Greenleaf Bibliography

Greenleaf, Robert K. “Abraham Joshua Heschel: Build a Life Like a Work of Art,” Friends Journal, 1973, 19(15), 459-460.

—. Advices to Servants. Indianapolis: The Greenleaf Center, 1991.

—. “The Art of Knowing.” Friends Journal, 1974, 20(17).

—. “Business Ethics—Everybody’s Problem.” New Catholic World, 1980, 223, 275-278.

—. “Choose the Nobler Belief.” AA Grapevine, 1966, 23(5), 27-31.

—. “Choosing Greatness.” AA Grapevine, 1966, 23(4), 26-30.

—. “Choosing to be Aware.” AA Grapevine, 1966, 23(1), 26-28.

—. “Choosing to Grow.” AA Grapevine, 1966, 23(2), 11-13.

—. “Community as Servant and Nurturer of the Human Spirit.” Resources for Community-Based Economic Development, 1986, 4, 9-11.

—. Education and Maturity. Indianapolis: The Greenleaf Center, 1988.

—. Have You a Dream Deferred? Indianapolis: The Greenleaf Center, 1988.

—. The Institution as Servant. Indianapolis: The Greenleaf Center, 1976.

—. The Leadership Crisis. Indianapolis: The Greenleaf Center, 1978.

—. Life’s Choices and Markers. Indianapolis: The Greenleaf Center, 1986.

—. Mission in a Seminary: A Prime Trustee Concern. Indianapolis: The Greenleaf Center, 1981.

—. My Debt to E. B. White. Indianapolis: The Greenleaf Center, 1987.

—. Old Age: The Ultimate Test of Spirit. Indianapolis: The Greenleaf Center, 1987.

—. On Becoming a Servant Leader. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1996.

—. “Overcome Evil with Good.” Friends Journal, 1977, 23(10), 292-302.

—. Robert Frost’s “Directive” and the Spiritual Journey. Boston: Nimrod Press, 1963.

—. Seeker and Servant. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1996.

—. Seminary as Servant. Indianapolis: The Greenleaf Center, 1988.

—. Servant Leadership. New York: Paulist Press, 1977.

—. The Servant as Leader. Indianapolis: The Greenleaf Center, 1991.

—. “The Servant as Leader.” Journal of Religion and the Applied Behavioral Sciences, Winter 1982, 3, 7-10.

—. The Servant as Religious Leader. Indianapolis: The Greenleaf Center, 1983.

—. Servant: Retrospect and Prospect. Indianapolis: The Greenleaf Center, 1980.

—. Spirituality as Leadership. Indianapolis: The Greenleaf Center, 1988.

—. Teacher as Servant: A Parable. Indianapolis: The Greenleaf Center, 1987.

—. “The Trustee and the Risks of Persuasive Leadership,” Hospital Progress, 1978, pp. 50-52, 88.

—. Trustee Traditions and Expectations.” In The Good Steward: A Guide to Theological School Trusteeship. Washington, D.C.: Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, n.d.

—. Trustees as Servants. Indianapolis: The Greenleaf Center, 1990.

—. “Two More Choices.” AA Grapevine, 1966, 23(3), 22-23.

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