity, 119, 120, 206

by family’s country of origin, 161, 224

identifying points of cohesion, 144, 145

Latino immigrants

advocacy for immigration reform, 164–66

age of, 156

cultural revitalization by, 163–64

demographics, 156, 157, 163

as future worker supply, 156, 157, 175

impact on U.S., 155, 156

integration of, 224

optimism of, 198–99

recent figures for, 145

Latino leadership

about, xi, xiii–xv, 131–33

caudillo form, 65–66

celebrating life (gozar la vida), 10, 16, 102, 183–95

character and, 5

character (personalismo), 5, 14, 50, 54, 57–66, 139, 159, 170

coalition building in, xi, 176–78, 226

collective community stewardship (juntos), 8, 15, 76, 135–49

collective integration and, 74–75

cultural identity and, 73

culturally based leadership (la cultura), 6, 14, 99–111

faith and hope (fe y esperanza), 10–11, 16, 128, 197–208

global vision and immigrant spirit (¡adelante!), 8, 15, 151–66

inclusive agendas, 175–76

inclusiveness and diversity (de colores), xi, xii, 7, 11, 15, 95, 111, 113–28, 132, 211, 220, 222

mentoring, 121–23, 124

personal and collective purpose (destino), 5–6, 14, 21, 45, 50, 55, 76, 77, 79–95, 215–30

personal awareness (conciencia), 5, 14, 50, 54, 66, 67–77, 80, 137, 204

prominent leaders: profiles, xviii–xx

roots, xvii

social action and coalition leadership (“sí se puede”), xi, 9–10, 15, 166, 167–81

Latino leadership principles

¡adelante!, 8, 15, 151–66

conciencia, 5, 14, 50, 54, 66, 67–77, 80, 137, 204

la cultura, 6, 14, 99–111

de colores, xi, xii, 7, 11, 15, 95, 111, 113–28, 132, 211, 220, 222

destino, 5–6, 14, 21, 45, 50, 55, 76, 77, 79–95, 215–30

fe y esperanza, 10–11, 16, 197–208

gozar la vida, 10, 16, 102, 183–95

juntos, 8, 15, 135–49

personalismo, 5, 14, 50, 54, 57–66, 139, 159, 170

sí se puede”, xi, 9–10, 15, 166, 167–81

Latino organizations, 119, 122–23, 179–80, 224–25

Latino Policy Forum, 142, 143, 174

Latino population, demographics, ix, xi–xii, 11, 45, 48, 111, 226

Latino power x, xi

consistencia, 9, 170–73

in economic sphere, 1

ten steps to, 12

“Latino Professional Pulse” (Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement), 199

