
360 degree feedback method; See Multipoint, multirater, 360 degree assessment/feedback


ABC chart, 95, 96

Abilene paradox, 180181

Absentee leaders, 334

Abstract reasoning, developmental stages, 54

Absurd(ity), existentialist concepts, 168, 172

Acceptance, Rogerian approach, 105, 114115

Accommodation process, Piaget model, 37

Accuracy, standardized tests, 17

Accurate empathic understanding, 105, 107, 109, 114, 128


emotional intelligence models, 221

leader traits, 320

leadership modes, 330


emotional intelligence models, 221

existentialist guidelines for coaching, 169170

Action plan

behavioral approach to coaching, 9596

field theory, 177

Action research, 177, 191

Action stage of change, 3

Active listening, 109111


emotional intelligence, 222, 230

models of, 221, 223, 225

testing, 230

and leadership, 337

derailment, causes of, 334

factors in success, 335

Adaptive defenses, 6365

Addictive behaviors, 303304

ADHD, 294

Adjustment, 183

Adjustment disorder, 303

Adult Attachment Interview, 46

Adult attachment model, 48

Adult development, xlxli; See also Developmental psychology and adult development

Affect, 236

Affiliation, 65, 320

Affiliative leaders, 329

Agenda of executive, coaching for, 349350

Agentic tendencies, gender differences, 265

Aggression, 6364; See also Defense mechanisms

Agreements, formal, 359, 370

Ainsworth, M. S., 46

Akert, R., 179, 180, 184

Alchemist, 330

Alexithymia, 213

Alic, M., 34

Allen, T., 97

Allport, G., 176

Alsop, R., 261

Altemeyer, R., 191

Alternatives, illusion of, 198

Altruism, 63, 190

Ambiguity, intentional, 206207


female executive issues, 274, 280

and leadership derailment, 334

narcissistic leaders, 299

Ambivalence, client, 73

American Psychological Association Code of Conduct, 353

Anal stage, Freud’s psychosexual model, 35, 36

Analytical thought, hypnotic communication and, 198, 208

Anchoring, 183

Anderson, M. Z., xxiii

Anderson, W. T., xxx

Angel role, 147, 148

Anger management, 319

Annis, B., 259

Antecedent–behavior–consequent (ABC) chart, 95, 96

Antisocial personality disorder, 295, 296297


defense mechanisms, 6263

existentialist guidelines for coaching, 170

intelligence, factors in, 213

punishment and, 86

Anxiety disorders, 292293

and addictive behaviors, 304

PTSD, 302303

Anxious–ambivalent–preoccupied attachment style, 47, 48

Aouizerate, B., 302

Appearance, 349

assessment, 25

business culture, xl

female executives, 275

hypnotic communication, 199

self-presentation, 376377

social psychology, 192

somatoform disorders, 302

Araoz, D. L., 197

Arbitrary inference, 123

Aronson, E., 179, 180, 184

As-if, 207

Asch, S., 176

Assertiveness, xxxvi, 93, 156, 165, 299

emotional intelligence, 223, 225

emotional intelligence models, 223, 225

gender differences, 266, 269

leadership theories, 309310, 318

social psychology, 189

women and, 263, 271

Assessment, 130

cognitive approaches to coaching, 127

confidentiality in, 2223

determinants of coaching success, 2829

discussing results, 21, 27

emotional intelligence, 185, 192193, 225232

ethical issues, 368369

feedback and goal setting, 2728

female executives, 277278

historical developments and standardized tests, 57

leadership, 310

methods, 822

direct observation of behavior, 1516

formal objective assessment instruments, 1622; See also Standardized tests

home-made instruments, 1113

interview, 1315

multipoint, multirater, 360

degree feedback, 811

role in coaching, 12

scope of practice, 356357

stages of change, 25

steps in coaching process, xxxv

variables of interest, 2327

content skills, 26

interpersonal skills, 2325

intrapersonal and self-management skills, 2526

leadership skills, 26

political skills, 2627

vision, 27

video feedback, 92

Assimilation process, Piaget model, 37

Athletic coaches, xxix, 241256

advice nuggets from, 252255

agreed-upon principles, 252253

awareness, 255

change, 253254

curiosity and confusion, 253

goal setting, 253

innocence, 252

love, fun, and work, 254

patience, 254

common themes, 243252

communication, trust, integrity, 251252

defeat, learning from, 250251

fundamentals, 244245

individual approaches, 245246

playing against oneself, 246247

video feedback, 248249

visualization/guided imagery, 248

gender differences in competing styles, 262

situational aspects of performance, 324

Attachment styles, 4647

Attachment theory, 4450, 56


active listening, 109

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 7

roles, 147

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 294

Attention-seeking behavior, 87, 89



assessment, 2425

determinants of coaching success, 28

existentialist approach, 171

first interview with client, 14

hypnotic communications, 197198

psychometric testing considerations, 2021

reinforcement, individual differences, 8889

resistance, 73

video feedback, 248


confidentiality issues, 22

Rogerian person-centered approach, 106107

self-observation, 15

toward IQ concept, 215

Attributes, EI construct problems, 233

Attributions, 198

Audio recording, feedback, 98

Audit, behavioral, 94, 97

Austrian, S. G., 50


existentialist guidelines for coaching, 171172

female executives, 275

Rogerian person-centered approach, 104105, 111, 114

Authentic leadership, 327329

Authoritarian personality, 175, 191


leadership theories, contingency models, 324

marketing coaching services, 384

psychodynamic view, 72

Authority figures

developmental psychology and adult development, 56

obedience studies, 175176, 189

Autocratic leadership, 175, 312, 313, 326

Automatic thoughts, 120

Autonomy, 71, 309310

Availability heuristic, 182, 186

Avoidant personality disorder, 295, 300

Awareness, xlii

athletic coach advice, 255

disclosure feedback model of, 10

emotional intelligence

models of, 220, 221, 225

tests of, 231

Axelrod, R., 186

Ayman, R., 326


Babiak, P., 332

Bagboy, R. M., 213


athletic coaching themes, 243244

female executives, 278

Bandura, A., 83

Banks, C., 176

Barnum effect, 28

Bar-On, R., 211, 215, 223224, 226, 230231

Barrett, W., 162

Barsh, J., 264, 276

Bartholomew, K., 48

Bastas, E., 177

Bateson, G., 139

Baucum, D., 53, 54, 56

Baumgarten, P., 260, 264, 272, 279

Bearded soldier stage, 331

Beauvoir, Simone de, 260

Beavin, J. H., 197

Beck, A., 120, 121, 129

Beckett, S., 169



direct observation, 1516

process observation checklist, 154

benefits of coaching, xxxiv

cognitive approaches to coaching, 127, 135

cognitive dissonance, 178180

emotional intelligence, coaching considerations, 236

existentialist approach, 162, 165, 167, 169

field theory, 177

gender differences, 262; See also Women

hypnotic communication; See Hypnotic communications

leadership theories

path-goal theory, 324325

toxic leadership, 332

psychodynamic approach, utility of, 6061

social intelligence, 213

systems thinking and family therapy models, 142143, 158

Behavior disorders

addictions, 303304

referral for therapy, xxxvii

Behavior-distorting defenses, 6668

Behavior modification, organizational (O.B. Mod), 83

Behavioral audit, 94, 97

Behavioral concepts, 8199

history of behaviorism, 8183

leadership definitions, 312

myths and misconceptions, 9697

principles, 8493

principles, reinforcement, 8490

individual differences, 8889

intrinsic and extrinsic, 8485

positive and negative, 8586

Premack principle, 89

punishment, 8687

schedules/patterns of, 8788

stimulus control versus, 90

successive approximations and shaping, 8990

principles, social learning, 9193

principles, stimulus control, 90

strengths and weaknesses, 9798

usefulness, 8384

use of in coaching, 9396

Behavioral cues, social learning, 9192

Being right, 124

Bell Curve, The (Herrnstein & Murray), 216

Benefits, of coaching, xxxiii

Bennis, W., 307, 309, 331, 337, 345

Berra, Y., 242

Bertalanffy L. von, 139

Big Five personality factors, 6, 231, 318319

Billick, B., 242, 246, 249, 254

Binet, Alfred, 5

Biographical interviewing, 51

Bipolar disorder, 291

Biraben-Gotzamanis, L., 302

Bisanz, G. L., 189

Blake-Mouton grid, 314315


distorted thinking styles, 124

female executive issues, 273, 281


narcissistic leaders, 299

successful leaders, 319

Theory X, 313

role behaviors, 147, 149

systems approach mechanisms, 142143, 157

Blamer role, 147, 149

Blanchard, K., 253, 254, 322

Blanton, J., 275, 276, 328

Blevins, W., 146

Block, P., 172

Body dysmorphic disorder, 302

Body-kinesthetic intelligence, 214

Boeree, C. G., 38

Borderline personality disorder, 295, 297298

Boundaries, ethical issues, 365367, 370

Bourne, A., 28

Bowen, M., 150

Bowlby, J., 4546

Boyatzis, R., 215, 220, 226, 229230, 235

Brand, S., 144

Briggs, K. C., 7

Brody, N., 215

Brown, K. W., 308

Bry, A., 248

Bryant, Kobe, 252

Bully, leadership categories, 334

Burger, J., 189

Burns, D., 120121

Burns, J. M., 311

Buros Center for Testing, 20, 229

Business/business culture, 357358

coaching services, xxvxxvi

competitiveness, xxxviiixxxix

transition to coaching, 375376, 387388

language/vocabulary/ terminology, 377378

profit motive, 375376

