Part IIHistory of Social Media

History of Social Media

Social media is a relatively new phenomenon in the history of computing. Social media facilitates creating, sharing, and exchanging messages, pictures, videos, questionnaires, and other content to build communities and raise funds for charities via the online processes of networks using electronic devices. In essence, it utilizes all the technology discussed so far such as computers and smartphones, including TV with Wi-Fi, texting, email, search engines, video gaming, and teleconferencing. It has changed the way we interact with each other, and each social media website and app has its own unique draw. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, and TikTok have allowed individuals in real time to connect with others next door and from around the world to share conversations, pictures, videos, ideas, news, and an endless amount of information. Social media has become a driving force in connecting and organizing communities from small groups to large companies. Families, friends, nonprofit organizations, charities, advocacy groups, entrepreneurs, businesses, governments, and political parties all use social media to share and display their beliefs, ideas, and other content both in public and in private.

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