Latino values. See values

Latino voters, xi, 47–48, 165–66, 179, 180, 226

Latino youth

acculturation, 219

cultural revitalization by, 163–64

culturally centered, 223

demographics, 226

global mindset of, 164

school dropout rate, 180

voter turnout, 180


about, 220

acculturation, 6, 12, 155, 161, 208, 217

by affinity, xii, 11, 12, 15, 61, 63, 101, 193, 211, 219

assimilation of, 70, 154–55, 212, 216, 217

bienvenido spirit, xii, 101, 118, 132, 155, 175, 208, 220, 222, 239n9

crimes against, 165

crossing over, 158

as cultural adaptives, 11, 12, 92, 212, 218–19, 220

cultural identity, 68–73

cultural permeability, 21

cultural pride, 222–23

demographics, ix, xi–xii, 11, 45, 48, 111, 226

discrimination against, 5, 10, 44, 69, 74, 138, 144, 165, 167

diversity, x–xi, 6, 7, 8, 25, 36, 95, 98, 111, 113–28

economic power of, 47

as elected officials, 47–48

exclusion of, 68, 69, 70–71, 74, 138, 167

feminism, 227

historic roots, ix–x, xi, 4, 45

home ownership by, 180

hybrid vigor of, 45, 220

identification with country of origin, 161, 224

immigration, 6, 9, 11–12, 145, 149

inclusiveness, xi, xii, 11, 15, 95, 98, 111, 113–28, 132, 211, 212, 220, 222

melting pot and, 2

Mestizo ancestry, 23–24

Mexican heritage of, 9, 19–20

mixed race heritage of, 23–24, 45

political power, xi, 47–48, 165–66, 179, 225, 226

prominent leaders: profiles, xviii–xx

psychology of oppression, 71

purchasing power of, 47

recent immigrants, 153–54

school dropout rate, 180

self-awareness, 70

small businesses owned by, 47

social-change agenda, 178–80

unemployment, 180

U.S. census identification of, ix, 3, 113–17

values, 11, 60, 97, 98, 99–100, 101

voting power, xi, 47–48, 165–66, 179, 180

See also Latino culture; Latino leadership; Latino leadership principles; Latino power

Lawrence, Reid, 221

leader as equal, 108, 138–39, 205


as activists, 167

as advocates, 170

collectivist leaders, 135–36

communication roles, 188

community of, 141–42

as community scholars, 189

as community voice, 189

as dream makers, 189

as equals, 108, 138–39, 205

global leaders, 159

identification with, 140

“servant leaders”, 137, 140

as storytellers, 189

as translators, 189


about, 135

as celebration, 186–88

changing nature of, 132

character and, 5

coalition leadership, 10

collaboration and, 123, 131, 132, 139, 141, 142, 146

collective leadership, 142

communication and, 90–91

community of leaders, 141–42

conferring of, 140–41

connection to the social good, 137

culture and, 110

global leadership, 9, 159

“great man” theory of, 173

in hierarchical system, 138

in individualistic culture, 135, 136

as inside-out process, 139

intergenerational leadership, 121–26

by the many, 173–74

mentoring, 121–23, 124

multicultural mode of American leadership, xiii

Murguía on, 148

principle-centered leadership, 53

relational aspects of, 59, 60

self-leadership, 53

as social activism, 9, 10, 40, 126, 169, 194

team-oriented leadership, 131

women’s impact on, 1–2

See also Latino leadership

Leadership (Burns), 173

The Leadership Challenge (Kouzes & Posner), 170–71

Leadership Is Global (Link et al., eds.), 160

leadership theories, 53, 173

Leading with Soul (Bowman & Deal), 54–55

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), 144, 224

“Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing” (song), 239n24, 240n27