self-presentation, 376377

speed, 376

Busybody leaders, 334


Cairo, P. C., 308, 311, 334

Campion, M. A., 8

Camus, A., 163, 168, 243

Cancellation policy, 15

Cancellations, 73

Career goals, female executives, 274

Career plan, female executives, 281

Career transitions, counselors; See Transition to coaching

Carli, L. L., 260, 261, 262, 264, 266, 282

Carlson, J., 147

Carroll, M., 356

Carroll, P., 254

Carr-Rufino, N., 272

Caruso, D., 211, 216, 217, 226, 228229

Castelbaum, K., 177

Catastrophizing, 123

Cathartic images, 204

Cattell, R., 6

Center for Creative Leadership, xxivxxv, 109, 334, 348

Certification, coaching, 384


athletic coach advice, 253254

benefits of coaching, xxxiii

choosing models, 188

emotional intelligence models, 221, 223

facilitating, 156157

fallacy of, 124

female executives and, 276

force-field analysis, 177178

hypnotic communication, 197, 198

leadership definitions, 311, 312

leader traits, 346

objectives/goals of coaching; See Goals, coaching

perseverance effect, 183

stages of, 25

systems thinking and family therapy models, 143145

Change (Watzlawick), 203

Channeling, sublimation, 6364

Charan, R., xxiv

Charisma/charismatic leaders, 184, 337

manager qualities, 345

problems associated with, 333334

theory, 315317

Cheerleader role, 147, 149

Chemers, M. M., 323, 326, 327, 338

Chen, C. M., 303

Cherniss, C., 220


cognitive dissonance and, 180

existentialist approach, 162, 170171

concepts, 165166

guidelines for coaches, 169

hypnotic communication, 198

Cialdini, R., 179, 186, 187

Circular (reciprocal) determinism, 139

Circularity, systems thinking and family therapy models, 142, 158159

Citrenbaum, C., 163

Ciulla, J. B., 311


athletic coaching themes, 251, 252253

coaching benefits, 350

leadership theories, 309310, 323, 325

Clarke, N. S., 234

Classical conditioning, 82


coach–client organization triangle, 150151

concept of, xxxviii

defining, 357, 361362

redefining, 157

Client–coach interaction/relationship

counseling versus coaching cultures, 386387

psychodynamic approach, 77

Rogerian approach, 107, 108109

termination of, 367368

transference and countertransference, 7374

Client list, 383

Coachability, change readiness, 3


defining, xxxi

forms of, xxivxxv

four-step process, xxxivxxxv

process of, xxixxxx

Coaching leaders, 329

Coalitions, 147, 150151

Coates, T., 84

Codes, gender, 281

Coercion, 190

Cognition, social, 180

Cognitive abilities, and intelligence, 212213

Cognitive approaches, 119136

application, 126133

data gathering, 127128

disputing problem thinking, 130131

evaluation, 132133

factors in success, 132

new thinking, replacement of problem thinking with, 131

plan of action, 129130

problem definition based on data, 128129

reinforcement of new thinking, 131132

case example, 119120

coaching with, 122125

history, 120121

imagery, 126

limitations, 133134

packaging cognitive therapy, 134135

philosophical basis, 121122

strengths and weaknesses of approach, 133

theory, 120

trance states, 196197

Cognitive development stages, Piaget, 3738

Cognitive dissonance, 178180

Cognitive ruts, 183

Cohen, B., 271


emotional intelligence models, 219, 222

gender differences, 265, 273

leadership theories, 330, 336

leadership definitions, 311

Theory Y, 313

Commercial sources for assessment instruments and products, 20, 21



determinants of coaching success, 28

Rogerian person-centered approach, 112


existentialist guidelines, 170

interpersonal influence, 187

emotional intelligence models, 221

Communal tendencies, women, 265

Communication/communication skills

athletic coaching, 251252


assessment, 13, 24

coaching benefits, xxxvi

coaching effectiveness, 388

direct behavioral observation, 16

family therapy model, 155

female executives, 266271

gender differences, 274

social defenses, 69


and feedback, 128

hypnotic, 197; See also Hypnotic communications

intentional ambiguity, 206207

psychoanalytic training and, 78

soft skills, 102

emotional intelligence models, 221, 222

leadership theories

charismatic leader characteristics, 317

leader qualities, 347

Community, female executives and, 275

Comparisons, hypnotic communication, 200

Compensation, defense mechanisms, 64


athletic coaching themes, 245

emotional intelligence, 220, 223, 230

transition to coaching, 382


business culture, xxxviiixxxix

counseling versus coaching cultures, 357358

gender differences in competing styles, 262, 263

leadership theories, 310, 335

social psychology, 185186

Competitive advantage, coach, 380

Complaining, help-rejecting, 67, 68

Complete Guide to Consulting Contracts, The (Holtz), 359

Compliance, social psychology, 189191

Compliments, 188, 190

Compulsive behaviors

addictions, 304

OCD, 295, 300301

Conceptual model, emotional intelligence, 222

Concrete operational stage, 3738

Concrete reasoning, stages of development, 54

Concurrence-seeking behavior/groupthink, 180181

Conditioning, operant, 82

Conditioning agent, organization as, 93

Confidence; See Self-confidence

Confidentiality, xlii, 29

in assessment, 2223

discussion topics for first interview with client, 14

dissemination of assessment information, 2

guidelines, 10

survey information data, 1213

coaching versus therapy, xxxviii, xxxix

ethical issues, 361, 362364, 370

marketing coaching services, 387


benefits of coaching, xxxvi

emotional intelligence models, 221

existentialist concepts, 167168, 171

psychodynamic approach, utility of, 61

Conflict, role, 148, 149

Conflicts of interest, 368


groupthink and Abilene paradox, 180181

schemas and effects of expectations, 181182

social psychology, 176

Confrontation, existentialist approach, 167168, 171

Conger, J. A., 309

Congruence, 104105, 109

Conscientiousness, 221, 318

Consensus, groupthink and Abilene paradox, 180181

Consent, ethical issues, 364365

Consequence management, 90; See also Reinforcement


imaging, 203204

modeling processes, 91

Consistency, interpersonal influence, 187

Constructivism, 196

Constructs, 198

Consultative leader, 327

Consulting, xxxi

Consulting firms, 374, 381

Containment, 7576

Conte, J. M., 234

Contemplation stage of change, 2, 4

Content skills, 26


existentialist concepts, 165

existentialist view, 162

hypnotic communication, 197

reframing, 206

situational leadership, 322

Contingencies, 81, 84, 87, 97

functional analysis, 95

Premack principle, 89

Skinner and, 82, 83

social learning, 83, 91, 92

substitutes for leadership, 326

Contingency theory

leadership, 323324

defining leadership, 311312

normative decision theory, 326327

situational leadership, 322

social psychology, 184

Continuous process improvement (kaizen), 216

Contracting, coach–client organization triangulation, 151

Contracts, 359

transition to coaching, 387388

Contrarian’s Guide to Leadership, The (Sample), 337


existentialist approach, 167168

managers and, 344

self-management; See Self-control/self-management/selfregulation

Theory X and Theory Y, 313

Control fallacy, 124

Control issues

behaviorism, 97

Rogerian person-centered approach, 108

Controllers, leadership categories, 334

Conversion, 67

Conversion disorder, 301302

Cooke, L., 266

Cooper, C. L., 321

Cooper, R., 102

Cooperation, xli

Big Five personality factors, 319

psychodynamic view, 71

social psychology, 185186

Coping, 223

Coping images, 203

Core competency, coach, xxvixxvii, 379383

Core covenant, athletic coach advice, 252

Corey, G., 62

Cormier, L., 105, 188

Cormier, W., 105, 188

Corporate culture; See Culture, organizational

Corrective images, 203

Cost effectiveness of coaching, 382

Côté, M., 144

Coughlin, L., 279

Counsilman, J., 253

Countertransference, 7374

Country Club managerial style, 314315

Coutu, D., xxiii, xxiv, xxvii, xxviii, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxvii, xxxix, xl, 2, 3, 8, 13, 16, 22, 28, 249, 355, 356, 359, 361, 362, 367, 383

Covert operant, 121

Covert rehearsal, 92

Covey, S., 102

Cox, A., 230, 231

Cox, C. J., 321

Craig, C. J., 53, 54, 56

Craighead, W., 83

Crain, S. C., 53, 55

Cramer, P., 62

Cranston, S., 264, 276

Craske, R. A., 264, 276

Critical analytical thought, hypnotic communication and, 198, 208

Criticism, gender differences, 268269

Crowd behavior, 187188

Cues, 81, 90, 91, 93

Cultural biases

and EI test performance, 229

leadership theories, 309310

Culture, business; See Business/business culture

Culture, organizational

benefits of coaching, xxxvi

determinants of coaching success, 28

female executives and, 275

male-centric, 262263

marketing coaching services, 384

social defenses, 69

substitutes for leadership, 326

systems thinking, 137, 138

Curiosity, 253

Cybernetics, 139, 152

Cycles/stages, organizational, 151152

Czander, W. M., 62


Damasio, A., 216

Darou, W. G., 138

Data; See also Standardized tests

assessment, 7, 1112

behavioral approach to coaching, 94, 96

cognitive approaches to coaching, 127129, 135

field theory, 177

Davidson, A., 264

Davis, M., 122, 124, 129, 135

Davison, G., 123

DCPs; See Dysfunctional communication patterns (DCP)

de Beauvoir, S., 260

De Pree, Max, 146

DeBoer, K., 262, 263

Deception, 190

Decision making

benefits of coaching, xxxvi

existentialist view, 173

groupthink and Abilene paradox, 180181

leadership theories, 330

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 7

Decision style, 326

Decision theory, 326327

Defeat, learning from, 250251

Defection, 185

Defense mechanisms, 77

adaptive, 6365

assessment, 13

behavioral expressions/distortions, 6668

denial-based, 6566

existentialist guidelines for coaching, 170

reality-distorting, 66

Rogerian therapist characteristics and, 105

social defenses, 69

usefulness in coaching, 6869

Deford, Frank, 242

DeHann, R. F., 177

Delehanty, H., 248, 252, 255

Deliverables, coaching contract, 387

Demand for coaching services, 381

Dementia, 291292

Deming, W. E., 103, 314

Democratic leadership style, 312313

achievement drive and, 329

decision style, 327

Denial-based defenses, 6566

Dependent personality disorder, 295, 300

Depression, 291, 293294

Depressive distortions, 122, 123

Derailment, career, 334335

Descartes’ Error (Damasio), 216

Desvaux, G., 260, 264, 272, 279

Determinism, circular/reciprocal, 139

Developmental action logic, 330331

Developmental coaching, 286, 349, 350

Developmental psychology and adult development, 3357

attachment theory, 4450

defense mechanisms, 7073

Erikson’s psychosocial stages, 3844

Freud’s psychosexual stages, 3536

Gould and Levinson stages, 5053

implications for coaching, 5657

Jung’s contributions, 3637

moral development, 5356

Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, 3738

psychodynamic view, 72

temperament, 3435

Developmental stages of leaders, 331332

Devillard-Hoelliger, S., 260, 264, 272, 279

Dewey, J., 211

Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), 63, 286

DiClemente, C. C., 2

Diedrich, R., 108

Differences, 111

Different Voice, A, (Eisenberg), 56

Diplomat, 330

Directive leaders, 325, 329

Directives, 151, 155156

Disagreements, 111

Discernment skills, 328329

Disclosure feedback model of awareness, 10

Discovery, 172

Discretion, coach, 23

Discrimination, 263264

Discussion of assessment results, 21, 27

Dismissive–avoidant–resistant attachment style, 47, 48

Dismissive DCPs, 269270

Disorganized–disoriented attachment style, 47, 48

Displacement, 67

Dissent, groupthink and, 181

Dissonance, cognitive, 178180

Distorted thinking, styles of, 123124, 127, 129

Distortions, depressive, 122, 123

Distracter role, 147, 149

Dixon, N. E., 313

Documentation/written records/reports

dissemination of assessment information, 2

ethical issues, 363, 367, 370

goals of coaching, 28

written memorandum of first meeting, 15

Dolan, Y. M., 156

Dorrance, A., 265, 266, 268

Dostoyeveky, F., 162163

Dotlich, D. L., 308, 311, 334

Douglas, C., xxv, xxx

Doyle, M., xxx, 113

Drive, leadership, 329

Driving forces, 177178

Drucker, P., 378

Drummond, R.J., 5

Duty to warn, 369, 371

Dysfunction, groupthink and Abilene paradox, 180181

Dysfunctional communication patterns (DCP), 269271

Dysthymia, 293


Eagly, A. H., 260, 261, 262, 264, 266, 282

ECI-ESCI, 226, 229

Economy, token, 92, 93

Edelstein, M. G., 197

Effect, coaching for, 349

Effectiveness, coaching; See Outcomes/effectiveness, coaching

Efficacy, 224


behavioral approach to coaching, 9394

standardized tests, 17


achievement orientation, 320

athletes’, 245

charismatic leaders, 334

Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development, 40, 41

Freudian model, 35, 62

gender differences, 265

narcissism, 75, 299

power motivation, 320

systems approach and, 158

Ego, Freudian model, 62

Ego ideal, 62

Ego satisfaction, 320

Egocentrism, Piaget developmental stages, 37, 38

Egotism, leadership styles, 334

Eichinger, R. W., 334

Eisenberg, N., 56

Electronic information collection methods, 1112

Ellis, A., 120, 121, 125, 129

e-mail, 16

Emotional Accuracy Research Scale (EARS), 231

Emotional and Social Competence Inventory (ESCI), 226, 229230

Emotional Competence Framework, 185

Emotional Control Questionnaire, 231

Emotional intelligence, 26, 101102, 211237

assessment, 192193, 225232

ECI-ESCI, 226, 229

EQ-i and EQ 360, 226, 230231

MSCEIT, 226, 228229

TEIQue, 227, 231232

coaching applications, 235236

components of, 225

criticisms, issues, challenges, 232235

commercialization/overpromotion, 234235

construct problems, 232233

empirical data support, lack of, 234

redundancy of tests, 233234

history, 211215

leadership theories, 336

models of, 217225

ESI of Bar-On, 222224

four branch model of Mayer and Salovey, 217218

Goleman’s domains, 219222

trait EI of Petrides et al., 224225

popularity, 215217

social psychology, 184185

standardized tests, 18

Emotional Intelligence (Goleman), 215

Emotional maturity

leader traits, 319

leadership theories, 336

Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i), 223224, 226, 230231

Emotional reasoning, 124

Emotional self-efficacy, 224

Emotions/feelings, xlii

active listening, 110

cognitive approaches to coaching, 127

cognitive dissonance, 178180

containment, 7576

defense mechanisms; See Defense mechanisms

feedback, 27

inability to verbalize (alexithymia), 213

and intelligence, Wechsler on, 212213

interpersonal liking, 188

language/vocabulary/terminology, 375376

leadership liabilities, 335

self-observation, 50

thoughts and, 121122, 126, 135

Empathic enabling, 271

Empathy, 77

accurate, 109

assessment, 15, 24

developmental psychology and adult development, 56

emotional intelligence, 26, 185, 221, 222, 223, 225

leader traits, 319

mental health, 289

and obedience/compliance with authority, 189

Rogerian empathic understanding, 105, 107, 109, 112, 114115

social psychology, 103

soft skills, 102

Empathy images, 204

Empowerment, 108, 317

Enabling, empathic, 271


female executives and, 276

leader traits, 319

leadership theories, 336

mental health, 288

psychodynamic view, 72

sublimation, 6364

Enforcer, leadership categories, 334

Engagement, 276, 288

Entitlement, 75

Environment, organizational, 176; See also Systems thinking and family therapy models

EQ-i and EQ 360, 223224, 226, 230231

Equifinality, 142

Equilibrium, 159

Erdberg, P., 1

Erdmann, J. B., 103

Erickson, M., 143, 151, 197

Erikson, E., 3844, 55

Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development, 3844

Essence, 165

Eternal recurrence, 161

Ethical issues, 353371

ambiguous areas, 360370

assessment, 368369

boundaries, 365367

client, defining, 361362

confidentiality, 362364

conflicts of interest, 368

consent, 364365

duty to warn, 369

pro bono services, 369370

record keeping, 367

termination of coaching relationship, 367368

behaviorism, 96

counseling versus coaching

differences, 358359

similarities, 359360

emotional intelligence models, 221

female executives and, 264

professionalism, 354356

scope of practice, 356358

Ethical Practice of Psychology in Organizations, The (Lowman), 353

Evans, G., 266, 268, 269, 279

Evans, R. L., 83

Evert, Chris, 243

Exceptions question, 156

Exchange theory, 322323

Exclusionary DCPs, 270

Executive agenda, coaching for, 349350

Executive coaching, xxiv, xxxixxxii

Existential stance, 161173

core concepts for coaches, 165168

guidelines for coaches, 169172

history and background, 161163

key ideas, 163165

strengths and weaknesses, 172173

Exner, J., 6

Expectancy theory, 325


female executives and, 275

role behavior, 154

social psychology, 176, 181183

Experience, professional

coach selection criteria, 383

marketing coaching services, 384, 385

Experiment, coaching as, 84, 135

Expert, leadership modes, 330


marketing coaching services, 384

sources of power, 190

External authenticity, 328

Extinction, 87


Big Five personality factors, 318319

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 7

Extrinsic reinforcement, 8485


Face saving, 190

Facial expressions, 213

Facial recognition, 213

Facilitators, 223, 230

Factor analysis, 6

Fairness, fallacy of, 124

Fallacies, 124

Family; See also Systems thinking and family therapy models

athletic coaching themes, 243244

female executives and, 262, 272273, 275, 278

psychodynamic view, 72

Family metaphor, acceptability of, 158

Fanning, P., 122, 124, 129, 135

Fantasy, 62

Favored son role, 147, 148

Favors, owing, 187

Feedback, xlii

ability to accept negative feedback, 77

active listening process, 111

assessment, 2728

client attitudes, 14

guidelines, 910

inclusion of client in discussions, 2

role in coaching, 1

athletic coaching themes, 248249

behavioral approach to coaching, 98

coaching effectiveness, 388

cognitive approaches to coaching, 127, 128

cybernetic systems, 139

disclosure feedback model of awareness, 10

female executives and, 268, 274, 277278

rehearsal, 92

Rogerian person-centered approach, 108

self-presentation, 192

systems thinking and family therapy models, 143144

Feedback fatigue, 27

Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy (Burns), 120121

Feelings; See Emotions/feelings


coaching versus therapy, xxxix

pricing services, 381

transition to coaching, 374, 375376

Fellow-feeling, 172

Fels, A., 263

Female executives; See Women

Festiger, L., 178

Fiedler, F., 323, 324

Field theory, 177178

Filtering, 123

Finding the Winning Edge (Walsh), 241

First impressions, 182, 183, 192

First meeting with client, 1315

First-order change, 143144

Fisch, R., 139, 143, 144, 197, 206

Fitness/match, 236

coach-organizational situation, 350, 360

job-personality, 4950

leadership theories, 311312, 333, 335, 336337

charismatic leaders, 333

contingency models, 324

Fixed interval reinforcement schedule, 88

Fixed ratio reinforcement schedule, 8788

Fleenor, J., 8

Flexibility, 198

athletic coaching themes, 250

emotional intelligence, 223

mental health, 289


behavioral approach to coaching, 9394

existentialist approach and, 167

psychodynamic view, 72


decision making, 327

leader discernment skills, 328329

Fonagy, P., 50

Fontaine, M. H., 329

Force-field analysis, 177178

Formal agreements, 359, 363, 370

Formal objective assessment instruments; See Standardized tests

Formal operational stage, Piaget model, 38

Forms of coaching, xxivxxv

Founder myths, 146

Four-branch model of EI (Mayer and Salovey), 217218

Frame of reference, client, 106


female executives, 276

hypnotic communication, 206

Frankel, L. P., 267, 277

Franklin, B., 180

Freas, A., 151

Frederickson, N., 224, 225

French, J. R. P. Jr., 190

Freud, S., 3536, 38, 59, 60, 6162, 73, 82

Freud’s psychosexual model, 3536, 6869

Full circle evaluation; See Multipoint, multirater, 360 degree assessment/feedback