Lopez, George, 49

Lord’s Prayer, 229


Madonna stories, 32

Manifest Destiny, 4, 21, 37, 41, 42–44, 161

Manz, Charles, 53

Marc Anthony, 49

Mateo, Paul, 141

Maya culture, 109

melding of cultures, 24–25

“melting pot”, 154, 217

Memoir of a Visionary (Pantoja), xix, 170

mentoring, 121–23, 124

mestizaje, 23, 24, 118, 207


creation story, 26

as cultural hybrids, 220

historical origins, 4, 23–24, 32–34

Latino culture and, 23–24

Mexican American Women’s Association, 119

Mexican Americans, 145

Mexican heritage, 9, 19–20

Mexican immigrants, 155

México, 23, 26, 27, 30, 233n3

Mexico City (Tenochtitlan), 26, 27

Mi Carrera (program), 199

mi casa es su casa, 103–5

Millenials, 120, 123, 124, 126

miracle of Tepeyac, 27–29

mission statement, 81

mixed race heritage, 23–24

modesty, 75, 91

moral courage, 204

multicultural leadership principles, xiii, xiv

multilingualism, 46

Murguía, Janet

about, xviii, 177

charisma of, 190–91

on collective community stewardship, 148, 149, 169, 202

on connectedness and common bonds, 223

cultural adaptivity of, 194–95

on faith, 204, 206–7

on growing Latino population, 156, 157

on immigration and immigrants, 165

on Latino leadership, 174, 177

on Latino organizations, 179, 180

on Latino power, 177, 180, 227, 228

on leadership, 149

learning from elders, 133, 168

mission orientation, 94, 95

on opportunity, 93

on social activism, 148

on values, 94

music, 49

Muslims, in Spain, 25

mutuality, 104, 198


Nahuatl language, 109

NALEO. See National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials

names, 216

Nanus, Burt, 100

National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO), 158, 225–26

National Community for Latino Leadership (NCLL), 62, 68, 191, 236n3

National Council of La Raza (NCLR), xviii, xx, 94, 119, 141, 165, 169, 176–77

National Hispana Leadership Institute (NHLI), 122–23, 125, 178

Native Americans

Hopi prophesy, 229

identity of, 145, 160, 161

Manifest Destiny, 4, 21, 37, 41, 42–44

quantism among, 117

vision quest, 55, 84

NCLR. See National Council of La Raza

Nevada, 47

New Mexico, 47

NHLI. See National Hispana Leadership Institute


Obama, Barack, xi, 47, 86, 87, 162

objectivity, 194

optimism, 83, 195, 198

Orta, Carlos

about, xviii–xix, 88, 90–91, 151, 177, 180

on charisma, 190

on hard work, 92

on Latino organizations, 224–25

on leadership, 206

on serving people, 137, 138

on trust, 63, 106

Our Lady of Aparecida, 33

Our Lady of Guadalupe, 27–32, 35–36, 118, 201, 207, 228–29


Padres Unidos (organization), 95

Pantoja, Antonia

about, xix, 171

on being an agent of change, 170

on circular relationships, 124

on community, 136

on leadership, 179

on passion, 193–94

on shared responsibility, 124, 125, 170

Parra, Violeta, 200

partnership, building, 162, 176–78

paso a paso, 8, 147, 172

passion, 88, 89

patron saints, 201

Paz, Octavio, 233n1, 234n21

Peña, Federico

about, xix, 86–87

on helping people, 140, 141

on leadership, 84

on principle-center life, 202–3

on shared responsibility and participation, 146

people-centered values, xii, 101

Perón, Juan, 65

perseverance, 170

personal and collective purpose (destino), 79–95

about, 5–6, 14, 21, 45, 50, 76, 80

defined, 55, 76

family history and tradition, 84, 85–88

fatalism vs., 81–83

honoring one’s legacy, 94–95

leadership and, 77, 83–84

passion and, 88, 89

personal vision and, 94–95

special skills and talents and, 90–92

strategies to actualize, 222–27

synchronicity and, 92

taking advantage of opportunities, 92–93

tips for understanding, 84

personal awareness (conciencia)

about, 5, 14, 50, 54, 66, 67–77, 80, 204

action and, 73–75

as collective process, 74–75

cultural identity and, 68–70

exclusion and, 70–71, 138

leadership and, 137

other-centered nature of, 75–76

psychology of oppression and, 71

self-confidence and, 73–76

personal characteristics

adaptiveness, 11, 12, 92, 212, 218–19, 220

charisma, 91

conformity, 59

courage, 167–68, 203, 204–5

courtesy, 102, 103

credibility, 62, 65

deference, 105–6

generosity, 103–4, 105, 109, 118, 132, 145, 146, 198

hard work, 107–8, 146, 155–56

humility, 75, 76, 91, 203, 205–7

identity, 94–95

individualism, 82

individuality, 59, 65

integrity, 68

keeping one’s word, 106–7, 171

modesty, 75, 91

mutuality, 104, 198

optimism, 83, 195

passion, 88, 89

respect, 105–6, 108

self-awareness, 70

self-confidence, 73–76

uniqueness, 81, 90

personal integration, 74

personal mission statement, 81

personal names, 216

personal uniqueness, 81, 90

personal vision, 83–84, 94–95

personalismo (character)