Functional analysis, behavior management, 90, 95, 96

Fundamental attribution error, 176, 183184, 273

Furnham, A., 216217, 224, 225


Gardner, H., 211, 213214

Gardner, J., 244

Garman, A. N., xxviii

Gender; See also Women

compliance studies, 189

developmental psychology, 5556

and EI test performance, 229, 230, 231

life stages, 51

Gender biases in leadership values, 309310

General stage, leadership development model, 331

General systems theory; See Systems thinking and family therapy models

Genetic factors, personality development, 3435

Genital stage, Freud’s psychosexual model, 36

Genuineness, 104105, 108, 114115

George, W., 321, 327, 328

George Washington Test of Social Intelligence, 213

Gergen, D., 321, 327

Gibbs, N., 215

Gilligan, C., 55, 272

Glass ceilings and walls, 260261, 266

Global labeling, 124


athletic coach advice, 253

intelligence, factors in, 213

path-goal theory, 324325

vision, 27

Goals, coaching

athletic coaching themes, 243

behavioral approach, 84, 96, 98

coaching contract, 387

cognitive approaches to coaching, 127, 132133

determinants of coaching success, 2829

discussion topics for first interview with client, 1415

outcomes; See also Outcomes/effectiveness, coaching

progress assessment, 2, 22, 23, 27, 28

psychodynamic approach, 76, 77

Rogerian person-centered approach, 106

setting, 2728

Goffee, R., 327, 328, 329

Goldenberg, H., 139

Goldenberg, L., 139

Goldsmith, M., 113, 335

Goleman, D., 26, 101, 184, 185, 192, 211, 215, 217, 220, 221, 226, 229, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237

Gonnella, J. S., 103

Gordon, D., 197, 205

Gough, H., 7

Gould, R., 5053

Gowing, M. K., 229, 230

Grabot, D., 302

Grant, A. M., xxiii

Great person theory, 183184

Green, C. D., 241

Grewal, D., 216, 228

Grid, managerial, 314315

Grieger, R., 120

Griffith, C., 241

Ground rules of coaching, 15

Groups; See Team work/groups

Groupthink, 180181

Guided imagery, 248

Gurian, M., 259


Habit, 183

Haley, J., 143, 151, 197

Halo effects, 9, 188

Hamel, G., xxv, xxvi

Handbook of Cognitive Therapy Techniques (McMullin), 126

Haney, C., 176

Hannon, R., 229

Happiness, 223, 225

Hare, R., 332

Harper, R., 120, 125

Harragan, B., 279

Harris, J. R., 35

Harrison, R., 59

Harvey, J., 181

Hathaway, S. R., 6

Hay Group, 329

Hay/McBer, 229

Hazzard, W., 247

Healy, C. C., 7

Heaven’s reward fallacy, 124, 130

Hegel, G. W. F., 162, 164

Heidegger, M., 163

Hein, S., 214

Helgesen, S., 272, 279

Help-rejecting complaining, 67, 68

Heppner, P., 104

Herd instinct, 167

Hero role, 147, 149

Herrnstein, R., 216

Hersey, P., 322

Heuristics, social psychology, 182183, 192

Hewlett, S. A., 272

Hicks, M. D., 388


gender differences, 265

systems thinking and family therapy models, 147

Hill, A., 114

History, psychosocial, 13

Histrionic personality disorder, 295, 297

Hogg, C., 307

Hojat, M., 103

Hollihan, K., 279

Holtz, H., 359

Home-made assessment instruments, 1113

Homeostasis, 140141, 142, 147, 152

Homme, L., 121

Hoppe, M. H., 109

Horner, C., 165

Horowitz, L. M., 48

Horse trading, 190

House, R., 316

Howells, G., 229


assessment, 13, 25

defense mechanisms, 64

gender differences, 262

mental health, 289

Hutcheson, P., 108

Hymowitz, C., 93

Hypnotic communications, 195208

hypnosis and communication, 196197

hypnosis without trance, 198207

imagery, 202207

techniques, 199202

influence and resistance, 195196

principles and attitudes, 197198

Hypochondriasis, 302

Hypomania, 291


Ibarra, H., 249, 263

Id, Freudian model, 62

Idealized future images, 203

Identification, defense mechanisms, 65

Identified patient/client, 142143

Identity, female executives, 278279

If Aristotle Ran G.M.: The New Soul of Business (Morris), 102

Illusion of alternatives, 198


athletic coaching, 248

cognitive psychology, 126

hypnotic communication, 202207

Imitation, social learning, 91

Impoverished style, 315

Impulse control, 223, 225

Incentives, reinforcement, 88

Indebtedness, 187


EI models, 223

leadership theories, 336

psychodynamic view, 71

Independent operator, coach as, 381

Indirect communication, 172

Indirect suggestion, 199200

Individual life structure, 51


existentialist view, 165, 169, 173

leadership modes, 330

leadership theories, 309310

reinforcement of differences, 8889

Individualized coaching

athletes, 245246

female executives, 280

Industry knowledge, marketing coaching services, 384

Infant executive, 331


compliance studies, 189191

and groupthink, 181

hypnotic communication, 195196, 198, 199, 207208

leadership definitions, 312

leadership theories, 315, 336

definitions of leadership, 310, 311

leader traits, 320321

manager qualities, 345346

social psychology, 186188

Information, decision making, 327

Information sharing; See also Confidentiality

coaching versus therapy, xxxix

coalitions, 151

discussion topics for first interview with client, 14

policy establishment, 2

Ingham, Harry, 10

Initiative, 221


gender differences, 267

resistance to, 195, 198, 199, 207, 208

Inkster, J. A., 179

Innocence, 252

Innovation, 221

Insight, xl, xlii, 141

Insurance coverage, 388

Integrity, 53

athletic coaching, 251252

leadership theories, 328, 336

leader traits, 319

mental health, 289

Intellectualization, 66


attitudes toward IQ, 215, 216

leadership theories, 318, 334, 336

Intensity, 166167

Interaction norms, systems thinking, 141

Interaction patterns, systems thinking, 141

Interactions, client–coach, 77

Intermittent explosive disorder, 301

Internal authenticity, 328

Internalized moral principles, 53

Internal states; See also Intrapersonal processes

emotional intelligence, 213, 235

Rogerian person-centered approach, 106, 108, 112

International Coach Federation’s Code of Ethics, 355, 364, 365, 368


surveys, 12

test administration, 7

web site creation, 381, 385

Interpersonal intelligence, 214

Interpersonal processes; See Social/interpersonal processes

Interrelatedness, existentialist concepts, 165

Interruption, 15, 111, 154, 265, 269, 294


assessment methods, 1315

biographical, 51

personal, 11

Intrapersonal intelligence, 214

Intrapersonal processes, xlii

assessment, 2526

Big Five personality factors, 319

emotional intelligence, 26, 185, 237

coaching considerations, 235

emotional self-awareness, 213

intrapersonal intelligence, 214

models of, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223

testing, 230

psychodynamic approach, 60, 7172


assessment, 25

existentialist approach, 166

goals of psychoanalysis, 62

mental health, 289

self-examination/introspection, xlii, 77

developmental psychology and adult development, 56

existentialist approach, 166

metacognition; See Metacognition

psychodynamic view, 72


client, capacity for, 50

coach, 15

and cognitive approaches to coaching, 133134

Intrinsic reinforcement, 8485

Introduction to Existentialism, An (Olson), 163

Introspection; See Intrapersonal processes

Invalid role, 147, 148, 149

IQ, attitudes toward, 215, 216

Irrational thoughts, 125, 135

Ishtal-Zee, S., 177

Isolation, 66

Iteration, 191


Jackson, D. D., 197

Jackson, E., 177

Jackson, P., 248, 252, 255

Jacobs, T. O., 311

Jacobsen, C., 316

Jacobson, L., 176

Jago, A. G., 322, 326

Janis, I., 180181

Japanese management style, 312313

Jaques, E., 311

Jaspers, K., 163

Jefferson Scale of Physical Empathy, 103

Jensen, S., 229

Jermier, J. M., 326

Jester role, 147, 149

Johari window, 10, 11

Johnson, D., 322

Johnson, S., 183

Jones, C., 242, 243, 246, 250

Jones, G., 103, 114, 327, 328, 329

Jordan, Michael, 252

Jourard, S., 167, 196


active listening process, 111

heuristics, 182183

Judgment-Perception (J-P), Myers-Briggs test, 7

Jung, C., 7, 34, 3637, 51


Kafka, F., 161, 168

Kagan, J., 34

Kaizen, 216

Kampa-Kokesch, S., xxiii

Kant, I., 121, 126

Kanter, R.M., 265

Kantian paradigm, 121, 126, 129

Karen, R., 44

Kauffman, C., xxiii, xxiv, xxvii, xxviii, xxxiv, xxxv, xxxvii, xxxix, xl, 2, 3, 8, 13, 16, 22, 28, 249, 355, 356, 359, 361, 362, 367, 383

Kaufmann, W., 162, 163

Kazdin, A., 83

Kerin, R., xxvi

Kerr, M., 150

Kerr, S., 84, 93, 326

Kiel, F., xxx, 113

Kierkegaard, S., 162, 163, 172

Kilburg, R., 101

Killing the messenger, 189

Kinesthetic intelligence, 214

King, M., 163

Knox, R. E., 179

Koff, G., 273

Kohlberg, L., 5355

Kohn, C., 229

Kohn, M., 189

Kokkinaki, F., 224

Kopp, S., 204205

Kotler, P., 378

Kotter, J., 307, 313, 342, 346

Kreitner, R., 83, 85, 91

Kroek, K. G., 308

Krupp, S., 177

KRW International Group, 113

Krzyzewski, M., 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251


Labeling, global, 124

Laissez-faire leadership, 312, 313

Landy, F. L., 213


athletic coaching, 251

benefits of coaching, xxxvi

business culture, 377378

discussion of standardized test results, 21, 27

gender differences, 262

hypnotic communication, 200201

systems thinking and family therapy models, 152153

Lantieri, L., 215

Latency stage, 36

Lazarus, A., 248

Leadership, xxxii, xlii

assessment, 24, 26

benefits of coaching, xxxiii

coaching benefits, xxxvi

emotional intelligence and, 221, 235

existentialist approach, 167168

female executives, 271272

centered, 276

coaching for, 275276

gender differences, 265, 271

glass ceilings and walls, 260261

and organizational performance, 259260

and groupthink, 181

social psychology, 175, 183184

workers, managers, and leaders, 341350; See also Workers, managers, and leaders

Leadership development, 348

Leadership Development Profile, 330

Leadership myths, 146, 341342

Leadership theory

assessment of, 310

classical research studies, 312315

cultural and gender biases in values, 309310

definitions of leadership, 310312

good and bad leadership, 332335

charisma, problems associated with, 333334

derailment, 334335

toxic leadership, 332333

historical background, 308309

modern, 315332

authentic leadership, 327329

charisma theory, 315317

contingency models, 323324

developmental action logic, 330331

developmental stages of leaders, 331332

normative decision theory, 326327

path-goal theory, 324325

personal drive and successful leadership, 329

situational leadership, 322

substitutes for leadership, 325326

trait theory, 317322

transactional and exchange theories, 322323

Leape, L., 103, 155

Learning, social, 9193, 188

Learning principles, Thorndike’s, 3

Least preferred coworker (LPC) scale, 323

Lee, L., 104

Legitimacy, sources of power, 190

Leslie, J. B., 334, 335

Leuner, H., 213

Leung, S., 229

Leveling images, 203

Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale (LEAS), 231

Levinson, D., 5053

Lewin, K., 175, 177, 183, 191, 312

Lewis, J., 147

Lexical hypothesis, 6

Liability, 388

Licensing, 357

Lief, A. S., 278

Life cycle

Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development, 3844

family, 151152

Life structure, 51

Likert-type scales

assessment, 11, 12, 15

emotional intelligence testing, 230, 231

Limits, practitioner, 356358, 360

Lindsay, S. R., 3

Linguistic intelligence, 214

Lippitt, R., 183, 312

Listening skills, xli, 13, 77

assessment, 24

benefits of coaching, xxxvi

Rogerian person-centered approach, 108, 109111, 112, 114

soft skills, 102

Little, D., 34

Locke, E. A., 232, 235

Logical-mathematical intelligence, 214

Lombardo, M. M., 334

Loops, 139

Lorenz, K., 45

Louganis, Greg, 248

Lover stage, leadership developmental model, 331

Lowe, K. B., 308

Lowman, R., 353

LPC (least preferred coworker) scale, 323

Luft, Joseph, 10

Lumley, M. A., 26

Luncheon technique, 189

Luthans, F., 83, 85, 87, 91

Lynn, S. J., 197


Maccoby, M., 73, 74, 75, 298

MacKenzie, S. B., 326

Macmillan, C., xxix, 65, 361

Magic Wand question, 156

Magnification, 123

Mahoney, M., 83

Main, M., 46

Maintaining progress

cognitive approaches to coaching, 133

steps in coaching process, xxxv

Maintenance stage of change, 3, 45

Major depression, 293294

Male-centric culture, 262263

Malloy, R. L., 329

Malpractice coverage, 388

Management (self); See Self-control/selfmanagement/self-regulation

Management (organization)

benefits of coaching, xxxvi

determinants of coaching success, 28

workers, managers, and leaders, 341350; See also Workers, managers, and leaders

Management coaching, xxiv

Managerial grid, 314315

Mangione, S., 103

Manic phase, bipolar disorder, 291


existentialist approach, 167168

hypnotic communication; See Hypnotic communications

Market demand for coaching services, 381

Marketing and sales

coaching services, 378386

core competency, 379383

selling points, 383386

transition to coaching, 378386

Martin-Guehl, C., 302

Martyr role, 147, 149

Mascot role, 147, 148

Maslow, A., 170, 328

Mastery images, 203

Mathematical intelligence, 214

Mathews, G., 211, 215, 216, 219, 225, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 234

May, R., 328

Mayer, D., 321

Mayer, J. D., 211, 214215, 216, 217218, 226, 228229, 233, 234

Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT), 226, 228229

McCallum, W. E., 213

McGregor, D., 313

McKay, M., 122, 124, 129, 135

McKee, A., 215, 235

McKinley, J. C., 6

McLean, A. N., 321

McMullin, R., 126, 203


existentialist concepts, 166

female executives, 276

reframing, 206

Measurement of gains; See Metrics

Medicine, culture of, 103


benefits of coaching, xxxvi

coaching versus therapy, xxxix

gender differences, 262263

progress assessment, 2

rites and rituals, 151

systems approach, 153

Menard, W., 302

Mental disorders; See Psychopathology

Mental images; See Imagery

Mental Measurements (Buros), 230

Mental rehearsal, 92

Mental skills, leader traits, 321

Mental states, social intelligence, 213

Mental style, 134

Mentalization, 50

Mentally healty person, 287289

Mentors/mentoring, 52

coaching role, 350

female executives, 260, 264, 275, 276, 280, 281

leadership development models, 331332

transition to coaching, 383

Metacognition (thinking about thinking), 50, 77, 122

and cognitive approaches to coaching, 133134

developmental psychology and adult development, 56

emotional intelligence coaching considerations, 235

existentialist approach, 166

psychodynamic view, 7172

Metaphors, 204205

Metaphors from a Psychotherapist Guru (Kopp), 204205

Methodology, coaching

coach selection criteria, 383

marketing coaching services, 386


assessment, 15

coaching contract, 387

steps in coaching process, xxxv

therapy versus business culture, 376

Meyers-Anderson, M., 197

Micromanaging, 342

Middle-of-the-Road style, 315

Milgram, S., 175, 176, 189

Miller, L., 266

Miller, W. R., 5

Millier, J., 388

Millon, T., 294295, 296, 297

Mind reading, 123

Mindfulness, 50

Minimization, 123

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), 7

Miracle question, 156

Mission, leadership theories, 337

Mistakes, 00, 203

Mixed-motive situations, 186

Modeling, xli, 99

female executives, 264

hypnotic communication, 205206

social learning, 9192

Modeling images, 203

Modoono, S., 386

Money, therapy versus business culture, 375376


emotional intelligence, 230

models of, 223, 225

tests of, 231

psychopathology, 291

Moral development, 56

stages of, 5356

superego and, 62

Moral principle, 190

Morgan, F., 266

Morgeson, F. P., 8

Morley, W., xxv, xxx

Morris, T., 102

Morrison, J., 301

Moss, F. A., 213

Moss, H. B., 303


assessment, 14

determinants of coaching success, 28

emotional intelligence, 26, 185

coaching considerations, 235

models of, 221

leader traits, 320

leadership definitions, 311

leadership theories, 336, 337

psychodynamic view, 6162

Theory X and Theory Y, 313

vision, 27

MSCEIT, 226, 228229

Multifactor Emotional Intelligence Scale (MEIS), 226, 228229

Multiple intelligence theory (Gardiner), 213214

Multipoint, multirater, 360 degree assessment/feedback, 27, 94

assessment methods, 811

female executives, 281

Multisource assessment; See Multipoint, multirater, 360 degree assessment/feedback