about, 5, 14, 50, 54, 57–66, 139

characteristics, 58, 59, 139

confianza and, 62–63

as leadership practice, 63–66, 159–60, 170

qualities of, 61

Peters, Tom, 13

physical closeness, 191, 193

Pizarro, Francisco, 26

politeness, 102

political power of Latinos, xi, 47–48, 165–66, 179, 225, 226

Ponce de León, Juan, 40

Posner, Barry Z., 170–71, 194

principle-centered leadership, 53

psychology of oppression, 70–71, 138

Puente, Sylvia, 174

Puerto Ricans, 123, 125, 145

Puerto Rico, 145, 201

pushiness, 194


quantism, 117

quinceañera, 186

Quiroz, Lisa, 89, 199


race, in U.S. census, ix, 3, 113–17, 127

Ramos, Jorge, 2

Raza Cósmica, 212–13, 228

Reagan, Ronald, 199

reciprocity, 109, 132


about, 98, 195

cariño, 10, 191

celebration and, 10

circular relationships, 124

confianza and, 64

Gundling on, 159

leadership and, 60–61

personalismo and, 60–62, 63

richness of family relationships, 101

spirituality and, 202

“Remember the Alamo!,” 43

respeto, 105–6, 108


shared responsibility, 145–46

social responsibility, 11, 198, 212

spiritual responsibility, 202–3

Rivera, Diego, 67

Robinson, Eugene, 178

Rogers, Jerry, 93

Roman Empire, 24

Romero, Óscar, 203

Roosevelt, Theodore, 161

Roybal-Allard, Lucille, 205–6


saint’s day, 201

Salvadoran immigrants, 145

Sarmina, Luz, 172

self-awareness, 70, 157–58

self-confidence, 73–76

self-expression, 124, 195

self-leadership, 53

sentimientos, 191, 192–93

ser honesto, 106–7

serendipity, 82

The Servant as Leader (Greenleaf), 55, 64, 136–37

“servant leaders”, 137, 140

serving and helping others, 109–10

Shakira, 49

shared responsibility, 145–46

shared vision, 143

sharing, 103–4, 132, 145

si Dios quiere, 197

sí se puede” (social action and coalition leadership), xi, 9–10, 15, 166, 167–81, 226

Simmons, Michael, 184

simpático, 102–3, 188, 189

Sims, Henry, 53

small businesses, Latinoowned, 225

Smith, Jessica, 220–21

social action and coalition leadership (“sí se puede”), xi, 9–10, 15, 166, 167–81, 226