Multitasking, female executives, 272

Mumford, T. V., 8

Murphy, D., xxxi

Murray, C., 216

Musical intelligence, 214

Myers, I., 7

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 7, 18, 34

Myrdal, G., 176

Myths and mystification, 146


Nadler, D. A., 350

Namath, Joe, 250

Nanus, B., 307, 345


and leadership style, 332333

psychodynamic view, 61, 7475

Narcissistic personality disorder, 295, 298299

Nasca, T. J., 103

Neale, J., 123

Negative feedback

ability to accept, 77

systems thinking, 143

Negative reinforcement, 8586, 87


emotional intelligence, 225

female executives, 265, 275, 276, 280

leadership, 346

Neurolinguistic programming, 199

Neuroticism, 319

Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office (Frankel), 277

Niehoff, B. P., 326

Nietzsche, F., 161, 163, 167

Nihilism, 173

Norcross, J., 2

Normative decision theory, 326327


assessment test selection, 369

compliance, strategies for obtaining, 190

female executives, 279

gender differences, 265

leader qualities, 329

male-centric, 267

mental health, 287

systems thinking and family therapy models, 141, 145146, 155

Nurturing, 264265


Obedience studies, Milgram, 175176, 189

Objective assessment instruments; See also Standardized tests

Object relations theory, 6970

Objectives, business, 334

Objectives of coaching; See Goals, coaching

Obligation, sense of, 187

O.B. Mod, 83

Obodaru, O., 263


existentialist approach, 166

female executives, 277278

self; See Intrapersonal processes

social intelligence, 213

steps in coaching process, xxxv

systems thinking and family therapy models, 153, 154, 159

Observer, second-order cybernetics, 139

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, 295, 300301

Occam’s Razor, 83

OCEAN, Big Five personality factors, 318319

O’Hanlon, W. H., 197

Oldest son role, 147, 148

Olson, R., 163, 164, 166

O’Neal, Shaquille, 252

One-on-one interview, 1315

Online surveys, 12

Online testing, 19


assessment, 13

leadership theories, 310, 318

Operant, covert, 121

Operant conditioning, 82

Operational stages, Piaget model, 3738

Opinion-seeking, female executives, 268

Opportunist, leadership modes, 330


emotional intelligence models, 221, 225

and groupthink, 181

leadership theories, 337

Big Five personality factors, 319

charismatic leader characteristics, 317

social psychology approach, 191

Oral stage, 35, 36

Ordeals, 151


charismatic leaders and, 333

coach–client organization triangle, 150151

as conditioning agent, 93

determinants of coaching success, 28

gender diversity policies, 279280

manager qualities, 345

modern models, 347348

power of situation, 176, 191192

role behaviors and, 147

social defenses, 69

systems thinking and family therapy models, 153155

Organizational behavior modification (O.B. Mod), 83

Organizational cultures; See Culture, organizational

Organizational development, 383

Ouchi, W., 312313

Outcomes/effectiveness, coaching, xxxiv, 376

business culture, 376

determinants of coaching success, 14, 2829

first interview with client, 14

goals; See Goals, coaching

marketing coaching services, 380381, 383, 386

coach selection criteria, 383

deliverables, coaching contract, 387

selling points, 383

worth-based fee setting, 381

Outcomes/effectiveness, coaching, steps in coaching process, xxxvxxxvi

Overgeneralization, 123

Overload, role, 148149


Pace, business culture, xl

Pacesetting leaders, 329

Pain disorder, 301

Palazzoli, M., 140

Palmer, S., 356

Pankey, L. D., 103

Paradigm shift

family therapy as, 139, 140

leader behavior and, 386

second-order change, 145

Paradox, 197

Parallel processes, psychodynamic approach, 76

Paranoid personality disorder, 295296

Paraphrasing, 110

Parsimony principle, 83

Participative leaders, 329

Participatory leadership, 312, 313, 327

Passages (Sheehy), 50

Passive aggression, 67

Path-goal theory, leadership, 324325

Pathology; See Psychopathology

Patience, 254

Patronizing DCPs, 270


reinforcement, 8788

thinking, 122

Paul, A. M., 215, 216, 234

Pavlov, I., 8182

Payne, W., 214

Peele, S., 304

Peltier, B., 354

Penrick, H., 205

People orientation; See Relationship orientation


cognitive psychology, 126

emotional intelligence models, 218, 225

existentialist approach, 169

explanation versus reality, 198

psychodynamic view, 71

Rogerian person-centered approach, 106

social psychology, 176

trance states, 196197


anxiety and, 86

emotional intelligence and

controversy, 234

test prediction of, 230

expectations and, 176

leadership theories, factors in success, 334

situational aspects of, 324

steps in coaching process, xxxv

Perls, F., 328

Perseverance effect

hypnotic communication, 198

social psychology, 183

Persistence, 213

Persona, Jungian model, 36

Personal history

authentic leadership, 328

psychodynamic view, 74

systems thinking and family therapy models, 153

Personal interviews, 1112

Personality, 57

cognitive approaches to coaching, 134135

EI construct problems, 233

existentialist view, 162

and intelligence, Wechsler view, 212213

and leadership, 317322, 332

managerial, 344345

obedience studies, 189

organizational influence, 146

temperament, 3435

trait theories

of emotional intelligence, 224225, 227, 231, 233

of leadership, 317322

workers versus managers versus leaders, 342347

Personality disorders, 294301

antisocial, 295, 296297

avoidant, 295, 300

borderline, 295, 297298

dependent, 295, 300

histrionic, 295, 297

narcissistic, 295, 298299

obsessive-compulsive, 295, 300301

paranoid, 295296

schizoid, 295, 296

schizotypical, 295, 296

toxic leadership, 332

Personality pathology, 287; See also Psychopathology

Personality tests

Big Five personality factors, 6

EQ-i and, 231

Personalization, 123

Person-centered approach, Rogerian, 101115

applications to coaching, 108111

basic characteristics and core premise, 106

client-therapist relationship, 107

coaching process, 107108

examples of in coaching, 112114

future of, 114115

historical background, 103104

human nature, view of, 104105

limitations, 112

strengths of approach, 111112

therapeutic goals, 106

therapist function and role, 106107

Persuasiveness, 24, 221, 222, 318

Peters, T., 103

Peterson, D., xxx, 388

Peterson, D. B., 14, 107108

Peterson, J. A., 242, 246, 249, 254

Peterson, R., xxvi

Peterson, S., 271

Petrides, K. V., 224, 225, 227, 231

Phallic stage, 36

Phillips, D. T., 246, 247, 249, 250, 251, 316

Phillips, K. A., 302

Phone interviews, 11

Physical appearance; See Appearance

Physical listening, 109

Piaget, J., 3738, 53

Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, 3738

Pichot, T., 156

Pink, D., 102

Pita, R., 224

Pitino, R., 251, 253254

Pittenger, D. J., 7

Pittinsky, T. L., 298, 299

Placater role, 147, 148, 149

Plan, action

behavioral approach to coaching, 9596

cognitive approaches to coaching, 129130

steps in coaching process, xxxv

Planning, benefits of coaching, xxxvi

Play, athletic coach advice, 254

Player, Gary, 243

Playing against oneself, 246247

Pleasure principle, 62

Pluralistic ignorance, 187188

Podsakoff, P. M., 326

Point of view, client

existentialist approach, 169

hypnotic communication, 197198

Rogerian person-centered approach, 114

Polarized thinking, 123

Policies, coaching process, 15

Political awareness, 221

Political skills

assessment, 2627

existentialist approach weaknesses, 172173

psychodynamic approach, utility of, 60

Politics, organization; See Systems thinking and family therapy models

Positive feedback, 143

Positive regard, 105, 107, 108, 109

Positive reinforcement, 8586, 87

Postmodern, second-order cybernetics, 139

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 302


leadership theories

charismatic leader characteristics, 317, 333

contingency models, 324

leader traits, 320

psychodynamic view, 72

Rogerian person-centered approach, 108

sources of, 190

Power of situation, 191192

Practical intelligence, leadership theories, 336


athletic coaching themes, 249

behavioral approach to coaching, 95

rehearsal, 92

Prahalad, K., xxv, xxvi

Precontemplation stage of change, 2, 34

Premack, D., 89

Premack principle, 89

Preoperational stage, 37

Preparation stage of change, 3, 4

Present as focus, systems thinking and family therapy models, 142

Pricing services, 381

Primal Leadership (Goleman et al.), 215

Prince, J., 8


athletic coach advice, 252253

compliance, strategies for obtaining, 190

transition to coaching, 388389

Prisoner’s Dilemma, 185186

Pro bono services, 369370

Problem definition

field theory, 177

systems thinking and family therapy models, 141

Problem locus, systems thinking and family therapy models, 142143

Problem personnel, 348

benefits of coaching, xxxvi

toxic leadership, 332334

Problem redefinition, field theory, 177

Problem solving

coaching for effect, 349

emotional intelligence models, 223

leadership theories, 327

factors in success, 335

leader traits, 321

manager qualities, 343, 344

social psychology approach, 191

Problematic thinking styles, 129

Process observation, 153, 154, 159

Prochaska, J. D., 2, 3

Produce or Perish style, 315

Professionalism, 354356

Profit motive

counseling versus coaching cultures, 357358

transition to coaching, 375376

Progress assessment, 22, 23, 27, 28; See also Goals, coaching

behavioral approach, 84, 96

cognitive approach, 132133

regular meetings, 2

Project management skills, 342343

Projection, 66

Promotion, coaching services, 381382

Proof, social, 187188

Provocative behavior, 67

Pseudomutuality, 149150

Pseudosolutions, 141

Psychodynamic view, 5978

caveats, 78

coaching caveats, 60

core and related concepts, 6976

containment, 7576

developmental point of view, 7073

narcissism, 7475

object relations theory, 6970

parallel processes, 76

transference and countertransference, 7374

defense mechanisms, 6269

adaptive, 6365

behavioral expressions/distortions, 6668

denial-based, 6566

reality-distorting, 66

social defenses, 69

usefulness in coaching, 6869

fantasy, role of, 62

motives/motivations, 6162

theoretical history and basics of, 61

theory and application, 76

unconscious, mechanisms of, 6269

usefulness, 6061

Psychological-mindedness, 2526, 213

Psychological theory, relevance in coaching, xxixxxx

Psychological training, coaches, xxvii

Psychologists, 29


female executives, 275

potential in workplace, xxviiixxix

Psychology of Coaching: A Study of Coaching Methods from the Point of Psychology (Griffith), 241

Psychometric model, emotional intelligence, 222

Psychometric tools; See Standardized tests

Psychopathology, xli, 285305

ADHD, 294

anxiety disorders, 292293

bipolar disorder, 291

and coaching process, 304305

coaching versus therapy, xxxix

defining mental health, 287289

dementia, 291292

depression, 293294

duty to warn, 369

incidence of, 287

intermittent explosive disorder, 301

and leadership style, 332333

major depression, 293294

personality disorders, 294301

referral for therapy, xxxvixxxvii

schizophrenia, 290291

somatoform disorders, 301

substance abuse and addictive behaviors, 303304

traits versus pathology, 285287

traumatic events, 302303

Psychosexual stages of development (Freud), 3536

Psychosocial history, 13

Psychosocial stages of development (Erikson), 3844

autonomy versus shame/doubt, 40, 41

ego identity versus role confusion, 40, 41

ego integrity versus despair, 40, 4344

generativity versus stagnation, 40, 43

industry versus diffusion, 40, 41

initiative versus guilt, 40, 41

intimacy versus isolation, 40, 42

trust versus mistrust, 3940

Psychotherapy, coaching and, xxxviixxxix

P. T. Barnum effect, 28

PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder),302

Publications, marketing coaching services, 385


compliance power sources, 190

reinforcement, 8687

social learning, 91, 92

stages of moral development, 53, 54


Quantitation; See Metrics


Rand, A., 375

Range restriction, 219

Rapport building, xlii

Raters, assessment tests, 9

Rationality, leadership theories, 310

Rationalization, 66

Raven, B. H., 190

Razran, G., 189

Reaction formation, 6667

Reactivity, infant, 34

Readiness for change, 3

Realism, moral, 53

Reality, explanation versus, 198

Reality-distorting defense mechanisms, 66

Reality principle, 62

Reality testing, 287288

Reardon, K., 263, 269271, 279


emotional, 124

stages of moral development, 5355


compliance, strategies for obtaining, 190

interpersonal influence, 186

systems thinking and family therapy models, 141

Rebel role, 147, 149

Reciprocal determinism, 139

Reciprocity rules, 187

Records/record keeping; See Documentation/written records/reports

Redefinition of problem, field theory, 177

Referent power, 190

Referral of client for therapy, xxxvi, 57

Reflection, feeling states, 110

Reflection/introspection, emotional intelligence, 237

Reframing, 206

Regard, Rogerian person-centered approach, 107, 108, 109

Regression, 67


athletic coaching themes, 249

behavioral approach to coaching, 95

social learning, 92

Reinforcement, 8283, 8490, 97

cognitive approaches to coaching, 131132

individual differences, 8889

intrinsic and extrinsic, 8485

organization as conditioning agent, 93

positive and negative, 8586

Premack principle, 89

punishment, 8687

schedules/patterns of, 8788

stimulus control versus, 90

strengths and weaknesses of behavioral approach, 9798

successive approximations and shaping, 8990

teaching clients about, 9899

Reiter, M., 113, 335

Relationship orientation; See also Social/interpersonal processes

leadership theories, 323

managerial grid, 314315

path-goal theory, 325


business, 388


coach–client organization triangle, 150151

counseling versus coaching cultures, 386387

psychodynamic approach, 77

Rogerian approach, 107, 108109

termination of, 367368

transference and countertransference, 7374

emotional intelligence

coaching considerations, 236

models of, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225

existentialist guidelines for coaching, 171172

social psychology, 102

Relativism, moral, 53

Reliability, standardized tests, 1819

Remedial coaching, 286


cognitive approaches to coaching, 135

interpersonal influence, 186187

Representative heuristic, 182

Repression, 66

Reputation, 162

marketing coaching services, 384

schemas and effects of expectations, 182

Request, compliance strategies, 189

Research, coaching as, 84, 191

Resistance, xli, 77

hypnotic communications, 195196, 199

psychodynamic view, 73

Respondent, Pavlov terminology, 83


emotional intelligence models, 221

existentialist guidelines for coaching, 170171

leader traits, 319

Rogerian person-centered approach, 106

Restatement/paraphrasing, active listening, 110

Restraining forces, 177178

Results; See Outcomes/effectiveness, coaching

Retaliatory DCPs, 270

Return on investment, coach selection criteria, 383


attention-seeking strategies, 87

compliance power sources, 190

organization as conditioning agent, 93

social learning, 91

stages of moral development, 54

Reynolds, B., 251, 253

Rhee, K. S., 220, 229

Rhue, J. W., 197

Right-brain functions, 102, 103

Rilea, S., 229

Riley, Pat, 250, 252

Rimmer, E., xxx, 113

Risk, existentialist view, 165

Risk taking

existentialist approach, 170

female executives, 276

leadership theories, 334

metaphors and, 205


defense mechanisms, 6465

systems thinking and family therapy models, 151

Roberts, R. D., 211, 215, 216, 219, 225, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 234