social activism

collective community stewardship and, 148

courage and, 204

Latino agenda, 178–80

leadership as, 9, 10, 40, 126, 169, 194

social change, 9

social networking, 124

social responsibility, 11, 198, 212

socializing, 187

Solis, Hilda

about, xix, 87–88, 151, 179–80

advantages to being Latino, 162, 166

on being child of immigrants, 162, 163

on bienvenido spirit, 175–76

building upon past legacies, 120, 121

on collaboration, 142

on faith, 204, 205

on global leadership, 164

on leadership, 100, 142

on persistence, 147

Solis, Juana, 87

Solis, Raul, 87


conquest of México, 26–27, 39

cultural heritage of, 25

geography, 25

history of, 24–25

indigenous people and, 26–27

languages, 25

racial and cultural blending in, 4


about, 40, 232nn8, 11

expressions for serving and helping others, 109

as integrating force, 8

ser vs. estar, 54

in U.S. place names, 19

usage statistics for, 46

use of, xvi, 65

words of Moorish origin, 25

Spanish Association on Personalismo, 191

Spanish conquistadores, 26, 34, 39, 207

special skills and talents and, 90–92

spiritual virtues

courage, 167–68, 203, 204–5

forgiveness, 203, 207–8

humility, 75, 76, 91, 203, 205–7


as celebration, 201

César Chávez on, 11

of Latinos, 16, 198

as responsibility toward others, 202–3

step-by-step approach, 147–48

Superleadership (Manz & Sims), 53

Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act (Arizona), 164

synchronicity, 92


Tang, Heather, 221

team-oriented leadership, 131

Tenochtitlan (Mexico City), 26, 27

Tepeyac, 27–29


Castro, Julián, x, xviii, 75, 85–86

Latinos in, 86, 119, 144

statehood, 42–43

thankfulness, 200

Time for Kids (magazine), 89, 199

Tlecuautlapcupeuth, 30

trabajar, 107–9

trust (confianza), 62–63, 65, 106

truthfulness, 107


unions, 41

uniqueness, 81, 90

United States

Black slavery, 42

conquest and colonization by, 40

economic future of, 46

immigration policies, 165

immigration to, 152–53, 155–57

labor movement, 40

Latinization of, 21, 45–50

Latino culture, 6–7

Latino demographics, ix, xi–xii, 11, 45, 48, 111, 226

Latino legacy in, 39–50

Manifest Destiny, 4, 21, 37, 41, 42–44, 161

Spanish spoken in, 46

White culture, 41, 44, 69–70

United States census

identification of Latinos, ix, 3, 113–17, 127

use of term “Browns”, 113–14

use of term Hispanics, ix, 3

use of term Latinos, 116

United States history

annexation of Southwest, 40

Black slavery, 42

civil rights movement, 44–45, 114

colonization and occupation in, 161

farm labor movement, 41

history as White, 41

immigration, 6, 9, 11–12, 145, 149, 151–66

Latino legacy, 4

Manifest Destiny, 4, 21, 37, 41, 42–44, 161

Spanish settlers, 39–40

U.S. Hispanic Leadership Institute, 123


Valdez, Bernie, 57–58, 59, 68, 76, 171, 187, 191

Valdez, Dora, 187

Valle del Sol (organization), 172


culture and, 60, 97, 98, 99–100, 101

familia, 63, 99, 100–101, 108, 132, 191, 211, 220

generosity and sharing, 103–5, 109, 118, 132, 145, 146, 198

honesty, 106–7, 171

humanistic values, 11, 212

Julián Castro on, 139

Latino values, 99–111

people-centered values, xii, 60, 101

respeto, 105–6, 108

serving and helping others, 109–10

simpático, 102–3, 188, 189

trabajar, 107–9

Vargas, Arturo

about, xx, 75, 94–95, 122, 152, 158, 180

on coalition building, 158

on courage, 204

on cultural values, 99, 100

on familia, 166

on humility, 205

on Latino voters, 226

on leadership, 167–68, 173–74, 175, 205

on shared responsibility and participation, 145

on social responsibility, 198

Vasconcelos, José, 212–13, 228

verbal agreements, 106

Virgin of Charity, 32–33

Visigoths, 24

vision, 83–84, 94–95, 143

vision quest, 55, 84

Visionary Leadership (Nanus), 100


We cultures, 82, 100–101, 103, 104, 107, 109, 137, 159

We generation, 124

We identity, 135–36

What Is Global Leadership (Gundling), 157, 159, 160

White culture, 41, 44, 69–70

“white man’s burden”, 44, 235n10

White privilege, 69–70, 71, 82

White supremacy, 44

Who Is Black? One Nation’s Definition (Davis), 116–17

Wilkins, Janelle, 221

women, leadership and, 1–2

women’s movement, 227

work, contributing through work, 107–9, 146, 155–56

work ethic, 108


Young Hispanic Corporate Achievers, 88

Yzaguirre, Raul

about, xx, 120, 140–41, 162, 168

on acculturation, 218–19

on assimilation, 216

on charisma, 188, 190

on fairness, 139

on honesty, 107

on Latino advancement, 147, 148

on leader as equal, 139, 205

on leadership, 73, 147, 148, 190

on paradigm of being Latino, 117, 118

on partnership, 162

on self-confidence, 73

on step-by-step approach, 147

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