Robinson, J., 244, 248, 254

Rogerian person-centered approach; See Person-centered approach, Rogerian

Rogers, C., 101, 103104, 106, 107, 328

Rogers, M., 104

Role diffusion, 42

Role models

charismatic leader characteristics, 317

female executives, 264

Role pressures, female executives, 272273

Role strain, 148, 149


compliance, strategies for obtaining, 190

existentialist concepts, 165

existentialist view, 162, 173

Rogerian person-centered approach, 108

systems thinking and family therapy models, 146149, 152, 154, 159

Rollnick, S., 5

Rooke, D., 330

Rorschach, H., 6

Rosener, J., 272

Rosenhan, D., 176

Rosenthal, R., 176

Rosenthal, S. A., 298, 299

Rost, J. C., 345, 346

Routinization of charisma, 333

Rowe, D. C., 35

Rule, B. G., 189

Rule breaking, athletic coaching themes, 250251


female executives, 274

leadership theories, 323

second-order solutions and, 198

systems thinking and family therapy models, 145146

unwritten, 281

Ryan, W., 273


Sable, P., 46, 48, 49

Sacred Hoops (Jackson), 255

Sage stage, leadership development model, 331332

Saint role, 147, 148, 149

Sala, F., xxxii

Salovey, P., 211, 214215, 216, 233, 234

four-branch model of EI, 217218

MSCEIT, 226, 228229

Sample, S., 337

Sangareau, Y., 224, 225

Sartre, J. -P., 163, 167

Scapegoating, 281

Scapegoat role, 147, 149

Schedules, reinforcement, 8788

Scheduling, coaching sessions, 15


Piaget model, 37

social psychology, 181183

Schizoid personality disorder, 295, 296

Schizophrenia, 290291

Schizotypical personality disorder, 295, 296

Schmitt, A. J., 211

Schoolboy leader, 331

Schultz, S. J., 139, 140, 143

Schutte Self-Report Inventory (SSRI), 231

Schwartz, F., 262

Scope of practice, 356358

Scoular, A., 386

Seasons of a Man’s Life, The (Levinson), 51, 52

Seasons of a Woman’s Life, The (Levinson), 52

Seating arrangements, rituals, 151

Second-order change

facilitating, 156157

systems thinking and family therapy models, 143144, 156157

Second-order cybernetics, 139

Second-order solutions, 198

Secure attachment style, 47, 48

Security images, 204

Segal, M., 150, 178

Selective abstraction, 123


existentialist concepts, 169

intrapersonal processes; See Intrapersonal processes

Self-absorption, 56


emotional intelligence, 223, 230

leadership theories, 328


coaching potential, 386

emotional intelligence models, 221

Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ), 229

Self-awareness; See Intrapersonal processes

Self-censorship, 181, 265

Self-concept, 56


emotional intelligence models, 221

leadership theories, 336

charismatic leader characteristics, 317

leader traits, 319


assessment, 24, 2526

Big Five personality factors, 318, 319

emotional intelligence, 26, 185

models of, 218, 219, 220, 221, 223, 225

testing, 231

psychodynamic view, 7172

Self-defeating behaviors, 319

Self-defeating thoughts, 129

Self-delusion, 192

Self-discovery, 172

Self-efficacy, emotional, 224


developmental psychology and adult development, 56

emotional intelligence models, 223, 225


assessment, 13, 24

emotional intelligence models, 225

Self-fulfilling prophesy, 176, 182

Self-importance, 75

Self-motivation, 221, 223, 225

Self-perception, Rogerian personcentered approach, 106

Self-presentation, 376377; See also Appearance

charismatic leader characteristics, 317

hypnotic communication, 205

social psychology, 192

transition to coaching, 376378

Self-promotion, female executives, 265266

Self-regulation; See Self-control/selfmanagement/self-regulation

Self-reporting, unreliability of, 1

Sense of entitlement, 75

Sensing-Intuition (S-N), Myers-Briggs test, 7

Sensorimotor stage, Piaget model, 37


athletic coaching themes, 250

and psychopathology, 303

Shadowing client, xxxv, 16

Shamir, B., 316

Shaping, behavior, 8990

Sharing, active listening, 111

Sheehy, G., 50

Sheldon-Keller, A. E., 45

Sherman, S., 151

Shill, M. A., 26

Shinn, R., 171, 172, 173

Shoulds, 124

Shrake, B., 205

Shula, Don, 253, 254

Silberman, M., 178

Silent treatment, 67

Simonton, D. K., 184

Sims, P., 321, 327

Situational factors

contingency models, 324

decision style, 326, 327

existentialist concepts, 165

substitutes for leadership, 326

systems thinking and family therapy models, 176, 191192

Situational leadership, 311, 322

Six Sigma, 216

Skeptic role, 147, 148

Skeptic school of leadership, 310


assessment variables of interest, 2327

athletic coaching themes, 245, 249

benefits of coaching, xxxiii

coaching for, 348349

emotional intelligence, 230

construct problems, 233

models of, 218, 223

leader traits, 320321

marketing coaching services, 385386

soft skills, 102

systems thinking and family therapy models, 156

transition to coaching, 382

Skinner, B. F., 81, 8283, 96

Sloan, A. P., 344

Smith, D., 265, 271, 272, 273, 278, 279

Snakes in Suits (Babiak and Hare), 332

Social cognition, 180

Social contexts, existentialist concepts, 162, 165

Social intelligence, 212

Social Intelligence (Goleman), 215

Social interactions, gender differences, 269

Social/interpersonal processes, 13

assessment, 2325

conflicts; See Conflict

emotional intelligence, 26, 185, 222, 230

coaching considerations, 236

models of, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225

testing, 230

existentialist approach, 171172, 173

female executives, 275, 276

leadership theories

Big Five personality factors, 318319

charismatic leaders, 333

contingency models, 324

derailment, causes of, 334

factors in success, 334

leader traits, 320321

liabilities, 335

managerial grid, 314315

path-goal theory, 325

relationship orientation, 323

mental health, 289

psychodynamic approach, 60, 69

role behaviors and, 147

and success, 237

Social learning, behavioral approach, 9193, 98

Social proof, 187188

Social psychology, 175193

authoritarian personality, 191

cognitive dissonance, 178180

compliance, 189191

cooperation and competition, 185186

emotional intelligence, 184185

field theory, 177178

groupthink and Abilene paradox, 180181

history, 175176

hypnotic communication, 197

interpersonal influence, 186188

lessons in leadership, 183184

role behaviors and, 147

schemas and effects of expectations, 181183

similarity and other “like” factors, 188189

situation, power of, 176

Social responsibility, 230

Social workers, 28

Socialization, stages of moral development, 5355

Socio-cognitive theory of hypnosis, 197

Sociopaths, 296297

Soft skills

emotional intelligence concept utility, 236

Rogerian person-centered approach, 102, 112

Solomon, R., 163

Solution-focused methods, 156

Solutions as cause of problems, 143

Somatization disorder, 301

Somatoform disorders, 301

Spatial intelligence, 214

Sperry, L., xxx, xxxix, 101, 107, 147

Spinelli, E., 165

Sports, 263; See also Athletic coaches

Spreier, S. W., 329

Stage model of change, 25

Stage theory, 3334

Stages of change, determinants of coaching success, 28

Stagnation, 346

Stagner, R., 28

Standardized tests, 28

assessment, 1622

administration, 2022

commercial sources, 20, 21

discussion of results, 21, 27

selection of, 1720

coaching potential, 386

emotional intelligence, 215

caveats, 237

ECI-ESCI, 226, 229

EQ-i and EQ 360, 223224, 226, 230231

MSCEIT, 226, 228229

Wechsler scales and, 212

ethical issues, 368369, 370

feedback issues, 28

historical development, 57

social intelligence, 213

Star role, 147, 148, 149

Statesman stage, 331

Stereotypes, gender, 259, 263264, 266, 270, 278, 280

Sternberg, R., 215216, 318

Stimulus control, 90

Stogdill, R., 318

Storytelling, 201202

Strain, role, 148, 150

Strategic planning, xxxiii, 342

Strategist, leadership modes, 330

Strategy, change, 9596

Straw man creation, 200

Street fighter, leadership categories, 334


and leadership style

default management style, 329

developmental action logic, 330

supportive leader effectiveness, 325

and psychopathology, 290, 292293

PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder), 302303

Stress management

emotional intelligence, 222, 230

models of, 222, 223, 225

testing, 230

leader traits, 319

Structure, life, 51

Subgroups, 155

Sublimation, 6364

Substance abuse and addictive behaviors, 303304

Substitutes for leadership, 325326

Substitution, 64

Subsystems, 145


determinants of, 2829

emotional intelligence and, 224, 234, 237

Success Is a Choice: Ten Steps to Overachieving in Business and Life (Pitino and Reynolds), 253

Successive approximations, reinforcement, 8990

Suggestion, indirect, 199200

Summarizing, active listening, 110

Superego, 36, 62

Supportive leaders, 325

Survey Monkey service, 12

Swinbourne University Emotional Intelligence Test (SUEIT), 231

Syrett, M., 307

Systems thinking and family therapy models, 137151

applications options, 152157

client family experiences, 153

directives, 155156

organization as family system, 153155

process observation, 153, 154

second-order change, 156157

skills training, 156

solution-focused methods, 156

teaching systems concepts to client, 152153

background and history of approach, 139140

basics of, 140145

change process, 141

circular view, 142

feedback, first-order change, and second-order change, 143144

homeostasis, 140141

present as focus of, 142

problem locus, 142143

solutions as cause of problems, 143

coaching intervention approaches, 145152

cycles, 151152

directives, 151

myths and mystification, 146

pseudomutuality, 149150

rites and rituals, 151

roles, 146149

rules and norms, 145146

systems and subsystems, 145

triangulation, 150151

family therapy and business, 138139

strengths and weaknesses, 157158


Tannen, D., 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 279

Target, M., 50

Target behavior

reinforcement, 86

successive approximations and shaping, 8990

Task orientation

leadership theories, 323

managerial grid, 314315

path-goal theory, 325

Task structure, contingency models, 324

Taylor, G. J., 213


athletic coaching themes, 245

emotional intelligence, 192193, 224

existentialist concepts, 172

hypnotic communication, 197

listening skills, 109111

observation of others, 77

Rogerian person-centered approach, 112, 114

systems thinking and family therapy models, 152153, 156

Team style, Blake-Mouton grid, 315

Team work/groups

benefits of coaching, xxxvi

cognitive approaches to coaching, 135

decision styles, 327

emotional intelligence models, 219, 222

groupthink, 180181

leadership theories

factors in success, 334

leadership derailment, 334

psychodynamic view, 71

TEIQue, 227, 231232

Temperament, 57

Tenacity, 96

Termination of coaching relationship, 367368

Termination stage of change, 3, 5

Terminology; See Language/vocabulary/terminology

Tests; See Standardized tests

Theory of Constraints (TOC), 216

Theory X, Theory Y, and Theory Z, 313314

Therapy, client referral for, 57


about thinking; See Metacognition

automatic thoughts, 120

cognitive dissonance, 178180

emotional intelligence models, 218

hypnotic communication and, 198, 208

leader qualities, 347

mental health, 288

patterns of, 122; See also Cognitive approaches

styles of, 122, 123124

Thinking-Feeling (T-F), Myers-Briggs indicators, 7

Thody, P., 168

Thoresen, C., 84

Thorndike, E. I., 3, 212

Threats, and compliance, 190

360 degree feedback method; See Multipoint, multirater, 360 degree assessment/feedback

Tignol, J., 302

Timing, readiness for change, 3

Tipping points, 229

Tit-for-tat strategy, 186

Titration, feedback, 27

Tobias, L., xxx

Token economy, 92, 93

Torbert, W. R., 330

Total Quality Management (TQM), 216

Toxic leadership, 332333, 334

Tracey, J., 303


coaches, xxvii

emotional intelligence concept utility, 236

marketing coaching services, 384

scope of practice, 356

standardized test issues, 19

Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue), 227, 231

Trait emotional intelligence theory, 224225, 231, 233

Trait empathy, 225

Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS), 231

Trait theory, leadership, 311, 317322


female executives, 275

versus pathology, 285287

Transactional theory, leadership, 322323

Transference/countertransference, 7374

Transformational leadership, 316, 330

Transition to coaching, xxvii, 373389

business culture and profit motive, 375376

contracts and business arrangements, 387388

marketing and sales, 378386

mixing relationships, 386387

self-presentation, 376378

vision and principle, 388389

Transitional leadership, 333334

Trauma, 328

Traumatic events, 302303

Trend following, 187188

Triangulation, 150151, 159

Trouble talk, 269


athletic coaching, 251252

cognitive approaches to coaching, 129130

cooperation and competition, 186

developmental psychology and adult development, 56

leadership theories, 323, 336, 337

psychodynamic view, 7071

Rogerian person-centered approach, 107108, 112

social psychology, 103

soft skills, 102

Trustworthy leadership, 333

Tsang, J., 266


Ultimate consequences images, 204

Uncommon Therapy (Erickson), 151

Unconditional positive regard, Rogerian approach, 105, 107, 108, 109

Unconscious, 6269; See also Defense mechanisms

Undermining DCPs, 270

Unspoken issues, 155

Unwritten rules, 281

Upton, J., 316

Uranowitz, S., 388



emotional intelligence testing, 230

standardized tests, 18


business, xxxviii

existentialist view, 164165

female executives, 275

Valvano, Jim, 246

Van Velsor, E., 334, 335

VanDerveer, Tara, 246

Variable interval reinforcement schedule, 88

Variable ratio reinforcement schedule, 88

Velicer, W. F., 2

Veloski, J., 103

Vendors, standardized testing issues, 1920

Verbal behavior, gender differences, 262

Video feedback

active listening, 111

athletic coaching, 248249

behavioral approach to coaching, 95, 98

rehearsal, 92


assessment, 27

leadership theories, 336

charismatic leader characteristics, 317

leadership modes, 330

manager qualities, 345

transition to coaching, 388

Visionary leaders, 329

Visualization, 248; See also Imagery

Vocabulary; See Language/vocabulary/terminology

von Bertalanffy, L., 139

Vroom, V. H., 322, 326, 327


Wallen, D. J., 49, 50

Walsh, Bill, 241, 242, 246, 249, 254

Walsh, P. B., 50

Walter, J., 303

Walton, G. M., 242, 247, 253

Waterman, R., 103

Watson, John, 81, 82, 83

Watson, M., 38, 39, 42, 46

Watson, T., 229

Watzlawick, P., 139, 143, 144, 197, 199, 206, 207, 208

Weakland, J., 139, 143, 144, 197, 206

Web site, 381, 385

Weber, M., 316

Wechsler, D., 212213

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), 212

Weiner, N., 139

Weiss, A., 381, 383

Welch, Jack, 146

West, M. L., 45

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There (Goldsmith and Reiter), 335

Whicker, M. L., 333, 334

Whistle-blowing, 360

Whiston, D. L., xxviii

White, R., 108, 191, 312, 348, 349

White, R. K., 183

Wholeness, systems thinking, 142

Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future (Pink), 102

Whybrow, A., 356

Why CEOs Fail (Dotlich and Cairo), 334

“Why” questions, systems thinking and, 141

Why Smart People Can Be So Stupid (Sternberg), 216

Williams, K., xxx, 113

Williams, M. L., 326

Wilson, T., 179, 180, 184

Winguard, E., 279

Witherspoon, R., 108, 191, 348, 349

Wojciechowski, S., 251

Wolff, S. B., 220

Women, 259282

career enhancement and effectiveness, 273279

coaching requirements, 278279

feedback, 277278

leadership, 275276

knowledge for effective coaching, 260273

communication style, 266267

family, 272273

gender and women, 264265

leadership style, 271272

multitasking, 272

self-promotion, 265266

workplace, 260264

organizational gender diversity policies, 279280

Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS), 232

Wood, J., 106

Wooden, J., 114, 242, 244, 245, 247

Work, athletic coach advice, 254

Workers, managers, and leaders

coaching opportunities, 348

differences in roles and attributes, 342347

leaders, 343, 346347

managers, 343, 344346

workers, 342344

leadership preferences, 313

myths about leadership, 341342

role of coaches, 348350

workers, managers, and leaders, 341350

Workgroup Emotional Intelligence Profile (WEIP), 232

Working with Emotional Intelligence (Goleman et al.), 215, 221, 222

Workplace, female executive issues, 260264

Worst-case scenarios, 203204

Wright, R., 103

Written memorandum of first meeting, 15

Written records; See Documentation/written records/reports


Yi, H., 303

Yukl, G., 309, 311, 318, 319, 321, 325, 333


Zaccaro, S. J., 311, 322

Zackon, R., xxiii

Zaleznik, A., 344

Zeidner, M., 211, 215, 216, 219, 225, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 234

Zilbergeld, B., 197

Zimbardo, P., 176

Zlatoper, K. W., xxviii

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